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  1. I am watching the episodes now, but I am not enjoying them. First, the scenes are just too dark (lighting) and I am just totally confused. Plus, when they give their special snowflake anything important to do, it takes me out of the show. There is no way anyone as immature and naive and ridiculous as Penelope Garcia would be in the BAU, much less have the attention of grown men. So, I will keep hanging in there, but once I have the first few watched, I will enjoy just watching 1 at a time.
  2. I think VK said at the end that she hadn't told Kelli and Judy. Maybe she hadn't told her mother, either? Or, maybe it was TK's strategy to tell them she is quitting and have them BEG her to return, with the promise of leadership, etc. I think TK is also delusional with the talent she believes her daughter has. It is a tough situation since she seems to be so close to Kelli. Judy doesn't even try to hide her disdain. I guess now we just wait to see the roster when this year's TC is over. It looked like quite a few uniforms were on the 'no' rack, so there should be lots of opportunities for new people. I wonder if there are plans to do this show again and if they will be able to do it so that it plays for the current season.
  3. My guess is that TK is who she is and is, for some reason, proud of it and will just say the way she is being shown is the editing. I don't know what Victoria does or can work as, but, as long as she is living with and being sheltered by her mother, she will never reach whatever potential she might otherwise. I also think that VK had probably hoped that after her "career" as a DCC, she would probably be given a nice position in the organization, which, of course, won't happen. But, I do agree that this season is actually changing people's minds about her. Not that she is more likable, but just not so much hate.
  4. Well, I still am watching, but they just picked the final team. I have not enjoyed the Kalina show - both Tina and Victoria. And, too much Reese. She is a lovely girl, although incredibly immature and naive (she is engaged to the first guy she ever dated?). I agree with those who are feeling sad for Victoria. She doesn't fit in. She doesn't have friends and doesn't seem to have the social skills to make them. I wonder if her mother actually has any other clothes besides her Cowboys shirt. Her mother has managed to make Victoria's life seem pretty pathetic. But, I think Tina's is more sad if this is the only thing she has in her life. They aren't showing the other legacy cheerleader (is it Madison?) as this being the only thing she has. I guess it must be episode 5 or 6 that is playing now, so I will finish this today. I really like Kelcy. Since I have missed the show the past couple of years, and I saw that they had Kat on - did she try out and didn't make it, or was she just in for a year or two?. I think it was at least 2, right? I kind of liked the documentary format, but I did miss a lot of the dancing and learning the routines. And, I definitely skipped through the life stories. OMG -that birthday party! Poor VK. She has no chance at a normal life. All she has is that wacko mother who has instilled in her that being a DCC is the only thing that matters. And, I sure hope that we don't get a new show featuring the Kalinas as a future Netflix offering.
  5. I am so glad that I checked to see if there was a thread for this. I have missed MTT so much, and was so happy to find this on Netflix. My plan is to watch them tomorrow, although when I saw the previews and it seemed to be all about VK, I was kind of skeptical. But, I am going to be happy for what we have. I look forward to chatting with you all.
  6. That's exactly what I was going to say. Once Ron has picked his favorites, he either doesn't care what the viewers think, or, more likely, he loves it when we hate them.
  7. I have this weekend set aside to catch up with the whole season so far. From reading the comments, I am not sure if I will want to continue or not. For me, a lot depends on how much Penelope is crammed down our throats. Especially with her in any kind of relationship. (Although, I did like her with Kevin way back when. THEY made sense.)
  8. Don't forget Stefano. He was always convenient and we DO have a new family with no apparent ties to Salem - yet.
  9. So, Harris is still around (even if we don't see him)? I wish he would just leave and I wish Ava would go away or to jail or wherever, but there is no need for her at all. Brady isn't smart enough to have figured out Theresa's scheme with the will. But, whatever he told Alex didn't seem to change Alex's mind as they announced their engagement. I really want the whole inheritance story to be over already. At least before Alex spends all the money that isn't his. When is Ari's last day? I think it is the end of July. So, we have another month before she finds out about EJ withholding info from her. At least she has her baby back. Oh boy, we get to see Paulina feeling guilty again. And Abe is relegated to chief consoler. Will we see the new Gabi soon or will this just be a one-sided phone conversation?
  10. Well, come November, people will have to choose R or D, so why shouldn't she be able to state her preferences and beliefs, without all of the hate comments? People were so devastated that "Nicole" was leaving, but are now hating on the actress and not her character. I guess this is why the country is so messed up. People can't separate policies from people. When I used to teach a million years ago, and the NEA would tell us who to vote for, I never understood that. I always felt that I was entirely capable of making up my own mind and that teaching was what I did, it was not who I am. But, then I also never understood why people needed to hear from entertainers who they should vote for. That makes me truly sad. Some people give way too much power to be told how to feel and how to think. And, more important, how to vote.
  11. Saw Drake H (John) yesterday is a Criminal Minds rerun. He played a Senator who came in at the end and gave the BAU authority to fix the mess the current director made.
  12. I hate that now that Stefan knows about the baby's father, he will just use it to blackmail EJ, and NOT do the right thing. By the time someone tells Eric and Nicole, the kid will be in college, I'm afraid.
  13. Thanks! I didn't realize that the new season has started. Time to catch up.
  14. I know I say this every time @DisneyBoy mentions how Theresa comes from money, so she shouldn't be shown as someone so desperate for cash, BUT it is my thought that her PARENTS have money, she doesn't. As an adult, she should be earning a living, not waiting for her parents to give her any for doing what? As long as the show keeps painting her as a greedy gold digger, it works for me. We have seen scenes with her brother Andrew acting as if she is irresponsible with cash, so her changing the will and trying to trick Alex into marrying her makes total sense to me. Especially since that whole plot is dumb and will be revealed soon (I hope!).
  15. I can't imagine that Konman's shuddering confession is just that the will was changed. That would make people furious, but not shudder. I am wondering if he did something that brought down Victor's plane, so essentially he killed Vic? And, we still have to get closure on the daughter - is she dead or not? And, once he is gone (hopefully in the next week), who cares about his daughter and why would she show up in Salem?
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