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Everything posted by Rionadh

  1. Sorry I've been meaning to reply to this for a while but I just haven't been able to find the time. I agree that Antonio will definitely have looked into Erin being Voight's former CI. I just wish we'd seen some reaction from him about it on screen. I'm sure we will at some point, seems a bit random for the Internal Affairs woman to say it to him otherwise. As for Lindsay and Severide, I think there is definitely drama potential between the two of them regarding the whole Casey and Voight angle. I actually think they'll be good for each other for a little while at least so I hope they actually do something with them.
  2. I agree with you regarding Burgess, Chas. I like her and I think she's a good officer but I don't understand why they're focusing so much on her at the expense of other characters. Maybe it's for the sake of the romance with Ruzek. I don't mind that either but I just wish we got to see a bit more of Atwater and Jin.
  3. I don't know how to copy and paste it from Twitter but someone asked Derek Haas what he meant when he said that Lindsay would be going down the tubes in the finale and he said that the past has a way of catching up with you. I'm really looking forward to this, I'm glad they'll be addressing Erin's past this season and won't have to wait until season 2. Did anyone see the promo for the next episode? It's the Chicago Fire crossover event, looks so good!
  4. I loved Adam in this episode. I hadn't really paid much attention to him before but he really stood out for me tonight. I don't know if it is maybe because of his scenes with Platt but something about him just made me sit up and take notice.
  5. This was such a good episode! Probably one of my favourite so far. I loved the pacing, it was really intense. I loved that Nadia was back and that she finally took Erin's help, the scenes with the two of them together are so good. I hope they continue with her storyline. Burgess did great undercover, I really like her character, she's fast becoming one of my favourites. The scenes with Adam and Platt were hilarious though, they're an odd pairing but so funny together. Promo for the next episode looks awesome!
  6. Yeah he's probably not being entirely serious but I like that he mentioned Lindsay, hopefully that means that she plays quite a big part in the finale. I'd probably say that Voight is my favourite character but Lindsay is a close second and she's definitely the one that I'm most intrigued about. I feel like we know so much but then again so little about her!
  7. I thought Burgess had said in the first episode that she became a stewardess while she was waiting to get into the police academy? So that would imply that she already knew she wanted to become a cop. Why she decided to be a stewardess is beyond me though! I could be wrong with that though, I just thought that's what she had said.
  8. I'm really intrigued by Jay. I kinda like that we don't know too much about him yet although it was nice to have the focus on him slightly with the Rodiger case. I've seen a lot of comments on other sites that the unit hung him out to dry with this and didn't have his back etc but I really don't think that's the case. He went about it in the wrong way. Remember when Voight said you tell me the truth so that I can lie for you? Jay didn't do that. Voight made the rules crystal clear and Jay didn't stick to them so I don't think it's too bad that he was left to deal with this on his own. We all knew he didn't do it anyway! As for him and Lindsay, I do think they'll be the couple together at the end also. I think it'll be a long, bumpy road for them though. They've definitely cooled off a bit just now, keeping it professional as Lindsay says but I don't see that that can last for long. There are feelings there that are bound to come out, whether Voight likes it or not! Oh and I don't think Jay is short for anything... that's a name on it's own, no?
  9. I definitely want to see more Lindsay and Voight scenes too so if that means some family members popping up and her going to Voight then I'm all for it. I do want to know who else in the unit knows about her past though, I reckon Olinksy must know a fair bit given his implied history with Voight. The Internal Affairs woman told Antonio that she was Voight's CI at 14 but he hasn't done anything with that information yet, I think he must do at some point, doesn't seem like it would just ramdonly have been put there. As for Halstead or Severide... I'm surprisingly fine with either of them. I thought the scenes with Severide were sexy and cute, I'm really interested to see where they go with them from here, if it'll just be a quick fling or if it'll develop into something more? I do think there is definitely a connection there with Jay though and it's just been put on the back burner for a while.
  10. I can't tell if he's being serious or not with that tweet? And what exactly does 'Lindsay going down the tubes' mean? I'm so impatient, I want to know everything now! There hasn't been one episode that I've been disappointed with though so I'm sure the finale will be amazing.
  11. I totally understand what people mean when they say it's hard to see Voight in the position he's in given everything he did to Casey and Hallie on Chicago Fire. I do understand it but I suppose for me it's just easier to get past. I watched Chicago PD first so I was instantly hooked on Voight's character. I think it was the first five episodes I had watched and then when it went on hiatus for the Olympics (I think!), I went back and watched Chicago Fire all the way from the beginning. Voight almost seemed like a different person! I was definitely shocked but because I knew him more at that point, I could get past it.
  12. I'm not sure what to make of Burgess getting all the Intelligence attention. I think she deserves it because she's a good police officer and she used her initiative during the SVU case. However I do agree that Atwater seems sidelined slightly and I hope he's also given his chance to shine. As for Platt, it could just be that she admires Erin's toughness and that's why she seems to like her so much. I think it goes deeper than that though, I think it is connected to Voight somehow. Hopefully we'll find out soon! You're right also about things just not being seen on screen but I do think it is a shame that more wasn't made of Erin and Jay's relationship in this past episode. I don't think she did anything wrong at all, I think some people are just a bit bllindsided by their love of 'Linstead'. I would like them to happen eventually but I don't need every episode or storyline to be about them or have them shoehorned into it in some way. It was good to see Jay deal with this case on his own and it was actually interesting to see Olinksy and him interact a bit more.
  13. I think that is pretty much what she said, yeah! She's full of mystery! She has a really interesting relationship with Burgess, I hope they continue giving them scenes together.
  14. I think the 'Shelby Lindsay' bit on the CI file was an alias, no? I can't remember but that's what I thought it said at the time. I'm so, so intrigued by Erin. I really want to know how the whole situation with Voight came about and I hope they don't leave us waiting until the second season. I love her! I love that she's tough and that she doesn't take any crap from anybody, even Voight. I really want to see more of their relationship. I'm not sure about Mrs Voight, I don't know if it was that long ago that she died. Do you remember when Erin was telling Jay to cut Justin some slack a little after they'd been in the gym? She said something like he lost his mum and then went to jail... just the way she said it made me think that those two events hadn't happened that far away from each other. I suppose it could be either way though. Just more things we need to find out! As for Erin and Jay, I do like them as a couple but I agree with you that their relationship as friends and partners should develop further first. They don't need to rush into anything. I'd love for more things from Erin's past to come up just to see if she confides in Jay like she did before.
  15. Hey, thanks for starting these threads! I love Platt, didn't even realise until reading your post that we didn't know her first name. Strange! I love that she's there to lighten up the show a little bit. As much as I love it, I do think it can be very dark at times. It will be interesting to find out more about her though. I don't really know anything about the rankings (I'm not from the US) but is Voight a Sgt too? Does that mean she's on the same level as him? Apologies if that's completely wrong. I hope they do go into some backstory with her and maybe show why she does seem to hate just about everybody, haha!
  16. Hey guys, I'm also over here from TWoP although I never actually registered there, I just lurked. I decided to register here because I really, really love Chicago PD and I wanted somewhere to discuss it with others so... thanks for providing that!
  17. Happy Harpy, I forgot about Ruzek not telling his fiance he was in Intelligence right away so I suppose you're right, maybe all isn't well with his relationship. Since then I think they've seemed ok though, he's even brought her to Molly's to meet the rest of the unit. I don't know, we don't know Wendy well enough I suppose but she seems like a nice girl so it makes me feel a little guilty for liking the idea of Ruzek and Burgess together. We'll see what happens I suppose though! My apologies that I'm forgetting who said what and I didn't quote it but I also agree that there must be some reason why Platt is behind the desk all the time. I love her character as some comic relief but I think there's definitely some backstory waiting to be told then. There's also been some references to her really liking Erin, I wonder if that ties in with Voight somehow? Maybe Platt was around when Voight first took Erin in? Who knows, I'm just really interested to know more about all these characters! I've seen a few people online saying that they're disappointed in Lindsay's lack of support for Jay during the Rodiger case. I must say that I didn't have the same reaction when I first watched. I think she never doubted him, she gave him the union guy's number but on thinking about it more, I suppose people are partially right. I don't know what more she could have done to actually help with the case but it would have been nice to see a phone call or something. I wonder if that was done deliberately and it's something that'll be picked up in a later episode?
  18. I just finished watching the episode, I really liked it. I think there was a nice balance between Jay's case and the Intelligence case. I'm glad Jay didn't do it but I never really suspected that he did. The scene between him and Lonnie's dad when he finds out the truth was really nicely done. I like Jay, I really like him, I think he's a good cop and he just got a bit in over his head with this case because of the connection he had to the victim. I'm also warming up to Sumner. I like that she is just getting on with things, waiting for Voight and the rest of the team to accept her. I don't think she's Internal Affairs but watch me be wrong! I loved the little scene with Voight trying to get Antonio and Sumner to pair up rather than Erin and Sumner. I really don't think anyone else would have gotten away with speaking to Voight like that! Onto Ruzek and Burgess... I'm really torn. I like them together, I think they work well together and he is really, really sweet to her. I just can't get past the fact that he's engaged though and there doesn't even seem to be any major problems in his relationship. I'm interested to see what happens with them though. As for Erin and Kelly, wow. I really, really loved that last scene. It was cute and sexy all at the same time. I hope they manage to keep this up somehow. I'm just not sure how they'll work it with them both being on their seperate shows. I do like the idea of them though and they have great chemistry together, I'm a fan!
  19. Hmm, I don't know if I see inappropriate chemistry between them but maybe I'll have to rewatch some scenes to double check! I'm kinda confused by the timeline of when they met and things but I think she was a minor. The Internal Affairs woman who was just sacked (forget her name!) said that Erin was Voight's CI when she was 14. Voight then said to Lindsay that she had left a string of broken hearts behind her since she was 15. Erin told Jay that Voight took her in when she was 16. From all that I gather that Erin and Voight met when she was 14 but knew each other for two years before she went to live with him? I don't know, I'm really curious about it all though and I hope it's explored more this season.
  20. I'm in for Lindsay and Severide too. I really like Lindsay, she's my second favourite after Voight so I'm happy it seems that she'll have quite a few scenes in this next episode. I do like her with Jay but that's obviously on the back burner right now so it'll be interesting to see what happens between her and Severide. It's good to get to see Severide too since Chicago Fire is still on hiatus. I've seen some people say that Lindsay and Severide don't have any chemistry but I don't think that's the case, I just don't think they've been linked romantically on screen yet. Besides, I think Sophia Bush who plays Lindsay would have chemistry with a brick wall so I don't think there's anything to worry about there!
  21. I'm looking forward to this episode too! I don't think for a second that Jay killed Rodiger but it'll be interesting to see how that all transpires and to see who, if anyone, from the unit has his back. Hopefully someone will although the evidence does seem to stack against him.
  22. I think it said Henry on the card that Erin has on her locker from the first episode. I agree about Voight being the most interesting character on the show. Everything tells me not to like him but I can't help it, I love the character and his sense of justice. Maybe it helps that I watched Chicago PD first and then went back and watched him on Chicago Fire so I was already a fan before I saw the bad stuff. I'm really curious to find out more of Erin and Voight's history, they're my two favourite characters on the show. I wish we had more scenes between them although I think it is evident that they are really close.
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