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Posts posted by P2C2E

  1. Also, you expect me to believe that Hardison and Parker were chased across Europe by Astrid and never connected her to the Duke of Hanover? 

    Look, even I knew that Arthur would figure into this episode somehow. But you really expect me to believe that Sophie, and the entire rest of the team, wouldn't? 

    Maybe it's still all a long con. But it just doesn't sit right. Too many characters holding the idiot ball. They're too smart and competent for this nonsense. I don't want a perfect team, but their obstacles need to be more believable.

    • Like 6
  2. I totally called the stepdaughter thing, go me!

    I wanted to like this episode, but it fell flat for me. I like all the ideas and the pieces, but the execution was really lacking. The con for Ramsey just felt clumsy and obvious. The final twist didn't feel twisty at all. The characters felt out of character. I know Nate was the mastermind, but Sophie is good at the con. She would have nailed down every detail of this con. It was too important. It felt like they made the characters stupid in order to make the plot work and I hated it. There were some good moments, but overall it just didn't work for me.

    Interpol and no mention of Sterling? Bummer. I know he was Nate's nemesis, but still. I wish they'd bring him back.

    Bonus points for me in the opening scene, I knew it wasn't any of our crew because of the running styles. They're very distinctive styles.


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  3. 9 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

    That was the one with the conveyer belt into the furnace, right?  How on god’s green earth was that rated G?

    Yep, ripped my heart out and stomped on it.

    Also a seriously evil purple stuffed bear.

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  4. Oh well done, show! This was great. These last few episodes have been fantastic.

    I loved Jenna foiling the team accidentally and knowing that something was off but never quite getting there.

    This was a lot of fun to watch. And now I really want to see Jenna and Keith again.

    • Like 6
  5. This episode made me smile a lot. I loved Eliot's storyline with the support staff. It's exactly the sort of family he thrives in.

    And I'm just going to head canon that Emma took a bunch of Ativan before her elevator pitch because I know social anxiety and pep talks do not magically make it better.

    But this hit a lot of great notes. I appreciated Harry wanting to do it the "right way" and Breanna pushing back that just because the system worked for him doesn't mean the system works. I think a lot of people nowadays don't realize just how broken a lot of systems are. From college/tuitions, to policing, to the affordability of the housing market, and more. These systems may have worked once, but they're broken now. And the things the previous generations did to succeed no longer work for millennials and gen z. 

    I'm glad Darren Nash was willing to listen to and believe Emma. But in my book - if you're a billionaire with a B, you're a bad guy.

    • Like 10
  6. This was a fantastic episode and might be my favorite so far.

    I'm excited to get more of the Sophie story. When she talked about abandoning someone I thought she was referring to her husband, the Duke. The original series had that brief conversation with her aunt where she said he'd never got over Sophie and died of a broken heart. (I think, it's been awhile since I've seen it). I wonder if it was a stepdaughter? Sophie threw Wilde under the bus because she didn't want to jeopardize the family she had built and the stepdaughter she was going to be mother to. But then something later caused her to leave that family and she put it in her past so she could live with it.

    Anyway, can't wait.

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  7. This was delightful! And felt more like an OG episode than some of the others. 

    Things I loved:

    -Harry really developing as a grifter. He and Parker were hilarious as Jamie and Jamie

    -Parker still living for Christmas: the over decoration, the pearls on the tree, the personalized Santa hats she made for everyone. Harry's had law items, Sophie's had gems and British things, Breanna's had gaming, both controllers and cards, as well as dinosaurs. Eliot's had chef knives and guitars. Parker's, of course, had money. I'd love a close up of all of them.

    -That little moment between Sophie and Breanna when Sophie told her it was a good question. You could see how proud Breanna was. I'm interested to see where Breanna's story goes. We had hints last week about keeping options open etc.

    -All the references to Nana's, including that Eliot is a regular visitor there too. I'm hoping maybe we get to see Nana finally? Maybe for new years?

    -Honestly, just everything. This show makes me happy.

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  8. I started crying the moment it was refreshed that it wasn't Tina in the start costume anymore because I knew she'd gone to see Louise. Oh my heart.

    34 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

    Had to be pointed out to me, but it's Glassworks by Philip Glass 

    No wonder it sounded familiar! I love Philip Glass.

    I think this is the first episode to make me cry. I thought the Thanksgiving episode a few weeks ago was the best this show has done, but this topped it. What a beautiful episode. This is Christmas.

    • Love 9
  9. 9 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

     That is when we really see that these people are the best at what they do. 

    John Rogers (show runner/writer for the OG) calls it "competence porn" and it's one of the things that makes this show so great. I want to watch people be legends. 

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  10. Yeah, it's weird. They've definitely kissed before but the lack of it now is confusing. They've been together a decade now, where's the quick hello kisses? It feels like a choice was made somewhere, by someone. But I don't know why. It's noticeable. And weird.

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  11. On my second watch of this episode. Somehow I accidentally watched this one first when the episodes dropped. So I had to watch it again in order. This time around in one of the group at the house scenes I noticed Parker wearing the jade tiara she stole and replaced with the tiles. Also, when Sophie is first telling the crew about Wilde, I'm pretty sure she's using her "con voice". The one Nate called her out on during the David episodes in season one, "I know that voice, that's the voice you use on a mark".

    Also, the line where Parker tells Breanna to switch the container numbers so they take the wrong container was clearly dubbed in later. I remember John Rogers talking about the OG show and saying sometimes they had to spell out the con really obviously for the 30% of viewers who didn't get it. So I'm guessing something similar happened here.

    I agree this episode felt a little too convoluted. It was just a little bit off. But I liked the peek at Sophie's past, and the arc potential of dealing with who you were before, who you are now, and does that mean you've changed?

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