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Posts posted by P2C2E

  1. Ah good find. I was looking but without much luck. So that's probably the book he was reading to the one littlest girl. I suspected just from the police report description that it was for little kids, and looks like that's right - reviewers mention reading it to their 3 and 4 year olds. I kind of figured Adventure and Princess stories would generally be off limits in Duggar land too, but maybe there are super religious ones I'm just not aware of.

    I wonder what kind of book that letter was tucked into?

    Sadly, I didn't have to look. I remember those books from my childhood. The Duggars may have gone through different phases of their beliefs and books that were once allowed became banned.

    • Love 2
  2. I've found that response from people a lot when I talk about the changes I've made to eat healthier. I get the " it's so nice for you that you have the time/money to be able to do that!" Or "my kids would never eat that way". I think sometimes people get defensive because they know they should eat healthier and they feel guilty.

    I've really tried to work on sharing the things I've learned without being judgmental or self righteous. Now I usually just politely decline and explain only if someone is genuinely interested.

    ETA: I am just as busy as most people and below the poverty line, so that excuse never flies with me. Like most things, you could do it if you wanted to.

    • Love 6
  3. I think that during the break of yesterday's game that they were told to speed up the clue selecting. Unfortunately, this resulted in Bellamy getting very flustered about choosing quickly and led to her "um um um um"s.

  4. I am sure I am a pet peeve of others: I get great pleasure, not a humble brag, but a sincere little bit of pleasure by letting people merge in traffic. It drives my husband insane but I do it anyway.


    Yesterday I had to drive through a major city during rush hour traffic in the pouring rain. I drove the whole commute leaving about 6-10 car lengths between me and the car in front. If someone merged in, there was still plenty of time for me to stop safely if traffic stopped short. At one merging point, 4 cars merged in front of me. I didn't care at all. It's the difference of a few seconds and I would much rather take my time and drive safely.


    I don't commute through rush hour, but I honestly think traffic would flow much more smoothly if people didn't drive bumper to bumper. If everyone left space for someone to merge in front then traffic wouldn't have to stop completely to let the merging traffic in.


    I'm just glad I don't have to do that twice a day. 

    • Love 3
  5. For the love of all that is holy, get off your damn phone when you are participating in a transaction! I've worked in several types of retail over the years and I can't stand it! When you are at the counter to pay for items/make a deposit/check out books/etc., DO NOT answer your phone! Give your full attention to the PERSON who is assisting you! Do not make me interrupt you to tell you your total, ask for your signature, etc. I've stopped being polite about it, which means I get dirty looks. Yes, how dare I talk to you in order to do my job that you came up to me wanting me to do!

    • Love 9
  6. Unlike some kid shows, this show has absolutely no moral to the story. Or maybe it does...but that moral is the complete opposite of what you should probably be teaching children!


    Which...I am okay with! Because, of course, there are absolutely no children in this household watching it!

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