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Everything posted by Bellisima08

  1. I would say Chandi, Kelcey or Claire. All of them seem to have the spark and the dancing ability that make them captivating to watch.
  2. Even if they don't address what happened with Victoria, I would be shocked if Kelli doesn't at least mention Victoria or her mother given her bond with them. Also I really hope that Victoria doesn't make some kind of appearance on the show such as coming to give a motivational speech during a rehearsal night or something. She's supposed to be taking a break and if she's popping up at TC multiple times, that kind of undercuts her whole thing about keeping a lower profile to deal with stuff. And I totally agree about how Shaina should have stayed over Meredith because she just seemed to be a consistently better dancer. Meredith just always seemed to tire so easily and when she messed up, it showed on her face. Kelli probably took Shaina not playing ball & putting her sadness over the loss of her friends out there as her not being a "team player."
  3. At first I didn't understand Erica being edited out so much, particularly since leaving for an injury didn't seem to rate high enough as a reason to remove the bulk of her presence. But then once the news of her lawsuit came out, it made a lot more sense. I mean maybe when TPTB were told she was suing them, they were like, "we've got to limit her exposure as much as possible." Of course, I've nothing to base this on, but it feels logical. From their perspective, she was no longer an employee & was in active litigation against them and while to us. the decision to edit her out was not logical, for them it may have been a better option from a legal standpoint.
  4. The only time I heard any mention of Erica's injury was when it was given as a reason for her departure before her last season aired. That was one of the jarring things about that season because when I'd heard she was injured, I expected to see it referenced on the show, but then Erica's presence was barely acknowledged, the injury was never addressed and then she was just gone. It was just very weird. Speaking of Erica though, she just got married so good for her!
  5. Yeah in the last few years there have been a couple of instances of fires being started from gender reveal parties due to poor mishandling of explosive devices. I've also heard a few stories about people being killed from explosive accidents so I'm kind of irritated by the trend now as nothing is worth the amount of property damage or loss of life. I am right there with you about being antsy for Friday. I'm kind of hoping that they do address Victoria's departure, but I'm also prepared that they might not out of "respect for her privacy" which would be hypocritical of them considering that they put the loss of Shaina's friends out front & center in that one episode 2 years ago. Also can't wait to see Madeline S's journey through training camp.
  6. Gotta do it for the gram! But seriously a lot of public figures do very produced photos for special events. I mean you have reality stars renting out whole freaking clubs & charging tickets for photo ops on their birthdays. Kanye West rented a giant stadium & orchestra to propose to Kim Kardashian & it was on the news. Heck even the average person can turn a gender reveal into a viral spectical (although those have gotten out of hand in my opinion). Now in the case of this engagement, if the guy was doing it at her birthday celebration, then there is a chance she didn't suspect it was coming if she was already going to be dressed up and was expecting family to be there. If it was me, I wouldn't suspect it was coming at a birthday celebration. I would be suspicious if a guy I was dating was suddenly like, let's get dressed up really nice and go someplace fancy.
  7. Wasn't it revealed that Daphne made the decision herself to leave because of her injury? I may be wrong, but I thought that the situation was that she made the call and it wasn't that she was asked to leave TC. If it was her choice, maybe at the start of training camp she thought she was doing better and could handle doing the kickline & solos, but then it became to hard for her to continue. At least I hope that was how it went down, bu I guess we'll find out soon enough.
  8. I agree. Also we have to consider how well she did in training camp as a whole. Even if her solo is a bit weak in terms of styling (or lack thereof), if her dancing was great in training camp and when she auditioned for show group, that could have very well canceled out her phoning in her outfit and hair.
  9. I have not noticed before that Claire looks down, but if she does that's something she can work on if it's brought to her attention. She seems like the type who, if there's something she needs to improve, she will address it immediately.
  10. Thanks for sharing this. Daphne looked beautiful, but knowing what happened with her knee I just feel so bad for her. Claire's dance was stunning and doing a tango theme was a fresh approach considering lyrical, jazz and hip-hop get done to death. As for Kat....oy! I don't know what's worse...the half up/half down hairdo with zero styling, the phoned in outfit or the return of the cane.
  11. Right there with you! September 17th can't get here soon enough!
  12. Ah ha! So they do listen to us sometimes!!
  13. I think part of the problem is that there is a lot of complacency in the DCC organization and the thinking is that "oh we have such a big built-in fanbase that's not going anywhere and they don't care what we post about so long as we perform & look hot doing it!" At least that's the impression I get. Also I think the fact that the organization is filled with the Jones's family & friends contributes to the issues you mentioned because those friends & family are either in total lockstep with the Jones's thinking that things are fine as they are & that little details such as misspelling or lazy posts don't matter or that they want to change things & do better, but are afraid to go against "the family". Same here! Sometimes those game day photographers manage to get some great pictures!
  14. Whoops! Someone forgot to use spellcheck. Otherwise the balloons blocking the camera & the game not being able to be televised is a fun story.
  15. I thought the same thing! I mean it's pretty well known who didn't make the team so for it to be so ignored in the countdown clips is somewhat annoying. It feels like a lot of needless misdirection.
  16. You make very good points. Being a leader, director or manager doesn't mean you need to run things with an iron fist, yelling all the time. Of course there are people who think that, once they get in a position of power, they go into "it's my way or the highway" mode and like to be feared & hold that power over the heads of others. I used to think that Kelli was not like that, but after certain things over the last few seasons, particularly when it came to Victoria, I think Kelli has been on a bit of a power trip & has shown pleasure in flexing that power & holding it over others (like with poor Jalyn by taking her off show group & giving Victoria her spot). As for Jackie Bob, while based on the show we all see Jackie Bob as nice and funny (which I'm sure she is), when she's in business mode she could very well have a stern & focused side. I know when I'm in a focused work mode & trying to get something done, I'm a bit less chatty & more serious. Whoever does take over from Kelli in the future, I would just want someone who can balance being approachable to the girls with the focus & expectations of making the team great...and of course bringing in some innovation. This sounds awesome! Well done!
  17. Oh my gosh, I'd totally watch Jackie Bob & Kashara running the DCC! That would inject some much needed adrenaline into the show!
  18. Ah yes, I remember that routine for several reasons...one was the guys which I loved as they were very handsome and brought a cool new dynamic, two was that they made a big deal about that routine on the show (I think a whole segment was devoted to it) so it made quite an impression and three was because sadly, they've never done it again so it sticks out. I honestly can't recall if they have done something like that again. If they have, it hasn't been highlighted on the show. But it could also be that the reason it hasn't been covered on the show again is because they have stopped filming by that time. I know that in earlier seasons it seemed like they either filmed later or for longer because I recall seeing them do more event appearances and team bonding stuff then they they have the last few seasons.
  19. Totally agree with you! There's a whole lot of recycling going on with those dance sequences and there seems to be reluctance to deviate from what they know. Really the only time you see fresh routines is in the show group and sometimes with the sideline dances. I mean their Halloween halftime show for example (with the Time Warp & Brittney Spears song) has been repeated many times. Now that I've been watching the show for so long, I'm noticing how many moves and routines stay the same or just get subtle rearranging done to them. I don't see why, since they claim to want to be innovative, they don't just add one or two totally new routines a year and slowly phase out the old ones.
  20. Amen! The way the promos are edited makes it look like everything is peachy keen in DCC-land. I mean Daphne & Lisa are shown as looking fine and then there's that line about how "there are the most open spots ever" or something to that effect which they make sound like its a good thing and not because a bunch of vets quit. Maybe it's just me, but when you've got so much juicy stuff happening, you at least hint at it in your promos.
  21. Thanks for sharing this. Always good to see Maddie and she looks great!
  22. This opening was interesting in that it has a more hip-hop vibe to it, but it's kind of jarring to see some of the moves such as the two big circles and the kickline set to this music as they don't seem to mesh well. I wonder how long this music was kept for the entrance. The only other different music I've ever heard of for when they come in was "If My Friends Could See Me Now."
  23. Yes to all of this! Plus I've read in several theater forums that theaters in New York City will require vaccinations for performers, backstage crew, and theater staff, for all performances through October 2021. So if Alora Rose loves performing, but is against the vaccine, she's going to have a hard time finding a job.
  24. Wow! They could all be Rockettes at those heights. You don't really get a sense of how tall or short the girls are on the show unless attention is called to their height.
  25. ☺️ You're welcome! Nope. Just a carrot being dangled to get us all jumping.
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