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These are excellent points which I did not think of because this show discourages being thought about. There should be a vial of memory-restoring liquid in Mason's case too.
The thought has crossed my mind that if I'd just waited until the last episode and watched all the "previouslies" that wouldn't be too dissimilar to watching the actual show and it would save a lot of time.
This was a smidgen better. I actually stopped being bored for at least half of it and did not see the twist coming. I was convinced Mason was going to turn out to be the one who had stolen the Magic Country Hacking Device Thing and be framing his future wife to take the fall for it. If that had happened I was gonna be out. Good effort writers. It still isn't worth $300 million. I lol'd when FutureWife (I can't remember either of her names and can't be bothered to look them up) started telling Mason & Nikki that the MCHDT was an impossibility because it would require such a huge server farm. Lady, we literally just saw Priyanka Chopra kill someone by kicking a knife into their neck. NOTHING is an impossibility in this show!
Oh and is it going to turn out that Or will it be Also why would you name your child Hendrix? They should have more kids named Garcia, Joplin and Plant.
I wanted to type this upside down but the forum software doesn't have that capability. This episode felt slow. How something that jumps around like a hyperactive frog on speed can drag this much I have no idea. I do not care about any of these characters, there is no tension and I have no idea how this cost $300 million because the CGI looks like it was rendered on a 1999 iMac. A Strawberry one, probably. That was running upside down. Oh well at least we're halfway through.
It is a bold choice making the show SO stupid that the audience don't dare nitpick it because once they start doing so, listing EVERYTHING that's idiotic and makes no sense will make their heads explode I know about the reshoots, firings etc, but $300 million seems like a very steep price tag for what is essentially a very blah show made up of ancient cliches we have seen 1,000,000 times before, lightly warmed over in the Russo bros' air fryer. And given that response to it appears to be pretty muted, the plans to build an entire universe around this (I think the India and Italy-set shows are already filming or in pre) seems a little premature. Ho hum. At least it's somewhat fun, unlike more or less every other show that's kicking around at the moment, the eps are short and there are only 6 of them. Maybe they can at least spice up the inevitable Nadia/Kyle-Mason/Kyle's Wife love triangle with the Nadia remembers/Kyle doesn't thing.
It was Elizabeth Olsen. Just twigged.
Wow, this episode was absolutely wretched. I think this might be one of the most ineptly-executed hours of TV I have seen in a quite some time. Horribly shot, badly paced, characters behaving like idiots, logic gaps you could drive a semi through and the dialogue. THE DREADFUL DREADFUL DIALOGUE... I realize that Netflix needs lots and lots of shit to fling at the wall and schedules are shorter and shorter and I think Covid interrupted production on this but really, there is no excuse. I've heard of Peak TV but this is Trough TV! Some of my favorite moments; "Does the name Osprey mean anything to you?" "You mean like the bird?" No, you potty-mouthed, wig-wearing weirdo, like the milkshake. YES LIKE THE DAMN BIRD! I now cannot unsee the wig. And in this episode it was styled in The Rachel, hot from 1999. Except grey. "Ugh, they acted like nobodies who went to garage sales and on cruises!" Rose is such a delightful person, what with her being smarter and better and more goody-good than everybody else on the show, not to mention her permanent stink-face and Fetch-Me-The-Manager vocal inflections. And now, we see the kind, loving way in which she refers to the late aunt and uncle who took her in. I'm really glad your startup went down in flames, Rose. And I hope the estate taxes mean you inherit NOTHING. The assassins are taking a bubble bath together. I cannot. I hate all these characters except Lorna and I'm pissed the bubble bath assassins killed her because I really enjoyed her snarking on Peter and Rose and I was hoping she'd come back and rip them some more. A lot more. For, like, the rest of the series. On which note, given that multiple scenes in this episode were pointlessly padded with lines where people talked while saying absolutely nothing, how the hell are there SIX MORE EPISODES of this dreck?! Omar Zadar, huh. Homage to Dr. Seuss, maybe? "What's the difference between a bomb going off in one location vs. another?" Well, Rose, thing is that "A Target" isn't just the place where you demand to speak to the manager because they're out of Doritos. "You blend right in, don't you?" "Yes, I totally blend right in, being young, walking along wearing a huge white earpiece that everyone can see for miles around while talking to another person walking 5 feet away from me, who is much, much, much, much, much OLDER than me and who is also wearing a huge white earpiece. Nope, absolutely nobody notices me at all because unlike you, I'm young and I'm hip and so beautiful and also I am down wit da kidz (did I mention that I'm young and 28 and young in the last 5 minutes?) and I know EVERYTHING about Veep Daughter except how she's about to get jiggy with her skeevy art teacher who is secretly evil and like the most blatant and obvious lech since Pepe Le Pew. I'm young." Side note; who does the actress playing the daughter remind me of? I was thinking either Aubrey Plaza, Wild Things Neve Campbell or Fairuza Balk but it's not quite any of them. Was that anvilicious shot of the food where the bubble bath assassins were about to cook Spaghetti-O's or whatever and then it cuts to their boss eating fancy salad supposed to be Meaningful Artistic Filmmaking™? Because I think that before the people making this start trying to elevate it to the level of Godard or whoever, they might want to master some simpler things like I dunno, basic coherence. Hi Cisco, this is Rose, the woman who the people in the car you traced for me are trying to kill. I brought her with me to the place where you found their Bronco and they are probably nearby even thought she's a civilian and really, incredibly annoying to be around but she can wait in the car and I'm sure she'll be totally fine and not get killed by them even thought we have no idea where they are and they could totally be watching or taking a romantic stroll round the neighborhood after their bubble bath. Also, thanks for coming to help me kick my way into their house even though I just asked you to run the plate as a favor to me and you are nothing to do with this investigation and appear to be a... state trooper or... generic... law-person. That makes lots of sense. Oh and of course, neither of us have actually thought to check who the Bronco is actually registered to even though that's the most important thing about it. Anyhoo, enough about that, let's discuss this weird, annoying little troll. No, I meant Kevin, not Rose. Grumpapotamus. I cannot. Since when do the FBI send out an agent or a whatever the hell he is to protect stalking victims by accompanying them everywhere 24/7? Is this why taxes are going up? Hotel Receptionist: "That's HORRIBLE!" Me: "Yes, Hotel Receptionist, it is horrible. Truly, truly horrible. I presume you mean the script?" Now the female assassin is also wearing a(nother) bad wig. Is this "artistic" foreshadowing that all characters who wear bad wigs are secretly (or not so secretly) evil? Hitchcock would be proud. Where the hell is the baby from Wisconsin? "Why would anyone in the White House stage a terrorist attack?" "There's no excuse for it." No, Peter, there isn't. You should write a sternly-worded letter. Rose: "I'll sharpen the security camera footage on my dinky little laptop". *SHARPENS FOOTAGE* Two seconds later; Crystal Clear Picture of Arrington Appears on Screen Looking Like It Was Shot With The Latest Hi-Def Red Camera. Young! Arrington was there on bombing day! Is this a clue that she is also evil? Is being poorly-acted like the wig thing, ie also a clue that the character is evil? If so, perhaps ALL the characters are evil! I'm not sure if I can hatewatch the rest of this but I'm going to try...
Shouldda kept the one they stole in Wisconsin.
They may well be but IMO the overall approach to the character doesn't really work. Considering he's supposed to be the lead character and an FBI agent/sub-agent/whatever, he comes across as dull-witted, impatient and lacking in critical thinking skills. I know Rose has to be portrayed as an Empowered Woman™ or Netflix will get #cancelled, but he appears to be outsourcing any and all resourcefulness to her and is just along for the ride. We now know that he is being kept back in his career because of what people think his father did and he resents that. Maybe have that come out a little more in his actions because we only know that because he told Rose. Show, show - don't tell!
The end of this episode perked up a bit. Having said otherwise, I was wavering on continuing with the show up until then. As per previous posters, the acting is of the reading-from-cue-cards variety and the characterization across the board is all so off. I have lost track of the number of times I thought "X character wouldn't do that. Or shouldn't do that if the writers want us to like them, think they have a brain and not consider them entirely incompetent." Case in point, Peter, maybe wait to CONFIRM that there was spyware on Farr's phone before believing she's not secretly evil? Also, Peter, my dude.... there is literally a percentage counter right there on the computer screen in front of you. You can SEE how fast the hard drive copying is going and there is no point in telling Rose to go faster because it's not up to her. You are younger than me and an FBI guy so you should know how these computer things work. Oh, and someone needs to wash Farr's mouth out with soap!
The gapey-mouth actress is Eve Harlow (and I agree, if Madonna and her ego ever manage to get her biopic made, EH needs to be cast in it as Sandra Bernhard stat). I feel slightly bad for her because she always seems to get cast as the most AWFUL characters on spy/thriller shows. She was also in the short lived Evil AI Takes Over The World show neXt on Fox where her character was one of the good guys but was so incredibly annoying, all 7 viewers ended up rooting for the AI. I have a theory that there are 2 separate writers writing Peter's dialog and they have divided up the work by each writing alternate scenes. One of them thinks he is a nice, efficient, personality-free drone and the other thinks he is a pissy, neanderthal, surfer frat boy. Both of them hate the script editor and are deliberately withholding their work so this is not noticed until it is too late in the hope that the editor will be fired. That is why Peter #1 says things like "I am the one who is trained in evasive and defensive driving" and Peter #2 says "WHY YOU NO CAN HACK HARD DRIVE?! THIS WHAT YOU DO! HACK! HACK NAO! I BRING AX!" Neither of the writers wants to write Rose so her lines have been created by running a 2015 macro called generic_girlboss.exe. The bit where Peter found the removable brick with the hiding place behind it was hot from a mediocre 1970s Hardy Boys novel. Also, don't stand on the piece of glass when there is a metal support 1.5 feet to your right, Peter. Dumbass. I'm still going to watch the rest of it.
Thing is, the lack of any reports would (or should) trigger Joe's/Kate's suspicions. A dead body found in a park in London would definitely trigger news reports. London is a crime-ridden cesspool these days but it's not SO bad that that wouldn't warrant some headlines lol. No reports at all should mean they'd dig further. Didn't Marienne also sell paintings though? IIRC, Joe bought (or at least found) an actual painting by her on sale in the art market in episode 1 and that was how he realised she was nearby. Especially given that when she and Nadia had their horrible convoluted conversation about why Nadia should really, really, really not call the police because no matter what, even though calling the Police would have been the most obvious thing to do and Eddie would still be alive and Nadia not in jail if they had done so, Marienne's reasoning was that Joe would FIND HER NO MATTER WHAT! I think the show itself murdered common sense a loooooooong time ago! Can't even blame that on Joe!
AND ANOTHER THING... So Joe dumped Marienne's body in the park and tried to make it look like an OD. An OD'ing woman in the park is still going to make the news. Did he (or Kate's operatives who wiped the internet, paid off the sheriff, blah, blah, blah and are now responsible for maintaining Jote's new image) not check the papers to make sure the body had been found and the authorities weren't investigating anything to do with this mysterious woman's death? And what if Marienne continues her art/book illustrating career and finds any sort of fame? Surely Joe would notice that?! ESPECIALLY since Kate is doing all sorts of art things in the art world! This show is dumb. There are episodes of Paw Patrol that are more believable.
That was... stupid. Bits of it were OK though. So now Joe and Kate are Succession with serial killers? Announced today that You is now coming back for a final 5th season. One thing I did like about this was how they managed to give Joe a bit of growth/self-acceptance. Not sure whether he SHOULD self-accept given that he's, y'know, a serial killer who murdered a ton of people mind you, but it was technically good writing (in among lots of unbelievable stupidity). Anyhoo, I'd have been fine with leaving him here but we'll see what S5 brings. Love to know how Marienne explained her long absence to her friend and her daughter. ETA; Oh and speaking of Marienne, since I presume Nadia's trial and imprisonment was major news, how exactly is she all chill back in Paris given that she owes Nadia's hare-brained scheme her life & freedom?