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Posts posted by foxfreakinmulder

  1. 6 hours ago, hilaryvm said:

    I think there are also some bad song choices.  I can't comment on country, since I know none of those songs, but a lot of the other people I have no idea what they're singing and it doesn't compel me to vote for them (although, I don't vote at all, so I suppose it doesn't matter that much).

    I don't vote either. I haven't listened to country since the early 90's so I don't know any of the songs (except for the Judds) and I didn't think the trio did a very good job with it. But I do like some of the country singers, mostly the girl on John's team, all the country men sound alike to me. I do think Blake has the strongest team, I do like the country girl on team John and Carter on team Gwen and Cami on team Kelly and that's about it. Are some of these songs the singers sang something you would hear on the radio? Honest question because I don't know what style they were, they weren't country or pop and didn't sound R&B to me I don't know what they were but differently nothing I would listen to. I don't get the hoopla for the guy that closed out the show I don't know if that was a Frank Sinatra song but all he did was scream.

  2. Well it wouldn't be Fargo unless almost everyone dies, lol.

    That last scene with Chris Rock and the kid that played his son (both of which were terrible actors) was cringeworthy to watch. And why the writers just had the kid sit and watch instead of calling for his mom and why no one else in the room noticed when he was stabbed cause he fell against that big ass window he was looking through was weird.

    What was up with the oranges was that an easteregg or something and wasn't there another scene that had oranges laid out on a table?

    Wasn't impressed at all with this season it was hard for me to get through it.

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  3. I thought this episode was dumb.

    Also who were the 2 guys at the gas station I haven't noticed the one in the trunk before or the driver with the clouded eye.

    Why did we need to see Rabbi look at the hole in his shoe?

    And that poor dog that was locked in a wardrobe for who knows how long never gets to go outside to relive himself.

    I thought the editing was chunky.

    So why didn't this kid after realizing Rabbi's not coming back ask to use the phone to call his dad?



  4. On 11/9/2020 at 5:01 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Why would being large cause people to run away and not shoot you? Referring to Josto’s brother. He had 2 guns, but still was outnumbered. 

    Not only that but he was captured being scared shooting at a closed door. So now he's brave enough to walk towards a group of men with guns firing at him. Come on show make up your mind.

  5. The only name I can remember is Rabbi. I don't give a rats ass about any of these gangbangers/mobsters. I don't even know what the story is this season, taking over territory? I don't care who kills the cows in the slaughterhouse I don't find that interesting. I guess the family at the mortuary is supposed to be the ones we root for because they're not mobsters? I don't care what happens to them either, they haven't been on my screen long enough for me to care and I don't like their nosy daughter. And the killer nurse, what is the point of her, other then she might get pregnant from screwing mobster guy. For me, so far this season is a bust but because it's Fargo I'm going to finish it.

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  6. On 10/22/2020 at 1:46 PM, Ellaria Sand said:

    Chris Rock is trying hard, maybe too hard. He isn't convincing me that he is a ruthless gangster. Something is off with his performance.

    I agree. I think it's because he delivers his lines while standing stiff as a board. And when he wants to look mean he squints his eyes.

    This episode felt longer than it's scheduled time frame I kept checking how much time was left.

  7. Here's a commercial that makes me scratch my head. It starts with a mother and father waking up their kids in the middle of the night or early, early morning and they cook, set the table and sit. In walks a person (probably oldest son) in what looks like a chef's jacket/shirt, he looks at the family sitting at the table and says "you waited for me" then hugs mom and she says " happy first day" so if he was returning home after his first day on a job why would he say, you waited for me and why would they all get up and cook a meal at the time couldn't they do that later in the day? I can't figure this one out.

    I forgot to add, I like John Travolta's Santa commercial, I think it's cute 🙂

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  8. Wow, that girl sure is nosy. And now they're adding ghost to the mix what's going on with this show? It doesn't feel like Fargo to me at all and I don't care about anyone the only one I like a little is Rabbi. This is going to be hard for me to get through.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving! This is the first one I'll be spending by myself not because of covid but because my kids are grown and have their own plans for today. I have a turkey and stuffing tv dinner and I baked a pumpkin pie so I'm good. Wishing everyone good health. 🙂

    • Love 6
  10. LOL, so am I to believe that being tased, carried, wrapped in plastic, tased again, carried through secret doorways, down steps and put in chains that wig didn't fall off or the short skirt lift up?

    WTF freaky mom and son relationship. 

    I don't know if I'm going to be able to hang in there with this.


    • LOL 1
  11. I can't believe John let Cami go.

    I thought all 4 singers in the 4-way knockout did great and deserve to go to the lives. It's not fair they have to battle each other like this, either you save them or you don't and if you do then they go to the lives. I don't think it's fair the steals get to move on but the saves have to battle.

    • Love 2
  12. On 11/20/2020 at 2:46 PM, BusyOctober said:

    Sayid is my new best friend.  I despise hearing women call other women “Mama”.

    I hate it! And I especially hate when a person younger then me calls me hon or for that matter any stranger calling me anything. If you have to use a word use ma'am, I don't like it but it's better then hon, sweetie, mama or any of those terms.

    I think the show is better without Amy. I enjoyed watching Dina as manager and Sandra cracked me up.

    • Love 6
  13. I'm late because I have to wait for HULU to drop it so I watched last night. Carter can sing! IMO he should be in the top 3 when we get to the final.

    Kelly looks really good in that black and white jumper but why the hell does she have a piece of tile hanging around her neck, lol.

    I'm old so when I think of R&B I think of the 60's and 70's Motown sound which was smooth as silk. What these singers call R&B I call screeching.

    I'm a huge Janis Joplin fan and hate it when people sing her songs because Janis had so much soul in her voice. She had a huge voice but could also be tender but I have to say I didn't hate the version of Cry Baby last night it was really different maybe that's why.

    I hate, hate the coaches whooping and yelling out when the contestants are singing. They make it so obvious who they're going to pick. But I also hate how they'll fawn all over a singer but then they don't steal them when they have the chance.

    Have coaches ever kept the singer that they stole from another coach over one of their own?

    • Love 1
  14. On 11/15/2020 at 11:56 AM, swanpride said:

    But I guess most people would want exactly that from a show like this, as much Charles of Diana as possible. I might be one of the few who is actually more interested in events which haven't been part of every single royals special in the last 20 years.

    I agree. I wish they would've kept this show with young Queen Elizabeth. This is not interesting to me, it's too current. Charles and Diana have 2 boys IRL and I don't think it's fair to them that this story is being told (not that I think they watch) but still, not cool.

    Does anyone know if Diana really called the queen mama?

    Are they using the same actors next season?

    • Love 4
  15. On 11/18/2020 at 2:07 PM, tennisgurl said:

    There are a lot of actors I like in this, especially Katheryn Winnick, and the scenery is very pretty, so I will give it a few more episodes. 

    Same here. I saw a preview and spotted my favorite shield maiden so I had to give it a watch. I don't know who Ryan Phillippe's is but was shocked when the trooper shot him.

    The hooker looked like a man to me, I saw a pretty prominent adam's apple, not that there's anything wrong with that I'm pointing it out because I don't know if the truck driver was aware of it or if it will come in to play later in the story.

    I'm going to call it now and say the 2 women will team up to solve the case and become buddy cops/detectives.

    Forgot to add how stupid it was that 3 people couldn't take down 1 average size guy even with the element of surprise. They should have charged him as soon as he opened the door or kicked him in the face but never should have let him climb in the truck. 

    • Love 1
  16. On 11/18/2020 at 7:32 AM, benteen said:

    Gillian Anderson does a lot better when she works off of Olivia Colman and when her character raises her voice because she isn't...talking...soooo....sloooowly.  But her performance has not been a highlight of this season.

    I agree and I don't know why but it bothers me the way she tilts her head when she talks.

    Favorite part for me was the opening speech with Claire Foy. Olivia is good but I really liked the 2 seasons with Claire.

    It's too bad the queen couldn't go on the radio or tv and clear up the mess she made instead of throwing the press secretary under the bus after 30 years of service.

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  17. 14 hours ago, Res said:

    That being said, Jensen did knock it out of the park but the dialog had my eyes rolling after a few minutes with all the Sam piping. But the "Tell me it's okay" got me. I had to say the same thing to my brother who was ravaged by cancer a few years ago. Within a year of the diagnosis, he was a shell of who he used to be. It killed part of me to tell him to let go, that it was ok.

    I having the UO of wishing it was someone, almost anyone other than Bobby that Dean met in Heaven. There were too many  "tough love" and "you're not a person" speeches from him directed at Dean for me to be happy about that. I would've preferred some people he saved, Rufus, Pamela or even Ash. And for Dean to do nothing in Heaven but drive until he finds Sam, that's a shipping group's dream, eck.

    If even Heaven cannot give Dean autonomy, he really is in Hell. Dean is not that one dimensional except under Drabb and shippers who seem to have taken over the show. All that driving could have been replaced by Dean just arriving on the bridge to get Sam and tell him about all the people he's reconnected with in Heaven and taking Sam to see them. But, no, ugh!

    Sorry to hear about your brother. My mom did they same thing when we lost her last year, she was telling us to let her go so when Dean said those words it hit home for me too.

    I wasn't upset to see Bobby there I've always like him but I was wondering if they couldn't get the actress that played Mary because I was surprised she wasn't the one waiting for Dean. Not that I thought it should be her just surprised it wasn't.

    Sam got a real life with a wife and son (does anyone know if the first boy was Jared's son?) so when they die and go to heaven is Sam going to leave Dean and go live with them? Dean died without anyone so when Sam goes to live with his wife and child Dean will be all alone again.

    The only thing I liked about this episode is the music, the throwback with the license plate on baby in heaven, and the Roadhouse which meant Jo and Ellen are probably in there.

    You don't end a show that made history being on air for as long as Supernatural has by killing the stars of the show so I'm still at a big F*#K YOU!!! show F*#K YOU I can't say it enough F*#K YOU!!!!!!!!!!!



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  18. On 11/20/2020 at 12:46 PM, ahrtee said:

    last night I said goodbye to Dean Winchester.  Today I have to say goodbye to my big old fluffy cat (who's not so fluffy anymore) Sammy.  (And yes, he was named "Sammy Sasquatch" in honor...)  Maybe it's right that the two of them go together.  

    So sorry to hear this. They give us so much unconditional love but I don't have animals anymore because I can't handle losing them 😞

    • Love 3
  19. On 11/20/2020 at 8:08 AM, iluvobx said:

    I couldn't figure out why it started in the asylum and on those 2 women. 

    I was thinking something was going to happen there like last season with the children and the school that was covered by that mountain. But then when they were crying while watching the tv about Margaret having surgery I thought we would find out they were related somehow.

    It's sad but back in the day asylums were used as dumping grounds, husbands could commit wives they were tired of or unruly children or retarded children. It's really sad. 

    I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons of this show because it showed us how Elizabeth had to deal with being queen and I wish they would've stretched that out more because I found that more interesting then watching events from the 80's. Plus, I liked the royal family more then, now I can't stomach them and their rudeness the only one I have any sympathy for is Diana. I would like to see more of the children/grandchildren, every time I see Anne I wonder is she married and does she have any kids because you never see them. I just wish they wouldn't have rushed this story like they have threw the decades. I don't know how many more seasons this show has but for me I wish they would've taken their time and maybe ended the show with Charles and Diana's marriage. 

    I didn't understand why the queen couldn't find one job for Margaret.

    I did laugh when Margaret rang the bell and Elizabeth said "hey, that's my button" or something like that.

    Who were those people that Margaret went to visit with the pool? They looked familiar but I don't remember.

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  20. On 11/18/2020 at 10:03 AM, DanaK said:

    Nick Jonas will be coming back for next season, along with Kelly, John and Blake

    I'm so glad, not because I'm a fan of his music because I don't know his music but because he was a good coach. Yay Nick!

    • Love 2
  21. 21 hours ago, DanaK said:

    I thought Payge was just too slow with Creep, at least initially though she got better as she went along. Worth the Wait did fairly well, but they need to work on the group dynamics more, and I like the lead singer, but I'm not sure the other two are all that strong in solos

    Too slow and too low, I could barely hear her. I don't know the song but I didn't care for her performance. I agree about the trio I don't think their harmonies were tight at all. And I'm sick of mama always pulling the boo-hoo card. Oh, I just found out this happened, fill sorry for me, boo-hoo.

    I don't think it's such a great thing when the judges fawn over how you act on stage more then how you sounded.

    No one impressed me this round.

  22. Okay, Cami and James are my favorites along with the opera singer Kelly should have kept but sent to the 4 way knockout. I would have loved to hear him sing that song alone. I hope he wins the 4 way knockout because his voice is like butter. I also really like the young boy on Gwen's team he so talented for being so young.

    It's funny because during the blinds Gwen's pitch is always how she can help them bring out their personality on stage but it was her adviser that was giving all of the on stage advice Gwen didn't say anything about it.

    I'm loving not having an audience there. But really wish the show would stop with the back stories we hear it at the blinds then we hear it again at the battles and will probably hear it again at the knockouts blah blah blah I don't care. I don't care who picked on you or how hard life is just sing your song. If they were at a singing competition at like a county fair or a club they wouldn't get on stage and tell everyone their sob story before they started to sing so why do we have to listen to it show.


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