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Everything posted by adhoc

  1. Haha, I was in the kitchen cleaning up and listening to the first contestant "singing"--or as it sounded to me, caterwauling--and thought "wow, they're starting with a bad contestant first, they don't usually do that". And then I popped into the TV room to see the critique, and they put her through! My dog could have done a better job. I liked NY State of Mind girl, though we only saw a bit of her. BTW, due to the editing, it's not clear to me which contestant Harry was talking to when he said "that was perfect". I thought he might have been directing that to her, but who knows? Last girl's lipstick was indeed horrendous. For me, it totally undermined any talent she had (and she could definitely sing ok) because I could not stop staring at the awfulness of that red. And the eye liner. And the judges loved it? Sad. She'd have looked way better without the grisly makeup. (And also less hookery.)
  2. Wow, if you have a really mediocre voice but are a cute, bubbly, and exuberantly youthful and limber young blonde teenager, why of course you deserve a ticket to Hollywood. On the other hand, if you have a very good voice but are rather older and plainer looking, um, sorry, that's a "no". (Admittedly, I didn't see the beginning of the jazz singer's audition, when Harry was playing piano, but I caught the last few bars, and she sounded very good to me.) What a joke that JLo says it's a no "because the voice is okay but the contestant can't win", yet she says "yes" to the most mediocre talent, as long as it's young and cute, even though the latter also clearly can't win. (Insert eye roll here.)
  3. Disappointed by Taylor's rendition of "If". He's got the looks and sound to do it justice, but he rushed it, IMO. Seems to me that the original by Bread was more thoughtful, more measured. Taylor seemed not connected enough to the sentiment behind the song. Danica - Horrible song choice, but I love her voice and hope she makes it through. Luke - What is his appeal, again? And man, I thought he was flat.
  4. Not surprised that Pharrell picked Sugar (who does have a nice voice, at least in rehearsals--but then, on stage, what happens to these women?). As others have pointed out, he seems to be crushin' on her. I think a crush overrides other considerations, assuming that Pharrell didn't think *any* of those three had a shot at actually winning. Similar thing with Gwen--she has a bit of a crush on Ryan (who kind of reminds me of a Disney character--maybe Buzz Lightyear? Woody?). So there you go. Glad Danica was voted through. She deserved it. (She also deserves a NEW stylist.)
  5. Just catching up with the thread.... and now two follow-up thoughts: 1. Sure, Pharrell is allowed to have favorites, just as Adam and the other judges tend to do. That may be unavoidable. But I think he blundered by telling Elyjuh that Ricky totally won the knock-out round but then picking Elyjuh to move on. At least, that's the way I remember it going down: Pharrell agrees with the other judges that Ricky was way better, but then picks Elyjuh. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I was insulted on Ricky's behalf, especially since, as another poster mentioned, he "did the work," came out swinging, was vastly improved, and so on. It's not that I think Ricky is God's gift to singing. It's just the principle of the thing. Pharrell could have lied--said that there were good and bad things about each performance, etc.--in a manner that would have made it seem like, from Pharrell's POV, Elyjuh had almost done as well as Ricky--but he didn't. I don't have much respect for how he handled that at all. 2. I appreciate that a lot of folks liked Taylor 3 Names' rendition of Mad World. Myself having seen other versions (include Adam Lambert's, which I really liked, and Tears for Fears' original, and the Gary Jules version), I didn't find this one to be all that special. But I can see how some folks might have liked this rendition (Taylor's "marching leg" notwithstanding). Just my opinion, but I think that Mad World--and therefore Taylor--benefits slightly from what I call the "Hallelujah" effect. Most folks seem to love that song (Hallelujah, I mean), and if they have never heard it before--and even often if they have--they tend to be very affected, very moved by it. Even if the singer wasn't the greatest. It's almost as if it's really hard to botch Hallelujah. It's a song that lends gravitas and grace to whoever is singing it. That's kind of the way I feel about Mad World. Again, I'm not saying Taylor's version was bad, because clearly many viewers loved it. What I'm saying is that I think he (as would any singer) benefited by choosing that particular song.
  6. Okay, so I guess we can talk amongst ourselves. :-) That was interesting. I think folks may think twice next time before selecting P as their coach. On the one hand, he seems like a nice guy and also may be a good coach. On the other hand, unlike, say, Adam, Pharell doesn't seem hung up on winning, and there's no guarantee that your giving the better performance is going to get him to choose you over your opponent who gave a weaker performance. It seems to me that P seems less interested in stacking the deck to win and more interested in nurturing performers he resonates with, for whatever reason. Maybe because he believes he can get them to the next level, or whatever, in a way that may not happen if he does not step in and lend a hand. He himself mentioned that a coach making tough decisions needed a "strategy". Perhaps he assumed someone was going to steal Ricky, but no one would steal Elyjuh, and he had a soft spot for him and wanted him to have another chance. Really enjoyed Taylor Swift's mentoring--great. Did not see what the big to-do was with Taylor-with-3-Names. I've seen Mad World done by a number of artists, and his rendition was nothing special to me. Maybe it's my TV.
  7. Does this mean we do not have to wait until the show airs on the West Coast before we can talk about it? (I'm assuming it will air on the West Coast later.)
  8. I'm thrilled that Pharrell chose Danica! I thought he was going to do the usual "Oh, Danica, your voice is great, but Katriz is only 15, she can be molded, etc., etc." I'm tickled that he picked the one I thought truly deserved it. MelsW, you put it perfectly when you said "I find Katriz to have the same issue that I thought Danielle Bradbury had a couple seasons back...nice voice, technical singer, but ZERO emotion or feeling behind it." That is exactly what I was thinking half-way through Katriz' performance. In fact, toward the end of the song, I said to myself, "Her eyes are dead--she is not connected with the song." Yes, no one stole Katriz. Maybe there is a reason why. I'm just sayin'.
  9. IMHO, last night was Valerie's best performance of the season. Not that her performances are all that great. And that said, in what universe does Valerie--whose posture lapses and moments of awkward movements manage to show up somewhere in every performance--stay over Tanisha? Then again, it's not the judges (or a group of people who know a thing or two about dancing) who are voting, It's home viewers. And their criteria don't necessarily include "must be a great dancer". I can only hope that Tanisha's visibility on this show gets her a lot of good work.
  10. So I'm (almost) the only one who is not a fan of the Caroline/Kate pairing, I see. But honestly, I've never seen an ounce of chemistry between them. I get that they're not effusive people, and not everyone wears their heart on their sleeve. But watching them together has always been like watching paint dry, IMHO. I never feel like these are two people yearning to be with each other. That's why their inappropriate (also IMHO) PDA at the wedding was all the more awkward--I was always aware that these were two actors acting, not two characters in love. And while I'm criticizing--and as soap opera-y as this show has become at break-neck speed, with the writers throwing in everything but the kitchen sink to create story lines, there's a lot to criticize--may I say that Caroline's wardrobe, though perhaps perfectly normal and expected for her line of work, social and economic standing,etc., unfortunately manages to make her look like a linebacker. Highlight of the season: Gillian holding the baby while on the telephone (I think it was the episode where the baby's mother took off) and the baby giving her the side-eye. Or possibly the side-eye stink-eye. Anyway, best baby moment ever.
  11. Random comments: 1. Wasn't that opening number supposed to be hip-hop? I totally expected the judges to point out that it didn't look much like it, particularly in the too fluid movements of Jacque (or whoever it was). I was totally unimpressed. Also, Zack needs to whiten his teeth, stat. 2. I agree with Nigel that the skeleton number would not draw votes. What I think the problem was, was that the choreography looked too much like "mimes doing mime-type things" and not enough like hip-hop. Also, again, I feel let down when I see women doing hip-hop and the moves are too fluid, rather than having the precision I expect to see. 3. Valerie looked a little heavy-footed, I agree, and her carriage wasn't the best. IMHO, she's a bit hampered by her partner's (lack of sufficient) height. Possibly she'd have done better with a taller partner. But the choreography was lovely and clever, working beautifully with that dress. 4. Tanisha may not be the most gorgeous one there, but she always impresses me as being a really hard worker, and I always enjoy watching her.
  12. Saw half of the show. Gonna be honest--Monroe Martin was not funny to me. Did he have some potentially good material to work with? Yes. Did he deliver it in a humorous manner that clearly distanced him from the foster care (and other sad childhood experiences) he was talking about? Not for me. And that is a fail. Roseanne--I think it was Roseanne, it was one of the judges--said that she wished he'd gotten even angrier. EXACTLY! Angrier, more indignant, something, in an over-the-top, bizarrely humorous way. What I needed from him was something to lighten it up for me, make me feel it was okay to laugh at a sad childhood. Instead, I just felt sad, because he sounded like he was re-experiencing some of his childhood experiences (if only in a slight way). I know it's stereotypical, but the female comedienne who was describing her best friend as always moving her body, hands, etc.--that was hilarious to me. Don't know who she was, and she did not get through.
  13. Okay, I'm unclear about something: Do we know who the bottom 2 vote getters were? Was that announced? If so, please share. If not, someone needs to leak the bottom 2. Otherwise, I have to infer the Grimmie was going down, and the never-before-used-for-final-3 save was the last-ditch effort to save her. Couple that with fans who vote for "he's a sweet kid" over competitors with better voices, and Adam and Blake getting the best contestants and ending up battling each other in the finals, and I think I'm over this show. It's not compelling anymore. And while I'm here, can I just say that I dislike that whenever Adam talks about Josh--who he had on his team for, what, 2 seconds?--he always has to turn Josh into *his* contestant, who, oh, yeah, later went to Usher, who took him even "further" (after Adam, we can infer, worked his mentoring magic). I hate that. He's Usher's contestant, Adam. I dare say that Usher spent way more time mentoring Josh than you did, so stop taking the credit for Josh. Let Usher have the credit, you idiot.
  14. I think this year AI has been trying to be more like TV. Nevertheless, my overall thoughts: Voice pros: Blind auditions--folks can get through who could never even get to or get through HW week on AI. No age limit (AFAIK), although age ultimately plays a factor, even if just when it comes to contestant voting Judges have always been more pleasant to watch during competition I really enjoy watching the judges work with their artists (especially Usher). That is interesting. Unlike AI, where we're expected to watch the contestants eat dinner, etc. (I never watch that, BTW, I leave the room.) I kind of like that it seems like a shorter season than AI. However, I detested this new "3 people eliminated" twist this year. The "steal" is an improvement over the first season. Voice cons: Adam and Blake. They need to take a break and let other judges get established. The better singers (IMHO, obviously) usually pick one of them, given the chance, because they have proven "win" records. The other judges often get the less spectacular contestants. (Even Usher lucked into Josh because Adam had an embarrassment of riches.) I can see those judges' frustration at not getting a chance with more of the best contestants. And it frustrates me as a viewer. and frankly, I'm tired of Adam and Blake's "Pick me, I've already won x times..." It's getting very predictable. A three-person elimination? Not impressed. Extra votes if your song is downloaded from iTunes. That's just wrong. Period. AI pros: Harry Connick Junior. Excellent judge. As good as Simon Cowell, but without the belittling, demeaning attitude. He has elevated this year's judging to a more useful level. Even JLo has had constructive comments (sandwiched in among the fawning comments).AI cons: Age cap at 29. Instruments can be used at every performance. For me as a viewer, this makes for wooden performances that are tremendously boring. Very few contestants wield a guitar like Keith Urban, who knows how to move around and engage the audience while playing, as well as when to stop playing for a minute and just engage with the audience. Amateur singers, uncomfortable engaging or unable to engage with the audience (Alex, Sam, I'm looking at you) channel their energy into their instruments instead of into me, the viewer. I have come to resent it. I would not mind a rule like "you can use an instrument 3 times during the season", though. The venue/acoustics. (1) I can't hear the freaking contestants over the band, AI! Why can't you fix this? I also sometimes have this issue with The Voice. But it's very consistent with AI. (2) The elaborate venue underscores the amateur quality of the contestants. They're trying to get used to too many things--the vast venue, ear pieces, huge audience, etc.--from the get-go. Better to start in a smaller setting and work up to the larger one when you're down to 6 or 7, I think. The band: The strong band simply underscores the amateur quality of the contestants. Better to used a stripped-down orchestra for most of the competition, only bringing the full band in when you're down to the better contestants who can compete against it. Treating the contestants like they are already stars, and therefore we viewers want to see what they do and say after the show. Newsflash: I have no interest in watching the contestants eat and schmooze with each other, and I leave the room when that crap is on. These are not stars. Why do you think I give a sh** about anything but seeing their performance? Stupid, on-the-fly twists, like having the contestants vote whether someone should go or not. Cons of both shows: They let in performers still in high school. I believe you should have to be 18 to compete. They allow the audience to have to much voting power. I would like The Voice particularly to give the viewer vote only so much weight in determining who stays or goes home. The judges should make the ultimate decision of who goes home, IMO, until you get to maybe the final 5 or so. But once you get to the final 5, then I could see the audience vote determining who is eliminated. As it is, I'm tired of seeing--if I may use this example--mediocre country singers hanging around because the "country" voting base supports their own.
  15. I think that the judges really are hearing things differently from those of us in TVland. I suspect that the acoustics are very different in the actual venue, and the performers' voices come across more clearly. For me though, week after week, the contestants are usually hard to hear, being almost obliterated by a too loud, too powerful band. And when the arrangement is bad (Bad Romance, anyone?), it's just that much worse. The one thing Caleb has going for him is that he is able to compete with the band, most of the time. How is that none of TPTB on this show (and to some extent, on the Voice) have figured out that the musical arrangements are overwhelming the contestants, for those of us watching on TV? That said, my favorites after tonight are Caleb and Jena. I originally liked Alex (and he is pleasant to listen to), but his unwillingness to give up his "security blanket" is a deal-breaker for me. You know what's boring? Watching someone stand there like a tree every time they sing. You want to be an "idol," and not just a good singer? Then you better bring it. Sorry, Alex. Now, are any of these contestants "idol-worthy"? Not in my book. Then again, the show gave up any pretense at aiming for an idol-quality winner when they dropped the contestant age to 16 and started letting folks use musical instruments week in/week out. Say what you will, teens don't usually have the "gravitas" (read: maturity, charisma, sex appeal) to radiate "idolness". Well, unless you mean being an idol to 10- and 12-year olds. And you know how I feel about musical instruments--if you can't use one and perform like Keith Urban, then don't use one at all. At least, not all the time.
  16. For those wondering, each contestant was given a supposedly anonymous vote. Yes = no one goes home tonight, 2 go home next week No = someone goes home tonight, as you would normally expect. But, in order for no one to go home tonight, the vote had to be unanimously YES. There were 2 no's. Personally, if I thought I'd had a very good night, I like to think I would have voted no. Why risk having a bad week next week and being one of the 2 voted off?
  17. No, auntlada, you don't. But you do want to see Keith Urban do a song from his latest album. :-) Now *that's* how to use a guitar and still keep the audience engaged. All the contestants should take note.
  18. What in the heck was that? Has that little twist been done on AI before? Methinks TPTB did not want a certain person to go home. Thankfully, some of the contestants are in it to win it and voted NO.
  19. Last week, as I was flipping through the channels, I landed on this special, "Outnumbering Hunger," and there was this blonde country singer who was very good. I was watching, thinking "she looks familiar...no not Miranda Lambert, but who?...she's really good..." And suddenly I realized it was Danielle Bradbery. Except, this Danielle Bradbery was very poised and connected with her song and personable and comfortable on set. I'm not sure how long it's been since she won The Voice, but she really has matured. She looks great and her voice sounded great. (Okay, I guess maybe it wasn't live and could have been doctored, but whatever.)
  20. I want to chime in on this whole Coach Suggestions thread. Specifically, I want to point out why I think Adam and Blake are overdue for a "hiatus" from a season of the Voice. And the "why" is because IMO, they are making the show too predictable, which I find boring. The thing is, it's getting to the point where most of the best singers (3- and 4-chair turners) seem to go with Blake or Adam. Why not? Contestants see Blake and Adam as the two "tried and true" coaches. They produce winners. They have good track record. Plus Adam has the charm, and Blake has the Nashville connections, if the contestant's genre is country. Frankly, though, I'm tired of hearing those two knuckleheads luring the contestants with how many times they've already won. I often wonder how much better Shakira, say, would do if some of the 4-chair contestants were on her team and not Adam's or Blake's. It's easy to criticize her (as so many people have), but what if she had Delvin, Christine, Josh, Cessaundra? I'm just saying. The thing is, we never really get to know, IMHO. Because those contestants gravitate to "proven" coaches. So, by the time we're headed into the finals, is anyone surprised that Adam and Blake's teams sail thru? Anyway, that's the way I see it, FWIW. As long as the show keeps Adam and Blake and just rotates out the other judges, it's just going to devolve into the same ol' same ol'. Or as I like to think of it, "The Adam and Blake Show".
  21. When Bria--I believe it was Bria--started out, I thought that she was totally not singing in the same key as the band. It wasn't until she got louder and stronger finally that they began to sound like they were in the same key. Dressed-up-with-a-tie is a good look for Josh.
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