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Everything posted by Taryn74

  1. Is there anyone else in the scene? (besides Sookie and Lorelai) Has the prodigal daughter returned yet?
  2. Hi Joel! Love Dolly Parton! Good to have you here. I recognize your old username from TWoP.
  3. Is it Lorelai? Is anyone else with the Gilmore? Has Rory taken to sniffing books yet?
  4. As I was showering earlier, I was thinking more about Essence/Existence, about why Krycek wanted Skinner to kill Mulder, why he wanted earlier in the season to kill Scully's baby before it was born, and why the replicants left after Scully gave birth. This has been a source of confusion, to say the least, for 'Philes for years. But I think there are clues in the following conversation - I will preface this by saying that how Krycek came to figure all of this out, I don't know, and we probably never will thanks to his untimely death. But here's what I think (and this gets a little bit mystical, even for the X-Files, so bear with me) -- The aliens thought that William was the result of the hybrid program, and they sent replicants (who are basically their slaves here on earth) to witness his birth, verify that he was a hybrid, and then kill him. Upon his birth, they thought they were mistaken and so the replicants left without harming him (or Scully, Monica, etc). What they didn't realize is that William was a step beyond a lab-created hybrid -- he was a human child, conceived by normal human means(*), who APPEARED "normal" to the aliens (and to any tests the doctors would later run). But what he actually was, was a genetically perfect alien/human hybrid who could hide the essence of his being from the aliens. Krycek knew that if the aliens figured out what William was, they would kill not only William but Mulder and Scully, and probably everyone who knew anything about them and/or William. I want to say more but it's time to pick the kids up from school. (*) -- Of course, since Scully was left barren by the earlier experiments, there was a touch of the miraculous in her conceiving in the first place, which could have to do with the implications that the aliens feared.
  5. Take place during the plaid years? Involve a Gilmore? More than one Gilmore?
  6. I could believe it had gotten to the point that Krycek knew that was the only way this could end, even though he hated it. I believe he was completely sincere when he said "I could've killed you so many times, Mulder. You've got to know that. I'm the one that kept you alive. Praying you'd win somehow.....The tragedy's that you -- you wouldn't let it go."
  7. A. Jane Austen, Eudora Welty, Patty Smith. Q. At who's music did Zach "draw the line" at playing?
  8. I'm so sorry guys, I just don't enjoy the survival game, that's why I've never really played it anywhere. Please don't hate me! Maybe we can get some of our other games going here too, I'll participate in those for sure.
  9. Ahhhh, perhaps then Face-Off? I knew it had something to do with Gran. You can just see the Gran hate oozing off of Emily there. Heh.
  10. OK I finally watched Essence/Existence yesterday, in my mytharc-focused series rewatch. I still say all those aliens/replicants/whatevers standing around, watching and waiting while Scully gives birth, is one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen. She is just so absolutely helpless to do anything, and poor Monica is scared out of her mind but is trying as hard as she can to keep it together for Scully's sake. I'm sure they both thought they were dead as soon as the baby was born. Gah, what a powerful scene. I don't know how you could watch this show and not feel awful for Doggett, you know? Here's this straight-laced, NYC cop who truly wants to do his job and do the right thing, and he gets thrown into the middle of this absolute mess, full of situations he doesn't even really believe in, and he's expected to perform well (yet not so well that he actually uncovers the truth or anything so inconvenient as that) while being kept on a very tight leash most of the time. It's to his immense credit, IMO, that he doesn't tell them all to eff off and go back to NYC where he at least feels like he knows what he's doing. Krycek, noooooo! I think Skinner shooting Krycek point blank in the head is one of the most shocking things I've seen on this show, and that's saying a lot. Even though I've seen it before, so I know it was really Skinner and not a replicant, it's still almost unbelievable that he really just did that. And speaking of Krycek, what a fantastic showcase of his relationship with Mulder in this episode. They hate each other intensely, but at the same time respect each other. It's incredible to watch them onscreen together. Mulder gently pushing Scully out of the elevator and telling Krycek "Protect her" is just......I don't even have words. I think I said this at TWoP some time back, but I've come to the conclusion that Dr. Perenti, Dr. Levy, and all those involved with the alien/cloning program really thought they were doing a good thing. I think from their POV they were just using highly controversial methods (alien DNA) to find a way to prevent birth defects and such. The show has rammed the phrase "more human than human" down our throats enough that it's got to mean something, after all. In that sense, they were being honest with Mulder and Doggett about their work. They really were sincere about using this research to help people and had no idea they were working toward a hybrid race that would survive colonization, or that the aliens themselves would take steps to prevent their research from continuing.
  11. Possibly The Reigning Lorelai?
  12. Heh, maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold! I think that's from Nag Hammadi?
  13. My Dana's not quite 16 yet, so she's close but not exactly the same age. I haven't had any success getting her to watch, yet. She keeps saying she doesn't want to pick up a new show right now (she's not finished with Supernatural yet, and she's also a hardcore Doctor Who and Sherlock fan) but I'll eventually get her hooked on it. Plus, the theme song still freaks her out a little. I used to watch XF after she had gone to bed, but she could still hear the TV well enough to know when the theme was playing. It always made her feel like aliens were coming to get her. To this day if I'm watching and I know she's in the next room, I'll crank the theme song up really loud. She usually stomps to my door yelling "Mother! That's not funny!" *cackling*
  14. Welcome to the fandom, Hidebehind! I think you're probably about the same age as my daughter, which makes me feel very old, heh.
  15. Emily in Wonderland ++ Kiss and Tell -- Cinnamon's Wake ++
  16. *cracks knuckles* Season 1: Favorite - Rory's Birthday Parties and Double Date Least Favorite - Paris is Burning and Love, Daisies, and Troubadours Season 2: Favorite - There's the Rub and I Can't Get Started Least Favorite - Sadie, Sadie and Road Trip to Harvard Season 3: Favorite - A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving and Those Are Strings, Pinnochio Least Favorite - Swan Song and Keg! Max! Season 4: Favorite - Ballrooms & Biscotti and The Fundamental Things Apply Least Favorite - Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom and Afterboom Season 5: Favorite - Women of Questionable Morals and To Live and Let Diorama Least Favorite - But I'm a Gilmore! and Kropogs I'm not going to do any for Season 6 or 7 because I don't enjoy the seasons enough as a whole to really care. I do love Lane's wedding reception, though. It's the one truly, truly bright spot in Season 6 for me. ETA - Also, this list is subject to change depending on what mood I am in at the time. ;)
  17. Yes. SO much yes. Oh look at that! The dead horse saw me coming and just took off running for the hills. I guess I won't expand on it. For now. ;)
  18. Shoot, sorry, I forget about this game. I guess because it's not the same as the Elimination game where you tally after everyone votes. PiB -- Kiss and Tell -- Christopher Returns ++
  19. I still don't enjoy PMP, but I've decided (and I think I mentioned this after watching it the last time) that Mutato wasn't the one impregnating these women at all. He was just there, dancing around, while the farmer impregnated them via some sort of artificial means, trying to create a human/animal hybrid baby that would be the same sort of hybrid as Mutato so he wouldn't be alone in the world. But the whole episode is just too goofball and weird for me to enjoy, so I don't pay that much attention to it. Editing to talk about Jeffrey Spender, responding to a post above by ElleryAnne - You know, I discovered the same thing in my most recent rewatch too. Here's what I posted after watching PX/TRatB - Maybe it's because I didn't see that much of Jeffrey this time, doing a mytharc-focused rewatch instead of watching all of the MotW eps that would have had him in it, but I found that I didn't mind the guy at all, and in fact kind of liked him. Still hate Diana though. Really don't think that's going to change, heh.
  20. I really need to finish my mytharc rewatch. I'm up to Essence/Existence now, and I enjoy those eps just fine (by S8 standards, anyway) and the final scene is of course worth the price of admission, but I just can't get myself kicked in the butt enough to get going again.
  21. Unusual Suspects has to catch me in the right mood. As long as I'm in the mood for it, I adore it, because I love me some Lone Gunmen. But every once in a while I'm very much not in the mood for it, and then I'm like, I wasted an hour of my life on that? Seriously? Heh. I think Bad Blood is probably my most rewatched XF episode, ever. It's just so very perfect. "Finally, you left." Heeeee.
  22. WOW, amazing deal! Thanks for the heads-up! I already own all of it but am definitely passing the information along.
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