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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. She already complained about it during Nationals.
  2. Martha clearly always liked Nastia and Aly (and others like Gabby pops into my mind) which might be why they don't blame Martha. Aly has been outspoken about the ranch being shitty but she always blamed USA Gym/Penny/Blackmun and the USOC that they shouldn't have had them train there while you have other survivors who outright blame Martha for the abuse.
  3. Maybe apologist is the wrong word, but in interviews it doesn't seem like Aly blames Martha like she blames USAGym/Rhonda/Penny/USOC. I remember watching the Dateline special that aired a couple years ago and was really surprised that Aly didn't go after Martha when Savannah Guthrie gave her multiple opportunities too. I remember the same thing happened in the gymcastic interview she did with her mom. It's been a couple years since I've watched/listen, but I remember it sticking out to me at the time. I also remember her speaking very highly of Martha in her book.
  4. Aw! I'm glad Danell is finding some roles! I was so happy when he won his medals in '16.
  5. After the 2016 Olympics they fired the Men's Gymnastic staff at the Olympic Training Center it was pretty embarrassing that the only gymnasts who medaled did not train at the Olympic Training Center. I'm not defending Valeri, but it's been said that the reason he was so popular among gymnasts on the National Team was that he told them he recognized his past ways were bad and learned from them. For whatever reason he wouldn't say it publicly. The Chinese Gymnastic federation definitely cheated in 2008. The online evidence with the age changes are pretty convincing that doesn't excuse the blatant racism. If I was on the 2008 Olympic Gymnastic team I would be pretty pissed about the whole situation. I'm not a huge a Nastia fan, but it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't know about the abuse going on. I don't think anyone besides Mattie Larson from that quad has come forward as a victim and that quad had a lot of parent coaches plus Sam Peszek's mom was a longtime PR person at USA Gymnastics. She also wasn't really around the ranch during her comeback I remember a lot of us fans criticizing her for it. I do think Nastia was the athlete rep in 2011 which brings up a whole host of other issues. Also for whatever reason Aly Raisman is the biggest Martha apologist. Which pains me because I have so much respect for Aly.
  6. Love Val Demings, but that was a total stump speech. I'm sure her team is happy that she is was on message.
  7. Courtney Kupets and Jonathan Horton. Courtney is now the head coach at UGA Gymnastics and Horton blasted Simone on twitter about her women only tour. Bridget Sloan announced she will be working for NBC during Tokyo.
  8. I was somewhat kidding about the gold medal thing. From interviews Tim got the NBC job because he wanted to be a broadcaster after he failed to make the '88 team moved to NYC and cold called an agency and they were impressed that he was in the Olympics and his agent got him the job. I believe he is still with that agent.
  9. Sha'Carri's reaction was refreshing. So many times athletes try to react the right away seeing pure elation from her and Simone Manuel tonight was great.
  10. It's because Tim has a gold medal. The only person I can see them replacing Tim with is Sam Mikulak once he retires after Tokyo. I wish they would hire Bart, but he's been with ABC/ESPN since they had the Olympics in 88.
  11. Jade announced that she plans on accepting the individual spot.
  12. I believe it is 4 team members and 1 specialist. They just qualified for the specialist spot the weekend of nationals they sent a team down to Pan Ams.
  13. Pretty sure the US would still win without Simone it would just be a lot closer.
  14. No way will Jade will be on the team. USA Gymnastics isn't going to lose a spot. I'll be shocked if they put her on the team.
  15. I have a lot of mixed feelings on Nancy Armour's article since in 2016 she became a rabid Martha supporter until the abuse allegations and weirdly defended her on that 30 for 30 podcast. I feel like she should be more critical in that piece of Tom Forrester and USA Gym. I personally think it's selfish for Jade to take a team spot. I don't blame her at all for going the individual route however she made that choice by withdrawing from the 2018 World Selection camp. Brian Carey has talked about how the individual spot is the backup plan. Due to the fact Jade going the individual route it prevented any other gymnast because of stupid rules Usa Gymnastics put in place.
  16. I've been watching this on YouTube. I love this season I had seen a few episodes back when YouTube first started. Cynthia is my favorite roommate of all time. I hope she is doing well. I know for old school fans the business idea was not popular, but I like it so far. Floria is great tv! Sarah and Joe would have never been cast in later seasons so I like them. Dan's model storyline is fun. Melissa is alright so far and Mike is just there. The vibe feels a lot different than the first four seasons.
  17. Same! Even Simone liked a tweet about NBC not showing the rest of the gymnasts.
  18. If Jade gets put on the team that means the US only has 5 spots. The individual spot Jade has belongs to her and not the federation. If she declines the spot it would go to the next gymnast regardless of country.
  19. USA Gym should never have let Jade go the individual route, I understand why Jade and her dad did it. I don't think she should compete at trials unless it is an exhibition. Poor Morgan might not even qualify for trials. I am bummed for her since if the Olympics were held last year she had a legit shot. I think Skinner might have a chance at that last spot if they decide they want a vaulter during the team competition. Emma making it would be one heck of a story since no one thought she had a shot. Hopefully she does well at trials and does not let the pressure get to her.
  20. Here you go it was done June of 2019. https://jezebel.com/i-interviewed-david-burns-from-the-real-world-seattle-1835661014
  21. Poor Shane. It's refreshing to see the other guys pumped after a big routine vs Sam being pumped after a fall.
  22. At this point I think the locks for the AA team are Biles, Chiles, and Lee. The fourth spot is up for grabs. The only wrench is if Lee's ankle can't hold up then I think she has the other EF spot. Carey has her +1 spot and I think if Riley can recover from her injury in time for trials she has the other +1 spot.
  23. Same about Jordan after a year with so much bad things happened cus of COVID it would be nice to one positive thing to happen to someone. Did anyone find it random how much attention they gave to Skye Blakely tonight? I was flipping back and forth, but I felt like they gave her a lot of attention. My conspiracy hat wondered if it was because she was a WOGA gymnast and NBC loves WOGA.
  24. Besides Simone, I am rooting for Jordan Chiles. I've been rooting for Morgan this whole quad and I feel so bad for her that the Olympic dream might not happen for her.
  25. The reason why it is so confusing is because USA gymnastics either is clueless (which is possible since they think she just qualified for floor) or because they don't want a PR mess on their hands. The best explanation I've found by googling is here https://dvora.substack.com/p/can-jade-carey-make-the-four-person I feel like the most likely outcome is that Jade will be left off the the 4 person team (unless she finishes in the top 2) and will compete in the all-round qualification her scores will count for qualification for just event finals and not count towards Team USA.
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