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Posts posted by P2C2E

  1. It sounds like the type of thing he thinks he should say. But not a thing he actually believes.

    I wouldn't believe someone who said that to me. Objectively, there are others more attractive than I am. It doesn't hurt me for that to be acknowledged. Obviously there is more to attraction than just looks. But if someone is purely talking looks than I would find it disingenuous to claim I was the standard. If he really thinks that, he's lying to himself and to her.

    • Like 17
  2. 1 hour ago, Absolom said:

    I really want to know a) why is Kelly there, b) why is she in the patient's bed, and c) do the hospital personnel even care?

    a) for attention / pretend to be a caring mother, b) because there's nowhere else to sit *pout*, c) maybe, but short staffed / overworked means probably not a battle they want to fight

    • Like 7
  3. 36 minutes ago, AstridM said:

    Flirting is COMPLETELY different from having sex, imho. 

    Not for fundies, or even the conservative Christian church. Flirting is equal to cheating. They don't believe that men and women are capable of friendship. Any relationship with the opposite sex is inherently romantic and possibly sexual. 

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  4. On 7/1/2023 at 6:17 AM, Fool to cry said:

    I saw the 2008 Get Smart starring Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway  based on the 60s show in theaters. Nothing memorable except for this scene with Arkin as the "Chief".



    We regularly quote this in my house and it's always the first thing I think of when I hear his name, despite loving many of his other movies.

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  5. My parents bought a house with a pool when I was young. They installed a six foot fence around the pool before we moved in and put a lock on the gate. They also had rescue equipment hanging on the fence (long shepherd crook, life ring with a rope). We weren't allowed to swim without adult supervision and anytime they hosted parties they had a rotation of adults that were specifically on lifeguard duty.

    I'm appalled at John and Alyssa's reaction and horrified that they think obedience is enough to keep their children safe. Children are not capable of this kind of risk assessment. I don't know why this is the thing that has shocked me the most about this family, but here we are.

    Also, how abusive must their blanket training etc be if they are so confident in their children's obedience and can't even consider that their children might behave contrarily. Absolutely, impress upon your children that something might be dangerous but then take steps to reduce the likelihood of that danger!

    I'm so fucking mad right now.

    • Like 15
  6. I think she ran out of creamer so tried Greek yogurt and it wasn't good at all. She was making a joke about that as to why she was extra thankful for the coffee gift. I've definitely put ice cream in coffee before in lieu of creamer, so I don't blame her for giving it a shot. 

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