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Posts posted by P2C2E

  1. I'm figuring out that that's not a bad thing (anti depressants). ((Hugs))

    A doctor here explained the chemistry of depression to me and it was a lightbulb moment. When I understood the chemistry of trauma, I understood how shaming people for taking anti depressant was like calling someone with seizures "weak" for taking their seizure meds.

    I think you are brave for reaching out for that help.



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  2. You all have allowed me to say things, under a cloak of internet anonymity, that I'm afraid to say to friends and family because I don't want to burden them. So, I'm grateful for everything we have. Hugs to you all.


    That's what we're here for! It's like free therapy! Honestly, the best thing therapy did for me was give me a place to express all of my feelings without apprehension because I was telling it to a stranger who didn't know me or anyone around me. It was very freeing. It's good that we can provide that side of things for you. You are both fighters (and wanderman too)!

  3. lol... I have no idea why or when I started doing this but I use "excuse me" with my dog all the time, and he does in fact get out of the way. I think that critters understanding English probably only works between loving owners and pets who've been taught, though. No idea whose cat this was, but somehow I doubt it has much of a 'bond' with Derick.

    Heh, both my dogs understand the phrase "Get out of the kitchen."

    • Love 6
  4. I dream a lot. Some days I can remember multiple dreams from the night before. My dreams vary from the fantastical to the realistic and everything in between. Every now and then (last night included) I have a very specific dream about people I know and something affecting them. When I wake up, it leaves me wondering whether I just saw the future and if I should tell them about it. 


    I've always been fascinated by dreams. What are they? Why/how do we experience them? Does everyone dream but not everyone remembers? I love the fact that I dream so much and in so many different ways. 


    Does anyone here dream a lot? 

    • Love 5
  5. ^^^^I love that poem.

    Has anyone read James Herriot's book, All Creatures Great and Small? It's a great book, I've read it probably 3 times and the sequels.

    I love love LOVE those books! In fact, I think I shall go grab one off the bookshelf right now to read on my lunch breaks this week. Thanks for the suggestion!

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  6. Grief is at times heartwrenching, comforting, numbing, sporadic, invasive...it's always different. In some ways, it's always there. It may not be a conscious thought, eventually the pangs fade, but I'm not sure it ever goes away. And that's okay. The losses that cause us grief are unfathomable. And yet, we move on...we have to. I'm so happy for you that in the midst of your grief you also have the unfathomable joy of a new life. That is such a gift. Being caught up in the joy over the grief is not a bad thing. And having days where the grief overshadows the joy is not a bad thing either. We are complex beings with complex emotions and all of them stay with us. Don't be afraid to feel that wide spectrum of emotions. It's what makes us who we are. 

    • Love 6
  7. Yay! I'm so excited for Maisie's progress! I'm sure she will continue to do splendidly in the step-up NICU. My baby sister is in her first year of nursing school and we went to lunch today and she mentioned NICU as one of the specialties she's interested in.  She really wants to be able to work closely with patients and their families. She said she's being taught, "you are not taking care of the patient, you're taking care of the whole family". 

    • Love 1
  8. I never post in these forums, but I do lurk around in them. 


    Wanderwoman, very belated congratulations, and I'm soooo happy to hear about the improvements! My cousin's name is Maisie so I heartily approve of the name. I've been giving her books from this series since she was born. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aileen_Paterson


    My thoughts are with you and your dh, and of course, with wee little Maisie. I have every confidence that she will thrive in your loving care. 

    • Love 2
  9. Anybody planning to see It Shoulda Been You? I definitely want to because I adore David Hyde Pierce, who is directing, and Sierra Boggess.

    I saw it before Broadway at a regional theatre, so I don't know how much has changed in the show since then. It was a few years ago but I remember enjoying it. I don't think it was spectacular, but it certainly wasn't terrible. It may have undergone rewrites since then and casting will always make a difference.

  10. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the US government never assumes that something must have just become lost. They would move heaven and earth ( perhaps literally) to make sure they know exactly what happened to it.

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  11. In college, we didn't have an oven thermometer but my roomate swore up and down that it was off by 25 degrees. We ended up buying a thermometer and sure enough, she was right! She had some weird baking mojo though, she would know things were done baking by looking. She never had to stick a knife it, just knew by looking. 

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  12. Anytime a place has speciality pies, my eyes zero in on the ones with cheese, cheese, and more cheese. Like if it's called "6 cheese madness" or whatever, I'm all over it. I never seem to find a like minded companion...sigh. Pizza and social occasions would be easier if I only liked "supreme" types. Also prefer thin crust, double negative for most.

    I hear you...I just went out for pizza with a group from work and the boss ordered 5 pizzas, every single one a different kind of combination pizza. I ended up having to scrape off all the toppings and just eat the crust. Fortunately the crust was delicious!

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