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Mrs. Landingham

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Everything posted by Mrs. Landingham

  1. 100% yes. I just posted this but you said it much more eloquently. Wanting kids or not is a deal breaker. These two have no business being together. They are not compatible.
  2. Indeed he doesn’t. If your answer to the question “do you want kids?” isn’t a clear and emphatic “yes”, then don’t have them. If each of them are hoping to talk each other out of it (her wanting kids, him not), it’s going to be a disaster. There is no compromise here. You can’t have half a kid. You can’t have one then decide to return it when it’s a toddler and you decide it’s too hard. I HATE when grown adults don’t communicate honestly on such a deal breaking, life-altering issue.
  3. I was just thinking that. He’s going to check those legs. Assuming those are acceptable to him, he’ll move on to another requirement.
  4. Did Ed just say “I’ve been Mexican all my life?” As opposed to a couple of years in the 80s when he was…Irish? The hell? Also, close your damn robe, you piglet. That’s your MOTHER.
  5. I forgot this was on tonight! I’ve just made it. Big Ped(o) and “Coyote”. I just cannot with this vile wee turnip.
  6. Wow, that’s awesome! (And I mean “wow” in a good way, not in a faux, pearl-clutching, outraged way like Shaun.) Also, your husband is a cutie.
  7. I’ve been wondering about that, too. I hope everyone is okay, but man does it ever make me laugh watching Ed run.
  8. I just don’t know what to think. So weird.
  9. Look, when Corey got mad at Evelyn, he looked like an angry Cabbage Patch doll. It was funny. Mike’s snapping is dangerous and creepy. Mike, may you contract an aggressive case of crabs and may you break both arms so you can’t scratch.
  10. Seriously. They HAVE to have seen his old social media posts by now where his racist and homophobic self came shining through. This confirms for me that they hold the same beliefs. Fuck all of them. Okay, this Single Life promo has me howling. If there was a shooting in that restaurant that is horrifying but watching Big Ed try to scamper is just…LMAO.
  11. Oh for the love of fuck. Stop panning to Ella’s reaction! Ella, just SHUT UP.
  12. What I wouldn’t give for Ximena’s special friend El Sicario to walk in the room to support her. Wearing a balaclava to protect his identity, of course. Soooo, is Memphis going to pee on a stick and bring it on set and that’s the next shocking twist?
  13. Same with Kimbaaaaly telling Incel Mike that she has people in San Diego who are interested in him and he should call her. Kim is trash.
  14. Methinks Ben “counseled” Jessica and her husband, Ben bedded her, and that’s why Jessica’s out here acting like a scorned lover.
  15. Jessica has officially gotten more screen time on this season than Ella & Johnny’s storyline.
  16. Somebody please ask Jessica if she’s in love with Ben. I want her to squirm.
  17. Ben you are a sad, sad pile of excrement. The absolute state of this raging piece garbage! Also, why is this “pick me” woman Jessica here? She gives off major Mary vibes (Felon Geoffrey).
  18. My heart wants you all to know that it wants Ben to slide down a razor bannister then fall into a vat of rubbing alcohol.
  19. Or texting Johnny who also looked mostly bored “haha u believe this shit right now???”
  20. Mike’s ugly, violent face. Fuck you, you toxic little cheerio.
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