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Everything posted by Julyolo

  1. I've said it before, but I still maintain Christine is having an affair with one of the show's staff.
  2. Apparently you've forgotten Janelle. Easy to do!
  3. They are just stringing us all along. We will have the engagement, and a new baby as fodder for next year. Then they will come back to the wives, who will each summarize last season. Then something will be left hanging for next year. Fade to Black......
  4. Too funny! I knew he looked like someone but I couldn't place who it was.
  5. Gosh! Tony's ready for My 600 Pound Life!
  6. At this point these kids are no better or worse than the Kardashians. They are going to say whatever they have to say to keep this show rolling
  7. Well this is very interesting. Now they are revisiting the B&B purchase, and it appears nobody believed anything anybody was saying to each other at that time. Great plural marriage there.
  8. Really enjoyed tonight! Hope to see you all in the chat next week.
  9. She really sounds like a drug dealer now trying to sell her customer. Getting kicked to the curb has revealed how thug she really is.
  10. Oh now that somebody is not finally going along with baby girl voice, she goes street on him. And not in a baby girl voice either.
  11. I feel bad for Dr. Now. You know, two hours of this once a week is almost more than I can stand. Can you imagine 8 hours of patient visits 5 days of the week with people like this? I think we should have a special segment where he goes to see Dr. Lola for therapy.
  12. Lola: "So you and Tyrone grew up together, to a large degree". Is she fat shaming her patient?
  13. Her wig looks like the deflated version of Lola's!
  14. Pepper, I commented earlier that she might just be dumb enough to follow his instructions without over-thinking. But she's apparently not THAT dumb.
  15. I am so afraid we're going to get another death here. And I will feel so bad for the way I have snarked on her.
  16. I am hoping she is just simple-minded enough to follow his instructions. Not seeing any signs that she complicates things by overthinking.
  17. " I be wanting what I be wanting". Words to die by.
  18. That car guru lady is also in ads for cuticle cream and depression medication. Rather unsettling.
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