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SSA Emily Prentiss

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Everything posted by SSA Emily Prentiss

  1. I see it so much differently from you, SSAP. - Good JMO ! Life (and this board) would be so boring if we all saw things the same way all the time. JJ didn't lie to Reid one time. In order to keep the information from him, JJ had to lie to Reid every single day, for seven months. - Fair enough, I'll grant you that she lied many times. But since for me the gravity of the matter for which she lied more than made up for the lie itself, I still see it as ONE lie. While I can't quite see him crying on her shoulder weekly, I can accept that he sought out the comfort of his best friend, to help assuage what he thought was their mutual grief. To find out that she'd not been grieving Emily at all (but had, one can hope, been grieving the anticipated loss of her best friendship), yet had allowed him to suffer it, was the true betrayal, not the keeping secret of a single ( albeit monumental) fact. - Yes, and somehow I very much doubt it was a day at the park for JJ. I can't even pretend to know her that well (I would think her BFF Reid however knows her well enough to not imagine her having fun while watching him in pain), but unless I am to believe she's the world's ultimate cold-hearted *bish* , which I don't think I do despite her very cold exterior, I'm fairly sure it must've been torture for her too. A different kind of torture than Reid's, but a torture nonetheless. The second slap in the face, and it looked to me as though Morgan felt it too, was the implication that those team members couldn't be trusted to keep the knowledge of Emily's status a secret. It seems to me that JJ lost Reid's trust because she'd first demonstrated her lack of trust in him. Even if it came as an order from above, it infiltrated their relationship, and only JJ had knowledge, and thereby control, of that. - Slap in the face, yes probably. But in a situation like that, it's not so much about wether or not those team members can be trusted as it is about acting in the best interest of the targeted person. And the less people are in on the secret, the greater the chance is for that person to stay alive. Just like in the Witness Protection Program. I'm sure Hotch and JJ believed all 4 of them could be trusted (although personally I'm not too sure about Miss Penelope-I Can't Keep A Secret To Save My Own Life-Garcia, but that's for another debate). But he also knew that no one's perfect and anything can slip out accidently. He just couldn't take that risk. Where's the proof that says it was necessary to keep it from the team, in order to assure Emily's safety? - Well unless Reid needed to see Emily die a second time and for good, I'd say the simple fact that she was beaten and stabbed to "death" by someone who wanted her dead and was still very much alive is about as much proof as he needed to know that if her mortal ennemi had had even the slightest hint that she was indeed alive, he would've done anything to get the truth out of the people who were closest to her and more likely to know her wherabouts. So not only was Hotch protecting Emily, he was also protecting her teammates by extension. And even if Doyle didn't resort to violence to make them talk, I can imagine all kinds of other tricky ways he could've used to get to the same result. Nah, Hotch did the right thing, and so did JJ. Of all of them, I think Emily is the only innocent. She was severely injured at the time the plan was hatched, and had no part in making it. - Well if Emily was innocent, then so was JJ. They may have hatched the plan while she was still unconscious, but when she woke up and they told her what they did, she could've stopped it at any moment. Does she not have a will of her own ? And a mouth ? She could've said : "No, I can't do that to them. I can't let them grieve for me like that for no reason. They have to know I'm alive." But she didn't. So why are JJ and Hotch (mostly JJ, because the fandom -not you, obviously- has decided to put the blame almost entirely on her shoulders) more guilty than her ? Now it's very important to notice that I said Emily "could have" stopped it, not "should have". It must have been a real tough choice for her : protecting her life or risk it by letting her friends know she was alive. Hmmmm very tough. And just like I'm sure JJ and Hotch didn't have fun making it, I'm quite certain it was hell for E too. But if she could have stopped it and didn't, yet I don't blame her at all for that, I sure as heck ain't gonna blame JJ. For all we know, she might have been in the dark about whether her other teammates were aware of her status, until the very end. - Maybe. But I doubt so. Wouldn't she have contacted them even once during those 7 months ? It was nice that she reached out to Reid, but I think she was the least responsible for doing so. - Why did Reid grieve for 7 months ? Because he thought "Emily" had died. And why was he so angry and hurt when she turned out to be alive ? Because he realized that Hotch and JJ only faked "Emily's" death. And why did they do that ? To protect "Emily". So seeing as the whole unfortunate experience revolved around Emily, and because of that ONLY, even though she did nothing wrong than to deal with a horrible situation the best way she could, I think she did have a responsibility to reach out to Reid. And then there was that infernal pasta party.... - Eh, if the alternative would have been to endure a whole arc, or even just a second episode, dedicated to "The Many Ways Spencer Reid Was Affected By Emily Prentiss' Death And Return" , when the actual person who was the most affected by those events, meaning Emily herself, was barely granted 2 minutes in one episode to express a reaction to her own trauma, then by all means, I'd gladly take more of that infernal pasta party for 10,000 please !
  2. I love a civil discussion. But I have to go to work tomorrow and I'm already so tired. So to bed I go. But expect my replies tomorrow. Good night folks.
  3. And here comes my U.O. #5 ! You know, I wanted to wait a while for this one. I wanted to think it through again before I typed it, not because I'm not sure of it (quite the opposite !) but because I want to get it 100% right, without missing one single thought. But since you unexpectedly brought it up, I'm just gonna jump on the opportunity. Let's talk about it ! In 07x02, I think Spencer acted like a real BRAT towards JJ, and I really didn't care for his little tantrum act. He may be the youngest member of the team but he's not a kid. And if my memory's correct, in season 7 he actually turned 30. Which means he was more than old enough to understand a few things. So what part of "We had to lie to protect Emily" did he not get exactly ? He acted as if JJ meant to hurt him personally when in reality, it wasn't about him at all, just like Hotch had to tell Morgan. It was a matter of life and death, and Hotch made an important decision in order to keep one of their own alive. Of course they had the right to feel hurt, they grieved for 7 long months. But why take it out on JJ ? What was she supposed to do ? Break Hotch's trust and put their mutual friend in danger just to make poor fragile Reid feel better ? Didn't he understand that the more people are in on such secret, the less safe the victim/potential victim is ? So I'm sorry no, I guess I really don't see why and how that lie affected Reid's ability to trust JJ. Despite the negative things I say about her sometimes, we all know JJ loves Reid, and It's not like she goes around lying to him every chance she gets. She did it one time folks, ONE time, and for a very serious matter at that. I mean what could be more serious than the life and death of someone you care about ? The fact that she was able to keep that secret for so long to make sure their friend and partner stayed alive, that to me says she's more than trustworthy. And I'm not even a fan of hers by a long shot, but if I was a member of that team, I'd much, much rather put my life in her hands than in Reid's. They all have this ridiculous tendency to cuddle Reid way too much in that team, so I was soooo glad no one took the time to hold his hand for once. Except for Hotch and JJ, they all mourned the loss of E and were shocked to see her alive, not just Reid. But after the initial anger reaction, Morgan realized that the most important thing was that E was there and he moved on. Even Garcia was actually (oh surprise !) very mature about the whole thing. She was shocked too but she understood the reason behind the lie and was grateful to have her friend and teammate back. Reid on the other hand, acted as if knowing the truth was far more important than Emily's life. Which, quite frankly, wasn't a good look on him in my eyes. He should've been ashamed of his reaction afterwards, not JJ. As far as I'm concerned, JJ did nothing wrong. I actually cheered on her that day because she gave as good as she got and she didn't back down. No, scratch that, she was still far too gentle. If it was me in her place, best friend or not, Oy... Because the whole thing was set in motion for her, Emily's the one who owed him a sincere apology. Which she offered. After that, they should've just let bratty Reid alone in his corner to pout for days, even weeks, months if he wanted to. Until he got tired of his own attitude and decided to get over himself and man up. Or not.
  4. My sentiment exactly ! You explained it so much better than I could.
  5. I neither like or hate Will, to me he's just there. Kinda like an insipid painting on a wall. I'll give him that he appears to be a great husband and father and even before they got married, he seemed much more committed to JJ than Hotch seemed to Haley. But since I think Haley was a far more interesting recurrent character, I would've much rather she stayed and he died. But then again come to think of it harder, if he had died instead of her, then not only would TG have missed out on the opportunity to give us one of the most brilliant and heartwrenching performances I have ever seen on this show, but also, JJ would've had the spotlight instead of Hotch, which for me would've been... No, just... no. Keep JJ happy. From now on, those 2 reasons will help me accept Haley's death better. Yeah, in terms of parenting, Hotch really sucked. Just like he sucked as a husband. It's almost as if his family was an afterthought for him. Which woman would like to feel like she's second best to her husband's job ? Morgan went by his own impulse so many times it drove me nuts. I mean don't get me wrong, they all went rogue and did things their way once or twice. But usually it was when the story affected them on a personal level. Which made it easier for me to give them a pass. Though I must admit I had a much harder time with Reid in 03x16 because without a care in the world, he very selfishly put Emily and everyone in that police station (and that included his other partner and BFF JJ) in danger just because he identified with the young unsub. Like, ***speaking in Linda Barnes' tone*** , who the hell cares about your childhood dilemma if you have to risk your teammates' life and the life of other innocent people to try and save the guilty teenage boy ? ***back to normal tone*** Not Reid's finest moment. And Hotch was so right to threaten to fire him that day. But at least he had a somewhat understandable reason to follow his own mind. Whereas Morgan did it just because he wanted to. And it became such a habit I often had to wonder : "Who does he think is the friggin' boss on that team ?" And Hotch usually let him know that he didn't like it. Like that time in Miami when Will's gay partner was murdered in season 3. In the end, Morgan decided to follow his libido... I mean the female detective named Tina, instead of waiting for the rest of the team. When Hotch arrived with the others and called him out on it, you could see on his face that he wasn't satisfied with the answer. But Morgan still did it again whenever he wanted. And that habit of willingly doing things his own way is one of the things I absolutely hated about that character. He ALWAYS had to draw attention to him because humility is so not one of his strong suits. No wonder he and Garcia got along so well. Speaking of Garcia, I don't think she'll ever mature. Even this season, after what happened in "300", it wouldn't have been too late if the writers wanted her to, but it's clear they don't. I mean the woman's been having life altering experiences since the age of 18, including getting shot and almost dying, being held at gun point and kidnapped, not to mention the kind of job she has and the amount of suffering she's witnessed over the years. So if all of that haven't made her grow the heck up, then I think it's pretttty safe to assume that nothing will. Not only that, she gets the luxury of having approximately 2 meltdowns/PTSDs per season (I'll let you do the math), yet she manages to come out of them even more immature than before. It's absolutely mind boggling. And it makes me wonder why they keep insisting on wasting precious time on her like that. Writers' pet I guess...
  6. U.O. #4 : I loved Haley Hotchner. I thought she was a great match for Hotch and his EQUAL (as opposed to... you know, that giggling Whatshername person they paired him with in season 7) and I was really sorry to see their marriage end. I also hate that she got killed (Why couldn't it have been JJ's baby daddy instead ?) and I cry each time I watch "100". I always feel like people have a lot of hatred towards "big bad Haley" because she didn't put up with "poor wonderful Hotch". Even my own mother (traitor that she is), while we were watching "100" together and I told her that they divorced because Hotch's job put a strain on their marriage, had the nerve to ask me (in French, but I'm quoting her in English) : "Well didn't she know what she was getting into when she married him ?" To which I replied (also in French) : "So what if she knew, mother ? Didn't she have the right to feel unsatisfied with their marriage as time went by and she realized it was never gonna get better but it was actually getting worst than what she signed in for ?" Yes, I'm a Hotch fan but I understood Haley's reasons for wanting a divorce. While Hotch loved his family, it came to a point where I didn't feel that they were his first priority, and they should've always been. Maybe if Haley felt that despite his very busy schedule, Hotch put her and Jack first (the way I always felt Jack Garrett did with his family in BB), she would've been more patient and stayed. The fact that he didn't even try to salvage their marriage spoke volumes IMHO.
  7. Well I intensely disliked Morgan for his 150 "baby girl" mentions per season. So that makes at least one person. And my hatred of Morgan/Garcia is equally divided between both characters.
  8. Maybe not a bitch and a snob, that might be taking it too far IMHO. But they sure make her look like she knows more than everyone else.
  9. I didn't watch the episode nor do I think I will, but I did see the previews pics and seeing Garcia in that dress gave me the same reaction as you : Oy. Everytime I tell myself that this character is done surprising me (negatively), she proves me wrong. Maybe she dressed to go dancing and then suddenly she remembered : "Oh wait ! On my way to the dance club, I have to stop by the office in case they need me." That's the only.... logical (?) explanation I could find.
  10. OK, let's stay on topic. Can anyone tell me : A. How, when his latest internet add was answered, David Smith automatically knew it was a trap, and that Emily and her staff would be in the park ? That was such a ridiculous stretch to me. B. Why it had to be JJ who figured out the similarities between this case and the one from 11 years ago ? I swear the writers have found the most effective way to make me suffer (besides not writing anything of substance for Emily in over 2 years of course) : insert SuperJJ everywhere. I know why it couldn't have been Rossi but Reid could've drawn the parallel between the two cases just as well as the omniscient blondie. Oh but... wait... they had to produce this episode at the exact moment MGG wasn't available, riiiight ? So therefore, who was left ? JJ of course. How convenient (not for me though) ! RME. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm making a big deal about nothing (It's not nothing to me) but I'm just sick of having JJ in my face ALL the time. That woman is everywhere, in every sequence of every episode, on nearly every crime scene and in 99 % of the take-downs. There's just no way of escaping her. Heeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllp !!!!!!! When it's her storyline, she gets to find the essential clues and have the "Eurêka !" moment that leads to solving the case , fair enough. But why does she get to have it in others' also ? That is what I find so freaking annoying and unfair. Granted, it wasn't an Emily story, but since Emily's the one who was meant to be affected by the story due to her connection with David Smith, why couldn't she have been extended the same privilege and allowed to "get it" on her own ? And no, the fact that she came late into the original case and hadn't been on any of the crime scenes doesn't mean she couldn't, because when she and Hotch joined the others, she was briefed on the case and she saw the pictures. So why was so much focus put on JJ's stupid déjà vu moments instead of making Emily remember what she saw in the pics years ago ? The writers choked it down to Emily "not remembering", but me think it was less simple than that. Me think she got dumbbed down in order to further "prove" to the viewers how much quicker and smarter Golden Girl JJ is than any other profiler. Which is largely part of the reason why I hate this episode so much, with the exception of 3 sequences : JJ ruined it for me. I swear this character has got to be the most ubiquitous one I have ever had to endure on any ensemble show I've ever watched. SMH. Side note : I also hate that Garcia and the ever ubiquitous JJ were part of the last office scene with Emily. It should've been Rossi and Reid. But since Reid wasn't present (RME again at the timing they picked to shoot this episode), Rossi alone would've been perfectly fine. He wasn't part of the original case but he was very much present during the Doyle events, so he'd understand very well what she meant by "reconciling what I wanted to do with what I had to do". We (or at least I ) didn't need JJ and Garcia for that. And Lawd knows I love my Rossi/Emily banters much, so much more than I could ever like any "girls" scene that includes juvenile drama queen Garcia and omnipresent know-it-all JJ !
  11. Oh ! I hope you don't mean that K42. It's one (normal) thing to hate a fictional character from a fictional show and to criticize the acting of their portrayer. But it's a whole other (disturbing IMHO) thing to extend that hate to the actor himself. Actors are real people who are just doing their job the best way they know how. It's your right to hate them I guess, I just don't find it fair, that's all. I don't hate AJ Cook, Shemar Moore or Kirsten Vangsness at all. I respect them and wish them nothing but the best. Despite their characters being my least favorite of CM, to put it mildly.
  12. Oh boy ! I've just realized I didn't answer your question. You must have thought I'm so rude lol. Sorry. Yes, I didn't miss one single episode from season 1 to season 7. Except for the last 6 episodes of season 6, I'm sure you'll figure out why. Refresh my memory please, what great Prentiss/Morgan scene was there in Fear and Loathing ?
  13. And my list of U.Os continues. I know this one may cause people to wonder if I'm not insane, but whatever, it's been a while since I've wanted to get this off my chest. Here it is : 3. I know many people think that JJ is the epitome of empathy, but I disagree wholeheartedly. I don't think JJ and the word "empathy" should ever be placed in the same sentence. Well except if it's to say something like : "JJ can't express sincere empathy to save her life." That's about it. I have very rarely, if ever, bought into her so called empathy towards the victims or even her own co-workers. I bought it in spades with Elle, with Reid, with Emily, with stoic Hotch. I even bought it with arrogant, full of himself, narcissist playa Morgan and over the top, self-centered, juvenile drama queen Garcia (two characters I barely tolerate). But JJ ? Nah. Never. And the more they shove her perfect sanctity to my face, the more I keep thinking : "Fake! Fake! Fake!" Yes I'm sorry but to me, Jennifer Saint Mary Sue Super Ninja Wannabe Kung Fu Barbie Jareau always seems to be sporting a mask. Which makes her appear cold most of the times. Sometimes when I look at her, I can't help but wonder : "If I pricked her really hard with a needle, would there be any blood ?" If the actress really wants her portrayal of empathy to be believable, she should really buy some clues from her acting partners. Espacially from PB and MGG. Also, she's written like Perfect Snowhite, but there's something very irritating about this character that screams "Look at how superior I am. I don't even belong on the same planet as the rest of you mortals. I'm only tolerating your presence because... well, you know... I am that good of a person." hughh !
  14. Amen ! You've just summed up all the reasons why I love this actress so much. And the best part is, when she morphs from one role into another, she does it in a way that doesn't make you think she's out of place. To illustrate my point, we can go back to the spy arc. Many people could've thought that spy Emily was so out of character with the SSA Emily they'd known for 5 years. But very few could dare say that Paget didn't fit the role or that she wasn't believable at all as a cold spy. She is that good.
  15. Well the way I see it, nobody likes it much when their faves are suffering. I should know : I was so scared when Elle got shot at the end of season 1 ; I hated, absolutely hated watching Hotch get stabbed multiple times by Foyet ; And to this day, that horrible scene from 10 years ago, when Emily got severely beaten by Benjamin Cyrus, has left such a vivid feeling of anger and pain in me I still can't bring myself to watch it for a second time. Every time I watch Minimal Loss, I fastforward through it. However, as painful and infuriating as they can be, those angsty moments also usually provide the actors with some of the best materials to sink their teeth in, and they keep the characters relevant. We don't need them to become martyrs at all but we also don't wanna see them sit in a corner and become irrelevant, do we ? I know, I know, the writers could find other more compelling ways to mark the characters' presence, but we all know how stupid and lazy they are. So it's either our faves go through many tribulations or they are forgotten. Which of these two options are we gonna choose (Assuming we had the choice of course) ? Yes, Reid has been hurt a lot it seems. But look at the bright side : at least MGG never suffered in terms of storylines and has always been front and center. He's been thriving for years, and each time Reid has a centric episode -which is very often, and I don't even count the numerous ones he probably had during the time I stopped watching- , fans and non fans of the character can discuss what new facts they learned about him, how the story affected him and shaped up his established characteristics in a positive or negative way... Now compare that to me. I already lost 2 faves, and my only remaining fave, my #1 fave actually, the only reason I became a viewer again after a 4 year long hiatus, and the only glue between me and this show (I love you a lot too Rossi, but if I didn't stay for Hotch, I wouldn't stay for you.), returned after being away for 4 years, many changes have happened in her life, yet the total absence of story for her after 2+ years makes me feel like I'm watching a complete stranger most of the time. At least every time Reid gets a story, even if you don't like it, you get to know what makes him tick. Ask me what makes my fave tick nowadays and I'll be unable to answer you. Sigh... So yes, in terms of relevance, Reid has always been on the top list of the writers' pets. It is what it is and no amount of kidnappings and torture is gonna change that.
  16. I tend to agree with this. Which is why I'll never stop regretting that they didn't focus on each team member's special skills over the years. From time to time, there should've been one case for each of them to display that special ability. It would've been way more compelling than to have all of them do the same things all the time.
  17. IKR ! I never expressed this elsewhere because seeing how so many people love them, I thought "They're gonna say I'm a stupid prude that's all." But here I can finally admit that those two made what was supposed to be a very serious dark show with light moments very cartoonish.
  18. I've just recently discovered this board so I'm a newcomer here. And I think this is so amazing to have an unpopular opinion thread like this one. But I hope mine don't shock anyone because it isn't my intentions. And I have so many of them I don't even know where to start. Hmmmm let's see... OK, brace yourself for this first one : 1. I think Garcia is an immature, not fully grown, attention seeking BRAT. And I can't stand how everyone seems to always be worshipping at her feet. Despite her huge fandom, that character is insufferable in my eyes. I thought I'd like her better after Morgan's departure, and I did find her to be a little bit easier to tolerate at times, but overall, she remains the same immature brat I've known when he was around. Which brings me to my second U.O. : 2. I hate the Morgan/Garcia duo dynamics with the fire of a thousand suns. Every site I go to, people adore them. But me, I found them over the top, in your face, irritating, unprofessional, selfish, overrated, tacky and rude. It's just unbelievable to me that they got away with so many of their antics when Hotch was in command. I remember one time, the team was in a police office in another town, Morgan called her and told her to be careful because they were on speaker, and she replied, in a very suggestive voice : "Or else what ? You're gonna spank me ?" or something along those lines. You could see the shock over the officer's face. Hotch and the others remained impassible but they seemed uncomfortable too. And this was just one of Garcia/Morgan's countless unprofessional, classless moments over the years, and they've had much worst than that. Their convos usually always had a sexual connotation even though they knew the rest of the team was listening. Can you say tacky ? And each time, neither their boss or their partners found it amusing. As for me, it came to a point where I rolled my eyes as soon as Morgan called Garcia or she called him, because I just knew what was coming. No amount of "Baby girl" talk in the world (hugh ! I hated to even hear Morgan say those words 50 times per season. What a nightmare !) is ever gonna make me like that pair. What other people found cute and endearing about them, I found annoying and revolting. For as much as Hotch was hard on Emily when she first appeared because he thought she wasn't there on her own merits and her gold was to harm his career, and on Jordan for making one mistake, he sure bowed down to that obnoxious duo. Never once did he reprimand them for their unprofessionalism during all those years. Un-be-lie-va-ble !
  19. You mean since the end of season 12 ? Because if I remember correctly, half of that season was dedicated to him. I don't celebrate Christmas, so please don't take it the wrong way if I don't answer to your wishes.
  20. Sorry, I didn't wanna sound so negative. It's just that I've seen it happen before with "The Mentalist" and "CM Beyond Borders". They both ended after a shortened season of 13 episodes, so it made me think that this show might not survive after these 15 episodes. But of course I could be wrong. About the bolded, I have watched a few great Prentiss/Morgan fans videos, but I didn't realize people shipped them romantically. I always thought everyone wanted Morgan to get paired with Garcia.
  21. I sure hope not, this is so played out. But if they do it, at least I'm sure it's not gonna be with Emily, she doesn't get much attention from the writers, and in this case it will be a good thing for me. There would be more chances of this happening with JJ again, like in season 7 finale, with Reid again if they give him a last minute girlfriend, with Simmons again, with Alvez and with Garcia if she gets a last minute boyfriend too. Those are the writers' pets, not Emily.
  22. I've been wanting to answer you for days now but I was way too busy. Sorry. I don't agree with you completely but it makes for a great discussion. I think Emily does have a bit of a dark side about her, moreso before than now. Sometimes it was subtle, and other times it was more obvious. And her very dark hair and eyes helped to put a lot of emphasis on that, especially from the moment her hair style changed to bangs in season 3. I also agree that under some circumstances, yes, she could cross over. However, I also believe she has a great amount of disgust for killers, rapists and anyone who harms innocent people. I've seen the way she reacts to them over the years, and Doyle was no different, there was never any indication that she felt anything else for him other than repulsion. That's not to say she couldn't love a criminal against her better judgement like you say. I just don't think it would be enough to make her cross over to the dark side. I think if she did, it would be because something awful happened to her or to someone she cares about. She isn't someone who believes in following the rules and procedures at all cost, and she'd stomped all over them in a hearbeat if it were to save a friend. We've seen that in "Amplification" when Reid was poisoned and also in season 12, when she erased Reid's tape recording. But it's one thing to bend the rules to help an innocent friend and partner, and a whole other to be on a murderer's side. And Emily empathises too much with the victims for that. Defending and protecting the innocent ones is in her blood. But you'll get no argument from me about her potential to become a darker character. I think the very first time I realized how easily she could was in "Demonology". I didn't even like the plot that much, but the way Emily stood up against that priest and Matthew's parents who thought of her as the bad, "demon" girl responsible for Matthew's downspiral to hell, her last response to the priest when he got arrested... the whole thing made me think : "Oh Oh ! Emily's going dark now." And it gave me such a chill. Paget was so darn good in that episode ! She is great isn't she ? Something else we agree on. And she's so versatile that both dark and light characters suit her perfectly. And her chemistry with everyone is probably why many fans kept asking for her to be paired with her different team partners, even with JJ. Lol And I hear you about not wanting to invest your attention in her pairing with Mendoza, seeing how it can't be anything more than a rushed romance. Me, I've just resigned myself to accept the little crumbs I get from those writers, that's all. Sighs...
  23. What do you mean ? I know many people shipped Emily with Hotch, and I've even seen a few ship her with Reid. But are there Morgan/Prentiss shippers too ?
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