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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. I love Rasika kind of nerding out over Carla Hall too.
  2. Between Kristen “hopping” into the quickfire challenge and faking everyone out with the start, I’d say she’s knocking it outta the park.
  3. All they had to do is kneel down. How bizarre. That’s gonna go down in college football history as a top 10 “what were they thinking?!?”
  4. Carmona’s father died shortly before the match. Apparently she wasn’t told until after the game and celebration. https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/38229486/spain-winning-goalscorer-carmona-learns-father-death-women-world-cup-final
  5. I’m a little disappointed Australia didn’t make it to the final. That would have been glorious. And Tony Gustavsson is so fun to watch, he’s one of the most animated coaches around. But they had a good run, I’m glad they had so much success on their home turf.
  6. I think they showed the bedrooms once, when the baby-purée guy had his back problem and had to leave. But yeah, otherwise, not one shot that I can recall. What a waste of money and resources. I’m thinking they probably did the landscape and Florence shots pre- or post production, when they had more time but didn’t have access to the expensive villa. Which after the House Hunters lead-in, seemed like a natural star of the show. Honestly looking back at the whole show I can’t figure out what was actually on screen for an hour per show. We saw almost no background of the cheftestants, little of their interaction outside of the game, and little of the villa interior. I guess that leaves the actual cooking along with Alex and said cheftestants tasting food and snarking. It may sound weird but they focused too much on the cooking imo. Especially since the dishes were usually substandard. I’d would’ve liked to see more interactions outside the kitchen, maybe I would have cared about the cheftestants. And more nonnas and local food producers! Those people were awesome! I agree with everybody else, this show could have been great but they really missed the mark. What a shame. It was great to hate-watch, though.
  7. I love Carla. But I’m afraid she would cry every time someone got eliminated.
  8. Suni Lee is the reigning Olympic individual champion, not sure how much more known you can get in Olympic circles. The two para athletes are less of household names but I’m glad Top Chef chose them to both highlight their own talents and the Paralympics in general. It’s more of TC doing good where they can, imho.
  9. I like the change of using the athletes instead of family members.
  10. Jet lag maybe? She seems to have a lot of projects going on and as per upthread posts she wasn’t originally cast for this series. They kinda jammed her in. She could be exhausted and totally over it all. Considering how ill thought out this series is, Alex also may be reacting to the atmosphere of general crappy planning and production. She’s stuck in a dog of a show and knows it.
  11. Dear God, not more Corey and Preston. Watching those two donkeys being voted out was a rare moment of sunshine in this series. Now they bring them back for not one, but two shows. Why? Did they think viewers were slavering for more of them? Watching the rest of the “chefs” screw up basic vegetables just confirms my prior suspicion that they scraped the bottom of the barrel for this show. Trenica probably did the best job of the bunch, then promptly shot herself in the foot with those cherry tomatoes, ensuring a Corey/Preston nightmare scenario. Thanks for nothing, Trenica.
  12. I thought Sara running was adorable too, I could swear I saw her jumping up and clicking her heels. (Which I sure as hell can’t do.) I think the trip to LCK has energized her and taken a mental block out of the way….after all, after being voted out once maybe there’s nothing to lose? Anyway, I’m firmly in camp Sara, and when she’s cooking her food and not trying to meet some strange challenge criteria, she’s quite a force. I think she could beat Buddha.
  13. I get the feeling the show wasn’t exactly overrun with applicants.
  14. We’ve hardly seen cheftestants interacting beyond the challenges, and only brief (usually snarky) talking heads. After the double elimination everyone was hugging and I thought I heard something about visiting in Texas. So some people have obviously bonded, we’ve seen nothing of that, or anything else that would make us care about this group. Total edit fail. Everything about this series feels rushed, unplanned, and half-assed, I’m not surprised the editing is like that too.
  15. As others have pointed out, Alex has been rather salty. But I had to laugh when she drifted into the kitchen and said “you only have two minutes and I’m here to stress you out about it!” Then walked out. I guess if you’re going to be the villain, be transparent. There was no reason to only take the capos to taste the cheese, except to add to the general asshattery of the show. And I agree with everyone that they’re just making it up as they go.
  16. I love Victoire but she didn’t have one great dish, that made her stand out…and not in a good way. Also, I think not seasoning the cucumbers and onions was a huge mistake. You can’t just chop vegetables and serve them to the judges. I do agree that Gabri has consistently lucked out and sort of skated through so it’s kind of a bummer he didn’t go instead of Victoire.
  17. They cast a lot of private chefs too, not people who are actively working in a kitchen with other people. Although they probably took what they could get, people who have a regular job aren’t likely available to hang out in Tuscany for extended periods of time.
  18. And nasty too! Some of the things he said to Mark and Sharta were real low blows, like ragging on their marriage. They’re crazy and shouldn’t have locked him out and all but Bill is a real piece of work. And speaking of work, let us know when that book sale and movie comes through, Bill. I’ll be holding my breath. Nick looks stoned in his talking heads. I hope the blonde knitting woman holds her ground. What part of “no company at the house” was unclear to him? Now he whines and counterattacks at a pretty basic rule, and I’m sure his friend is a felon, he shouldn’t be around her in the first place. As dumb as DQ is, at least he’s aware enough to know the Dr. is a good influence, and he seeks advice from him.The odds for DQ aren’t good but he’s miles ahead of someone like Nick, who is stuck in Imma Gonna Do What I Want mode. Only one episode left? I hope this series is renewed, I’m hooked. Good job A&E.
  19. That report is horrific. Rampant sexual, emotional, and physical abuse and people ignored it. Let’s hope that things change. in happier news, the big England—US match kicks off in a few, I’ve got the popcorn ready.
  20. Damn, Nick has enough money for a Range Rover? I’m not buying the cryptocurrency investment story. More likely he stole the stuff in the first place. DQ and his uncle…I can’t even. DQ is going straight back to the places and people that got him in trouble. I think it’s a race between him and Nick as to who goes back to prison first. Arielle and Bill seem much better at manipulating people.
  21. I can’t believe DQ pulled the race card when he said something along the lines of “if a white man sees a black man doing something he doesn’t like, the white man calls the police.” Well DQ, if that black man is doing something illegal that will affect the white man, that’s generally what happens. So sorry you think it’s because you’re black. Totally agree with the other posts about him being an idiot who will be back in prison soon. Maybe he can kick it with his homies in there.
  22. According to twitter, “technical problems”
  23. Just saw a promo on Reelz, On Patrol: Live will premiere Friday July 22.
  24. I'm just glad the fishing competition turned out fairly even. These "wrangle your own protein" challenges could really disadvantage one/some of the chefs. Thankfully that didn't happen.
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