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  1. I thought it so odd that it was never directly addressed in the show that "The Teacher" was the son in law of the owner of the barn. I figured it was him and as soon as I saw Nicolas, and it was confirmed when he took of the mask - but how come no one in the show every verbalized the connection? I'm glad this arc is finished.
  2. This ending was better than the book ending. In the book, music played a much bigger role - Ish had a record player that was very important to him. He comes to the same realization, that he will never be able to create the old world. ***Book Spoiler*** At the end of the book he is now living alone in a cave and the young children come up an pinch him to see if he is still alive! It was a bit of a sad ending.
  3. As I said earlier, this is a much different take on the apocalypse then modern movies and tv shows usually show. I read the book, so new what to expect. The novel goes quite a bit into how much they should try and rebuild the old society and how much they should accept how things are now and try to adapt to a new norm.
  4. I had the same thought about having unprotected sex, but I think part of this is the show is based on a novel which was written in 1954. A lot of the novel is about how society would rebuild itself and that involves having babies.
  5. I'm a little late to the series, I wish more people were posting. I like it so far, but I am a huge fan of the book and knew what to expect. I think modern audiences are so conditioned to apocalyptic series being violent, that they may feel like this show moves too slow.
  6. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't emphasize the theme from the Love Boat a bit more after Tristin won the contest. It was there in the music, but very faint. Someone like me, who is old and has seen every episode of the Love Boat more than once, could easily pick it out, but I bet lots of viewers didn't hear it. And agree with those upthread - the costume didn't even look like what Captain Stubing wore! I'm going to stay with this because of Don Johnson and because I want to see where it goes, but it could be so much better!
  7. This was on of the dumbest episodes ever. All anyone needed to do was grab the reins and the horse would have stopped while still in the garden area. And there is no way that dead body would have stayed on the back of the horse. And yes, horses will drink beer, they like the wheat taste, although too much would not be good for them. And why wasn't Judd doing the roping? Does anyone know the name of the song that played as Judd's ex-wife rode up? I agree with the above posters - I'm worried they are going to try and pair her and Owen - which would also be dumb!
  8. While my observation that Don Johnson did not directly interact with anyone but the crew in the first episode did not carry over to this episode - I still think there is something "other worldly" going on here. The lighting continues to remind me of church. I'm curious to see where it goes.
  9. He was a major player in "Rescue Me." The firefighter drama/comedy with Dennis Leary. Great show.
  10. I read this before I watched the pilot, and I think there might be something to it. Don Johnson never interacted with anyone but crew members. He never spoke to a passenger and no passenger spoke to him. The lighting and music when the doctor first came on board had a very religious vibe to it. There was lots of bright light coming from above and he was back lit a lot. And that room with all the vials and such was very strange. I'm going to keep watching for Don Johnson - but I am very curious to see where this goes.
  11. I am really going to miss the band. All through the pandemic I watched both the opening and ending just to see them in the different spots in their homes. I really enjoyed Marni and her kids. It is funny what you remember from Covid - the 8G band will be one of my strongest memories.
  12. I think the issue was she was carrying the gun unsecured in her purse, which was within reach of the kid. I usually cut this show a lot of slack - but I just couldn't with this episode. No way, no how would a shrink be riding with an officer and evaluating them at the same time. Officers need to keep their minds on their jobs, not on their personal issues. And when Chen just unloaded on her supervisor? Who does that? And especially as a female officer, that just isn't done. And speaking of the "doctor" - she is way too young to be holding that position. I know it is all for the story - but is just strains credulity that she has a doctorate at that age.
  13. Does anyone know why Ales Russel was not hired for the whole season? Was it a cost cutting measure? I did appreciate that Nichelle solvee her own problem rather than having Hondo come to the rescue.
  14. So this must have been the night for NCIS taking their inspiration from the movies with this obvious nod to "Point Break" and "Jumpin' Jack Flash" over on the Mother Ship.
  15. I came to post the same thing - one of my favorite "guilty pleasure" movies! And NCIS Hawaii did their version of "Point Break" tonight.
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