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Everything posted by PattiD4DCC

  1. Thank you for that muckypup. Hadn't seen that one before. The crystal stars are "engineered" - who knew!
  2. It is difficult to beat the glam factor of Ogden, but because it is seriously the favorite song of one of my favorite posters, you can also substitute B-Y-T-O-R! 😜 (not the "meet me in" part -- just the chanting!!) Sorry ByTor, but I can't be alone in having this stuck in my head all day, yah!?!πŸ˜²πŸ˜–
  3. Thank you - this is what I was looking for - I thought Shelly had responded but just couldn't remember the answer!
  4. Also watching Season 7 and after Jasmine's office visit when she is told she needs to take dance lessons, she is upset because she says she doesn't have the funds to pay for technique classes. This reminded me, did we ever get an answer to the much bigger funding problem of paying for medical issues? Does DCC help pay for medical care for injuries sustained during training camp? There are lots of other examples, but I'm thinking of Rachel Lunsford who had knee surgery and then eight months of physical therapy. I'm seeing major dollar signs there!πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²
  5. I'd prefer Gina, Bridget (with a new top that fits) and Jayln with Hannah completing the diamond. Caroline looks great in photos like the calendar shoot where the camera can zoom in on her eyes so they really pop -- other than that, like dancing on the field, she doesn't stand out to me. I was surprised to hear so many suggesting her for point. I often forget about her. Shopping with Kitty at the Mall, I don't think I would notice her. My dream triangle, of course, is only if Gina returns. I go back and forth. She's my fave, so I'd like for her to be a five year lady, but I also think TPTB burned her a little this year in that at the least she should have been placed where Lexie is, so I wouldn't mind her giving DCC a little snub (though hopefully she is not as petty as I am.) I just don't want her to last 5 years only to be given a 12 second spot at point that she then has to dance backwards into the crowd and give way to VK.
  6. I actually do agree with your original comment, but WOW Gina. My main takeaway from that clip, though, was the prevalence of irritating voices. The first season we were introduced to Gina her voice annoyed me a little. She seems to be speaking normally now, or perhaps anyone would sound normal compared to both Lily and especially Meredith. Meredith has so much vocal fry I can barely discern that she is speaking English, but even Lily's speech patterns sounded weird in that clip to me. kinda clipped or something. Too bad Madeline didn't dance a little stronger, but maybe she just didn't feel like being a fireballπŸ”₯.
  7. Thank you for sharing -- re the middle video: So proud of the Cowboys who carefully observe the no fraternization clause they had to sign with their contract. They conscientiously huddle up in a circle facing one another and do not make eye contact with any of the lovely ladies who surround them. They know they should really exit the field, but apparently they are in the midst of some sort of professional game and it would be even worse form for them to head to the locker room at this time. If the unthinkable should occur and one of them is released from the team over this glaring infraction, they're prepared to huddle up again offering hugs and reassurance that God has another plan for the punished player.
  8. If only Joe had invested in the stock that was up 550% he wouldn't have to spend his time needling the Medicaid insurance folks for all these benefits that he deserves! "You want tears this early in the process?!!?" Well, apparently CMT does, and the training camp candidates deliver.
  9. It is disappointing -- you get so into it -- even though you know the outcome! And it has happened to me twice now at the exact same spot. Thanks for the episode numbers. I did see that back on Aug. 28 loodicrus posted about this same issue. It's funny to think the newer seasons have 4 to 5 more episodes per season. And you're right, as Kaime was assuring K & J she was aware her kicks weren't quite there yet I could see that the program described in the guide for 3:30 would start a new season. But I stupidly did not make note of the episode number I was watching. Sorry I can't reciprocate with info about season 11, but hang tight -- there are plenty of Pluto addicts fans on this board!!🀩
  10. Has anyone been able to watch all of Season 4 on Pluto? Both times I have attempted to watch S4, the episodes stop with the episode that ends with 2 girls who shared the same locker (both last names Martinez???) being cut and Kaime warned, but still on the team. Then suddenly Season 5 just started at 3:30. I've contacted Pluto TV but it would probably help if I knew the episode number where Season 4 abruptly cuts off. Anyone?
  11. I could be wrong, but I believe it was Christine Elgene who first alerted us to the wonders and joys of Pluto CheerTV 24/7! If I'm correct, please step forward @Christineelgene to accept your many thanks from so many of us on these boards. I certainly want to express my gratitude! Sure, this channel has drained all productivity from my life, but I'm thrilled to have access to all the old seasons.
  12. Nice of Auntie Kelli to surround VK with subliminal inspiration.
  13. Thank you, Kristin, for demonstrating to Maddie the correct appearance for a DCC's armpits. Now please take your lovely self off to the photographer for a proper cameo pic.
  14. Thank G referenced in FTLOG! Whether it's from bad edits with CMT or Kitty herself, she was becoming increasingly grating. With the exception of Morgan and she who deserves our respect, if a candidate had Kitty's approval she was usually a good dancer and DCC ready. So I used to not mind her being tough on the girls regarding dance, but when she started dabbling in their locker room discussions and appearance and hair (pot! kettle!)) she became tough on me, the viewer. Yah? Of course, last season strained the credibility of almost anyone associated with the show.
  15. VK was asked : tonight is cut night -who would she let go between Charlotte, Kelli and Judy. She says "oh noooo" and then, quite brightly,"Miss Charlotte, I have not seen you dance before -- tonight will be your last night."
  16. Um, no, I have no idea what you're talking about!😲 Seriously. by the time that crisis was cleared up my energy was so drained (and I realize I fan girl over Gina way more than most) that the team announcement was a little anticlimactic for me. With one exception. I also remember pages and pages ago when it was hinted Jalyn was on the bubble and then there was an insider hint a vet would be cut. I am very thankful and happy that Jalyn is still on the team! DCC drama is just one reason to be distracted at work - Friday is another - be the adequatest of the adequate and then reward yourself with a weekend!
  17. Okay, now and only now may you start planning your outfit for tonight's date! And have a great time! After this afternoon, I may have to have a date with a cold bottle of something. Thank you @DCCfan2443 - I can now get back to life!
  18. Okay, so I WAS calmed down and preparing to actually go do something productive....
  19. Yeah, I think I can hear the cackling from Frisco as they try to get this board up to 300 pages before they announce the team.
  20. Thank you for the info @Holly85 and @Dal8las Gonna have to agree that Gina's post could refer to anything. If the original poster is an insider, I'm still concerned, but if the evil rumor was based on that IG post, I'll start breathing again.
  21. Embarrassed to admit I'm not on IG -- can you summarize what Gina's post said? (Obviously not walking away from this forum right now!!!)
  22. No need to stand on ceremony -- this is an emergency of epic proportions! (until the original poster comes back with a NOT!)
  23. For those who make a personal choice and are happy with relaxing i'm not judging -- and Jacie is gorgeous no matter what, but: Sad hair Happy Hair And back to topic -- yes I'm disappointed Gina, their best dancer, is not point, but I'll be crushed if she is not on the team at all.
  24. My first thought was to bless you for distracting me from my potential Gina emergency meltdown. I hope we're just being punked. But my second thought is, yes! I would love to see more natural hair and more styles beyond loooong loose waves. Bizarre to think the shortest hair right now is Amy's shoulder length.
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