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  1. They absolutely stopped when Carol left the show the first time around. I was so mad. But then I picked it back up when they came back around to that point and watched through the end, three episodes a day. And like the day before I watched the finale, it showed up on Hulu. Sigh.
  2. As a Rochester native, I just assume any and all camera-related properties are Kodak.
  3. You guys should know my husband got glasses in the 1st grade because he could tell time in the clock on the paper on his desk but not the clock on the wall. But he also had that "WOW, everything is so sharp!" moment. Although he was 6, not 12 or however old Mary is supposed to be here.
  4. Both, so you can see how much they look alike (or tell me I'm imagining things).
  5. Or something from "The Music Man", the classic "man tries to con entire town but then his heart grows three sizes" musical.
  6. I think he ded. He definitely got sick and we never saw him again, so...keep a sharp eye on those gravestones during recess.
  7. I think that one is coming up later this season and it features Billy Barty. I don't know if it was Landon's prejudice so much as the prejudices of the time, but I will keep an eye on it!
  8. Just wanted to thank all of you for the supportive comments. It's a little weird recording a podcast all by myself in my house and just throwing it out there and wondering if anyone actually listens to it, so your comments are always appreciated!
  9. Hey guys, no current plans for a specific Visual Aids post, but if you follow @LHOTPodcast on Twitter or Facebook.com/LHOTPodcast, I share screenshots throughout the week.
  10. PICKY is a cruel mistress (master?). I always know the ones other contestants miss and then it comes to me and I blank. I always think I'll be awesome at Game Time until I actually play Game Time and shit the bed. It is my eternal shame.
  11. Yeah, my first thought was "Is this because I'm a lesbian?" First time I remember rewatching a show because I was sure I must have missed something in the lead up. Nope.
  12. Already said this on Twitter, but I was all ready to come in here and ask if anyone thought Scott Wolf and David G already knew one another due to the RW/RR connection and then of course, Joe mentioned it. And I also first guessed Nine for the Annie clue, so that makes three of us.
  13. Just wanted to note that, like Sarah, I was also in that program where I took the SATs in 7th grade. Nerd power unite!
  14. I am so glad to hear that people thought the Game Time was hard because I felt super dumb while doing it! The pressure of imagining all the listeners yelling at their listening devices at home like "Family GUY dummies!" did not help.
  15. I was just always mad that, while they were at the prison, they never dug a moat. Or a big ditch. Build a drawbridge or something for human use. Then every night, set fire to the zombies in the moat and roast marshmallows. Then they wouldn't have had the fence problem. Then again, on Lost, I spent the first three seasons being angry that no one had yet circumnavigated the island. What if there was a luxury resort on the other side of the island? They never would have known!
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