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Everything posted by outofbounds

  1. I have always thought and still think to this day that Warren knew she was an alcoholic. That is the only plausible explanation for why he didn’t call the cops when he got the call from her. He knew she’d be arrested if he called 911 and the cops got to her. Her entire fake life would crumble and she’d have blamed him for calling the cops. Mark my words...he knew.
  2. I haven’t watched the whole thing yet...however...that scene of the kid crying, screaming and begging his sister to sign the paper so he could go home will forever be the hardest thing I have ever watched in my life. I don’t know how the kid acted that out...I hope his mother was on set to comfort him afterwards because oh my god. oh.my.god And I feel bad for Antron McCray knowing he still hasn’t reconciled with his father after he bullied him into confessing. Linda Fairstein and every cop involved in interrogating these boys should be in jail. When Yusef’s mother threatened The NY Times I cheered out loud. What kind of arrogant bitch asks a mother for a birth certificate when she says how old he is? I actually yelled “fuck You” at my TV when she asked that. I hope every book seller stops selling her books tho it won’t matter. I am tired of seeing all these law enforcement officials getting off scott free for doing this shit though. It’s time they start having to answer for their crimes in the same way they made those who didn’t do anything answer.
  3. Point proven that no matter what she does people will believe whatever fits their own theory. Forgive me for finding this laughable. Inadmissible in a court of law is one thing but to believe that Lisa sat down and taught herself how not to react to a question...gimme a break. Anyway.... This episode was boring. Camille’s wedding dress was beautiful. This season can end already.
  4. Ugh....and from the bottom of my heart 🙄 I laughed SO hard when Kyle asked if Lisa thought they thought she’d murdered someone and in the next breath Teddi is commenting about how Ted Bundy beat a polygraph. Look, I know they’re beatable and not admissible in court but do you know the kind of psychopathic mind you have to have in order to beat one? Lisa may be smart and manipulative but suggesting she is on the same level as Bundy was truly laughable. And proof that no matter what these idiots would never believe her so why should she bother? There was a Dr Phil episode on yesterday with a woman who was CONVINCED her husband was cheating on her, even sleeping with these women in their bed while she was in it. He agreed to a polygraph and Dr Phil said no because he knew that no matter the results the woman would’ve said “but...” afterwards. The woman was at a point where she would only believe evidence that backed up her theory. She had reached irrationality. He told the husband not to listen to his wife’s bullshit anymore. The next time she said anything about him cheating he needed to walk away and not entertain it. She could do what she wanted but he was not dealing with it anymore. I think Lisa needs to heed this advice. Can we move on from the transphobic discussion? I think the lot of you have let your views be known. You aren’t changing any minds here. We get it. Some of you think it was an issue and some don’t think it was a big deal...move.on.
  5. Anyway I think Erika may be done after this season. She doesn’t seem invested with anything and kind of seems like she’s over it. She gets the show though and what viewers want to see. And I take issue with what they showed during that scene with Kyle and her dogs. They made it look like something tragic happens or a dog gets run over rather than just another happenstance that got in the way of a family photo shoot. Don’t toy with my emotions about dogs people!
  6. My take on why people have sided with Lisa is this... Maybe she’s sold stories in the past. Who really knows for sure? That’s not at all what I’m worried about since I find tabloids and stories written in them to be ridiculous. The problem here is these women piling onto LVP when she’s had a SUPREMELY difficult year in regards to her brother. IMO this is where LVP is stuck. She cannot understand nor forgive any of these women for doing this when she’s dealing with what happened with her brother. Especially when it’s something so petty and stupid and not important. I believe that is why it seems like she and Ken are being very demanding about it and why it looks like there’s no breathing room for anyone else. Because there isn’t. For anyone who has ever lost someone they love tragically it is SO VERY HARD to see past someone’s bullshit and forgive them for being an asshole when you are dealing with the tragedy. I cut a few people out when I was dealing with it because, to me, it showed true character. Was I a saint? No. But I was struggling with something the likes of which I had never encountered before. It bulldozed me in ways I could never fully put into words and sent me for a loop. And if someone could fuck with me at a time like that? We’re done. Period. No footnotes. D.O.N.E That is what Dorit and Kyle don’t understand. They think LVP will get over it. She’ll calm down and discuss it and everything will be fine. And I hate to tell them but it’s not gonna happen. LVP will cordially speak to them if in the same area but she will never again go near any of them. The betrayal, I suspect (because it was the same for me), is so deep for LVP there will be no reconciliation. I don’t blame her. Dorit and Kyle’s constant insistence that they be able to speak honestly just furthers my belief that this is who they really are. Which is two women who don’t care what anyone else is going through as long as everyone knows they were right.
  7. I finally realized what it is about Teddi that bugs me the most. She needs near CONSTANT validation. The moment Dorit told her to shush she immediately looked at Kyle and asked if Kyle also thought it was rude. Christ woman grow a fucking back bone. And then she tags Dorit for not saying what she means well wtf? She didn’t either. She whined to Kyle about it. LVP has a storyline without these women. It just behooves the show only to show her discussing them right now since that’s the big drama they’re banking on for the season. For everyone claiming LVP gets the good edit I’m confused then how the next suggestion is she has no storyline and is joining in on the lady’s shit talking. Like...how is showing her still discussing it the “good” edit? IIRC wasn’t she opening bars in LV at this time and doing other things with her businesses? Production isn’t showing that right now because it doesn’t go along with the drama. Seems they start to soon and then what will the complaint about her be? I find it comical that these women rant and rave about her not coming around but then can only discuss what they’ll have to say to her when/if she does. LVP has heard the issues they have with her and has not received them. She has defended herself and moved on. Why is there a discussion that’s needed? So they can keep accusing her with no proof? No thanks. I’d say to hell with them too. Don’t ask me to sign up to hear the abuse of my character twice. I HATE Rinna. Hate. I wish she would get her mouth taped shut. And lastly...enough with the “You can’t let a 20 year friendship go without trying to talk it through.” bullshit. If you stand in my house and call me a liar? Watch me.
  8. Cynthia is a liar. And she needs to learn a phrase ”thou doth protest way way too much”
  9. I, too, was assaulted and didn’t say anything until I was almost 40 years old. The assertion that women always tell someone is false. The assertion that you can tell based on behavior is false. My mother is a woman who prides herself on having kept her kids safe and was hyper aware of people she felt were a danger. She was positive it never happened to her kids and shocked would be a mild word to express her emotions when I finally told her. She had NO CLUE and this is a woman who was dialed in to her kids. I gave off no indication and - other than that - have led a pretty productive, happy life. So as far as Camille’s - or anyone else’s - belief that a woman will tell or show some sign of something having happened that is not always true. Some women crumble, some women don’t. Neither reaction is more viable or believable than the other. The Me Too Movement is at least making people aware that reactions run the spectrum and to stop suggesting one is better than another. I shouldn’t have to cry and scream and become a basketcase in order to be believed.
  10. Rinna’s entire argument towards Camille during the Kavanaugh discussion was one of those “trying too hard” moments. You know the ones, people who want desperately to be seen on the right side. I didn’t agree with Camille but speaking to people who believe as she does is a losing battle...yet there’s Rinna going on and on and pearl clutching so she can be seen as the Me Too Movement champion. I also didn’t like the segue into Lois’ attack. Rinna seemed to use it as a reason for why she was 100% correct and Camille was wrong and the reality of the situation is that sometimes women tell and sometimes they don’t and there is no benchmark for who does what and when. I disagreed with Camille but I won’t ally myself with Rinna’s view either. Especially after she said she’d never been assaulted or harassed in her life. Just because her mother was doesn’t mean Rinna is the authority on those situations and that’s how she came off. As per usual tho...I shouldn’t be shocked. I am also over Kyle and her pearl clutching about LVP. She threw you out of her house dipshit. Take the hint. If there’s one thing I cannot stand it’s people who know very well the reality of the situation and ignore it. LVP has made herself clear. Don’t send her birthday texts the next day as if nothing happened. Don’t invite her to functions like she’s magically forgotten. She THREW you out of her HOUSE. If she wants to repair the relationship she’ll find you. Clearly she doesn’t. So...stop sending texts and then gasping in disbelief when she doesn’t answer. Christ she’s an idiot.
  11. Denise’s face during the Brett Kavanaugh discussion had me ROLLIN’. Please keep her around. She is fantastic.
  12. Giggy was there. Ken had him. Why does it matter so much that Denise didn’t say anything? She was at a birthday party and understood maybe Lisa was scatterbrained. I don’t think Lisa did anything to be rude. Geez. As for the “outrage” over Camille’s comments vs Lisa’s integrity being in question...I don’t think it’s an either/or question. Both accusations are horrible. However going after someone’s looks is...IMO...seen as childish and immature. Not shocking for these women but it was sort of surprising to watch considering Camille’s general air of being above it all. I found it to be in bad taste and sad to watch. And apparently Lisa accepted Camille’s apology so she absolutely did take the “American” humor (whatever that is). That doesn’t mean I still can’t take issue with the behavior and comment that I found it to be mean spirited. The worst part about that scene was the women all fake laughing as if it was the funniest shit they’ve ever heard. However if it had upset Lisa they all would’ve scattered or made it seem like none of them laughed at all. Not a single one of these women...who all have children...stopped and excused themselves or told Camille it was mean or rude. The whole thing was gross.
  13. While I respect this, it's not fair to assume she hasn't taken advantage of the resources for caregivers. Again, this all comes down to the fact that the black community does not recognize abuse. Nene isn't even characterizing it as abusive behavior, I am. She is simply saying he's mean and he says nasty things. Which is only solidifying my beliefs further. The fact that she forgave him for it once doesn't necessarily mean she deserves what she's getting now either. And I would just like some of you to entertain the fact that simply because Gregg hasn't done it on camera doesn't mean it's not happening. This is the same as people who insist there is no abuse because they've never seen it. Abusers rarely abuse in front of other people and routinely act like they are nice and submissive in public. And it is not out of the realm of possibility that Gregg is on his best behavior, complete with being submissive and three steps behind Nene when the cameras are around so he can continue to be seen as a nice guy. I was raised in a verbally abusive home. I'm well aware of the signs of it and what it looks like. My father was and is seen as kind of a doddering idiot by others, one who was entirely submissive to his far more powerful wife (because my mother cowers to no one). Far from one who is capable of ever calling my mother any nasty name or speaking to her as if she was nothing. But I lived in that house and I know what he said and how he spoke to her. Don't be so sure that because you haven't seen it or that the wife doesn't cower in fear in public that it isn't happening. Hey I get that Nene is a narcissist and hard to have sympathy for. But in this instance, I believe her and I feel bad for her. She is totally going about it the wrong way and isn't instilling a whole lot of positivity from others regarding her situation. I'm just saying to dig a little bit past the surface because in my experience most abuse situations are 100% different then what you are seeing in public.
  14. He has admitted to his behavior and has apologized to her for it. While Nene may be hypocritical I'm not about the victim blaming that goes on when a woman states the abuse. And well I dunno about you but no one who I would deem an asshole is sweet as pie and speaking rainbows and puppies now are they? What Nene does to other people does not make what has happened to her any less true. What is being said here is that women who endure abuse can only be saints who have never treated anyone else badly nor done anything nefarious otherwise they deserve what they get. Look, I'm not going to sit here and lecture on abuse. Clearly there are different viewpoints and that's fine. But as Kandi said there are certain things in the black community that aren't discussed...and abuse is one of those. So I am not judging anyone here for their views but I am judging Cynthia and those who told her it was personal and she should keep it off social media. They are on TV. That's sending a message to other black women. Whether or not Cynthia believes Nene isn't the issue at hand from where I sit. To me, her stating that made her look just as petty as Nene was being because she was doing it to dig the knife in (which Cynthia does...just a little more stealthily than the others do). There are other women who watch this show and she should tow the line as far as abuse is concerned which is....never EVER EVER EVER tell a woman to keep quiet about it. Period.
  15. Then I have a LOT of questions about Big Ben and why he was allowed to still play for people who demanded quit players. I have some sympathy for Nene because people who are sick are assholes. Not even gonna sugarcoat it. My mother is since she's been diagnosed as a diabetic and when she gets into a mood...watch the fuck out. I get they have issues because suddenly they aren't able to do all the things they were able to do before. And knowing you're sick is quite a mind fuck but I have no problem believing her when she says Gregg was an asshole this season. And I also don't mind the fact that she aired it out on Twitter. Her marriage has morphed into an abusive one considering Gregg has become emotionally and verbally abusive towards her. Asking her to keep it quiet or not to speak about it because it's personal is the same thing as asking a woman who's getting slapped not to say anything because you keep that shit in the family. Verbal abuse and physical abuse...IMO...are no different. And in many ways verbal abuse is worse because there are no bruises to show anyone. She can scream about Gregg's asshole behavior all she wants because from where I sit maybe it people knew how he was treating her he would think twice when he is having a frustrating day. That being said, her attitude was unnecessary and it has been all season. She clearly wants sympathy and I get it but this isn't the way to go about it. She's demanding support and it just makes her look petty. She was a wet blanket last night and instead of just moving on when she realized the other women weren't paying attention to it, she just dug in deeper. Her answers to questions made no sense and she acted annoyed whenever anyone spoke to her. But I do agree with her that Cynthia's hashtag is insecure. Look, you're happy and that's fine. But I've always subscribed to the belief that the mark of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on social media and well...creating your own hashtag is thirsty. She's happy and it's clear but who does she think she needs to convince? If I had to guess I'd say she wants to rub Peter's face in her happiness a bit.
  16. I mean, no there is nothing wrong with that...except if you're not fond of animals...don't go to a shelter and adopt one. Or...two apparently. I don't think LVP seeks people out to adopt dogs, I'm pretty sure she does the same thing other shelters do which is to put out the word that there are adoptable dogs and then hope people show up. It sounds to me like Dorit got the dog...which out of all the breeds she could've chosen, she chose the worst possible one for children. Some Chihuahuas could rival any big dog for their temperament and tendency to bite due to nerves...expected that the dog would just kind of blend into the furniture and come out when she or one of her kids wanted to pay attention to it and then hope it blended back in. Dogs don't work like that. Especially when you shove them into a cage for extended periods of time and let your demon spawn antagonize them. I own an anxious dog. You would be shocked at the amount of people who are appalled by the fact that he barks and growls. The idea that a dog should never bark or growl is ludicrous but yet it's quite the societal expectation. He doesn't like other people. He's protective of me. And he's highly anxious. Those things result in a dog who very loudly lets people know they have entered his bubble and he doesn't like it. I have been told numerous times from trainers and people who are actually well versed in dog behavior that I should be commended for dealing with his anxiety because the majority of people would probably have put him to sleep. So I guess Lisa should be happy...at least Dorit didn't put her to sleep. It sounds like the owner she has now did her job in going at Lucy's pace and allowing her to make the rules. It goes a long way. It also sounds like she had to unravel the abuse the dog encountered which caused her to be distrustful of humans. Which tells me Dorit probably let those kids annoy the shit out of that dog and when Lucy bit they punished her rather than teaching their kids how to treat animals. And if they punished her by shoving her in a kennel...anyone who knows anything about dogs will tell you that kennels are NOT supposed to be used for punishment. Thank God that poor pup is out of that house. And I hope anyone who runs a shelter has seen this show and refuses to adopt another animal into her home. It's clear that is not an animal friendly home.
  17. I also find it kind of crappy that when Kyle saw how upset LVP was she kept it up. Kyle is the queen of running off and crying whenever someone says something she doesn't like, but LVP has been seen crying HOW many times on this show? Once? Twice? I can't even think of time it's been so seldom. If they are as good of friends as Kyle likes to say they are then why didn't she stop when she saw how upset Lisa was? It's kind of disgusting how they all feel they are entitled to digging the knife in just because of things Lisa MAY have done in the past because no one has actual proof of her doing anything. And all of this makes Teddi just look like a spineless moron. I don't know why anyone would want her as a friend. The moment I heard her trying to push it off onto LVP all it did was make me think she's an idiot. And I liked Teddi. I felt bad for her after Dorit and Erika going after her last season. If I was supposed to feel like LVP was a snake for putting her up to saying something about the dog, I didn't. I actually think Sessa put the story out. He was angry enough with Dorit to have done it and living in LA I think everyone is well versed as to how to get a story out. Which leads me to Rinna and her bullshit about LVP telling her how to get a story in the papers. She's lived there, she's in the business...am I to believe she didn't know how to do it? Please. Rinna is a disgusting snake. She's not as fun as she thinks she is and if I were her daughters I'd ask her to stop. She reminds me of that mother who would allow her kids to have raging parties in high school and showed up trying to talk to all the kids. "I"m the COOL mom." I have been in LVP's shoes (on a much smaller scale of course) so I understand how infuriating it is to be seen as the puppet master to a bunch of women who probably shouldn't be allowed outside without supervision. I'm pretty sure every single one of them, except maybe Erika, has claimed she put them up to something this season. So let's be honest, she runs over them in the brains department. If LVP manipulated them, I'll just say this...it wasn't hard.
  18. First time poster here. Just wanted to say that I agree with most of you in the thinking that what has happened with these women against LVP this season is bullshit. I’d also like to add that what Kyle did last night was beyond the pale in another way. If she believed LVP did this that’s fine. She can believe that. But after what LVP has been through with her brother it was an ill-advised time to bring it up with her. There was no reason to march into LVP’s house and start throwing around accusations when she has no proof over something so insanely stupid. Because this entire thing is just so dumb. I get where LVP is coming from when she says she’ll never forgive her, because for Kyle to think her need to be honest was more important than treating LVP with compassion at a very difficult time shows a complete lack of caring for someone she claimed to love. Whether or not LVP did anything is a non-issue for me at this point. It was not an important enough problem and didn’t effect her even a small amount and she walked in there like she was owed an explanation for LVP’s behavior. Nope. I’d have ordered her out of my house too. And Dorit can take her faux tears and pearl clutching and shove it. I see no reason why I should have any sympathy for her imagined slights against her kids when she has no regard or sympathy for the fact that LVP is dealing with a horrible real life tragedy.
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