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  1. The number of responses pretty much says it all. Bye bye MAFS. I was really confused by the Ick-man and the divorce. I always thought that if the couples said they wanted a divorce on D-Day, the show helped with that process. Otherwise, why would people sign up if they knew the odds and then they would have to pay for it themselves? I did enjoy the Michelle/Karla conversation, even though it looked like neither of them were wearing pants. But, they both looked great. Michelle really did seem to acknowledge what a horrible bitch she was to David. And I LOVED how Karla realized that she could not be with a partner who is like her - I loved it when she said that, "Someone needs a plan and that sure wouldn't be me!" That is exactly what one of the issues with Juan was. Speaking of confusion - what is with their shared business and how does that lawsuit fit in???? Juancho's Ponchos??? Allen is a gentleman and will be fine. I agree that making David and Madison the success story of the century won't really work with most of the viewers. I still think David is way more in love than she is, but they seem happy. Now, Thomas and Camille. . . I wondered how happy he could be with her, and it looks like he is not truly. I hope he decides before they have kids. She just has an attitude that she is better than he is and is always so condescending and I think she is hard to please. Plus, as long as her personality is the type to enjoy making people suffer or worry so she can then just say, "Just kidding," I have no hope for them. That is a horrible characteristic and I think a serious flaw. (I had a manager like that and she came into my office one day, eyes blazing, telling me that the director of our division called her about me, so I thought I was going to be fired, just to tell me that he said I was a great addition to the team, etc. But, by that time, she had ruined any possible chance of pride I could feel, and I never forgot that.) Why didn't Emem seek out a divorce? Is Brandon still married? They are both too strange and he just wants his TV stardom. She is strange and always has been. Ick looks better and better. Not good - just better. I did not watch the follow-up show. We just saw the whole season replayed - why do another show about it?
  2. There's also yet another follow up show where they will replay, yet again, the top 10 moments from this season. Enough already! We can't miss it if it never goes away! But, I will say that I appreciate the show filming these follow-up shows a year after filming since they took so long to show them in the first place.
  3. Michelle asked the experts about the switcharoo rumor, which they flatly denied. I do believe them since Madison specifically said she wanted someone white and Michelle asked for a light-skinned Black man, which she got. So, it all boils down to attraction and compromising, which most of these people did not have. I don't care what PC says, you DO have to be attracted to your partner. So, do we actually know Juan's big secret? Is it that he has a gf already? If that was it and Karla knew on Day 1, I would have asked for a new husband. No wonder he forgot about her and enjoyed his day out with David.
  4. Yuck! This has to be stressful enough, but can you imagine the group activities where you discuss intimacy with your mother there discussing whether she and her new husband have hooked up? YUCK!
  5. That season looks like the couples may be a little older. I think that is better than the ones they get in their early or even mid-twenties. But, the other side is that the older we get, the more set in our ways we get. Oh well - maybe they will make successful matches on Peacock. Too bad we won't be there to see it.
  6. I was fixated on his tie - it looked like it was made from cork!
  7. Why did they keep showing David's hand with a wedding ring on with no comments? I'm sorry (not really), but those faces that Emem makes that show her acting just so superior make me crazy. I hated when the pretend boyfriend fawned all over her and called her his "Olivia Pope." Not even close. IF she had a miscarriage, I am sorry, but I have a hard time believing anything she says. Also, what the heck was the big surprise that was supposed to render everyone speechless? I heard nothing new. Knowing what we know now about Juan and Karla, I thought something might come out last night. She sure gave him side-eye, but she didn't say anything. And, whatever he said to make her family try to blackmail him must have happened off-screen, because we didn't see anything. Maybe he confessed that he already had a girlfriend and was just doing this for publicity. That is not a reason for blackmail since more than half of the people on this show seem to be guilty of that lately. Did Karla have ANYTHING on under that lace dress? But, she did appear to have larger breasts than she had during her season. I was also glad to see that Michelle realized that she was a huge part of the problem with David. I hope she truly does work on that and that the show will do a better job of vetting these people. Her own family and friends said that she is very guarded and hard to get to know. They only have 8 weeks - she is not the right candidate. I did not even start to watch that following show with all the best and worst couples so far. Did anyone? So, are we done or is there another show next week? It kind of looked like there was, but maybe that was just a preview for the show that followed. If this is it, thanks for the fun snarkage here and I hope we can chat again.
  8. She definitely looked bigger at the reunion. I think I commented on it someplace - she looked very close to Michelle's size.
  9. I don't think fewer people want to get married, but more people want to be social media celebrities and don't care what they are known for. The people who want to get married are using more traditional ways to meet people, or are still using dating apps, with little success. I kind of like the premise of Love is Blind, where they get to know the person first by spending time with them, sight unseen, and then finally meet them, but they have gotten to know the personalities. And, I think they just get engaged, but not married. That makes much more sense to me and will let people overlook those shallow things they state as must haves for MAFS, once they meet the person.
  10. He said that on one of the Afterparties he was on. But, he just kept hoping it would turn around, so he didn't stop trying. He will be fine - he's a good guy.
  11. I'm not sure I would want to publish anything that said that I dated him off and on for 2 years. So, what's wrong with HER? It shouldn't have taken more than 1 date to see him as he is. I don't care how well-endowed he is - just his personality alone would make that a non-starter. Shall we just put this ex- in the same bucket as the producers who seemed to think that he was good husband material? Actually, I give the producers more credit. They knew who he was because they didn't cast him for the Houston season. The fact that he came to Chicago and applied again showed that they knew exactly what they wanted to cast for Emem.
  12. I don't think the surprise that would shock anyone is Emem and Brandon. They have already announced their "engagement." Plus, I don't think anyone really even cares or believes her. Maybe Camille and Tom are expecting? Maybe David and Madison already got married? Maybe Michelle and Karla hooked up? Maybe Karla finally told Juan that he can't sing?
  13. When did Karla get boobs? They look about the same size as Michelle's and not the flat little boy chest she had all season.
  14. The fact that this Brandon guy wants to have Pastor Cal marry them on TV should show Emem exactly what he wants and why he is marrying her. She is going to be twice divorced in the same year.
  15. I also fell asleep during the first show. I did wake up for the second one, but that was nothing exciting. I didn't know a lot of the people on that panel. Gina still has her mouth open all the time, even though she said she became aware of that habit after watching their season and feedback. She also has not figured out how to wear a dress without her boobs falling out. I wish Clint had been on. I forgot how cute he was. I guess the most interesting was Miguel. He tried hard not to say too much negative about Lindy, but he did admit that she was bossy and sometimes challenging to be with and she changed her story often to his surprise. And, no, they don't see each other. I will have to watch the rest of the first show later, although from the comments, I saw enough. I thought Michelle looked beautiful and remains physically, much prettier than Madison. (IMO, of course). While I am glad that this show was filmed a whole year after their season, it was more than past time to let the whole lying/cheating thing go. I am glad that both Allen and Juan seem to have found better partners for them. I still don't believe anything about Em and Brandon (although I didn't see Brandon, but Kevin said he was there.) If they had such a magical love, why aren't they married? Still waiting for one or both to get a divorce? Tom and Camille remain boring, and I am glad they called her on her playing games by wanting to pretend they weren't together. I wonder if Tom got in trouble for just coming out and saying it before she could be her "cutesy Camille" self. It looked like Karla had a lot to say, but I don't know if she did or not because I was asleep. I will watch today. I thought it was interesting that they seem to have maintained a friendship and see each other for coffee, etc., even though Karla had just wanted to make a clean break. I wonder what Juan's gf is like. David did look a lot better, but he really is immature. He is still all swoopy in love with Madison, and while she said she loved him, she still seems so hard to me. I don't see that lasting. I am guessing that he moved into her place. But, I think I heard them say they were buying a house? I really don't know why Ick even showed up, unless he just wanted to do his walk-off routine. I want to see his response to having previously tried to get on the show. Was it just to push his "book?" From the very small number of responses, it seems that this season/show has run its course. Even though many of us say every year that we are done, maybe this time we are?
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