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Everything posted by UnicornKicksBack

  1. Well we’re taking Kat here so who knows if she was backtracking or just sorta dumb. Maybe both.
  2. I think she said she was trying to look like a little kid. Bc Texas is sooooo much more country than freaking North Carolina.
  3. I like Taylor and this she’s gorgeous. Those comments are vile. She’s a person not just some tv character. Taking anout her dad is hitting below the belt
  4. I’m guessing if they have her on her knees she’s in that second row after the ones lying down. But you are right. Reward mediocre dancing and time breaking cause she’s pretty! I was Team Kat until this Lake and possible fraternizing mess.
  5. I think it was ballroom girls face they didn’t want. Megan (gorgeous and robbed) Didn’t have too much booty, she didn’t have definition between her booty and top of thigh. According to kelli they area blended together. Now hannah had in my opinion one of the best bodies on the team, and a big juicy booty to die for. They just needed to fit her shorts better but for whatever reason they liked her ass hanging out.
  6. Doesn’t judy usually do a lot of the photo choosing for calendars and especially for group photo?
  7. Yes! Raderettes are looking good and the Dolphins are Dream Squad right now. Most are too thick for DCC but look so toned and fit to me plus still feminine. Also YAAASSSS for the diversity and some actual fresh moves. Pay attention DCC PTB. Cianna has always looked soft and heavy in the middle to me. Also Kelli wore the wrong outfit herself once so that was all for drama in regards to Kashara. Her figure is not at all flattering there. I bet you’re right about a composite pic.
  8. Yes. I mean skin And flesh has to go somewhere when you kick that high but she was on WW. This always kills me. Rockettes prob could kick like that but not their intended style. Also DCC will never have th e precision in their kick line at any height.
  9. I could see this too. What else does she have going on?
  10. I agree but can’t have a Making the Team Shoe with nobody new making it. Baby I’m a star GAG but everything else, I agree. But I’d keep thunderstruck.
  11. I get that and doesn’t make it any better. Might even make it worse.
  12. Pretty much the problem the first time around plus they’re slick and tilted. Most of the fans who said nasty stuff were annoyed bc they were blocking the views more than anything. I had zero issue with her before but that shirt well now I hate her. Makes me want to vomit bc I hate the whole Jerry owns these timid mindless females who do as he bids plus if she’s supposed to be so religious then Mary had a little lamb was based on Mary and Jesus - teaching the catechism to Catholics In hiding back in the day. She’s dumb.
  13. She does have that classic DCC Barbie look going on. Little bit fake, little bit dated, lot of glam, etc. I’ll give credit where it’s due. She may end up shared point just yet. Don’t think she could handle a whole routine.
  14. Brennan if you gave up that damn Bear after they cut you, your far classier than me (duh). I would’ve made Kelli come get it herself with a court order. Try to pry it out my hands.
  15. I don’t think another year would put her at point/triangle if it hasn’t by now, and that’s a pity. that’s a huge stretch to me and not even the same situation
  16. No they’re talking about a Facebook group by somebody named Gracie but for some reason call her Jacie. I don’t have fb so don’t know the name but no clue why they don’t just say Gracie. Apparently she’s crazy.
  17. Hey she’s a grown woman, not pregnant, not bound to any morals clause etc. Her business. We are going to need Thunder footage for sure! Also jasmine was a train wreck for a minute but I still love her, glad she’s in the wedding party.
  18. Brennan always come off to me as very genuine and sincere, but I don’t think Kelli really wanted her on the team. Seems annoyed by her and I really think she only put her on bc fans adore her and she didn’t want the backlash especially after keeping frickin CHRISTINA. I personally thjnk she had a slower learning curve but when she did learn routine she was a solid performer, perfect figure, stayed out of trouble, mentored others, so yes! Keep her. But never thought Kelli liked her being there. Just my impression.
  19. Daphne has the oddest rib area/torso. Does not look good in the uniform
  20. I never got the hype over Ashtons looks. Dance yes, but I hate that plastic Playboy porn look.
  21. Eh they can just show some practice footage and voice splices of kelli saying the same phrases, same tired dance combos etc.
  22. I hate that grind motion. Did Michelle or Denise Ducherry choreographic Power/Lil Mix song? Also maddies hair looks really good there. I will always think she is not DCC material looks or dance wise, and I hate it when they straighten curls but she looks 10000x better. Little bit of botox and a mask will do wonders.
  23. That jerking dead robot combo from about :40-:45 needs to die.
  24. Amanda def has that IT Factor and a perfect body. I can see her at point.
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