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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. He hasn’t yet and doubt he will now considering that it would give Ava motive for killing Esme.
  2. Well I will say that Ava/Esme brought the drama today that was sorely needed because I was tuning out between the trial and Willow being sick/pregnant. Though I don’t think Esme is dead. However, I think Nava cover up what happened so Ava isn’t prosecuted and they don’t know whether she’s dead or survived and escaped. Also sounds like Felicia is taking over looking into Esme, which I’m glad for because Sam sounds like she’s done the bare minimum, but it definitely means that she’s the mom. I’m wondering how this will play out considering KW’s filming schedule.
  3. I don’t know why this show keeps bothering with trials when they’re done this poorly. I didn’t think we could top Nina going on trial for a crime that doesn’t exist but here we are. Not only has Trina’s trial dragged on this long but it’s managed to be both boring and badly done. Neither lawyer is doing a great job judging by the questions they’re asking and most of the testimony should be inadmissible. No one testifying that Esme did it has any evidence or first hand knowledge that she was responsible and Diane hasn’t done anything to refute the evidence that they did have on Trina. Minus the alibi, which was not only easily dismissed but was a last minute save by Spencer, she had a couple character witnesses and that was all.
  4. I think for an addiction SL to resonate, you have to already be somewhat invested in the character and that’s where I’m falling on Sasha. I hardly know and don’t care about her. Addicts tend to act unlikeable and try and push away their loved ones because they don’t want to stop what they’re doing. When I watch her scenes, I just want Brando to wash his hands of her, which is probably not the intention. Even their relationship barely calls for this level of investment. They had a ONS, she got pregnant, then they decided to be together for real and be a happy family even though they hardly knew each other. She was high when they got married and they completely glossed over that and she’s been a mess this whole year and he only very recently noticed.
  5. They probably would move into the PH but isn’t that strange? I never got the impression that the penthouse was more than 2 bedrooms, maybe 3 max, so it would be cramped for a couple with 3 kids between them who have the funds for a bigger place. Also, I hate that set. The PH has gotten uglier with each remodel and it’s falling apart. I’m pretty sure that’s the reason they keep it so dark. You can see the tape holding together the stairs and that annoyingly squeaky coach.
  6. While I do think KM and DZ have chemistry, Sam/Dante is the most boring couple I’ve ever seen on this show. I still can’t tell why they’re together and they’ve had zero angst or storylines. Every time they get a scene like today where they’re talking about their relationship, I wonder why we’re wasting time on them.
  7. I see that as well but is that enough for audience? Personally it’s not for me. Spencer playing 11th hour hero when he could have provided the alibi months ago and likely prevented Trina from going through the trial, Title IX hearing, and at least some of the negative press coverage and the public thinking she did this is hallow. Though I found Trina’s insistence on wanting to cover for Spencer to be lame as well. She knows she’s innocent and while I like his portrayer, Spencer is the definition of entitled and privileged. More than likely, he’s going to skate but even if he doesn’t, the consequences for him will be minimal because we know his family can get him out of the worst of it. Even if it wasn’t, he was guilty so he should pay the consequences since he reason for breaking out of prison was absurd.
  8. I don’t get where they’re going with that. Sonny isn’t looking for a Michael replacement, he’s looking for a new Jason, which he pretty much already has with Brando making it extra pointless. Michael wasn’t his second in command and he has a bunch of other kids that aren’t mad at him but of course Michael thinks he’s all that matters when Sonny is probably barely giving him a second thought. ETA Episodes like today are why Dante shouldn’t be a cop and comes off as corrupt (to me). This is the second time this year he questioned an assault victim who couldn’t say what happened to him because it was his damn dad behind it. No matter how many years pass, I’ll never see this as an acceptable position for him.
  9. In hindsight, I actually think Michael and Sabrina worked. They had decent chemistry, looked age appropriate, and she didn’t kowtow to Carly like Sasha and Willow do. If only the character didn’t have the most insufferable introduction ever, I would have given them more of a chance but I could hardly stand to watch her by that point.
  10. She has this attitude because Carly does right now. Carly has played this game with Sonny a few times and the outrage never lasts. The moment Carly/Sonny reunite and you know they will one day, Joss will be back to uncle Sonny being the best guy ever. She isn’t capable of independent thought
  11. I can’t with Joss. It was ok to excuse everything Sonny but now that he fell for someone else, mob=bad? Also, way to pass the buck on Jason’s culpability. Even before he died, it was decades since he has simply following Sonny’s orders without question. He was just as immoral and responsible as Sonny. Are we supposed to forget just this time last year, Joss and Michael were the maid of honor and best man as Jarly’s wedding, which was done to solidify their mob power, and gushing over the happy couple?
  12. I used to love the Qs but I reached the point where I’d be happy if they never mentioned that family again. The only ones I like now are Ned and Monica, who is almost never on. Michael and Drew suck, Olivia isn’t far behind them, and I never warmed up to AS as BL. Oh I guess the kids are fine but I don’t watch soaps for kids so it’s meh.
  13. I was thinking the same. It’s a good containment ship. Every Joss pairing or potential pairing has been bad. I think Eden is another CD. Her scenes with Cameron are unwatchable to me but I still like him around everyone else. I was cringing at the prospect that they were going to hook her up with Spencer, because he’s the new it kid and they had some scenes that read chem test to me (they failed) since I actually like the actor, even though the character is fast approaching my shit list.
  14. Molly is barely on the show so it’s a moot point but her becoming a lawyer never tracked for me. She’s always been too, I don’t know exactly what the term is, but good and moral. There’s definitely a space for activist and crusading lawyers in the real world but being a lawyer on GH means representing wealthy, and in most cases violent unrepentant criminals or working for the DAs office and losing the cases involving the guilty since only innocent people or those with reasonable justification seem to get punished in this world.
  15. Michael and Joss’ sudden righteous indignation over Sonny being a mobster is beyond hilarious when they’ve never had an issue with it before and hero worshipped Jason. Those 2 have no moral center or sense of what’s right or wrong, I’m sorry. They parrot their mother who is a criminal herself. Have them hate Sonny for falling for someone else but the rest is so stupid.
  16. I ffwd the Britt/Cody date because I’m already over Cody so this might have gotten mentioned but when Dr. O said she signed up for Society Setups, she made it sound like a dating app geared towards professionals or high earners. She didn’t question how Cody, who appears to be a lifelong bum, made the cut?
  17. That’s sad but not surprising. Willow doesn’t really have friends and she doesn’t know about her family. They’ll make a half hearted attempt to make characters like Sasha, Chase, and BL friends of Millow when it suits them but those so-called friendships are mostly one sided and we’ve witnessed either Willow or Michael being horrible to all 3 of them at various times so it’s not believable. They could have made Willow an actual nurse by now so she’s interacts with the GH folks but chose not to so she exists to be Michael’s shadow. The show has fast tracked careers and schooling plenty when it suits them so I think they want to keep Willow isolated. Making her Nina’s daughter is more about the Nina/Carly feud than it is about giving Willow connections. I have zero hope that she’ll go against Carly and Michael on this because she’s a parrot.
  18. This is the same Michael who despite claiming he worked super hard at ELQ, immediately dumped his job onto Ned as soon as he learned about Wiley and missed the entire hostile takeover that was already taking place. Good for him for caring about his kids, I guess, but they’ll never sell me on Michael as a competent CEO because he never comes off as busy or worried about his companies. Let’s be honest, anyone in that type of position is all about work all of the time and family time is a distant second. Those are the ones who work day and night and and stay available through their family vacations.
  19. I feel the same way but that just makes the decision to recast her and bring her back all the more bizarre. She was already written off and they clearly didn’t recast her and bring her back to town with a specific storyline in mind, unless there was a plan that was immediately dropped. There’s a slight possibility that she was brought back for Shawn and they were thrown for a loop when the actor decided to leave but they weren’t writing for him either.
  20. Probably because that wasn’t the explicit intention of the writers and they are now addressing it due to fan backlash. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that last Friday’s episode was written by GH’s only black female writer. That or some of the actors asked for it to be addressed. I only say that because of something Brooke Kerr tweeted and something else a few of the actors said during a FB live when this SL first popped up about intervening and asking them to direct Trina’s arrest differently because of the optics of the way they originally had it.
  21. Olivia comes off pretty dumb. When Carly wouldn’t let her buy the MC for her, why not buy it for herself? She’s the one who is most affected by this. Instead she sat on her hands while someone else was able to buy it and now she’s stuck with a partner she doesn’t like. I’m sure her plan to ice out Nina will be great for business btw.
  22. Nothing will ever convince me that the MC staff loves having Carly as a boss. She radiates way too much Karen energy for that to be true.
  23. I don’t know where they’re going with this trial. Trina wavering on giving Spencer up as her alibi makes her look dumb considering how much she stands to lose versus him. It also sounds like they have no evidence. Diane is going up there with character witnesses and Trina testifying and nothing else unless the guys find something. Mind you, this is the day of the trial and Diane just joined the defense. So why are they not asking for the continuance? You clearly have nothing to go on right now. ETA that I’ll always find it funny when they go on about Diane being the best lawyer. She always comes off like a hack who introduces inadmissible evidence and testimony and relies on grandstanding. Competence wise, she comes off just as bad as Scott, if not worse, and well below the show’s previous lawyers but because she represented Sonny, Jason, and Carly for all of these years and they never lose, she’s talked about like she’s the greatest lawyer of all time.
  24. Nina and Carly isn’t a fun rivalry for me. They’re too similar in a lot of ways and Carly also needs a foe who is willing to get as nasty as she does. MSt’s Nina appeared more than willing to sling mud but CW’s Nina is more reserved. Carly is a truly terrible person who feels zero remorse for the hell she brings onto other peoples’ lives. She needs someone to match that energy.
  25. Drew has gotten so obnoxious and whiney. Ned’s the selfish one for not voting for this deal when you were actively pushing him out of a company that you have zero involvement in while he does? Also, for all of Carly’s claims that she would stand on her own and didn’t want help, that Sonny line makes it pretty clear to me that she would have taken the hotel back if it was gifted to her by anyone other than Nina despite her protests to the contrary.
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