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Everything posted by thewhiteowl

  1. That would help, MMC but so far he's not quirky! Geniuses must be quirky!
  2. How am I supposed to believe he is a genius when he doesn't dress like a clown or a goth and apparently owns a comb?Kidding....kind of.
  3. I was entertained but my standards are low. Lol
  4. If no one, other than Deacon (whom no one on the show really cares) suffers any lasting damage then Quinn will be fine. A few may be pissed at her for a while but then it's all "bygones" with these characters. Most of them. Rick is a champion, Olympic gold medal winning grudge holder but only when it comes to Ridge.
  5. I will be giving a go. I liked the beginnings of CM and I like Sinise. Also there is a forum for it here if you are interested.
  6. I like having SK on this show but seriously, he could have saved Liam when he first found out about Quinn holding him hostage and made a boat load of bucks from Dollar Bill. He chose to back up Quinn instead so if he dies no great loss, IMO. He really isn't a nice guy and we have enough shady ones. Although he isn't really shady either. He isn't really anything I would miss, except SK.
  7. Talking politics is running with scissors. Please stop. Not allowed.
  8. How sad is that? The truth would likely gain her the sympathy she seems to crave, instead of flimsy half-baked lies. An addict will say and do anything to protect the addiction. Deny, deny, deny. Even when they know you saw it, deny. Kim knows she exposed herself but still thinks that if she denies it enough, she'll get by. Seems to be right. I will be surprised if she is not back next season, if there is one.
  9. Just until Sam and/or Danny is in "danger" from an evil mobster and Sonny "rescues" them, would be my guess.
  10. We do. I will move this when I am not on the iPad.
  11. They both did something rather shitty. Erika did it first when she misrepresented a conversation she was part of to Yo. She may not have said anything but she didn't shut it down either. Kathryn may have had good intentions before realizing she had stepped in a pile of poo. I can't know that but it did seem that way. She didn't shut it down either. Erika was playing friendly to LVP IMO and would have been blind-sided if Kathryn hadn't spilled. I don't think Yo would have been. So in debating levels of shittiness, I think Erika was shittier and shadier. So I have to go with Kathryn. I think "confidentiality" is a non-issue when you are on a reality show. JMO
  12. HumblePi: This must be frightening and confusing and very isolating for you. My deepest sympathies. I can't even imagine how awful it must be to feel that and to have no way to explain it. A family member suffers from dementia and I can relate because I see his frustration and pain as the little things slip away. My heart goes out to you. I know dementia is not the same thing but it's all I have to compare, sorry. I think if Yo tried to be less specific in her hyperbole I would be more sympathetic but she is so firm in her stories of 9 months, 4 years or whatever she just looks like she is lying. Which sends me red flags and I doubt her on everything. Only when confronted does she pull out the brain fog and percentages of brain function so it looks like a cover. I wonder how brain function is measured. Has she ever explained that?
  13. This is not the place to discuss Race in Hollywood or anywhere. Talk about the episode or be deleted. Thanks.
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