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Posts posted by foxfreakinmulder

  1. 23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Again - no daughter this week. They should just dump that character, send her off to college or wherever.

    Amen to that!

    I've sat through my share of training videos and that was spot on with the out of date clothes/hair style and the bad acting, Also, there is always that one person that ask a million questions when you just want the training to end so you can get out of there.  I have one now in my weekly zoom meetings that won't STFU and it drives me crazy!

    I'm still on the fence with this show. Ted Danson is great but I still don't like any of the characters and I don't know what type of comedy they're going for because the characters act so childish and dumb. I know on shows like The Office and Parks and Rec they had dumb characters but also smart characters and a lot more likeable characters. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Raf wasn't trying to remove the sword from the stone. MG got knocked to the ground. Raf knelt down and offered him a hand to help him get up. He put his other hand on the sword to steady himself. When they stood up, Raf unintentionally pulled the sword out.

    Got it. Thanks 🙂

  3. 1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    In the previous episode, Nimue said she was the protector of Excalibur which is a sword from the King Arthur/Camelot mythology. The legend says that only a true king could pull the sword from the stone. Nimue said that only a true champion could pull the sword out and wield it. Her definition of "champion" was "the blood of kings must run through your veins." After Raf pulled the sword out of the rock and vanquished the Green Knight, he tried to give the sword to Nimue but she said, "It is rightfully yours as you are a descendant of Arthur."

    Thanks ElectricBoogaloo 🙂 I heard that but that last I saw of Raf was he was trying to convince Landon to get back in his body then I blinked and he was at the park but I didn't hear anyone there fill him in so I was curious how he knew to pull the stone out of the rock. I think I'm just over thinking this. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, UnoAgain said:

    I think Alyssa is technically dead so I dunno if she's the one to die.. I think Hope "Martyr" Mikaelson will "die" thus igniting her vamp side and really making her a tribrid... 

    Thanks UnoAgain that makes since. I would personally like it that that happened to Hope I really want to see her as a vampire to see if the Mikaelson comes out in her.

    I hope the actor that played Rafael moves on to better things where he has a bigger part. Thanks for the King Arthur info, I wasn't sure if I missed some conversation about it or if it was laid out in the previous season.

  5. On 1/30/2021 at 2:27 AM, Terese said:

    I agree that both the closing of her eyes and the sudden appearance of the poker set and the "oh, by the way, she held on to some of the chips to show people," seemed way too convenient and way too much information. Why would she need to show people a poker chip? Everyone knows what they look like. I suspected that someone told them to tell Walker these things to help him feel better. But, the real reason would be to get him to stop investigating.

    I agree 100%. I'm thinking maybe Liam gave the box to August and told him the story so he would pass in on to his dad? If not I still believe one of the main characters is behind what happened or knows more about it. But now it will probably sit on the back burner for awhile.

    I want to hear more from the bartender about what she knows happened that night. It she was there how did she get away and what did she see?

    Don't like horses dying in fires, even though I know it's not real. Also, don't like an injured horse having 2 riders and running on concrete.

    Thought the crime was wrapped up too easy, once they figured it out they race to the airport and the bad guys just start shooting? I thought they were billionaires so why wouldn't you hire a lawyer instead of shooting at Rangers? I guess Micki wouldn't have the chance to jump in the Jeep and take all three or four bad guys out with guns by herself, lol. 

    Someone please get Stella into grief therapy 😞 August could probably use some too!


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  6. On 1/29/2021 at 4:48 AM, Kmr said:

    Regarding Alyssa I really wish I could enjoy the character even in the way with Klaus, Rebekah and Katherine in TVD but can't. Just never seen anything likeable or redeemable about her.

    I agree! And when the sphinx said one student will die I believe/hoping it will be her.

    So are Landon and Hope over.? She just stood there when he said "you don't want me anymore because I'm not special" or something like that. She didn't try arguing with him then she let him just walk away. What's the point of Landon, he's not a PHOENIX anymore so he doesn't belong at the school, his best friend is gone, and he just walked away from his girlfriend so is he going to leave now because it wouldn't bother me if he did.

    Kudos to all of those that called the end to Rafael especially after last weeks episode. I have a question about last week though, I think I missed it when they explained how Raf was related to King Arthur, could someone explain? Thanks 🙂 


  7. 9 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

    What's weird about it, especially, is that she seemed excited and said she'd have to check with the baker.  So for the leap to be a bad review because of discrimination was bad writing.  It could have been simply that he didn't feel comfortable baking for 100-200 guests.

    Agree 100%. Or Kat could've said the baker's calendar was booked. If I remember correctly the guy didn't say he was marrying a man just said wedding, so Kat was to assume he's gay and know the cake was for a gay wedding? She seemed excited to bake the cake for the wedding but said she had to speak to the baker first so why would he use the gay card to ding her business. Also, am I supposed to believe Phil's ex didn't know he was the baker because I don't and in my opinion that was pretty shitty of him to let his fiance request a cake from him and then act like a spoiled child when he was told no he couldn't bake it.

    I got a kick out the dream at the end, then everyone flying in to wave except the mom.

    More kitty cats 🙂


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  8. Really good episode! I enjoyed it a lot.

    I know nothing about the comics but I'm learning more about comic book Wanda and Vision and others from watching people breaking down the episodes on youtube and reading post on here. I used to do that after each LOST episode, I'd tune in and listen to a podcast also there was a website dedicated to the theories and mysteries, and trust me there was a lot of mysteries, lol.

    I think WandaVision is show that you can watch and enjoy without knowing anything about the characters.

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  9. The best part about this episode for me was, no daughter.

    The part I really liked was Ted Danson kicking up his heels as he walked off the field.

    My watch list is getting smaller and smaller.

    On 1/28/2021 at 7:07 PM, Irlandesa said:

    And I kind of laughed at Y They CA.

    I watched the whole show but must have zoned out during this. What was the Y They CA joke?

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  10. On 1/22/2021 at 4:30 PM, Terese said:

    She seemed as much surprised by something,  as well as terrified running for her life. What did she say? Something isn't right? As if what she had expected is not the case or discovered something or someone out of place. So, I didn't get the impression it was just a band of criminals that she encountered.

    I had a hard time hearing her too. But what really threw me was Walker's reaction when he was on the phone with her, for me he was too calm. And then because she didn't answer when he called back he yells like he know she's dead. I guess you could say it's because of his training as a Ranger is why he was able to be so calm but for me it was a strange reaction when your wife calls and sounds terrified.

    I never watched the original so I don't know anything about the story line if they're going to borrow from it.

    It was strange to hear Jared say the words mama and daddy.

    I do like the shorter hair on Jared and the almost but not quite a beard 🙂 but he looked so thin and so tall compared to the other actors, without Jensen standing next to him you really notice how tall he is.

    I didn't see a lot of Sam but did notice some of the same facial expressions and he's still doing that thing with his throat. I was waiting for him to breathe really heavy with his shoulders going up and down after he knocked over the shelves, lol.

    It was okay. I'll keep watching. I didn't understand why Walker is considered a "legend" and wonder if he'll do any karate 😉

    I do wish they would've changed this to a western though, I know the original wasn't but I think that would've been different and I love me a good western. JMO.


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  11. On 1/22/2021 at 7:00 AM, Lady Calypso said:

    I do get the sense that they ARE heading down the Lizzie/MG path. I like both characters a lot, and they even may be my two favourite characters, but I'm not feeling a romantic vibe from them right now. Then again, this show hasn't done romance well for me yet.

    Hope/Landon was weird this time around. Hope not waking up because of Landon being dead? Landon kissing Hope to wake her up? Come ON. These two characters needs stories separate from each other because they're better off. When they're together, it's frustrating to watch. I like both characters, as well. Landon's scenes this episode were great with Raf. And I liked that he was holding his ground on his sacrifice...because he was 100% right.

    I really like Lizzie and MG as friends, they are 2 of my favorite characters as well. But I think a romance will ruin their friendship because we know how relationships go on shows like this.

    So Hope is Snow White now and all she needed was a "true love" kiss to wake her, give me a break! I agree they need stories separate from each other. I want Hope's vampire jean to be activated, lets see how she handles that, lets see if she becomes a bad ass like her mom.

    No wonder Lizzie and Josie are a little jealous of Hope their dad always finds a reason he has to stay/help Hope instead of spending time with them.

    RIP Chad!

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  12. 9 hours ago, Aryanna said:

    Air Force Academy is not a boot camp. It's the same as a four year university. It would be like attending the Naval Academy or West Point.

    Thanks Aryanna 🙂 I'm not a regular watcher, all I knew was she Air Force and I thought it was the branch.  I was just curious what was going on with her with the time jump since they don't mention her that often.

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  13. I really enjoyed this episode. And it was so 70's with the opening credits.

    I have a question about SWORD, if they are a space agency why are they evolved, is it because SHIELD is dismantled or is SHIELD dismantled? 

    I wonder how long the babies will stay babies?

    The whole hiding the belly and trying to keep the stork from being discovered when it's sees fish on pants and tries to grab one is so Bewitched. Remember Aunt Clara would always, by mistake poof something and Samantha would have to hide it from guest or her nosy neighbor?

    So if Geraldine didn't have a house why would she show up asking for a bucket because of broken pipes? And where does she go at night? And where does she get her clothes, do they come when the decade changes? But if she doesn't have a house do they just pop on her? I do think talking about Wanda being a twin woke her because when Wanda asked her who she was and why she was there it looked like she was going to say she didn't know but got cut off.

    Now it looks like we're going to see some of the outside world. 

    I loved the screen change at the end that was a really cool effect to bring us into the outside world. So I wonder if that will continue when we're in the sitcom our screen will be one size and when we're out it will be another?

    • Love 7
  14. On 1/22/2021 at 5:56 AM, BusyOctober said:

    I don’t like the Mayor’s staff at all.  The juxtaposition of millennials and the unhip, 70 year old fuddy duddy  isn’t new. Or funny.  I don’t want to keep seeing those two (I do not know their names) act like whining middle/high schoolers every single week.  Yes, this is a comedy, but there must be other humorous avenues to explore for these characters other than stereotypical tropes of twenty-somethings are vain/immature/incompetent. 

    I agree! I don't know who I dislike more the staff or bratty daughter.

    I liked the questions/answers on the road trip. Except for the 4 minute stare contest, NO.

    The Alexa neighbor, dumb!

  15. 2 hours ago, jewel21 said:

    That head booping kitty was adorable and made me 'awww.' 

    That was so dang cute!!! It reminded me of a kitty I had (she's passed) scruffy, I always gave her Eskimo nose kisses 🙂 

    I liked the therapy session but only laughed when Phil called Randi into the kitchen to see his "flat on the floor splits" which was him standing with his legs a little apart, lol.

    I agreed with everyone about Swoosie's appearance, she looks really thin and frail granted she is in her 70's so I don't know if it's just age or what. I do know that before my mom and grandma passed they had dropped a lot of weight and became very thin. Not from illness but because, and I think this happens with a lot of elderly is they stop eating large meals instead graze or snack all day long. Some people get to the point where they just don't want to cook anymore, I know I'm in my 60's and I don't. I'll cook something on Sunday for dinner and since I live alone that will last me all week. Or I'll just have popcorn or a can of soup for dinner.

    I'm still on the fence with this show, I'm still watching because there isn't a lot on tv. But Mayim is just not selling me on her character.


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  16. 1 hour ago, Aryanna said:

    If you can get in to Air Force Academy, it's free. But in turn, you owe them 2 years (i think?) of service once you graduate. I haven't done the math but I think that lines up accurately with Eve still being away. She would be in her service years now.

    My sons military contract is 4 years. Granted he's a Marine but I do believe all branches are 4 years and his contracted started when he arrived at boot camp.

    I was just curious because when comedy shows do a time jump they don't think too hard about story lines, how old is Boyd now? Are they replacing the last actor they had with one that's 3 years older? I never really got into this show too much, the only characters I like are the original Mandy, original Kristin, Kyle and Mike.

  17. On 1/14/2021 at 8:08 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Nancy Travis' Vanessa Baxter, looks like she's aged 10 years at least, and has overprocessed her hair/wig into pergatory.  

    She did look like she really aged to me too. But so did Tim Allen, even his voice sounded different to me, and I know he's almost 70 but his voice was just so flat like it had no tone.

    I didn't see the point of Tim Taylor. Don't get me wrong Tool Time is one of my favorite tv comedy shows but I think Tim Allen has been away from that character so long he forgot how to play him because that was not Tim Taylor that was Mike Baxter with gray hair. Is their talk about rebooting Tool Time?

    So they did a 3 year time jump but Eve is still in the Air Force, how many years was she in before the jump because it's a 4 year contract so unless she resigned she would be out but they didn't mention her so...

    With the time jump why would they bring back the exchange student, they don't stay that long do they?

    When did they decide to make new Mandy not so dumb? Because she was pretty dumb when she took over the role.

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  18. 1 hour ago, femmefan1946 said:

    I was seriously worried by Kat actually drinking all that whiskey.  That had to be 12 to 18 ounces of alcohol. She should be more wasted or even on her way to hospital after downing that much that fast.

    I was thinking the same thing. I hate it when shows do that, one minute a person is drunk the next minute they're pretty much sober.

    I wanted to hear more of the critiques, now that could've been a funny bit.

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  19. On 1/7/2021 at 7:30 AM, Lovecat said:

     I remember watching Name That Tune back in the late 70's/early '80s and I loved it.  

    Me too! And I don't know why but I hated Kathy Lee Gifford (it wasn't Gifford then) and her singing with a smile, lol.

    I'm surprised they flew to Australia to film a game show but even if they had to quarantine for 14 days after they arrived they're still hugging people and the audience is sitting next to each other, so...

    Randy did not look good.

    I knew a lot of the songs but couldn't think of the names. I would bomb big time on a show like this or Beat Shazam because I can't think that fast off the top of my head anymore.

    The host is just not doing it for me, and it seemed like she would ask one contestant about themself but not the other. I miss the game show host of the past.

    I think it's weird that they win a prize during the game and I didn't hear weather or not the loser takes home the money they have in their bank?


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  20. I don't understand why Kat didn't text her mom and friends and say "I'm here, I made it" why avoid them even if you're not really where they think you are?

    Like I said in the last episode, I think Mayim is trying too hard to be funny it's not coming off natural. For me anyways.

    I didn't think this was a good episode.

    I don't mind them waving at the end but like others have said I wish they would put the names of the actors under them when they wave.

    Also, in the last episode thread I mentioned how surprised I was to see how close the actors get to one another with Covid.

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  21. I'm guessing in Kat's world there is no Covid but in the real world there is so I'm surprised to see how close the actors are to each other.

    Better then the pilot but I'm still on the fence I think Mayim is trying too hard to be funny.

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  22. I just found this on HULU as I was searching for something to watch. I did watch the original and thought it was a cute show and I really liked Miranda on Call the Midwife she's very talented.

    I hate canned laughter and in my opinion breaking the 4th wall was done best on Malcolm in the Middle, not so much here.

    I thought the characters were okay and I'll give it a couple more episodes to see if it improves.

  23. I was thinking that Wanda probably had to deal with the loss of Vision alone. At the end of End Game, Tony was dead, Cap was an old man and black widow was dead. Who was left that she was close to? Also, since my brain is old I can't remember if she was at Tony's memorial? So I understand why she would want to live in this sitcom world with Vision but I think there are outside forces doing something to her, it's not just her sitting alone in a corner somewhere living in this fantasy world.

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  24. I enjoyed the opening on the ledge scene, except I can't believe anyone could hold another persons dead weight with one hand while talking on the phone with the other 😉

    I don't ship Malcolm with anyone but I do like the friendship he has with Edrissa even though I know she wants more I just hope they keep them as friends.

    I don't think Ainsley remembers what she did but I think eventually she will and then I believe she'll go off the deep end. Did Malcolm cut that guy up in his moms living room? That's body is going to come back to haunt all of them, and bring some very bad/dangerous men with it.


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  25. 12 hours ago, memememe76 said:

    Is locking up the black hair products actually a thing in real life?

    When I worked at Walmart they were locked up because they were a high thief item. Their were lots of high thief items locked up, video games, tools, headphones, even some toys. 

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