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Posts posted by P2C2E

  1. 6 hours ago, McManda said:

    By "not technically allergic" do you mean you also just hate raw onions? Because as someone with an actual food allergy, I hate when people say they have an allergy but don't.

    My good friend does because she also hates raw onions and "they take it more seriously if you tell them you're allergic". Hopefully, but it also marginalizes people with actual allergies and jades those people that have to make accommodations because if everyone is allergic to something then there's the chance they get frustrated and get sloppy. Which would be an inconvenience for my friend but potentially life threatening for me.

    I actually find barbeque tuna among the least offensive thing Jill makes. I don't think it's instagramable or revolutionary, but it's really no different than adding mayo or any other out of the jar condiment to tuna and while I've not tried it is probably not that awful. I think Starqist even makes their own premade version now.

    I am not "technically allergic" to Red 40 food dye because I don't have a histamine reaction. Medically, it would be considered an intolerance. But having even the slightest bit wreaks havoc in my digestive system as my body tries to get rid of it asap. I use allergy at restaurants because intolerance usually doesn't mean anything to them. If it's something I don't like, I just ask for it removed. 

    I love tuna but my partner can't stand the smell so I rarely eat it. I can't fathom trying Jill's recipe though, blech. I'll stick to mayo, thanks! 

    • Love 7
  2. I can't imagine how anyone has regular cycles in the house with all the stress. Not to mention the diet changes, and sleep changes, etc. And that's assuming that someone had a regular cycle to begin with. I also wonder if they have trouble tracking it when they don't have calendars.

    • Love 4
  3. 37 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

    Basically, if you put all male lobsters in a pot they will work together to try to get out. If you put female lobsters in a pot, the individuals will kill each other trying to escape 🙄🙄🙄 

    2019-07-20 13.06.06.png

    • LOL 12
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  4. 2 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    Hehehe at the Bachelor part! But seriously though, who would still go to the DR after everything that’s been happening? Really stupid on her part, especially with a young family 😳 I have the immune system of a mutant but no amount of lost money is worth the risk of serious mystery illness or death. 

    I went to the DR last September and had an amazing time. I would go back in a heartbeat. I don't know where MR was staying or what caused her illness, but going to the DR does not equal dying.

  5. On 5/6/2019 at 7:56 AM, bigskygirl said:

    Knowing Jill and Deredick, they probably would think they do not need home insurance because God would protect them from fires, natural disasters, etc. etc. They obviously have not realize God has been trying to protect them from their own stupidity.

    I have had a woman claim that she shouldn't be penalized for having a gap in her insurance coverage because she was covered by prayer. She was completely serious and insisted that if "In God We Trust" was on our money then we should apply that to all aspects of life and it was totally reasonable to "insure" your house with prayer. 

    So yes, I'd believe they would  think that.

    • LOL 4
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  6. This is assuming that Tim actually has a real job with worker's comp. It's far more likely that it's some church thing and he's being paid under the table. 

    Also, I've had it up to here with people blaming Satan for their own decisions. I don't know if Jill was blaming Satan for the injury or the car accident, but either way, it had nothing to do with the devil. Accidents happen. Life happens. There is no cosmic plan. Deal with it.

    • Love 19
  7. It depends on what you're used to. When I lived with my parents, fights were screaming and shouting, with doors slamming. My partner doesn't handle conflict that way and early on in our relationship I would have said we never fought because our disagreements never reached the level that I considered a fight.

    If Jinger is used to fights that involve screaming, but she and Jeremy fight without raising voices, she may categorize those fights as disagreements. If they have had disagreements, of any level, and have learned to resolve them, then I consider that a sign of a healthy relationship. I'm not concerned about a lack of fighting.

    • Love 9
  8. 5 minutes ago, Souris said:

    I wasn't a big Candeloro fan, but I LOVED that program. One of the absolute most memorable. The step sequence is amazeballs. Talk about building a character!

    I'm pretty sure I still have that on VHS somewhere. I watched that routine over and over again. And then again. Thank gods for YouTube! 

    • Love 2
  9. 1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

    Don't forget my favorite Olympic program ever:



    Oh my god, just the still of this video sent me back to the past! I used to be so obsessed with skating! 

    Sigh. I remember taping and going frame by frame to understand how each jump was different from the others.

    • Love 5
  10. I expect the pictures in the office were different because unlike what they would like us to believe, Stephanie and Tasha were filmed at different times. And maybe not even on the same night as the rookies. 

    • Love 3
  11. Not gonna lie, it would be pretty awesome to see it play out that BB announces that Christmas isn't coming back, no eviction because of that, Ramses curse is complete, Cody is still in the house and can play for HoH and Paul can't.

    After all the recent fallout, that would be fun to watch. I live for the crazy.

    • Love 21
  12. 6 hours ago, leslieo54 said:

    Wait, that's Matt, isn't it? Seriously, Jessica/Jillian had me confused until one left, and Mark/Matt do the same. Stop it, bb!

    I remember Matt because he vaguely looks like Matt LeBlanc. Maybe it's the silver hair. And then Mark is the other one.

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