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Posts posted by foxfreakinmulder

  1. I didn't really care for this episode. It seemed more like a Nickelodeon episode to me, minus the buckets of blood. 

     Mack having a 20 month self pity party was over the top. Yes, I know his parents were killed and taken over by Chromicons which he had to kill and of course you are mourning the death of your parents but for a trained agent to sit in a chair and drink beer everyday for 20 months and feel sorry for himself was just bad writing. And was that supposed to be his parents house he was staying at? Because the date of death on their tome stone was 1976 and they were in 1982 so we're to believe that house sat empty for 6 years? I think it would've been a bank foreclosure because more then likely they were still making payments on it, or sold by family because who could afford to make payments and not live there?

    And why did I get the feeling Mack blamed Deke for his parents death when he yelled at him for not following command and killing Malick which caused a wave. He was really awful to Deke, he let his groceries sit out on the front porch even though Mack had to go to the store and buy food and beer he was obviously eating because he wasn't skin and bones but he wanted nothing from Deke. 

    I also didn't buy Deke knowing songs from the 80's when he didn't have the internet to look them up because he mentioned to Mack that it was hard tracking him down without it.  I guess he could've looked them up when he got here from the future but again it's like something you'd see on a Nickelodeon time travel show. I thought when he got off the stage he looked a little like Ben Stiller from Zoolander, lol. 

    Are we to believe these people couldn't back up away from the robots saw arm? I know the one girl was grabbed by the robot but Cricket just stood there.

    For me Deke was the best part of this episode and the Deke squad was so silly for a show not labeled a comedy. I don't know what happened this episode but I hope they get back on track. 


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  2. On ‎7‎/‎4‎/‎2020 at 12:24 PM, bettername2come said:

    Just finished and I feel like I while this has always been a good show, I’ve never truly understood what was happening in it at all. The ending gave me the same feeling.

     I agree 100%. Their was a lot of characters and I tried to remember everyone's name so when they time traveled I would know who's who but I couldn't so it became really confusing to me.

    I don't think it's a show I will watch again but I thought they did a good job wrapping it up and I thought they did a great job with the special effects and music.

    So, I guess Jonas get born after all but maybe not Martha because her mom didn't look pregnant.

  3. Quote


    I don't get why Clarke is "the key" either.

    I'm also bored with the Sanctum stuff.

    Coo-coo Echo is sitting in a corner slashing her face. Yeah, let's follow her.

    Gabriel betrayed his friends but hey he got a robe.

    Boring episode. Do better show this is your last season start connecting the dots.


  4. On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2020 at 2:47 PM, mrspidey said:

    Ok, can someone please confirm that the guy who played Nathaniel is related to Evan Peters? They look and sound so much alike, it's driving me nuts. 

    I can't confirm it but you're right he looks like he could be Evan's brother.

    I guess they've spoiled me because I thought the title card was boooooring!

    This episode was just okay but poor Mack :-( and now he's alone with Deke.

    Please come back Fitz!


  5. 9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    Wow, no audience is the best improvement this show has ever had. Keep it that way show. Real auditions are not done before huge 6,000-people audiences anyway. I really REALLY liked this improvement.

    I agree 100%. It was a breath of fresh air not having the audience give a standing ovation every time someone says their name and age. Oh and also not having to see their stupid faces.

    Man, this episode was full of sappy sob stories.

    Wow, that comedian guy started crying just because he got through to the next round, calm down you didn't win the million dollars and if you don't win you better try to get your job back interviewing celebrities.   

    A lot of singers this show.

    The unicyclist was boring and I bet he doesn't have a unicycle taller then the one he rode for this audition so what's he going to do in next round?

     I wonder if Howie would've hit the golden buzzer for the spoken word guy if his story/rhyming wasn't about losing his sister. I agree it was more of a beatnik vibe then actual poetry. Not really my thing but if he had that awesome sand lady that was on Champions (I think) in the background creating a story out of sand to go along with his story I might actually like it a little.

    I still haven't seen an act that belongs in Vegas.

    I'm surprised germaphobe Howie sat that close to the other judges or even showed up during this time with it being the start of the outbreak.

    I hope they don't do the live shows like The Voice did because that sucked!



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  6. On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2020 at 9:58 AM, Lady Calypso said:

    Now, onto the final plot, which was the Bardo stuff. Ah, Echo continues to spiral downward. It just sucks that it looks like she's spiraling into a death arc. Again, as long as she's making a heroic sacrifice, I might be ok with it. Echo HAS been a great character but Jason HAS to know that she's been a hated character because of the shipping and the lack of true development for Echo. He has to know that ruining Echo like this is only bound to garner more hate. I do like Echo, even if I'm frustrated with her arc right now. 

    Plus, yes, it doesn't feel like Echo, Gabriel, and Hope are people who were together for the last five years.

    Also, Gabriel, dude, what are you doing? He just got them all recaptured. If HE didn't want to go out into the world, he had every right to stay behind. But he forced ALL of them to get recaptured, which could be bad long-term. I just fear that Gabriel just got one of them killed for sure, instead of them having a fighting chance out there. And, again, HE COULD HAVE STAYED. The rest could have gone and risked their lives. Plus, this is reminiscent of Mount Weather. Do we know if the people of Bardo were being told the truth about an unsurvivable planet? Because Anders is a goddamn cult leader so he should tell them that rain tastes like candy and they'd believe him because they don't know any better. 

    I agree about the death arc for Echo. It really seems like the writers are making her such an unlikeable character so we won't care when she's killed.

    I couldn't believe Gabriel got them captured again. I think my first thought was ugh then booooring!

    Holy crap, Diyoza took a page right out of Rick Grimes playbook with the bite to the throat.

    More Murphy, Emori and Indra Please.

  7. 23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I really enjoyed this panel. Rita Moreno is always entertaining and Deon Cole was a hoot.

    I agree, I really enjoyed this panel. And just like Deon, I too saw the cat lady on the clip they showed when Anthony was reading the card. And by the way, I will never consider someone on the internet or someone that does reality tv shows a star. Never!

    The last 2 men didn't even get to introduce themselves because we had to have the whole Deon won the Doris award crap and then the song/dance.

    Rita was a good sport. Anthony put the crown on her for "worst player" and she frowned then started dancing:-)

    What a weird relationship Anthony has with his mom. I don't understand why he wants her there, and I wonder if she's getting paid, but the Doris statue is just dumb. 

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  8. On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2020 at 8:14 PM, MrWhyt said:

    They had me from the opening credits, and then more with "come with me if you want to live continue to exist.

    I loved the opening credits and my favorite part of the episode was when Enoch came sliding around that corner with the almost Terminator line and then he gives them all a review of the car, lol. The only thing that could've made that scene better is a red and white Grand Torino.

    Did you catch then opening call back scene of Saturday Night Fever with the shot of Coulson's shoes as he's walking down the sidewalk?

    I liked Zeke jumping right in front of Sousa to stick up for Simmons but I sooooooo wanted him to say "leave my nana alone" to confuse the timey wimey  confused Sousa even more, lol.

    I'm enjoying watching May.

    I don't remember if we saw the outside of the van with the shag carpet that took Sousa and Daisy but when we do I hope it has a mural painted on the side :-) 

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  9. What a boring ass episode. I haven't seen one person yet this season that has Las Vegas act quality.

    I guess Howie was chosen to be the meanie this episode. And wasn't Howie supposed to push the golden buzzer this episode or did he already?

    What was the point of the body builder lady, did Terry meet her at the gym and tell the show to put her on so he could come out on stage and pose with her? 

    After the bug eyed guy made it through with glowing remarks from Simon I am totally convinced because of the Gabby crap Simon will never push the red button for people of color again.



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  10. On ‎6‎/‎17‎/‎2020 at 9:26 PM, dwmarch said:

    Enoch the long-suffering operator was hilarious, especially how he cut Deke off even though it sounded like Deke wanted to do some catching up.

    That scene made me laugh. Deke seemed excited that Enoch answered the phone but was left just looking at the receiver after Enoch cut him off, with a look on his face like dude, I wanted to talk to you lol.

    I enjoyed this black and white episode a lot.


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  11. Shouldn't Russel be dead since they removed the commander thingy from his neck? Why do I have the feeling we ain't seen the last of this stupid Sheidheda  storyline. Who do you think he's going to end up in next?

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  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not Gwen she's terrible as a coach her coaching advice is, I can help you bring out your personality on stage. I don't know Nick and his brothers music but he was a breath of fresh air to a show that has become stale. I think they need to rotate the coaches maybe have a 3 season limit for each coach, I like Blake he's witty and has a great sense of humor but he's been there way too long.

    • Love 4
  13. 11 hours ago, SG11 said:

    I thought the Pinocchio dancer was OK, not great. Some overused robot moved added to a couple overused contortionist moves.   Suicide singer was OK, not different than 100 guys who sound like that.nthe sob story was a minus.

    The Bronx dancers who were offended when called break dancers were good, not anywhere near the reaction they got good. I said to my wife, “think Simon picks them as GB because he’s got a racism lawsuit against him? Wife says noooo, not this soon in the show. I hate knowing what’s gonna happen. Oh Simon, you’re so woke.

    I agree 100% about the dancers. And have you noticed Simon now says to everyone that cries I was bullied, "AGT has a no bullying policy" or something like that.

    The Pinocchio dancer forgot to use the word bullied when telling his story, he said "the kids wouldn't let me dance with them because they said I wasn't any good" which sounded like something he was coached to say. Hey kid, maybe they didn't let you dance with them because you wasn't in there group of friends. Anyways, a couple of seasons ago their was another boy that danced like him but instead of Pinocchio he was a Robot.

    Their was a giant yo-yo guy last season? And he did it by himself but I don't remember how far he got.

    The singer with the dad that committed suicide was just okay, and had no reason other than wanting sob votes to tell his story to the judges.

    The girl that had to come up a new song I believe was a set up because how did the band lay down a track to her song so fast? I'm not buying it. Simon's going to want to record that song for all the daddies out there. Not only that, they give this girl a second chance so why not give the comedian lady a second chance? She lost her train of thought when she said her husbands name and talked loud/yelled but so did Preacher Lawson and the guy with the little arms they both yelled. I guess only singers get second chances.

    I don't like sword swallowing acts and can't watch them but the guy was entertaining.

    Enough with the backstage crap and the granny twins in the audience. I can't wait until we get to the shows without the audience.

    Is it in Sofia's contract that she has to wear strapless dresses/tops that's all I ever see her in. I think she follows Simons lead but I do like her better than what we had last year.




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  14. I didn't care for any of the songs that were chosen. My favorite was from Fatherdude (dumb name) and least favorite was from the guy that won. I agree with pezgirl7 that this group of songwriters weren't good singers. Usually I'm shocked how good the songwriters sing and think they should be on a singing competition show but not this group. I think all 3 songs were changed so much by the producers this time they didn't even sound like the same song. I'm happy Ester won but Usher changed the song even more adding in rap.

    Count me in as one who didn't know this was the season final. I really hope we get a season 3 I enjoy this show a lot maybe even more than The Voice.

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  15. On ‎6‎/‎13‎/‎2020 at 5:17 AM, BusyOctober said:

    If it comes back for another season:

    Lose the awful voice or inflection or characteristic tic, Steve.

    Lose the daughter....send her off to college or recast her with someone who can act.

    I agree about the voice and the daughter, she's terrible. Oh, and send the space force guy that likes the daughter away too, he's just as bad as she is.

    I really like Steve Carell but I see too much Michael Scott in his Space Force character there were a few scenes I thought he really shined and that was when he sat down to help his daughter with her home work and when he left the prison and broke down.

    I don't think they know what they want this show to be some episodes are cartoonish and I don't like a lot of the characters. I do like Brad, Tony and Dr. Mallory. I guess Space Force has rockets laying around they send blast off into space whenever they want like the clean fuel episode.

    I enjoy the round table meetings and wish they had more of those with the great cast.

    Since it's on Netflix if it gets another season it won't drop for at least another year if then. I'm still waiting for Stranger Things, more seasons of The Last Kingdom and The Haunting of Hill House. I've canceled my Netflix because I've watched everything I wanted except for the above I just mentioned, so I use my daughters log-in but because of their wait time to drop new seasons and since I don't find their movies that great it's just not worth it to me to have.


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  16. 5 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    Here's his website

    Thank you ams1001 :-) I found a few painting I would love to have but they cost too much for me to buy but wow beautiful.  He had a lot of paintings of people/faces how does a blind man know where to place the eyes, nose or anything on a face? I would really like to watch him paint, I'm just amazed at what he's able to do.

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  17. 2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    I loved that the seeing-eye dog looked like he was just snoozing, but both times the guy stood up he hopped right up and moved next to him. That guy's artwork was pretty cool.

    I noticed that about the dog too :-) I agree about the artwork I wanted to see more.

    My one con I have for the show (well, besides Doris) is I wish Anthony would take more initiative with the questions, some guest stars will jump in asking more than one question and others don't get the chance. I know he'll say, so and so you get the first question but after that it's just who ever jumps in. I wish he would go down the line with each guest star to ask questions.

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  18. On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2020 at 9:19 PM, thuganomics85 said:

    I like how they keep updating the title card depending on whatever time/setting they are in.

    I really like that too. I would love to have that pick-up truck the young couple was in or any of the cars parked at the diner. Love those classic cars!

    3 episodes down and still no Fitz :-(

    Did they explain how they have clothes for whatever time they land in?

    They were in 1955? What year did Steve Rogers go back to in End Game to be with Peggy? Did that happen in this universe?

    Fun episode, I liked it.


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  19. 1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

    Besides the green-shirted Indian guys, I loved loved loved the two magicians. I actually LOL'd, and I seldom do that. Icing on the cake was that Simon didn't have a clue what they were doing or what was going on. He's such a dumbass.

    My favorite of the night were the magicians and the Indian guy with kid was second.

    Too many singers!

    The t-shirt guy was a waist of time.

    No to the "dancer"

    No to the contortionist, I hate watching them.

    I wish they had a judge that was/is a singer (no not Mel-B) someone that actually sang without auto tune that could give feedback to the singers.

    Simon seems to think everyone is great, I think he's over-compensating for something. JMO :-)

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  20. 23 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    I liked David Davis' song from the beginning and, interestingly, thought he sang it better than Ben Platt.

    That was my least favorite of the 3 but agree that he sang it better than Ben Platt. The song Ester worked on was my favorite and thought with her and Ben being friends she was going to win :-(

    I couldn't understand/hear the words the singer that worked with Shane was singing. I heard the part about chasing the rainbow and finding fools gold but that was about it.

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  21. On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2020 at 8:18 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    Jordan...is still an annoying character. He's just written badly. He could have been a more interesting character with his background, but they insist on making him as annoying as possible.

    I agree. And how old is he supposed to be? When he was outside talking to Clark and crew it looked like he had gray hair.

    They were going to burn (can't remember his name) at the stake but he gets shot so they rush him to medical to save his life, what am I missing?

    Did anyone else notice the large lump on the throat of the girlfriend that was beating up Raven? That does not look healthy to me and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way.  

  22. 11 hours ago, SG11 said:

    I was baffled by the CD magician guy when Howie clearly HATED him, didn’t even applaud... so they vote and they didn’t even acknowledge Howie comments or vote. He went through with 3 yes votes... what happened that they had to cut Howie altogether?

    I thought I had zoned out and missed it because like I said in my first post he walked off stage after Simon gave him his 3rd vote and it didn't show Howie. What was up with that? Judges  can't dislike an act now.

    The phone call was stupid and fake as hell because the guy told Terry his dad locked him out of the house after he told his parents he wanted to "dance" so Simon doesn't know the relationship this guy has with his parents to be calling them, you don't call a strangers parents.  I was under the impression they disowned him with the story he told Terry. 

    The rocker guy was over the top and his next act will be the same so his showmanship/personality will get him the votes to continue. I wasn't impressed.

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  23. 21 hours ago, Swenson said:

    The Bello Sisters?  Phenomenal balancing act.  You don't expect to see ladies doing that like the beefcake guys last season.  They're "what this show is all about".  When do you think we see the father join in.....I know it's coming.

    You know daddy's coming and probably momma too with her stilts, lol. I did like there act though.

    I hate the editing and cuts to the audience when I'm trying to watch an act on stage sooooo much!

    Did I miss something cause I swear after the magician (which I thought was pretty good) Simon said "you have your 3rd yes" and then he walked off stage. Did they not show Howie's vote or did I zone out?  

    The doggies didn't do much but that was a cute trick switching the large dog with the little one.

    Didn't they used to let us know at the beginning of the show which judge had the golden buzzer? Granted I started watching the year Darci won but I swear Tyra told us.


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  24. 19 hours ago, DanaK said:

    In Bebe Rexha’s episode, they really got into “Miracle”, before it even went into the rewriting session. There was a whole lot of back and forth improvisation going on, more than usual with much more excitement it seemed. 

    I agree. Bebe and the producers didn't show too much excitement with the other songs. I only know Bebe from her time on The Voice but something about her was off-putting to me and what did she say when Ryan was talking about Michael Phelps it was right after Shane dropped his notepad, she didn't like something? I didn't like her video at the end it was just her posing for the camera. Anyways, that song won't be played for awhile maybe years.

    Poor Ester I don't think her song even got a second thought. I really like Ester but that first track suit she had on was very colorful and the sparkly dress at the end was way too short. Same for the girl with the long blond hair (which looked like a wig) even though she was young her dress looked like a shirt with a belt, too short. Or I'm just too old lol.

     I like that they keep in touch with songwriters from past episodes, but I have to wonder why, does Songland hire them or they just live in the neighbor so they can call them to come over and sing a song and do they pay them to come sing a song?

    Not my favorite episode didn't like they rewrote every song.

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  25. 19 hours ago, greekmom said:

    A short recap would have been awesome. Can you imagine if they had Michael Peña (Luis) from Ant Man do his famous storyline?  That would have been EPIC.

    Hahahahah I love that! I need a recap because I don't remember last season and I'm too lazy to watch the end of season 6 again. I remember when you didn't have to because shows didn't have these long breaks in-between seasons it was just a summer break and during that time it had a rerun of the season, ah the good old days ;-) 

    I'm so happy the show is back and I will miss it when it's over. I just hope we get Fitz sooner than later.

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