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Everything posted by Bellisima08

  1. You know as soon as you said that they are not as crazy for introverted girls, I was like "oh my God that's so true." That totally explains why they like Kat even though she's not the best dancer. I couldn't figure out why they made so many allowances for her, but now it makes sense if they like that's she's outgoing (and boy is she outgoing).
  2. I had always suspected that Jalyn was cut to make room for Victoria, but after hearing multiple times that Victoria got her nose out of joint by Jalyn daring to correct Victoria for something and she ran to Kelli (which is totally in character for Victoria), I think that was the main reason she was cut. It seemed even more obvious when that screenshot of Judy's SG list came out & showed Jalyn's name crossed out and Victoria's written in next to it. I know what you mean about how Kelli seemed to be focused on Jalyn in the moments after SG was announced. I was watching with a friend and we both remarked on how the camera was lingering on Jalyn & Kelli and even before Jalyn went to the locker room, I said something about how Kelli was watching Jalyn with narrowed eyes & looked really annoyed. We couldn't figure it out because nothing in the episode indicated that Jalyn had done anything and when they were in the office, we both thought Kelli's level of annoyance with Jalyn seemed disproportionate to what Jalyn had done. It just seemed odd to both of us that Kelli was so ticked off about someone going to the locker room to take a few breaths to compose themselves when that seems like a more professional action then if she were to sit there looking visibly upset like that one Aussie girl Angela did a few years ago when she didn't make SG (and Kelli did lecture Angela for not looking happy and letting it show on her face).
  3. I totally agree with you about Rachel. From a looks standpoint, yes she is stunning and if that was all that was required for point then she's perfect for it. But I think for point there has to be an extra something...a twinkle in the eye, your likability, the attitude in which you carry yourself, what you can do as a dancer and the expressions you can make. In looking at the most recent point girls, KaShara & Maddie had all of those things. Amy had some of them, but was a little bland for me. Gina had all of those except her expressions can be a little hit and miss. Rachel is just there and if she wasn't so pretty, I don't think she would stand out as much. As for who I like for point, I think Kelcey would be a dynamic choice as she seems to have a lot of the qualities for it.
  4. The thread certainly needed a palate cleanser and this was an EPIC one! Thank you for sharing this! It's a far cry from the auditions we have come to know. With the leotards, character shoes and loud makeup it feels more like an audition to be showgirls on a cruise line then for America's Sweethearts. I had forgotten that the kickline used to be set to "If My Friends Could See me Now" so that was a bit weird as was the music they selected for the combo the groups danced to. And ShellyB was certainly feeling herself while dancing down the line. Also that jacket she had was pretty cool. Oh and even though we only saw the back of the judges heads, was the one with the long blond hair Judy? Thank you for the update!
  5. You could be right about the laces being designed to mimic the laces of football pants (and the laces are smaller and higher up on the bottoms of the show group outfits), but the size and placement of the laces on the practice shorts are a bit more awkward.
  6. Oy vey! I don't get how anyone could look at that design for those shorts when it was submitted and not go "hmm, the placement of those white criss crosses may not be the best idea."
  7. When I look at this picture, the lyrics "Now throw your hands up in the air. Wave them around like you just don't care" come to mind.
  8. Oh, now that's interesting. I hadn't heard about Victoria's actions or immaturity catching up with her, but that wouldn't be shocking if it's true. She does seem like the type that would get all caught up in a relationship and would put hanging out with him above everything else.
  9. I totally agree! I always liked Jalyn & now that she has some seniority (and Kellie can't place her favorite ahead of Jalyn) she has a chance to get back on show group and get better placement on the field.
  10. Well we all suspected that Daphne was leaving due to injury, but it's still sad to have it confirmed.
  11. My thoughts didn't jump to miscarriage either. Weight/health reasons makes more sense given Victoria's past weight struggles & the pressure she was under. I do agree with you that it seems like the wording of her post about her retirement was crafted by someone else although I would hope that they were not intentionally trying to introduce a drama factor to it. If it were me, I would rather be straightforward in my reasons & not draw more attention to myself by getting everyone riled up with speculation.
  12. Wow! I must say I didn't see that coming. I was sure it would be Rachel W. Although I guess she could be the other vet who is leaving or it could be Daphne (but I hope it's not her).
  13. If my eyes rolled any further back from the reveal that Kelli included her cameo in her post, I'd be dead!
  14. Hmmm, well it could be a small diamond and the reason we can't see it is that the ring is turned to the side. Looks like she's doing better though.
  15. So a poster over on reddit had this to say about Victoria: "I got some information about Victoria from a very reliable source. She did not leave the team due to not wanting to get the shots. She is having a hard time of it, so she took a year off. To respect Victoria, I will not state what the reasoning behind her leaving is. I wish her all the best and hope she is doing better. According to my reliable source she does not have an eating disorder, and no it is not the reason why she is taking time off. She will have to re-audition all over again. Let me say it is something personal and sad. She is dealing with it, and hopefully has the love and support to heal well. I also hope CMT, Kelli and Charlotte respect her by not using her leaving for a freaking story line because it would make my blood boil over if they do." So for me, the most interesting part of this comment is the "she is having a hard time of it." What exactly is she having a hard time with? Being a public figure? Maintaining the diet? Keeping up with the rehearsal schedule? Is it all too fast paced? I mean any one of those are probable. The person also mentioned its sad so maybe there was a death in the family, but I don't recall seeing her post about that on her Instagram. I had wondered if it might have something to do with her boyfriend such as wanting to spend more time with him but her practice schedule prevented it so that's why she quit, but then that wouldn't really be a sad reason. The only other noteworthy thing in the post was for Victoria to "heal well". That would seem to indicate an injury or other physical ailment, but on her Instagram she seems to be going out and looks healthy so maybe its a psychological or anxiety based issue. Whatever it is, it still leaves a lot of questions. I do agree with the person who posted it that whatever Victoria is going through shouldn't be a plot point on the show for two reasons. The first being that they shouldn't be telling her story when she's not there to respond to it. The second being that there are a lot of other girls who are going to be on the show who deserve to have some focus on them. They don't need their screentime being taken up by someone who is not even present in training camp.
  16. A friend and I were talking about this earlier today. I thought my friend was being a a bit of a conspiracy theorist at first, but as we talked about it, it didn't seem like a totally improbable idea. Kelli surely had advance knowledge of the possible vaccination requirement and even though she and others in the organization may have been told not to reveal details to the public, I could see her giving a heads up to her gal pal Tina Kalina. That way Victoria had time to prepare a temporary exit strategy & decide how to frame it. I know Victoria posted about having "personal issues" and having to make a brave and mature decision which makes it sound like she's dealing with something serious. From a public relations standpoint, that gets her sympathy rather then her quitting and saying it's because her and her family don't believe in the vaccine which would subject her to some blowback. Although if it is because of the vaccine, I don't get why they think her taking a year off will make a difference. I mean do they believe that by next year Covid will be completely gone? That doesn't seem likely given the new variants that keep cropping up. At any rate, I would hope that she wouldn't imply that she was going through something just to get out of getting vaccinated because if it got out that she's actually fine and was just pretending, then she would get even more negative attention then she already does. If she doesn't want the vaccine for whatever reason, I'd rather her just be honest about it.
  17. I don't think that anybody should be forced to do anything for a job, but employers have the right to require things in order for someone to be an employee. DCC has certainly made it clear in the past that certain rules have to be followed such as you behave while at a work function or what you post on social media (and I recall people being let go for that during past training camps). Given that the pandemic is an ongoing health crises, the NFL is well within it rights to require vaccination in order to minimize further potential spread of Covid. I mean they are trying to avoid having to cancel any games this season. I will say that if Kelli and company knew before auditions that there was a possibility that the NFL was going to require vaccination, they should have revealed that to all veteran & rookie candidates when they released the audition details. It would have been easy to include a few sentences saying "Just so you know, the NFL is currently discussing the possibility of requiring that employees of any team be vaccinated against Covid as the safety & health of our employees is very important to us. We respect the right of people to refuse to not get it due to religious or other heath reasons, but you may want to factor this very real possibility into your decision to seek employment with our organization." That way all the ladies auditioning could have made an informed decision before putting all that effort into auditioning.
  18. Well the buzz on this thread just went from zero to sixty!
  19. Wow! That seems like a lot right out of the gate!! Welcome back by the way! We've all been waiting for info with bated breath!
  20. Maybe Lucchese has branched out into medical footwear? ;-) I wonder if she's painted a little blue star on the side.
  21. Thanks for pointing out who was who. The only one I recognized and could remember a name for was Alora Rose.
  22. I wonder if they will show Kelsey's audition on MTT. Personally I think she should not have auditioned again. She was never a total standout for her dancing. I question if she did this because she really wanted to be back on the team or if she went to the audition just to promote herself because she knew people would be talking about her.
  23. Ugh! I'm sure that Kelli won't be able to help bringing up Victoria at some point, but if they waste five minutes that could have been spent introducing a rookie by waxing poetic about the beauty of Victoria's dancing and her "brave & mature" choice to take a year off, I'll throw something at the TV. All that's needed is a brief statement in the first episode along the lines of "Victoria is taking some time to address some personal things. We fully support that decision & look forward to the possibility of her re-auditioning like everyone else next year & are respecting her privacy." We don't need to see a zoom call with her or have her stopping by at their events like some alumni do from time to time.
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