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Everything posted by Bellisima08

  1. Speaking of VK, has anyone ever seen this interview she gave in 2020? https://www.dallascowboys.com/news/dreams-do-come-true-victoria What's really interesting is when she talks about joining or rather sliding/sneaking into Junior DCC by accident at age 5 when the minimum age was 6 or when she snuck into the DCC Prep classes at age 15 when the minimum was 16. Girlfriend's been having special allowances made for her since she was a kid. I mean she's bragging about flouting the rules! And check out this quote: "Being a legacy and living here locally gave me an advantage because I was already familiar with the organization and had relationships within the organization." Oh yes honey we know ALL about your relationships within the organization.
  2. Yeah I had that same reaction to the supposed new insider. After Dr. Manhattan implied that TPTB were amusing themselves by watching our reaction to info from insiders, I'm a bit suspicious of a newcomer making big claims.
  3. Hooray for Madeline S!! You go be the best legacy DCC has ever seen!!
  4. That's a good point. To have your boss say something negative about you just to you is bad enough, but to have them say it on a national scale is a whole other ball of wax. Because now, not only do you know your boss thinks your chest is small, but complete strangers (after having that pointed out on TV) are probably thinking it as well. They never showed if Kelli or Judy ever said anything to Christina about her chest size prior to that, but if the 1st time Christina heard feedback about her boobs was from watching that episode, she must have been mortified.
  5. Exactly. Even since I started watching the show I've had a sense of how stressful the DCC environment is in terms of how they relate to food and weight. For example, there's that episode where Chelsea got in trouble for making comments about "the fatties are still on the team" in the parking lot after Kelli & Judy had called her and some other vets into the office & talked about their weight. And yes Chelsea was being snippy & rude about it, but I always got a sense that her anger over what Kelli & Judy said came from a place of insecurity & stress about her weight. As for Gina, while she may not have an eating disorder, it's clear she's putting her body through something extreme to get that result. And you are right that one would usually never consider Rachel or Caroline to be fluffy, but at this point anyone who stands next to Gina would look fluffy. This is part of the issue I see with this situation, that girls who watch this show would look at themselves and think they are too heavy. Heck I even once had a moment a few seasons ago when I was watching the uniform fittings and thought to myself "God I'd look like such a heifer next to them" (and I'm a gown-up who eats pretty healthy and works out regularly). Thankfully I have the self-awareness & confidence to shake myself out of that, but I hate to think of young girls who watch & may not be so self-assured and think that's what it takes to be thought of as beautiful & sexy.
  6. But let's not forget Christina's boob job because there was nothing subtle about that change!
  7. Wow! When you look at Gina compared to the girls on either side of her (which is easy to do because they are all in basically the same position), the weight difference is so obvious. For example, I can't count Rachel's ribs in this photo, but I can count Gina's. Also, it almost looks like the sides of Gina's waist have been scooped out. Now I know in some pictures when she's standing still, one could make the argument that she's sucking in, but she's in motion here and needs to breath. If she was holding her breath to to suck it in while trying to dance, she'd be passing out in short order.
  8. At this point what Gina is doing to make herself so thin (be it dieting, photoshop or using makeup to emphasize her abs/ribs) is not what matters. What matters is that it's overshadowing other things about her such as her talent, her personality and so on and not in a good way. I mean if you look at comments about her in her first two seasons, mostly all of them were focused on her dance ability and how she should be point of the triangle. But for the last two years, the conversation has skewed more towards how skinny she is and concerns for her health. At some point TPTB have to recognize that the focus on Gina is going negative. Now I don't mean negative in a her being unlikable way, but in a way that brings unwanted attention to how they handle the health of the cheerleaders. I hope that makes sense.
  9. I like Chandi as well as she's got a great personality, dance style and smile. And yay for her making show group!
  10. I agree. I've never gotten a sense of "hate" for the 2nd years. I just think that, due to a combination of things like last season being rushed, the focus on the weaker vets, and the fact that the girls were wearing masks most of the time, the rookies were not really standing out as much as they have in previous seasons. That made it hard for viewers to connect with them. As someone who doesn't regularly follow the cheerleaders on social media, the show (and until the last few seasons, the DCC & CMT accounts that used to post audition pics and videos) was how I got reminded who was who. Thankfully due to these forums, I'm starting to recall names & details of the 2nd year vets.
  11. So happy to see that Madeline S has so many people pulling for her! I really hope she made it on the team.
  12. I thought the same about Lea as well. Perhaps she will look different when she's wearing the uniform and has her hair done for cameos, but based on the picture of her in the Rookie TCC chart, I didn't think her look was quite right. I can't put my finger on what it is because she is cute, but she's lacking something.
  13. Yay! So that means she will make an appearance on the show this season! Can't wait to see what she does!
  14. Yeah that comment really rubbed me the wrong way. The attitude of that post had a whole "dance my puppets, dance" feeling to it, which feels wrong for a show which is supposed be be about an organization of world-class dancers. To engage in this kind of manipulation of viewers should be beneath TPTB as they are supposed to be focused on putting together the best team, not playing with the fans for their own amusement. That kind of behavior is something I would expect from a lower class reality show like Big Brother. As for if Manhattan is a plant....their most recent comments give me that vibe.
  15. Wow! Lily looks amazing! So glad that she has found another place to utilize her talent. Hopefully they appreciate her better.
  16. Nooooo! Not Madeline S. Hoping so much that she isn't cut!
  17. I loved Auto Amy as well. She had such a great attitude and did so much to make that team. I really think she would have been a great cheerleader and asset because you could tell she wanted to be there with all her heart & cared about the organization. She would have been a better teammate then some of the other girls that made it that year. You are so right about how different the early years were when they actually released information & built a relationship with the fans versus how it is now. I still think a lot of that is due to Kelli & her need to feel in control, particularly after fans starting calling out things that didn't make sense such as why some people got weight warnings while others didn't, standards that were not the same for everyone and then of course the whole issue of Victoria.She probably was like "if they are going to be questioning things before the show even airs, then I'm not giving them anything!"
  18. Agreed! I have very little expectations for the series this year.
  19. I agree that it's odd that Victoria left after being gifted a spot on the team & show group. I fully expected this to be the year of Victoria the Vet (since she was denied that focus last year) and we would see her being a GL, a mentor taking Rookies on outings and moving up in the triangle. I was so sure she would linger on this team until she was kicked off, that I didn't initially believe that she had left. And while we may not know what transpired, given that we know how much her mom and Kelli wanted Victoria on the team and how so many in the organization made allowances for her to be there, it makes me think it was a significant enough issue that Kelli and company would not have been able to work around it (otherwise it would have looked bad) thus Victoria had to step back even if she didn't want to. As for Madeline S, it was bad luck for her to be auditioning the same year Victoria did because Kelli and company already had it in their minds to focus on Victoria as the big comeback story and her status as a legacy. They wanted those shots of her celebrating with her mom & seeing Tina Kalina cheering in the stands. There was no room for another legacy, especially one that could so easily be compared to Victoria and could possibly emphasize Victoria's flaws. For example, Madeline has consistently great technique while Victoria can be hit or miss. Madeline is well-spoken, while Victoria's words can fail her. Lastly Madeline made it clear that she didn't want to be recognized just for being a legacy, meanwhile it felt like Victoria's mom was mentioned at least once every episode in her Rookie season.
  20. First Daphne was injured and now Lisa (and I feel like there was one other person who had an injury). The DCC vets are dropping like flies!
  21. Amen to that! Fingers crossed for Madeline S!
  22. I personally will not believe that Victoria is coming back until I see photos of her at next year's audition. A lot can happen between now & next year and I'm not sure how she's going to keep up her technique and maintain her weight if there are issues she's dealing with. If the issues (whatever they are) are a big enough deal to make her leave the team, then her focus should be on that.
  23. Well that's good to know! I think if Victoria was allowed to skip parts of the audition process after taking a year off, it would give off a weird vibe.
  24. I'm not sure. Have there been other girls who took a season off and returned that got their vet status back? I was under the impression that Victoria would have to undergo the full audition process as if she were a rookie and would be starting over, but I could be wrong. Personally I don't think it would be right for her just come waltzing into training camp expecting to be given a blue TC outfit, her spot back on Show Group, a prime formation spot on the field or named a GL.
  25. Amen to that! Kelli let some great vets go for an investment that didn't deliver big returns!
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