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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. That was a weird scene. It’s like she’s put Joss in the position of her partner since she’s now divorced, Drew is in jail and Jason is gone. I know Joss is technically an adult but barely and none of that should be her responsibility. Especially since she didn’t want to burden Michael with it who is much older than her.
  2. I think Dante/Sam have chemistry, which is a boon considering that some of the current pairings are outright painful to watch. However, I’ll always find it funny that we clowned Lante for being a paper cuts pairing only for them to put Dante in a new pairing that somehow has even less angst and obstacles. It’s probably because of lack of interest though because Dante and Sam exist to recap other people’s SL outside of their random couple fluff scenes. Giving them actual angst would mean writing for them.
  3. Lol was Carly’s 20 year old daughter really her only option to bail her out? For a normal person, that should cause some self reflection.
  4. A good rule of thumb on that one is to take out “the other’s person name and” and just say the sentence with me or I. Whatever is correct there is grammatically correct.
  5. That’s exactly it and tbh, it’s an ongoing weak point of Kelly Monaco that I’ve noticed. She needs to play layers and soften things when she’s fighting with her loved ones and she never does. It made Sam seriously unlikeable during Alexis’ alcoholism storyline. I think she should take some tips from NLG in that area because she’s been pretty good at softening those types of scenes with her daughters if that makes any sense.
  6. These Kristina scenes with Alexis and the solo scenes she had a few days ago with Sonny are the first times I’m buying her as Kristina and not as a completely different character. I think it was mainly Molly and Sam bringing her down for me. Kate Mansi was having trouble connecting with those actresses.
  7. I’m sure it’s a little of both. A lot of native English speakers write or say what sounds correct in their head and it’s not always what is grammatically correct.
  8. Did wardrobe buy women’s blazers in bulk? Lately, there’s been 3-4 female characters wearing blazers in every episode
  9. Of course Olivia apologized for the one and only time she pushed back against Carly. Never mind that Carly was still blaming Ned after the accident and didn’t give a damn about what happened to him. And wtf was that montage? Of all of the female friendships on this show, Carly/Olivia gets highlighted like that? I don’t recall anyone clamoring for their scenes together or showcasing their friendship more. Bringing up Kate was a choice since they started bonding because Olivia looked down on Kate for whatever reason and Carly finally found someone she could trash talk about Kate with.
  10. They were so you’re probably right that they postponed it so the wedding didn’t happen under the strike writers. Though why they care about that when the outcome is super predictable is beyond me. It’s likely also why they dropped Eddie living with Sonny and had him move back in with the Qs since I’m sure they didn’t plan for him to third wheel Sonny/Nina for 6 months.
  11. I’m assuming that they only had those scenes for Eddie to overhear and warm up to Olivia, but Tracy trying to have Ned committed would have been an interesting route to take. They’re ignoring the obvious beat of Jason’s accident and how the family was effected by his personality changes. Evan a line from Tracy about how if Ned was still Ned, he’d want the same thing instead of hurting his family because he hated what his cousin ultimately turned into. Of course, any storyline possibilities are hampered by most of the Qs who were witness to it being gone so Tracy would only get called ridiculous because the only ones left all worshipped Saint Jason the mob hitman and wouldn’t see the problem.
  12. Something tells me Alexis isn’t itching to go to a car show Diane but what do I know? I don’t get where they’re going with Diane/Robert because their last few interactions have had the same running theme of Diane being the one obviously trying to pursue something with him only to suddenly declare that she knows her worth when he’s less than enthusiastic about pursing her in kind. Like at this point, it’s fully established that she’s the second choice because Holly couldn’t stick around. Either accept it or actually move on to someone else if you can’t deal with reality.
  13. Since Ned will probably never tell Olivia off, I’ll take Eddie doing so any day of the week. Karma is a bitch and she deserves it
  14. I’m a bit surprised that LW was happy about Carly taking over Kelly’s because it’s already starting to come off like they ran out of ways to use her mins and having her stand behind the counter talking to whoever shows up to the diner that day is a lazy way to fill her guarantees.
  15. Lol have any of the nepotism hires panned out for this show? Since she’s at Ferncliff, hopefully it’s short term but I can’t with Frank
  16. Along with Kristina’s character change, they’re kinda turning TJ into a smug, judgmental, asshole. Where’s his sudden beef with Kristina coming from? I can’t recall him even speaking about her for the past 11 years.
  17. I do like that the scab writers are focusing on different characters and relationships that didn’t get as much focus before but so far, it’s boring and some of these characters are having the same convo over and over agin. Case in point, Molly talking to someone about this retconned stuffed horse. The actress has zero chem with each of the 4 actors her character will regularly interact with so I’m about to place her on ffw. Also not sure what’s the point of this Cyrus/Drew SL. GF must have pre-taped a bunch of scenes before her break because she’s been gone all summer yet is still onscreen. I guess JPS must have had a similar break to hers and that’s why they are siloed together while Anna has a new bff in Sonny. It’s kind of sad that she’s been so attached to Valentin since Peter died to the extent that they couldn’t figure out what else to do with her. Was Kristina always lacking a filter or did this start with the recast? She’s becoming as annoying as nurse Amy.
  18. I get the impression that the male characters’ wardrobes, especially their suits and business attire, don’t get replenished that often so going up or down a size would affect them a bit more than the female characters who seem to get newer clothes pretty frequently. If you rewatch episodes from a few years ago, it looks like like a lot of them are pretty much wearing the same stuff you see them in today.
  19. I got second hand embarrassment at the Drew prison fight scene. They really should have cut that. CM can’t pull off tough guy at all
  20. Is Dex supposed to be intentionally terrible at his job because every single time he has mob lackey scenes, it’s a flop.
  21. It’s probably the conspiracy theorist in me but the scab writing is giving me insight into what character/couple writing is dictated by Frank and the network versus the writers of the show because some are a stark contrast while others are exactly the same and even more OTT if possible (cough trying to make Joss/Dex look sexy)
  22. Tbh I’ve always got the impression that Frank resents younger actresses getting pregnant and both of Sasha’s storylines during her RL pregnancies reinforces it to me. The way they wrote for the Sabrina actress during her pregnancies was similar
  23. So clearly, they’re going to pretend that Carly can quickly make $5 million and then some from a diner so she won’t have to sacrifice anything. This show is the worst.
  24. I almost wonder if that scene was written back when the show thought her accident was just an actual car accident and they were using it to explain some sort of injury the actress suffered. I remember hearing some spec about the show initially being in the dark regarding the nature of what happened and it’s a hell of a coincidence that they mentioned Molly being in a car accident only 1 episode after they went from a temp recast to hiring a new permanent recast.
  25. So Carly’s big girl boss moment is mommy gifting her a business instead of a man she’s banging? Real growth there
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