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Posts posted by foxfreakinmulder

  1. 23 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Young Hope was really cute (and of course I love a kid whos favorite character is Murphy!) but I am not really feeling grown up Hope. If you need Gabriel and Diyoza to help you, or even just go along with your plan, maybe, like, give them information and dont be an asshole to them for no reason? I guess we will get more flashbacks to her childhood? 

    I agree. It's hard for me to like her when she's always in bitch mode.

    I thought this episode was bad from the acting to the stupid let me set my tablet down and go outside to ask someone to help me find a pencil because I can't look myself. Oh, and don't get me started on the birth scene.

    Why did the invisible soldiers come to the planet to grab Bellamy to take him to the prison world?

    I'm not a big fan of time travel or time whatever shows because they're usually not done in a way it makes any since it gets too confusing and hurts my brain :-(    

  2. 9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    If I were a judge when Moses the Grossest came to perform right in front of me, I would have gotten up and walked away. Like I did at home. I knew

    I can't stand acts like this and closed my eyes. And yes Terry did hit the golden buzzer for the Detroit choir.

    I hate the rip jeans look and hate when the show sets up an act right before the performer walks out on stage, as in Simon and Howie bromance. Whatever!

    I also didn't like the 2 twins acting all nervous backstage as act after act gets the buzzer why do we have to see that.

    I'll be glad when they get to the shows without the audience, I hate the random open mic with audience members.

    I don't have a favorite act of the night no one stood out to me. I did like BAD Salsa because they had a lot of energy and moves I haven't seen before.

    I hate that we have a homeless problem in America with all the millionaires and billionaires we shouldn't. I have a son that was homeless so this really hits home with me especially since we have so many empty building. In my town we even have a Mall that has sat empty for 30+ years that could be used to house homeless it makes me sick that people and families are living on sidewalks and at the river bottoms. So I'm glad that the choir has given those people hope and even though I didn't think they were that good I think there story will get them far on AGT.     

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  3. That's really cool that they took all 3 songs. I can't believe how low key the guy that won was he hardly showed any excitement.

    I wonder how this works, are the songs bought from the song writer or does the song writers get a percentage of the sale from the album it's on?

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  4. I just read an article on yahoo that said the 2nd place winner was Toneisha. Just as I said in an earlier post, I'd figured that was the reason they didn't announce 2nd place on the show. The article said The Voice waited 2 days before announcing it on Twitter.

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  5. 20 hours ago, LakeGal said:

    I wanted to know who was 2nd and who was 3rd.  They just announced the winner of the 3.

    This is the first that I can remember they didn't announce 3rd place and I was thinking, I bet its because 2nd place was Toneisha so if they announced Thunderstorm as 3rd then Blake won before they announced the winner because he would've been the only coach left in the game.

    I enjoyed the happy hour with the coaches and I got a laugh out of the little chair Nick sent Blake. I also enjoyed the flashbacks of the coaches singing together especially when they showed season 1 when Adam was cute and fun.

    Bummer this season they didn't get a car, probably because they had a top 5 instead of 4 which I didn't care for. Anyways, I hope things go back to normal before next season begins tapping which is usually in the summer right? 

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  6. 8 hours ago, bamlouie said:

    But I thought it was one of the better, catchier songs, and it seemed to be the one that everyone on the panel got the most excited about after the songwriter left, riffing and playing around with how it could be changed up (and not because it needed a lot of adjustments to fit them, but moreso because they were having fun with the song's possibilities). So I thought it was a lock at least to move on to the next round.

    I agree. It didn't seem like the panel was all that excited about the 2 songs that was performed before "That's a Country Song" at all. I didn't think the first guy would be chosen because after he sang the producers didn't have much of a response especially Esther who is usually very excited when they perform.

    I don't know these 2 country artist but when they told Shane to take out the part about drinking/alcohol because it sounded like a wedding song I had a feeling it might win. It was a pretty song.

  7. 15 hours ago, Court said:

    To my surprise, Camwess was my favorite overall tonight. I enjoyed Todd's original song. I wonder if that was because his was one of the only ones where he didn't write it first so it's a pretty good song to begin with!

    I agree. I did like Micah's cover song but not his original and the same with Thunderstorm. But I liked Camwess cover and original. I thought that was cool that Camwess still had the ticket to the Prince concert and the wristband to one of John's concerts. Man, I wished I had saved all the tickets to the concerts I've been to, some of the artist I've seen aren't with us anymore and my very first concert was The Jackson 5 when I was 14 which was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away:-)

    I love it when Kelly gets excited for a singer even if they're not on her team and she starts jumping up and down in her chair. I'm just glad we can't hear her yelling though but it's fun to watch. And yes, I'm a fan of her no make-up look so like many have said before the "make-up artist" on the Voice don't like her very much.

    I really don't know who will win but I noticed that this season they made sure that all 4 coaches have a horse in the race for the final.

    • Love 2
  8. On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2020 at 10:02 PM, LittleIggy said:

    Regardless of whether Bjorn is actually dead, I teared up when it appeared he died. I don’t always like Bjorn (especially the shitty way he treats his wives), but he is the last original character left. That makes his potential passing sad.

    I agree100% and because he's the last original character left (besides Rollo) for that reason I don't want him dead.

    Speaking of Rollo, I hope he brings his French army and kicks some Russ ass!

    I'm so over Ivar and Hvitserk and like someone said what is Ivar's plan, how does he think he's going to take Norway back from Oleg if he controls it when he just helped Oleg kill most of the Vikings that could be his army.

    This episode was confusing and I didn't like the editing at all. I'm not sure what's going on with Bjorn because we first see him on the beach surrounded by the dead army then he's on the beach alone talking with Ivar with no dead army and that's the beach we see him die on alone with no dead around. If he's not dead then I bet wife number 2 will be pregnant but it won't be his it will be Harald's but no way to prove it, that's just my soap opera way of thinking:-)

    I knew Gunnhild was going to lose the baby and I thought now you can leave Bjorn but when she buried her son that scene was so sad and the actress killed it.

    If Bjorn is dead I only have 3 people that I care to watch and that's Ubbe, Tovi and Gunnhild. And with all my complaining I'm going to really miss this show when it's gone:-(



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  9. On ‎1‎/‎28‎/‎2020 at 10:23 PM, tennisgurl said:

    Seeing that flashback of Ragnar/Lagertha/Baby Bjorn got me feeling all kinds of feels, not gonna lie. Those days feel like they were so long ago, and might have been one of the last good choices Bjorn ever made. It also worked really well in that scene, with Bjorn being driven by loyalty to his mother, who will always be the person he respects the most, even if it means executing his own brother. And, Bjorn is kind of running out of relatives. Or at least, relatives he actually wants to talk to. 

    That scene made me realize how much I miss Ragnar and what he meant to this show.

    It's a good thing Ubbe has great aim with that long handle axe. That's what you call waiting until the last minute to make a point, what if he had missed, which in my opinion no one could have it from that distance did he have a second or third axe with him just in case, lol.   

    • Love 3
  10. On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2020 at 5:14 AM, Hana Chan said:

    I thought that was such a lovely montage, showing all the phases of Lagertha's remarkable life and ending when she was happiest - back on the farm with Ragner. And then in the end, both she and Ragner were swept away into legend. It was a perfect final scene for her.

    I agree. I know I'm behind everyone else but I have to wait for the seasons to hit HULU before I can watch, then I try to take my time watching instead of binge watching because I don't want it to end. For me, Lagertha looked the prettiest when she was a farmer.

    I know this show isn't historically correct but the angle of death was a little too fiction for me with the black eyes and we've never seen her before and will probably never see her again. Just like the journey to that mountain everyone went on in season 1 or 2 (?) where they had all those different pens for animals and humans that would be sacrificed, never to be mentioned again.

    Another scene that was a little too fiction for me was Tovi's little girl looking through the ice and watching Lagertha, plus are we supposed to believe that arrows broke through the ice?

     I have a question about the 4 horses they sacrificed we see their heads on the ground so does that mean they put the 4 headless horses on the boat or did they put the 4 heads on the boat? And I was worried about the horses that was pulling the boat what happened to them when the ice broke?

    Anyways, I'm glad Bjorn made it to his mothers funeral but what's up with everyone getting visions?

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  11. On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2020 at 2:29 PM, RedbirdNelly said:

    I hope that when the artist tells the non-picked people to pitch them more songs or to collaborate in the future, they actually do that

    Me too. I also hope that the songs/song writers that didn't get picked are contacted by other artist watching the show.

    • Love 5
  12. I don't like the live format from home (I know they don't have a choice) but I can't get into it.  I'm thinking too much about the cameras and decorations, who's panning the cameras back and forth and up in the trees and is the studio sending them stuff to stage a set? And what about the dresses the ladies are wearing, I don't believe for a second they have those hanging in their closet.

    I wish the contestants would just sing songs from the genres they would sing if they were lucky enough to have a singing career.

    I did enjoy the happy hour with the coaches.

    • Love 1
  13. Martina McBride was my favorite female country artist when I was into country back in the early to mid 90's. I saw her perform at a small Indian Casino and she is was so tiny and petite and was really nice and engaging with the audience. Her big hit back then was Independence Day so a few people would shout for her to sing it and she was like, "okay, hold on, I'll get to it" and then she would start and stop and talk start and stop and talk she was having fun with the crowd. But that girl can sing!

    I liked all 3 songs that she had to choose from. I knew the Wolves weren't going to make it by her face when they were singing because she sat there with a blank stare you could tell she didn't really connect with it.

    My one complaint with the show is, I don't need to hear the song before the singer goes in to sing it. Just let them introduce themselves and say why they wrote the song they will be singing, that's all I need to know about them. Other than that, I really enjoy this show!

    • Love 4
  14. On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2020 at 5:55 AM, Sweet-tea said:

    I thought Kelly looked pretty toned down with less makeup. 

    Me too! I hate the eyeshadow the make-up artist puts on her on the Voice it's so Halloween in a bad way, lol.

    I don't really care for any of the singers this year. I don't like the from home sound and how are they doing all the special effects behind them and who put the music together, if everyone is at home how did the band do that, how is this happening? LOL!

    Didn't the Voice have a top 12 at one time?

    If I had to pick any I'd say Thunderstorm and team Kelly's one and only guy, I can't remember his name, I can't remember any of their names because they don't stand out to me. The only name I do remember is Thunderstorm because it's such a odd name.

    The highlight of the show for me was watching them try to put the equipment together the show sent them and their kids playing with it.  


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  15. On ‎4‎/‎28‎/‎2020 at 6:51 AM, sonyab said:

    Hahahaha. Or fall down while she was running!!  That would be so 80's movies hahahaha.

    Hahahaha. That would only happen if she was wearing sneakers. She did all that in 6 inch heels running in baby steps. LOL :-)

    I'm glad Malcolm finally found the girl in the box.

    I hope Martin goes back to his cushy cell, I really don't want to see him in general pop and add new characters.

    I'm also hoping for a season 2.  

    • Love 1
  16. 18 hours ago, rove4 said:

    Meh, I don't buy that Malcolm was ever really that into Eve so I'm just "whatever" about her death.  I'm still not clear on the reason Martin let her sister live. He still could've killed her after she spilled whatever beans she had on Endicott. And what did she do for Endicott anyway?  I have questions!

    I didn't buy the relationship between them either, it seems like they dated a few times and that was it. I understand Malcolm's being hurt that she died and was murdered and want's to find out who/why but Eve's character wasn't developed enough for me to care if she's on the show anymore. I want to know what her sister had on Endicott too, it can't just be "you can't say no to him" I wish they would've showed the whole conversation. Maybe now that Eve is dead she'll come out of the shadows?

    I had to laugh a little when after the attack and Martin was clearly going to kill the assassin he sat on the bed and said, "it's a good thing you got here, I was being severely attacked" or something like that, in a very clam voice. Then he was so pleased he got to meet JT.

    I thought the flow of the last scene was weird, it's almost like they just threw it in there. I mean we see Malcom at the hospital then cut he's having a dream/vision of Eve then they break the door down. And why break his door down, why not knock or Gil call and have him come down to the station? I thought that was a little much.

    One thing I had to roll my eyes at was Malcolm knew who the assassin was because he had a hoodie on to hide his ears. Maybe it was to obscure his face Malcolm, you know like most bad people do. But no it's to hide his "cauliflower ears" lol. 

    • Love 1
  17. I wished I knew what the song that won was saying in English. I thought that might be the one to win since even the band was dancing along when he first sang it, but I liked all 3 songs. I don't know who the artist was but again he seemed like a really nice guy and happy to be there. That's one reason why I really like this show.

    That was cool that they had a winner from last season sing with that one girl so I wonder if the show keeps in touch with the winners?

    I agree about the songwriters, most of them can sing better than what you see on a competition show. 

    • Love 4
  18. 51 minutes ago, realdancemom said:

    I don't like Allegra as much as other posters.  She needs to enunciate better.  I do like her tone though.  Toneisha is so good.  She's so effortless when she sings.

    I agree!

    I hated the girl's version of Stand By Me, and the version of Time After Time, hated them both.

    In the 4 way Knockout my favorite is Michael with Todd second and I'm one of the few that doesn't like Samantha's tone. Also, the song Always On My Mind everyone does Willie Nelson's version but I love Elvis Presley's version more.

    Do the coaches ever keep the person they stole in the Battlerounds?

    I hate the audience yelling/screaming every time a singer hits a high note, shut up! 

    • Love 2
  19. So happy the show is back. I was getting worried we wouldn't get a second season. I'm not a country fan anymore so I don't know Lady Antebellum, I've heard the name but haven't heard any of their music. I knew they would pick that song because of the reaction it was getting when she sang it for them. I also knew Shane was going to win, you have a country artist producing a country song for a country band, come on, If he didn't win country fans would've been upset. I did like the little video they showed with the song at the end, especially the older gentleman dancing:-)

    I really liked the first song too.

    • Love 1
  20. 13 hours ago, viajero said:

    The only coaches decision that I disagreed with was John picking Mike over Darius.

    Me too. Isn't Darius a 4 chair turn? I do think Darius has a better voice but I also think they both over sang their songs. I don't like it when singers add a lot of runs like Christina Aguilera does. Just sing the song, less is more.

    I did notice the weird editing where some singers that weren't chosen didn't get the, "coaches so and so is available to steal" from Carson it cut to commercial after the winner was picked and the loser thanked his coach.

    I still don't have a favorite.

    • Love 2
  21. 17 hours ago, Eolivet said:

    Oddly enough, my favorite moment was Haley, Alex and Luke after the "Woofie" video. It was the kind of "make a comedic moment sentimental" timing this show used to excel at, and that instant where it sunk in that the siblings were leaving each other rang true to me. Claire and Mitchell at the skating rink was great, too

    I really liked this too :-)

    I pretty much agree with what everyone above has said about the ending so no need for me to repeat. I did enjoy the ending with all the pictures. And really enjoyed the wrap-up show after the final aired (on HULU it aired after) that made me tear up. I couldn't believe my ears when the casting director? said he had to push to get Ty Burrell hired he said the producers didn't think he was funny? That's craaaaaazy, he's the best actor on the show. Phil was the first character that I loved and did until the end, I'll miss Phil.

    I'm not sure if I would tune in if they made a spin-off with Mitch and Cam, I couldn't stand Cam's sister and don't think I would be able to handle a whole episode with a family like her. Wasn't the Middle going to do a spin-off with Sue and it never happened?


    • Love 9
  22. 4 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    I'm annoyed that Blake defaulted back to his early season tendency of picking the country artist over a non-country artist regardless of what actually happened in the battle.

    Blake knows his country fans will keep him in the game with a country artist. Remember Red and how far he got? Yeah, that's why.

    I think the duet that stuck out for me is Kelly's Micah and sorry, can't remember her name. Has Kelly used her saved? Because if not I think she should have here.

    I was hoping the battles would be over with this episode :-(

    I forgot to say, I hope Nick sticks around after this season because he is a really good guy and great coach.

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  23. 2 hours ago, Regalbegal said:

    The April Fool's thing at the end was a nice/silly way to end things before the break...

    I watch on HULU and missed this, what was it?

    Good episode. I knew Eve would end up in front of Martin just thought it would be his idea to meet her in exchange for information. I now believe her sister is alive.

    I knew when we met Dermot he would be a bad guy but I got a kick out of Gil's reactions when he saw them together. And of course, Edrissa disagreeing about the dead Cuban ballet dancer being the most beautiful man in New York while looking at Malcom, lol. 

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  24. I wonder if now Malcolm will want to find the girl in the box body to bring closure to Eve and her family? I can see it now, Malcolm will ask his dad where she's buried and of course daddy will want to meet little sis.

    Did I hear Malcolm right, did he say he had been dating Eve for 2 weeks? Because she had a key to his apartment so that relationship moved along really fast.

    • Love 2
  25. 12 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

    I figure Mark and Mary are in school in the morning so they don't need a babysitter or be babysitters. There's at least one adult home in the evenings.

    That's the answer. Becky and Jackie could work different shifts so an adult would be home in the evenings while Becky worked and watched the baby. But that makes too much sense, lol.

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