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Jersey Guy 87

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Everything posted by Jersey Guy 87

  1. If they're going to make this a two hour show than give us two weigh ins, I like that. Felicia thought Dolvet was disrespecting her the first week? Wow. Hatch is scheming the entire time. Although he was genuinely excited for his weight loss. I don't remember Allison being on screen half as much as Bob has been. I don't see this as a good change.
  2. Definitely in the camp that was distracted by her clothing choice. And bugging out eyes. And overall sense of delusion. I didn't get the whole idea of a breath freshener that is also used to mask odors on your hands. Reminds me of the old Shimmer skit from SNL way, way back.
  3. The extreme sandbox doesn't seem sustainable to me - I'd love to try it, but at $300 I'd try it once and that would be it. And only if it were local to me (I wouldn't travel somewhere just to play with heavy construction equipment). I no longer wear a tie enough to have to spend money on something to fix a problem I don't remember being a big deal when I did wear a tie a lot.
  4. Way too much Bob. Way, way too much Bob. Of course, I can't stand Bob so I was already saying that about 5 minutes in but he is way too involved. I liked Hatch on his original Survivor appearance, he was playing the game differently than everyone else from day 1. It will be interesting to see how he does in this format.
  5. Started re-watching this recently on Amazon Prime with our son, who is 13. He's amazed (as are we) with how cheesy the original season was.
  6. I'm not a fan of Justin's behavior but, up until this leg, I think he's proven himself to be a good racer. This episode he made multiple mistakes, and the other annoying side of his personality came out. I'm still okay with the Green Team winning because I think they're good racers but I'd rather the reporters win - they're also good racers and they haven't exhibited obnoxious behavior. Logan and Chris winning would be the worst outcome, to me - they're unpleasant and they haven't been overly good racers thus far.
  7. For a bag that size you're not going to make it too heavy to carry on or check unless you're packing unusually heavy stuff (lead bricks, perhaps?). $400 for a high-end rollaway bag isn't outrageous, and when I traveled a lot for business I invested in higher-end luggage because it quite simply held up better. However, Trunkster doesn't give me the impression of high-end luggage, it gives me the impression of gimmicky luggage. I have questions about the durability of the rolltop - both in getting punctured but more importantly in the roller track getting screwed up. The USB charger aspect just adds weight for little value - airports have charging stations nowadays, hotel lobbies have outlets and when you're on a plane the bag is in the overhead compartment above you. This is the type of crap that gets sold through SkyMall. They do now. The trike guy didn't seem to have a plan to make an actual viable business. He inspects every single trike? He didn't seem to know if he should shoot for he kid market or the adult market. His next step after the trike (which did seem cool) was to sell accessories for it. The sharks were right to walk away.
  8. I don't have a problem with Kimmi changing her position on a women's alliance. Things have happened since Monica proposed one the first time, conditions are different and players need to adapt or they will go home. I'm starting to think Kimmi wasn't necessarily opposed to a women's alliance but rather with an alliance that included Monica.
  9. Justin is annoying in his cockiness, but he (and Diana) do know how to race. And I like the way they interacted with the kids. I'm okay with them winning because they are competent racers (which I enjoy) and I'll forget who won this race within a couple weeks of it ending.
  10. I'm okay with this as well. Justin is annoying and irritating, but he and Diana do know how to race. Had they decided to race at the end of the last leg instead of letting the girls go first they'd be in the race still. Sometimes you make your own luck. The paparazzi are less of a threat than Team Texas. They were the right team to give a u-turn to if you're inclined to use the u-turn. I have tried in vain to forget Dandrew. I think the Green Team does decently in the tasks and (as you point out) also do a very good job getting between tasks. Those two skills together (task competence and usually not losing time in between tasks) are a tough combination to beat. They're in first place leg after leg because they're overwhelmingly competent.
  11. I think Chris is very lucky Justin is on this season because he's getting all the attention for being obnoxious. Chris is far worse, IMO. He's constantly negative, he's indecisive, he treats his partner poorly and he's a bad racer. At least Justin knows how to race.
  12. This is a more powerful advantage than Dan got - it includes taking away someone's vote in addition to getting an extra vote. Wigglesworth played in season one - a lot of people weren't really playing the game because they didn't really understand what the game was yet. There were no hidden immunity idols (and the rules for those have changed over the years as well). There have been more tribe swaps this season, plus the fact that everybody had the potential to go into the season with alliances already in place.
  13. Part of me wants to see Jeremy go home with two hidden immunity idols in his pocket. But I don't think that's going to happen. I'm not sure why Jeremy went along with the idea that he was in the bottom of his alliance last night. He seems to be very secure.
  14. I think the Texans showed poor racing skills - you are in a race, you should race as hard as possible the entire time. They didn't, and they deserved to go home for it. I didn't see any sort of honor or sportsmanship being exhibited, just poor racing. The green team is going to be very difficult to beat unless they run into some hours of operation bunches. Which they will.
  15. I don't think having an alliance of numbers in and of itself says whether or not you're playing a good game. Some people in the alliance of numbers are there because they are a reliable vote, some people are there because they put together the alliance of numbers and are leading it. Others fall somewhere inbetween. We learned that Andrew thought he was seen as the glue. We didn't learn why the people who voted for him actually voted for him. He doesn't necessarily know what Wentworth, Cierra and Abi were thinking.
  16. Without the hats I might have forgotten their names, they've been ignored so much thus far. Which makes sense for the racer - why remove wrong choices for your competitors? I don't think casting can really predict how a team will do until they actually run the race. Teams that might seem like they'll be good competitors might be incompetent at navigating, unable to do a certain task, etc. For example, the track athletes were probably expected to do much better than they did. I thought they would be naturals at it - it's essentially a dance step for them, something they're good at. I don't know if any of the other teams could have pulled it off, though. Seeing team Texas struggle to subtract 28 from 52 was pretty entertaining, actually.
  17. At least they knew Rotterdam and Amsterdam aren't the same city.
  18. I want to see teams that race competently, I'm not interested in characters on TAR. Giving TMZ another chance because they might be good at snark is playing towards characters, not racing ability. TMZ might have been able to navigate competently but they weren't very impressive in actually doing tasks.
  19. I don't know the university would assume that much risk. Have Rent Like A Champion pay the university for them to promote company to alumni when they are looking for a place to stay when they come to the homecoming game. My school (which is not a huge football school) sends out emails before every home and away game listing where parties are, where the "official" alumni tailgate is, etc. Adding a line saying "if you're looking for housing contact these guys" in return for money from Rent Like a Champion doesn't expose them to liability. And the university might have properties that they would be willing to rent out as well...
  20. Logan and Chris weren't in last place though, so they weren't going to be eliminated no matter what. And they were mildly more tolerable this episode. Last episode I thought Justin toned it a good amount and was much more tolerable, this episode he cranked it way back up. And Diane was allowed to talk and turned out to be a little unpleasant herself (yeah, she was complaining about Justin's over the top behavior but she still complained far too much - accept that Justin isn't going to value your opinion on which task to do and move on for the sake of racing). I'm rooting for the reporters at this point as the classic "hey, who are these guys? I can't remember them from any previous legs and they're in the finals" type of racers. Because they've been completely ignored in the editing.
  21. What scared the sharks is he's spent 6 years developing a product that already exists in Japan. There's doing your homework and there's taking far too long to get to market. He's guilty of the latter. I thought the same thing. To me, the thing to do with the college house rental thing is partner with the universities - that makes it easier to leverage their alumni networks to find potential house owners who want to rent and steer the alumni coming back for a game to those properties. That seems like a no-brainer to me, but the impression I got was the two guys were going after homeowners themselves rather than working with the schools. Vending machines in Japan are completely out of control, you can get just about anything. And I can see hot coffee in a can coming out of a vending machine being something that works well there. But in the US there are far too many places you can quickly grab a cup of hot coffee.
  22. I forget these guys are on the race sometimes. They seem to run a pretty good race, we just don't see it.
  23. Danny's doctor couldn't tell anything to Jeff/Survivor without express permission. Trish, on the other hand, could tell Jeff/Survivor whatever she wanted. If Jeff had information there's no law that would stop him from saying anything he wanted to Terry - Jeff is not a medical professional and therefore he's not bound by HIPAA regulations. That said, I'm sure Terry's wife said very little other than there's an emergency, Danny is in the hospital, Terry needs to come home. And that was more than enough to get Terry to come home. The other details could be provided after Terry had left Survivor and no longer had a camera crew following him. That's certainly how I would like to think I would have handled it if I were in a similar position. Also, if I were CBS I would have told Jeff to not say a word beyond the bare minimum if they did have more information. While they are not bound by HIPAA* they showed good instincts in how to behave responsibly and ethically. *As an example, Jason Pierre-Paul of the New York Giants blew his finger off on July 4th with fireworks. A reporter for ESPN tweeted or posted (I forget which) his medical chart from the hospital. The reporter did not violate any HIPAA regulations because he was not a medical professional. Whoever provided him with the details almost certainly did (unless it was JPP who provided the info). Although the reporter didn't break any laws he did catch considerable grief for posting a picture of the medical chart and later agreed that he shouldn't have ethically done that. Terry saying that HIPAA prevented
  24. If you're going to suggest someone as the "alternate boot" it's best to make sure they're okay with it first. Savage did not - he threw out Ciera without ever checking in with her. I'm sure an idol clue was available, it wasn't found. I don't think Jeff is bound by HIPAA regulations to not tell Terry details of his son's condition. After all, Jeff is not a medical professional. I think it's more likely Jeff didn't know what was up with Terry's son so he didn't have anything more to tell Terry. The doctors caring for Terry's son couldn't tell anything to Jeff but Terry's wife is perfectly free to tell anyone she wants whatever she wants. She was also free to not give out any details. But HIPAA regulations only cover medical professionals, not private individuals.
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