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Everything posted by BaskingsharkGTX

  1. That was some of the weakest writing I've seen in a televised pilot, ever. The story was on the level of an old Hanna-Barbera cartoon - besides all the plot holes everyone already mentioned, how did the stereotypical Hispanic gangbangers know the women carried out the robbery if the Police couldn't find them? And it's testament to the acting talent of Christina Hendricks, Mae Whitman and Retta - and their chemistry together - that they were able to sell such flat, one-dimensional characters and actually make them likable/relatable in spite of their ludicrous behavior. I might watch next week for the performances alone, but the plotting and character depth both better improve drastically and fast.
  2. Sadness. In a world of uniformly awful 2018 TV shows, I have to wait another month for Imposters to come back?!
  3. So much they could have done to make Steven more interesting. So much they could have done with this whole show to make it interesting. I skipped through this episode which is something I never do. Lame writing, tame characters, bad actors, dull stories and no edge at all. I think I'm out.
  4. I wish they'd shown us everybody setting up for that video. Archie: "OK, so my creative vision for how we strike terror into the heart of whoever this guy is is that everybody stands around shirtless with red hoods on, except you, you wear a tank top for variety and I'm going with the unhooded baseball shirt look." I don't usually bother watching extras/interviews but I caught one with KJ Apa where they asked him about that scene and even he was like "Um, yeah, it was all kinda WTF..."
  5. Even more so when none of the other cruisers are old/unattractive... But then, is anybody on any teen soap ever old/unattractive?! I cannot get the quote function to work properly and I don't want to go off topic, but re: the below, Grosse Pointe is one of the most under-rated shows EVER. Irene Molloy as Hunter/Becky was incredible "Hunter, do you think I was born yesterday?!" "No. I think you were born in the sixties, shall I leak it to the press?" There's also an episode where they parody the sort of ridiculous shirtlessness that Riverdale is always doing and went so wildly over the top with this week.
  6. Oh I don't know about that. After all, if he has access to a wood like this one that's filled with hot sexy male models on the prowl, why not choose that over Grindr!!! Seriously though, so much crack to unpack in this episode; The Archilantes. Shirtless or not. (But especially shirtless. Seriously WTF show?) Sheriff K, the only person to even mildly object to a bunch of stupid teenage boys deciding to form a militia, doesn't forbid them from doing it OR call in the FBI OR set a curfew while everybody else is all "Oh that Archie, always up to such wacky hijinks! There he he goes again, and this time, he's forming a private army!" Also, what the hell are they doing with that video? Posting it on YouTube? How exactly are people going to react to it? People who aren't gay porn scouts, I mean. They'll all react to it by picking up the phone, but how about people like the cops, and their parents and Alice freaking Cooper? Next episode, Luke Perry gives Archie some fatherly advice "Son, you and your friends need to stop posting unthreatening threatening shirtless videos on the internet. It's not going to scare the killer, it's just freaking WEIRD. Also beware of girls who choose themselves." Kevin the cruiser. Kevin, when you go on Grindr you make them send you more pictures to prove who they are. It's like Gay 101. You question if people leave voicemails, then you go and hook up in the woods like it's 1956?! Ethel "There's a killer on the loose so I will walk home in the dark and mist alone" Muggs Hermione "See me go full crazy bitch on my own daughter" Lodge Mr Lodge AKA The Godfather Lite Southside High looking like Escape from LA Continuing the 90210 tradition of teenagers who own high-five-figure musclecars Whoever wrote this ep is on freaking Jingle-Jangle. And they need to take over running the whole show because going full batshit insane is easily the best and only way forward. Also New!Reggie is very funny. His subtle reactions to Archie's little speech in the "Hey dudes, let's all form a fun vigilante gang after school and hunt the killer" scene were awesome.
  7. A bit dark for BelAmi. More Falcon circa 1998. Major WTF moment there, show. Also, Jingle-Jangle was a song by The Archies from the 1968-78 animated The Archie Show. People often don't know Sugar Sugar was their only song;
  8. This is the thing - it's as if they're thinking "oooh, what would these characters do that is shocking and night-time-soapy" instead of "what motivates these characters to behave as they do and what's actually believable for them to do". She sticks around because she needs to for the plot. I also hated the bit where Fallon confronted her at the funeral, grabs her sunglasses and tosses them away and Cristal didn't even mention it. It's all so... lame and small. This is what dumb pre-teen schoolyard bullies do, not what supposedly-sophisticated, smart, nasty, manipulative people do. The first ever catfight in OG Dynasty happened because Krystle discovered that when she fell off her horse and had a miscarriage, the horse wasn't spooked by a car backfiring, it was spooked and threw her because Alexis - driven even more crazy than usual by jealousy when she found out about the pregnancy - saw her out riding and fired her gun deliberately. Even 30-some years later this is still hundreds of times more powerful than "I don't like you because you took my job and my daddy and you were having an affair with Nick Wechsler so I'm going to be bitchy to you and mess with your accessories." And yeah, the nano-second Sammy Jo got out of the pool and they didn't show him below the waist, I was like "oh, he's not wearing a swimsuit". I hope they have plenty of Chlorine in that pool.
  9. It was, sort of. At the start of Season 3, after their grandson (child of Fallon Carrington Colby and Jeff Colby) was kidnapped, Alexis and Blake went on TV to plead for his safe return. During the plea, Alexis announced that the kidnapping was extra-hard for them because it brought back memories of when their first-born child, Adam, was kidnapped and never found. This was so traumatizing that they kept his existence a secret from their other kids. Alexis had previously mentioned Adam towards the end of Season 2, however, during an argument with Blake. And yes, it is completely ridiculous, even in the 1980's, that this ultra-famous couple could keep secret that they had another kid who just vanished. A moment, now, to remember Adam Carrington's finest moment, when he proved he was truly his mother's son after he tried to kill Jeff by having his office painted with "poison paint" that gave off lethal toxic fumes. In spite of its leaden pace, horrible, contradictory dialog and general blah-ness, this episode was better than the pilot, but not by much. Whoever decided to play this show for comedy made an absolutely fatal mistake. There's no emotional resonance here whatsoever. Revenge was frequently hilarious and I don't think anyone took that seriously either, but the actors and writers playing it straight gave it a depth this lacks and provided a counterpoint to the campy funny bits. I do not care about any of the New!Dynasty characters because they are flat and one-dimensional and I STILL have no reason to like them. Writers; the first thing which snarky biatches who like to interject zingers into their everyday speech learn is moderation. If Every. Single. Thing. You. Say. is a one-liner, it gets really old and really tiresome really quickly. When almost all Fallon's lines are anti-Cristal barbs, it leaves no room for character development, which is what is SORELY needed because, um, she's supposed to be the lead?! And at this point, she's basically just a Don Rickles standup set with more better hair and slightly smaller boobs. Oh and another thing in the same vein; even though I laughed out loud at the bit where Cristal pushed Fallon into the grave, when OG Dynasty decided you couldn't have too much of a good(?) thing and amped up the catfights almost to the level of one-a-week, that was when it got too stupid for its own good and the audience started to tune out. Are we going to get Fallon and Cristal getting physical every episode now? If so, yawn. Also, because these writers seem to make only the most obvious choices, here are my predictions for The Future so if they come to pass, it can be said that they were called; 1. Because a crappy, derivative night-time soap on the CW is the best place for debate about serious issues like immigration, Cristal (or whatever her real name is) and possibly also Samuel Joseph are in the US undocumented. and 2. Whatever is on that flashdrive Jeff gave Fallon to erase her laughably-nebulously-described thing that she needed erasing, there is also a secret file on it called something like fallon_is_an_idiot_for_not_guessing_he_would_do_this_has_she_never_watched_a_single_freaking_aaron_spelling_rerun_in_her_entire_damn_life.exe which will activate as soon as she plugs it into the computer, magically send back to Jeff copies of every single file on the hard drive and let him know everything she and Blake are doing on the comp at all times.
  10. Nothing on American TV actually is set in Canada ;) Georgia is currently pushing itself bigtime as a filming location. They may have offered extra breaks to shows which give the state even more promotion by actually being set there in addition to being filmed there. Plus Georgia can't really stand in for Colorado. (Mind you, OG Dynasty was actually filmed in southern California and in the few outdoor scenes, it looks nothing like CO either!)
  11. It's probably because Georgia offers huge tax credit financing breaks for productions that shoot there and Colorado offers nothing.
  12. Ummm, the same people who have shower sex when the guy's father's blood is swirling down the drain..?
  13. I kinda sorta figured that was how it was supposed to come across, but with her VO and the lack of specific onscreen actions, it was too nebulous and for me it didn't. Also, if she's part of this famous DYNASTIC! family and occupies a high-profile position at their company, wouldn't people know who she is and recognize her? (I mean, I've never met Ivanka Trump, but even before the election, if I saw her in an airport, I'd know who she was!)
  14. I think that's a FAR FAR better idea for how to reboot Dynasty. Really, the only sympathetic/rounded character this time round seemed to be Matthew Blaisdel and he got killed at the end of the episode! Actually, your take on it is also much closer to the original, where the idea behind making Krystle Blake's secretary was that she was supposed to be the grounded everywoman innocent who came wide-eyed into the debauched, high-stakes world of the Carringtons. That got quickly sidelined as the audience got more fascinated by the campy antics of the Carringtons and the catfights, but her "ordinariness" was what they were supposed to identify with. I have no idea why I'm supposed to like this incarnation of Fallon. I rewatched the beginning of the ep and, really, it's quite shocking how bad and stupid the writing was. It feels like a rushed first-draft script. Why would anyone who wasn't blind mistake her and her couture outfit for an air hostess in a lounge that was either for First Class or Private Jet passengers? And how convenient that she happened to get the information about Windrush completely by contrived chance. OG Alexis used her smarts and wiles to get information out of people and try to take down Blake. She'd have deliberately disguised herself as an air hostess (complete with shoulder padded "uniform", huge hair and OTT makeup, of course), played dumb and charmed the two brokers into spilling the beans to her, then used the info she got in the most calculating way she could. TBH, OG Alexis would eat 2017 Fallon for breakfast then pick her teeth with the bones.
  15. The entire show was trying too hard. WAY too hard. This has quite the night-time-soap pedigree, coming from Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage and Sallie Patrick and the trailer made it look like bitchy campy fun. In the event, the whole thing just felt like a flat, box-ticking exercise with some of the most one-dimensional stock characters and anvilicious dialog this side of a Scooby-Doo cartoon. It all came across as so... muted. Like everyone involved was just going through the motions. I might give it one more episode, but it better make some drastic improvements.
  16. It feels like sacrilege to say it but I agree - it's not all the time, but this season, I see more of her and feel less immersed in these women as different characters, although I don't think it's Tatiana's fault. This season, while still massively better than the third season, has very much felt like a wrap-up and things feel a lot more "neat" in the writing as they move towards the finale and the material isn't quite as good as what she was given at her best. Also, though, we should give the lady a break. It's exhausting to play one or two characters, let alone this many, not to mention having to play opposite "yourself" and having to play one of your characters who's pretending to be another one. She must be worn out by now! Loved badass Helena bashing Coady's head on the trolley while in labor. I wonder if Coady's dead - I can't help hoping she's not so she can have an even nastier exit next week. Poor stupid Mark and Gracie. While giving away Helena to Coady was unforgivable, they were desperate and in love and it destroyed them. Their story was pretty tragic - and while I know there's a lot of loose ends to tie up, it was treated like a bit of a footnote. I really, really hope Jesse Towing comes back next week to drive off into the sunset with Helena and the babies. Along with Alison's old hair and personality (looked like that was peeking through last week).
  17. The hurry to take down Kira is also because PT's days are clearly very numbered and he needs/wants LIN-28 to be in a usable, youth-restoring form ASAP. Assuming Ira is dead too now? From what Cosima said last week, PT/Susan weren't curing Aisha's cancer, only manipulating it, so presumably some Cancer-related issue was what killed her. You'd think they'd take better care to make sure this didn't happen - or to have "disappeared" Aisha and her mother before it did - for fear of the villagers turning on them.
  18. I really don't like that I feel this way, but I agree. Some of this season has felt like a chore - I really could have lived without quite so many scenes of Mud and that random dude stalking Yannis through the woods. I did think this episode managed to recapture some of the magic with the idea of a race against time to stop a new generation of clones being born and the cycle starting again, though. All the stuff Westmoreland was behind - Neolution, Dyad, Topside, Rachel, Leekie, Evie Cho etc etc etc. He must really, really, REALLY want to live forever! Bye Ira, looks like you're going to glitch out of the show long before the finale. No disrespect to Ari Millen, but I really, really, REALLY wish they hadn't introduced the Castors. There have been SO many stories about male clones and blah blah blah supersoldiercakes. I don't think the show ever recovered from that season. And if they had to keep a Castor around, I'd have preferred they retained Mark, he was much more interesting.
  19. PT is definitely No.2! Mud is The Butler! In the scene last week where everyone gathered round as Rachel descended the steps to address them all, that high-angle pan-around instantly made me think of The Prisoner and how they'd do the same thing whenever we saw The Village Square. Then this week, when Cosima entered Westmoreland's house, the circular entry chamber just inside the door was also reminiscent of the entry chamber in The Dome.
  20. Loved seeing Siobhan make sure to get her gun before answering the door - and Helena back in action giving Dr. Pushy the needle! I hope she or Siobhan get to deal with Ferdinand and soon, but this episode felt like just more treading water. The premiere was all Sarah trying to escape the island - only to have her not escape. This one was all Sarah trying to get away with Kira (to what end I'm not sure) - only to have her not get away with Kira. Poor MK, I really liked her and her weird sheep mask. Has anyone else on here seen the original 1967 version of The Prisoner? The way they film PT Westmoreland's little colony and the round entry chamber into his house remind me immensely of it. Whatever happened to Mark and Gracie?
  21. They did look ancient, but the reason for that was because nobody expected the show to be anything other than a summer replacement which would run for only one season, much less a 10-season phenomenon. So they figured casting "old" didn't matter. I can't recall who the interview was with where I read this (might have been Aaron Spelling) but he said that if they'd had any idea how successful it was going to be, they would have cast younger actors and they wouldn't have cast them all white. This finale was... kind of uneven, a bit like the whole series. The Drama of the Cheryl Rescue was undercut for me by the many, many problems with the whole sequence that everybody has already mentioned (cracking ice, moving current, etc, etc, etc) and Cheryl torching Thornhill felt like it came out of nowhere with little buildup. Still. More Cheryl next season please. And make her WORSE! I also don't think Fred is dead. In a coma for half the season, maybe, so they don't have to pay Luke Perry so much, but if he does die, Molly Ringwald ain't going to be much cheaper than Perry. Unless Archie's Never Previously Mentioned Uncle or Aunt played by a less-famous actor moves in to take care of him. Oh and because it can't be said enough, here is a list of everyone who takes Valerie for granted and treats her like crap; Josie Archie The Writers
  22. Man, poor Shannon Purser. First she gets offed on Stranger Things, then she got to be the main guest star of what appeared to be the first episode of an almost-network TV series written by a 14-year-old on Tumblr, now she gets to be a one-dimensional prop in Veronica's story-of the-week here. Also, poor KJ Apa. I wonder how many cease-and-desist letters he's had from James Van Der Beek for stealing schtick from, er, every movie and TV show the Beek made between 1998 and 2005. Does anybody know what the song was that Valerie was listening to when she put an end to her and Archie's here-it-comes-blink-and-you'll-miss-it-whoosh-there-it-goes "relationship"?
  23. Doesn't Hermione own the condo she and Veronica are living in? I thought it was the only place the Lodges had left because it was in her name. Yet now she's telling Veronica that the money they have will barely cover the rent?
  24. I was thinking the same thing. Ever since Mrs. Blossom telling Archie he was "so like" Jason at the funeral...
  25. To be fair to Dizzy, he doesn't know who Felix is and for all he knows, Felix could be a Neolution villain, so I didn't have a problem with him not telling Felix that Sarah was right outside. As for not relaying the message, I suspect he had more reason than we know to want to keep Sarah around to try and find out more about her wormbot removal, so either figured that if he gave her the message and Felix actually was her brother, she'd run off and find him or if he wasn't, she'd be spooked and might well disappear anyway. My guess is that Dizzy actually has a wormbot of his own too - and also that he could possibly have been MK's Watcher.
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