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Pepper Mostly

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  1. Good night, bunkies! It's been a blast hanging out with you all. Have a fab weekend, love you all, MWAH!
  2. But we knew this. Apparently Nobelist Joey knew it too.
  3. True love. I want to weep. Joey's consternation is akin to that of the folks on My 600 Pound Life when they look at the scale.
  4. She has to CLEAN. And cook THREE MEALS A DAY, you heartless, unfeeling monster. I for one and positively perishing to see what home cooked delights Brittany will be providing for Kerok. Breakfast, a frozen breakfast burrito. Lunch, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Supper, a bucket of KFC. A positive domestic goddess, this one.
  5. I cannot believe what I'm hearing. What kind of job does she expect to get with a prison record, no skills, and no experience? I can't. I have to go lie down. Maybe forever.
  6. Brittany: Do I sit around and play around? Pepper Mostly and the entire LAL Live Chat crew: YES. YES YOU DO!
  7. That rag makes a Pnina gown look like Jackie Kennedy's. "He's a really cool dude. We vibe"
  8. And just think of all the penis drawings, toenail clippings, and toilet paper roses you'd have!
  9. She is. The very fact of that child's existence causes her to melt down in spectacular fashion. And she's all "Get out! Get out!". So Troy gets out. She then shrieks "Where are you going? TROY!" Girl. You just this second told him to get out! Karen and Donna should have a show. I'd watch.
  10. Reminder, Z threw a fit because Troy was on his phone instead of kissing her royal taint because its OUR ANNIVERSARY. She is insane.
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