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Posts posted by foxfreakinmulder

  1. 8 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    The voice belongs to Randall Park, who plays Agent Jimmy Woo in the "Ant-Man" films and is confirmed to be a character in this series.

    Thank you ProudMary 🙂 I was going to ask if anyone knew who the voice on the radio was.

    In a way this reminds me of the Framework season on Agents of Shield. Or a movie I saw about a group of soldiers that was sent to guard a mansion and all this weird stuff started happening so they decided to leave but ended up walking in circles with the same scenes playing out along the way. It ended up that the group of soldiers were in some kind of experimental coma to help them deal with the real trauma they went through. But all the people they encountered in their "dream state" were the doctors and staff workers at the lab they were being kept at.

    I don't know what's going on with Wanda but I bet these characters she's interacting with are people she's encountered in the "real world". I just don't know if she's the one in control or if she's being held against her will and is fighting against something and that's where the cracks come in, like the radio.

    Is this series supposed to be only a 1 or 2 season long? I don't know how long they could carry a show that's trapped in a sitcom world and keep it interesting.

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  2. I don't read comic books so I'm not as familiar with the origins of Scarlet Witch/Wanda as I know her from the movies. I love classic sitcoms, but don't really want to watch a whole season of Wanda and Vision stuck in a sitcom without knowing what's going on. Not that I know it's going to be the whole season, just saying.

    I think the cast is great and the sets are right on.

  3. 23 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    Yeah, no...this was a poor choice to come back from hiatus with and I had been looking forward to the shows return for weeks now. With so few precious episodes left this was a waste because it was simply not funny. It felt like a script written by someone who had NEVER watched SUPERSTORE before.  Garret and Deana's characterizations were so  far off they felt like different characters.

    Agree 100%. I didn't laugh once. I'm out.

    • Love 3
  4. On 12/31/2020 at 7:13 AM, angora said:

    Shelagh getting Gloria to talk about the babies she lost was just beautiful, and then telling her she'd been a mother for a long time?

    That was heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time.

    I'm so over Sister Monica Joan.

    Didn't get enough of Sister Julienne.

    I'll miss Nurse Valerie she was one of my favorites.

    I laughed when I saw Sister Frances expression while she was holding the rabbit ears.

    I enjoyed the episode very much and can't wait for the new season!

    When is the new season scheduled to start?


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  5. I had high hope with another Ted Danson show but so far I don't care for any of the characters except for the mayor, and I can't stand the bratty teenage daughter. I don't know why writers think a brat or smart mouth kid is funny, I think they are tiresome. I give it one or two more episodes to see if it can change my mind. 

    • Love 4
  6. I saw one today with Steve from Stranger Things with his gorgeous head of hair and I think Haley from Modern Family, it was for Taco Bell nacho fries. I really liked his Domino's commercial from a couple of years ago too 🙂  

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  7. 13 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    (And, although I sound like a broken record saying this over and over, I've never seen the animated shows and I don't care to; they were boring.  So I, for one, am glad that I didn't see another "random" character that I was supposed to already know but isn't popular enough for me and people like me to actually know.  IMO, it had to either be Luke or a nobody - so either we all were "in" on the guest cameo or no one was.)

    I agree, I don't watch the animated shows either so I don't know any of those characters, but anyone that knows anything about Star Wars knows the name Luke Skywalker.  And yes, I did get emotional when I saw young badass Jedi Luke and R2-D2.

    What if Mando had just laid the Dark Saber down at Bo-Katan's feet would she have left it there or would she have picked it up?


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  8. On 12/18/2020 at 6:04 PM, Dani said:

    I don’t think the fact that it wasn’t revealed at investor day means anything. Disney has been very carefully about spoiling Mando episodes and the setup for the other two spin-offs aired before the announcement. The Boba show was setup in the finale. Announcing it a week ago would have been a spoiler. 

    This is what I've heard too. Also, I heard Boba's book will be a limited series.

    I don't want a time jump in season 3, I want Grogu to look exactly like he does now only but I would like him to be able to communicate with Mando like he did Ahsoka Tano.

    • Love 1
  9. 39 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

    Seeing 57 year old Ming Na Wen fight side by side with a former MMA fighter and a former? Wrestler is also my everything. Being Asian I know we basically age like Grogu but it still nice to see that they don't need to keep hiring young actresses to be badasses. 

    She's awesome! I loved her in Agents of Shield.

    Too bad  Boba Fett wasn't there I would've loved to have seen Luke's reaction.

    Seeing young Luke brought back so much nostalgia for me because in my world Star Wars is episodes 1-6 and and I'll add Rogue One in there. That's why I love the timeline of this show and I'll watch any other disney + show in this timeline.


    • Love 5
  10. 10 hours ago, Jediknight said:

    He wants to protect his dad.

    I turned into a 12 year old girl when it became clear that Luke was the one tearing through Darktroopers.  They yelling of "LUKE!", and pretty much bouncing up and down.

    Loved Gideon first being worried when the Darktroopers stopped attacking and focused on the pilot of the X-Wing, and then his look of complete terror when Bo said "A Jedi?", he knew that he and the Darktroopers were finished.

    Yes to everything you said! Except I turned back into a 18 year old girl and even though I'm old now I was bouncing up and down and clapping. I loved every minute of it.

    It's going to be a long year!

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  11. I enjoyed it and hope there will be a season 2. I don't remember the movie I haven't seen it in so long so that's probably why I could enjoy the series. My dream car is that red and white corvette parked at the Motel, if I ever won big money that would be one of my purchases. So please Publishers Clearing House bring me my big check!

  12. I'm glad Carter won, he was one of the few I could remember the name of for the longest time.

    I was surprised Ian made it to 3rd place. And have to wonder if Blake didn't have 2 singers if he would've won. I say that because I think with 2 singers his votes got split and because he has such a strong fan base I think if he didn't have Ian Jim probably would've won.

    I think I would be more excited to win the trip then a contest that doesn't do anything for your career and you get no prize money. They stopped giving away cars too.

    My favorite guest song was Pink and Keith, I don't listen to country so I'm not familiar with Keith but I've always like Pink.

    I noticed most of those guest performers were not practicing social distancing, it's a good thing Tom Cruise wasn't there. LOL!

    I did enjoy the skits with the coaches. 

    • Love 4
  13. I thought Desz was great and as much as I love Carter, he should go on AGT I bet Simon would sign him, Jim was my favorite of the night.

    Didn't care for Blake and Gwen's song. That was totally taped no way did she change out of whatever she had on along with her wig and other stuff to sing then put it back on. So they had them leave their chairs so it would look like they're live, weird. 

  14. I'm trying to take this slow because it only has 8 episodes and I'm running out of things to watch but so far I'm still enjoying it. I didn't know Shepard was such a dog but it looks like Gordo was a cheater too. Every time I see Gus 😞

  15. I didn't know this was on Disney plus I was looking for a movie to watch when I saw this so I gave it a try and really enjoyed it. I love this time period in film so this is right up my alley. It's been a very long time since I saw the movie and I don't remember much from it so I don't have the comparison issues.  

    • Love 1
  16. I wonder if they're going to end it by having the store be one of the casualties of the pandemic and close for good or if they're going to try and give some of the employees a happy ending?

    I thought this show was good the first couple of seasons but then a lot the characters became people I didn't like and couldn't root for and now most episodes I don't laugh. I was never a fan of Amy so it didn't bother me when she left but I have to wonder if her leaving factored in to the show coming to an end? Because I think the show could definitely go on without her, even though I don't laugh as much as I did the first few seasons I enjoy watching the show with or without Amy.

  17. Soooooo GOOD!!! I loved every minute of it, especially the end!!

    I had to giggle when Mando thought he was done fighting the pirates but then he saw how many were still coming so he let out a big sigh as he stood there with his fist up ready to fight before they got to the bridge.

    • Love 13
  18. I think Ian has a nice tone but he has no range. IMO the ladies kicked butt and any one of the three should've went through instead of Ian.

    I don't know who that was that Kelly sang with but I didn't care for the song.

    I've always thought John was a piano man singer.

    • Love 1
  19. 25 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

    Ever since the season that Adam didn't have anyone in the finale, the producers have certainly ensured that all of the coaches are represented because the coaches are obviously the stars, not the contestants...

    I've notice this too. It used to be a coach might not have a team member left going into the final I saw it happen more than once but you're right that changed the last time it happened to Adam. I've always thought the producers had their hands in the voting but even more so now.

    I haven't watched the episode yet I will later tonight but wanted to comment on your post 🙂

  20. My favorites of the night were: Team Blake, I liked both artist. Team Legend I liked Bailey Rae. Team Gwen I liked Carter. Team Kelly I liked Desz.

    The trio I liked was Desz, Jim and Carter.

    Dear Kelly, pleats are friend to no one nor are big shoulder pads. 

    Gwen WTF are you wearing? And do you own any other type of clothing?

    Also who said Gwen was a fashion icon Stevie Wonder?

    Did not like Gwen's song, not a big fan of her singing style.

    • Love 1
  21. 11 hours ago, Lemuria said:

    Luke didn't knock him into the Sarlaac pit, Han did.  We don't know how old he looked as he always had his helmet on.  And it's been 5 years since ROTJ.

    Ooops, I knew that and I have no excuse for saying Luke except my old brain because I recently re-watched episodes 1-6 🙂  Thank you Lemuria.

    I pictured Boba Fett as being younger because his build and the way he moved and last night he looked to be in his 60's but according to the upthreads he's supposed to be in his 40's?

    I don't care if Pedro is in the suit or not I don't want to see him remove his helmet at this point so for me it's all about Mando's voice.

    • Love 1
  22. This episode was too short.

    I can't believe they blew up the Razor Crest.

    Was Boba Fett  that old when Luke knocked him into the pit? According to this timeline it wasn't that long ago right, less then 10 years?

    Hopefully the Jedi that are left had their phones on and heard the call.

    Agent May aka The Calvary is back in action 🙂 I hope she keeps a guest staring role like Gina Carano.

    The jet pack thing was weird, put your weapons down, take off your jet pack. Why wouldn't Mando call it back to him instead of trying to run up hill? To me that was lazy writing just a way to keep Mando away long enough to snatch Grogu.

    I can't believe this season is already almost over 😞



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  23. Man, that Sid guy looked pissed. I'm glad the girl on John's team won the save, she was the best singer in my opinion. 

    I thought Gwen's hair and makeup looked pretty but not whatever it was she was wearing.

    Kelly looked pretty too, I like this dress better than the red dress she was wearing last night.

    I have to go with Carter or Cami for the win but I think it's going to be the guy on Blake's team he saved or his country singer.


  24. 7 hours ago, Ms Lark said:

    And how many woods have a natural acid pool conveniently placed just for getting rid of pesky bodies?

    Yeah, how convenient was that! And the body in the black bag was so small.

    How about instead of saying "hello sailor" you kick him in the throat with your boot then hit him it the head with the pot.

    Why don't you use the tool your using to open the grate and try to pry the side of the trailer that you crawled out of opened? Just saying.

    I'm going to take my boot off for no reason and leave it here at the side of the road so if anyone is chasing me they'll know which way I ran.

    I don't believe for one second that girl ran across those river rocks barefooted. Nope!

    I think I'm done with this show.

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