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  1. I know that it wasn't her fault and I know she was under a large amount of stress but dear GOD, Teddy was a complete and total c*** this episode I found myself at times wishing for her to fall down an elevator shaft. From the condescending way she was to Ben to how she chewed out Simone and Jules ESPECIALLY when Simone DID raise concerns being on the shooter's case and she overrode him. She was so FUCKING insufferable. It's only gonna get worse once she finds out that Owen nearly kissed someone else. I'm amazed that Teddy and Owen managed to last THIS long. Usually marriages on Grey's last 2 to 3 years at max. The only examples that DIDN'T seem to be Miranda and Ben (who are solid and probably never gonna be split up), Meredith and Derek (who lasted 6 years and probably wouldn't have broken up if Patrick Dempsey didn't leave and Richard and Catherine (can't see them splitting up either).
  2. Can somebody please explain to me what the hell a "1 in a third" year prison term means? Without the perjury charge, Frank would be doing two of those. Is that like 2 years or something? Bensaint implied that it wasn't long at all.
  3. If Jo loses one of the twins I expect Link will probably blame Adams for it and when Amelia steps in to stand up for her nephew he probably will pull a jackass move and try to take Scout from her. Honestly it looked like Adams was the one who was shot so if he was I can't see Jo ALSO losing a twin. Also while it was nice that they didn't kill off Yasuda, I am pretty positive the way she left means we are never ever EVER going to see her again even though they are saying they left the door open. It is like I thought that she won't ever be able to be in the hospital where her sister died. I honestly don't see Kwan and Molly lasting at all especially since her boyfriend just proposed to her and she is conflicted. After being with Kwan I can easily see her rejected him. Then Kwan and Millan find their way back to each other and couple up. Which sucks because Yasullin was the superior couple to Kwillian. But once again Mika is gone for good. I'm calling it right now. At some point Winston and Amelia are going to get together. I think Beltran is a red herring and eventually Winston and Amelia will hook up. Which may lead to problems when Maggie checks back in even if they are divorced. You know the code is to NEVER go after your friend's ex. Maggie already dealt with seeing one ex (DeLuca) begin a relationship with her sister. I can't see Teddy being the one that cheats this time. But I also remember what Cass said to Teddy about how opening up her marriage saved it. I can easily see Owen and Teddy becoming swingers and them exploring that angle. Either that or they both have a threeway with Cass. I just think Cass dropped that bombshell for a reason. So Owen probably will sleep with Nora and Teddy will decide an open marriage is the best way to move forward. Hard to believe Owen has been married to Teddy LONGER than he was to Cristina but all they seem to do is fight and make-up.
  4. I guess her sister’s death is how we end up losing Yasuda so she doesn’t die which is good because I am not too big on doctors dying even though I know that it has happened before. So the door will be left open but I honestly don’t think we will see Yasuda again on the series. Just think about it? Would you want to return back to the hospital that your sister died at? I think that it is over for her even if she didn’t die. She was one of my favorites also and it sucks but it is what it is. Either way I wish Midori Francis all the best. Hope she will turn up in something else. Also I had another thought: what happened to the people in the other car that was involved in the accident? Did they walk away unscathed or were there some minor injuries? Either way the car accident happened because Yasuda fell asleep at the wheel. Is there a way she could be charged with that?
  5. Because it is an unwritten rule in the hospital that the interns that work there are always treated like piles of shit and yelled at and blamed for anything. Seriously if I was wanting to become a doctor and I saw how the show treated interns I would definitely change my career path with how all the attending doctors treat them.
  6. For a comment that is NOT about St. Olivia the patron saint of special victims I have a quick question if anybody knows the answer. The woman that Bruno was in bed with at the beginning: was that his ex-wife? I remember last season that it was implied he still had feelings for her and they divorced because they never saw each other due to their jobs (I think she was a firefighter?)
  7. My only takeaway: If I was Yasuda I would be PISSED and asking for a transfer to a different hospital. Millan saying that Yasuda had done NOTHING wrong is going to be the only time we hear that probably. I assume that is it for "Tabitha from "Passions" Maxine?
  8. Which episode was that? I know that I have seen it and it was about a victim being stuffed into a bad and carried out and dumped somewhere but I am not sure what the episode was.
  9. I am very much aware that people absolutely HATE Muncy even though I don't really have an opinion on her (and people hated her character on Days of our Lives also) but its annoying when we get regulars lasting for only one season when the Squad Room is bare and St. Olivia is moaning about being understaffed. We only had Muncy until the end of this season. Jamie Gray Hyder, Demore Barnes and Philip Winchester didn't last that long either. It just gets annoying after a while. I am honestly expecting Octavio Pisano to go next as well as any newcomers for season 25 not staying long either. I know its because of budget issues but the only person I can think of as being safe is Mariska at this point. Don't get me started on also killing off good characters so that Olivia can stay on the trauma merry-go-round and come out as a stronger woman. Mike Duarte was a perfectly good character who didn't have to be killed off. We didn't need to lose Simon either. Also Mike Dobbs even though Andy Karl was leaving should have been left alive also. Final point. How long until the McCann family either gets murdered or turned evil. I swear its an unwritten rule somewhere that Olivia and Noah can only have each other as family members and nobody else until the series finale when she and Elliott inevitably get together. That was why they killed off Simon. Why we haven't seen Olivia's sister-in-law, namesake niece and step-nephew and why they wrote Sheila Porter as unhinged. So you KNOW that Noah's half-brother and his adoptive family won't be in the picture for long. Sorry for all of that. These things really do annoy me to no end. Even if the budget is the reason why we can't retain many new characters then they need stop adding them or having Olivia point out how understaffed the squad is. Killing off good characters to give Olivia angst needs to stop also. As well as giving Noah biological family members since they will ultimately be insane or get killed off for more Olivia angst.
  10. Then if that is the case it was sort of a rotten thing for Kai to do even with the excuse it just became real to them after seeing Scout for the first time and helping out with the kids Meredith semi-abandons on a seemingly daily basis. Kai knew that Amelia had a son. What did they expect to happen? I can see Amelia not wanting anymore kids but she does have Scout. Did they really think that Amelia would give up her son?
  11. Do we know for sure that E.R. Fightmaster is finished airing on the show? The way she and Amelia left it is very open-ended. I mean Kai KNOWS that Amelia has a son. Amelia told her almost immediately. If Kai is suggesting that they don't have any more children I understand that. If Kai is saying that they THEMSELVES don't want Scout around, that might be a problem.
  12. Not sure where to post this so I figured I would do it here. Warren Leight is leaving as a show runner again. Do we know who is gonna replace him? For the love of GOD, do not let it be Michael Chernuchin. When I watched his season, not only did the squad (sans Olivia of course) turn nasty, make comments that were just wrong or committed ACTUAL police brutality (looking at you Rollins), but he took a perfectly good DA in Stone and sacrificed him at the altar of Olivia.
  13. Which is exactly why the relation will implode and we'll end up with a Jo/Link/Amelia/Kai love dodecahedron from hell which will end in everybody from Minnesota being dropped and forgotten about and Linc/Amelia back together with Jo sidelined with no best friend or love interest.
  14. Now that Jorgeous has been eliminated in this episode after the lip sync, who will RuPaul be fangirling over now?
  15. Not sure you can say that. In the alternative universe episode didn't they have Alex and Meredith be a couple and he cheated on her with her best friend April?
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