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Everything posted by windsprints

  1. It could turn out that no one dies. I don't think they would kill Derek even if PD wanted to leave. Following Anitam86 to PD thread.
  2. Agree. Personally I think its nice that any of them take the time to actually interact with fans. Her retweeting pictures fans send her is a nice way of her acknowledging that she sees their tweets and appreciates them taking the time to send to her.
  3. On this week's Grey's Anatomy, Kelly McCreary gets sucker punched -- and she enjoys it!
  4. Considering "did Meredith cheat?" turned out to be her ignoring calls to jump on the bed I'm guessing you'll be annoyed.
  5. I think someone dies because: There is no side for Jim and Dr. Cohn is sorry for his loss and appears to know about his wife enough to say she was an extraordinary woman. I only read the summaries quickly but it seemed like the gender switches back and forth so it I don't think "wife" means its a woman. Its so easily changed to "husband". As of now I am sticking with someone dying and its not Richard. I think Richard is somehow involved, maybe trying to help people. Of course more sides could come out, more spoilers released, etc. Its just fun to start guessing.
  6. I think they use cheating over and over because its a quick way to add drama and break up a couple. Heaven forbid they use any of the million other storylines that could cause drama or split a couple. One thing is that no couple has stayed together on Grey's after the cheating have they? I guess they could do that story, of a couple being able to work through it and remain together. It is something plausible because there are couples IRL that are able to move past it. I'm sticking with no way would they have the nerve to have McDreamy cheat. Yes. Its my understanding though that the network can still not pick up an actor's option but I could be wrong. I agree but what happens when something like that is tweeted is that all the entertainment media see it and it can spread really fast. Once its picked up my mainstream media viewers don't need to be actively looking for sides and tweets. I think they're usually pretty good at not putting out BTS pictures that give away something as major as a character death. That's why I think its possible that Richard could be a red herring.
  7. Sides for 11x21 Should be Richard because there are a few BTS pictures of car scenes with JPJ. The tweets say the car pictures are for episode 20 but it could begin in 20 and continue into 21. I can't see there being car accidents 2 episodes in a row but who knows. It seems like he's (if its him) is taken to another hospital and possibly dies. Seems weird they would tweet out those pictures if that's the case though so it could be that we see Richard in a car but it ends up being someone else.
  8. They forget most of it by the following episode. And there will always be another character there to tell them that they're still good, they just made a mistake. Really, does anyone believe there are regular viewers (people that watch almost every week) who actually think McDreamy would cheat? I think everyone is used to overhype in the promos by this point in the series.
  9. I just reread the side and don't think it reads like a flashback. So many things could easily change in that side to fit a few people so who knows, could be many things. I absolutely do not want Alex involved. If Alex calls Derek he will spend the episode being screeched at and lectured how he doesn't have the track record with long term relationships again. I'm positive he'll spend next episode having to listen to Meredith go on about how Derek could be cheating and that's more than enough involvement for him. I can't see Alex butting in behind her back at all. My guess: There will be a simple/dumb explanation for the phone and Meredith will know Derek didn't cheat by the end of the next episode. I don't think the real story is intended to be about Derek, cheating or not, at all. I think its about Meredith coming to the realization that she wants Derek there, even if she's so freaking amazing alone. The doubts/lack of trust in him could easily be what supposed rattles her. Maybe it leads her to believe she could potentially lose Derek at some point if things do not change with their arrangement. She told him to leave so this will be the trigger for her to get to the point where she tells him to come home. Basically, its all just wake up call for Meredith that her marriage/family matters along with her career. Dying, close friend almost dying, close friend dying, Derek being shot & almost dying, sister and husband's best friend dying and surviving a plane crash didn't quite do it, lol. Just guessing.
  10. Boring. Either Jo is kissing up to Meredith with the never ending ass kissing to try to get her to like her or she's just the character this season tasked with telling everyone every episode just how wonderful Meredith is. I really want it to be the first and for Jo to snap and be done with it since Meredith treats her like crap. Has Jo or Alex even had a scene this entire season that didn't mention Meredith? I was hoping Maggie would get her after their bonding but it looks like Alex is still stuck with her. Agree, she'd never do it. Its probably something really lame like Derek lost his phone and the woman hung up once Meredith said she knows its Derek's phone. Maybe the kids are happy with the nanny. If she's starting rounds at 5am (if I heard that correctly) and also there at night I'm not sure how she would have any idea how they really are because she spends no time with them.
  11. Meredith says "that you're right, that I'm better off without him" so Alex must have said that in an earlier scene. I guess that means we know what Alex's screen time will consist of - listening to/talking to Meredith about Derek. Again. She paid far more attention to her soul mate Cristina than Derek so if she was distracted by anyone it was Cristina. LOL Maybe Derek will walk in, she'll see him and her patient dies. End of streak.
  12. The Grey's disasters/events usually do well in the ratings. Its odd that the earthquake is listed in the episode description yet isn't in the promo, there's no sneak peek or any press at all (that I have seen) about it. Maybe its just a rumble that traps Maggie and that's it, its just pretty much a regular episode?
  13. I thought the vision problems before the surgery was the cause too (not sure when the stroke happened). During the surgery Amelia said she cleared the optic nerve so I'm unsure how that could have blinded Herman.
  14. The Blizzard episode started off with no patients. I think the one where Gant died start with the night shift being really quiet too. Any Canadian promo for 15 yet?
  15. Isn't St. Elsewhere the one where they had a doctor who was a rapist? I haven't seen much of it but must have read a lot of references over the years because I know more about it than I should, lol. I liked I Saw What I Saw too. I loved the disaster/event episodes on ER and don't mind/enjoy them on Grey's for the most part. The lack of followup is what bugs me. The magical healing and people unchanged by what they have gone through are what makes them feel like a gimmick and not part of the story to me. I never, ever expect realism on Grey's but Owen answering the phone made me crack up. It would be bad enough if it was an intern but he's the COS.
  16. Guessing she's trapped in the elevator for the drama of a doctor being injured during the earthquake. Its the same as all the other 794 times a doctor in that hospital has been injured. Drownings, car crashes, shootings & plane crashes so the earthquake is just one more. My hope is that Maggie being trapped triggers (finally) a storyline with Richard and Maggie. I'm tired of her talking about sleeping alone and waxing with her sister. Richard needs a good storyline and him building a fatherly-type relationship with Maggie is a storyline I would be interested in seeing. I don't think she has been benched. IMO she's had more screen time than Alex,Jo, Bailey,Owen & Richard combined. He could come back to see the kids after the earthquake. How long has he been gone (Grey's timeline)? If he and Meredith have been separated for 3 or so months and barely speak is he just going to move back in like all is well? If they stay apart I hope he takes the kids.
  17. Ha! He has to make it himself for the big, grand gesture. Otherwise sometime in S12 the fact that he stole it and didn't make it himself will be the next thing. Sneak Peek - Looks like Owen may need phone lessons.
  18. I'm with you but I would be surprised if anything like that happened. I'm expecting some puke-inducing grand gesture declaring Meredith the sun, universe, whatever. Maybe instead of a candle house Derek can make a solar system mobile.
  19. Why is Owen answering the phone, is he the receptionist now? I'm also confused why the kid wouldn't just call 911. I know I wouldn't know the phone number for the ER of a hospital.
  20. LOL! The dialog on this show is often pretty laughable but tonight had some real gems for sure. I thought Derek would be called back and am so happy I was completely wrong. I like Amelia and I am glad that she succeeded. I'm hoping now the "other Shepherd" stuff can be done with, she needs to move on from that like yesterday. I was also glad that Dr. Herman didn't die. I kept waiting for her to die from some complication after she opened her eyes. I really liked Arizona in this episode. Its about time someone finally told Bailey to shut up when she starts her screaming. Alex got his usual treatment but at least he got to be a doctor and his 5 lines weren't about Meredith. Progress. This season along with season 4 are my least favorites. I miss Cristina.
  21. My guess is that it was a side for someone coming to take Dr. Herman to surgery and the scene was cut/changed. It could easily fit with Dr. Herman sitting at her desk reading patient files, etc.
  22. Grey's Anatomy Preview: How Are April and Jackson Weathering Their Loss? They're not my favorite characters but it would be nice for a change if Grey's has a couple stay together and work through a major life issue/tragedy. It could be a good storyline if it gets decent writing and time. Sarah must have only taken 3 or so weeks off to be back so soon. I know actresses do that all the time but with her baby being in NICU for awhile (she said it in interview awhile back) I thought she may have taken more time.
  23. Sneak 2: LOL, I knew that Amelia doing this surgery would be the plot to bring Derek back. http://www.people.com/article/greys-anatomy-derek-returning-seattle-sneak-peek-video?linkId=12687607 One more sneak:
  24. Sneak Peek: Amelia putting herself at risk while trying to save a patient is in line with what we've seen throughout the series. Meredith putting her hand in a body with a bomb, Derek refusing to leave the OR when there's a bomb next door, Cristina & Jackson continuing to operate with a gun pointed at their head, going in the OR with the toxic blood woman, etc. Its dumb but it fits with the show. I'd rather something like this than to have a doctor losing it in surgery (been there done that with a Shepherd already). I hope its just a risk and not that Amelia develops some illness from it. Hopefully she'll save Dr. Herman who will ride off into the sunset to enjoy life. Hahaha, not likely on Grey's though is it? She'll probably live through surgery than fall out of bed, hit her head and die. No one ever listens to Owen. They never listened to Richard either. The COS says no and all of them (throughout the series) do what they want anyway. Didn't they say it was an 18 hour surgery? I'd expect other doctors to pop in and out when they have time. I'm sure they all have their own patients. Also, wouldn't a ground breaking surgery such as this be recorded and the other doctors can review when they have time? Do hospitals even have galleries anymore?
  25. Amelia was 5 when her father was killed. In the flashbacks to that day Derek looked (to me) about 12-14 but I don't think it was ever specifically said. I don't know where Derek falls in the birth order. I disagree. I don't think there are really any underdogs on GA, at least in terms of being doctors. They're all the best! ever!, world class and top of their field even before they hit the attending stage. Bailey, Derek, Burke, Meredith, Callie, Addison, Arizona & Mark have all had the same attitude at points that I can remember (probably others as well). IIRC, most of them did not fail other than Derek. I don't want Dr. Herman to die but I think Amelia failing at the surgery will be the plot point to bring Derek back.
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