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Everything posted by Xebug67

  1. - andre always is threatened that his masculinity is being threatened and lashes out. What's so funny to me is that for a guy who's so manic about coming across as macho and not having his masculinity challenged, he sure does love that effeminate floral shirt of his, doesn't he? I mean, how many different times has he worn that now on camera? I remember it from the boat cruise, now, and I'm thinking at least one other time. I mean, I like it - but not on a man. It just looks too much like a lady's blouse to me. - Jen (Libby’s sister) is kinda hot with her thiccness. She’s the most attractive person on the entire show. (After chuck of course 🙄) The sister of Libby's that I think is the sexiest and most attractive (personality excluded) is Becky. But only as she looks since she's been appearing on the 90 Day shows. When she was a brunette in her mug shot she's nowhere near as hot looking. This is definitely an instance of blonde being a better color for someone. - Asuelo’s family must be the worst worst worst family in the entire world. I've been living for next week ever since the teasers for the Asuelu family visit began rolling at the very start of this season. I'm so hoping Father Low finally steps in and takes Mother and Sister Asuelu to task for Tammy's BS nonsense and nastiness towards both of his daughters. Unfortunately, I'm also realistic and know that such a thing would be too good to be true and thus could not possibly happen.
  2. Oh my God, this is so true. In my previous marriage, after my ex-husband and I bought our first house we gave his parents a "just in case of emergency" key, and talk about abusing that privilege. We lived approximate 40-45 minutes away from them. They loved to shop at the mall in our town (we lived in a very upscale part of Boca Raton, Florida), so it was a common occurrence for them to come up our way and then show up at our house. We lived on a 16-acre lake so our house had an awesome view, plus we had a swimming pool and hot tub. On too many occasions to count we would find them lounging around our house or poolside or in the hot tube when we got home from work, but the worst part was on the occasions that I would take sick days (I suffer from horrifically debilitating migraine headaches, so these sick days were not unusual for me). The first time their pop-ins happened on one of my sick days, it totally freaked me out and made me think someone was breaking into our house because all three of our cats came flying upstairs into the bedroom where I was, then went into hiding. I then heard the door jiggling, then suddenly voices. My ex-in-laws were downstairs in the house. When I came downstairs to greet them my belligerent ex-mother-in-law started in with her sarcastic comments about why I was at home in the middle of a work day. Talk about ruining a sick day. My ex-mother-in-law was the most unpleasant person in the world, but my ex-father-in-law was a sweetie who also repeatedly was verbally abused by her. The first time I ever heard my ex-husband speak harshly to his mother, using profanity, was before we were even married and I was shocked by his language to her. Shortly thereafter, once I had met her and had to deal with her for the next 8 years I totally understood why he spoke to her like that. Anyway, long story short, think long and hard about who your "in case of emergency" key recipients are, LOL.
  3. Mrs. Hanson you had me at "I don't care for Natalie" and lost me at "I wanted to scoop her through the screen and rescue her," LOL. They are both horrible, horrible people, but I have to say that I agree with Mike's mom's comments that Natalie doesn't love her son, and that she treats him very badly. And given what his mom knows/is being told about Natalie by Mike it's no wonder that she hates Natalie as much as she does. If someone treated a son of mine that way, there'd be much worse hell to pay than what Natalie's thus far endured. My thing is this. Natalie knew what she was getting when she first got with Mike, but yet still decided to put up with it for the green card. The criticisms of him and trying to change him didn't begin when she finally got to the U.S. She was a nagging hag to him when he went to Ukraine to see her in their first season. Then she was a cold, nasty hag to him at their first tell all, when she could not/would not say that she loved/cared for him. Then she belittled and harped on and insulted and tried to change him after she got her visa and came to the U.S. in their recent 90 Day season. Then she was a cold stone beyotch to him at the Tell All for that season, ignoring him and giving him the silent treatment, not even acknowledging his existence when they were eating at the same table. This season she's still a nasty piece of work, only it's counter-balanced by Mike's meanness and finally fed upness with all of the BS he's put up with her from the get-go. I have not seen one iota of warmth, kindness, love or consideration come out of this nasty harpy's mouth or actions. He's right that she is an ingrate. She may not be living in the lap of luxury which she seems to think she deserves/earned, but it's true that he's paying for everything, including this hag's nose job (does anyone know if she only had the internal issues fixed or did she also get her nose reshaped? The cameras never stay on her profile long enough for me to determine). This new friend that has suddenly appeared this season seems to be in love with Natalie and vying for her attention with Mike, and Natalie will use her just like she's used Mike. I don't want to come across as a Mike sympathizer by any means. I just can't stand Natalie that much more than I can't stand high-pitched, whining Mike.
  4. They also made it seem like "The Single Life" will be airing on TLC August 9th. I can't find any details about that online, but I wonder if it's because they didn't garner enough watchers for that ripoff Discovery pay-for channel.
  5. All I could think of when he said this, and he did add something about he shouldn't be saying that, or something similar, was how mortifying for his mother and the rest of his family to find this out!
  6. Even if they were boring AF I LOVE that Michael's hanging out with them again, just because it drives Angela crazy that he is doing so.😈
  7. Don't shame my beloved Bee Gees by mentioning them in the same breath as that!😜 Even if they were boring AF I LOVE that Michael's hanging around them again, just because it makes Angela so crazy that he is. 😈
  8. Let me fix that for you. Rebecca and Molly are at least not as embarrassing! OMG, Magemaud. I just wrote the same thing as you, not having seen your comment yet when I did so, LOL. Clearly like minds. :~)
  9. Thank you for your very kind words, Whatamiwatching! :~)
  10. God help me but I watched this episode again, though not paying as much attention as the first viewing, and I don't think I can recall any other yachtie that was ever as nasty a piece of work as Vexy Lexi is. She truly has ZERO redeemable qualities. She may actually be the world's worst ever human being, not just an awful reality TV cast member. I can't even elicit any sympathy for the loss of her father, which is saying a lot, because any time I ever hear of anyone else's loss of a father or father having an illness, like Courtney's dad having Alzheimer's, I'm a pushover for pouring out sympathy for them. Being the daddy's girl that I was, and my whole world crashing around me when he passed away in my early 20s, fathers are especially my soft spot. Then within months after he passed my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's after she fell and fractured her hip. After she was released from a live-in rehabilitation center for her hip injury, I moved her in with me and she lived with me for 7 years until she too passed away. My dad died during my first semester of law school, and I tried to stick it out so as to graduate, but the double dose of parental illnesses overwhelmed me by the end of summer session and I had to come to the realization that I'd have to take a temporary leave of absence which ultimately became permanent. I never went back. I'm adopted. My parents were in their early 50s when they got me through a private adoption vs. through the state. I was spoiled rotten by my father. Sadly they didn't prepare me very well for life without them, and I was devastated when my dad passed. Thankfully I had the privilege of throwing a surprise 50th wedding anniversary during which I also had arranged for them to do a vow renewal/get remarried at the party before he passed away 3 months later on Christmas day. Being as close to my parents as I always was, I wish I could feel sorry for Lexi to some degree for her loss but I just can't, and I feel like that makes me a shitty person, which honestly I'm not. She's just such a horrific human being.
  11. WTF are those hairdos anyway? Is there some now hairstyling trend going on out there that I'm not aware of? I've never ever seen any women when I'm out and about in the real world that are sporting that do. It's somewhat reminiscent of that God awful hair crimping fad of the 80s, but not quite the same. It is somehow different, in an equally unappealing way. I personally don't think it flatters either one of them.
  12. Exactly. Yara's made the adjustments in life of him not physically being there for her and Mylah for many months out of the year. The least he can do is reciprocate in understanding and not putting more demands on her when he is back home. He should condition himself for a short while that she just can't be available to him the same way she was before the baby was born. It will, or should, even out in the wash once Mylah is a little older, and Yara is no longer a brand new mom with all the stress, worries and anxiety that come from having a brand new baby, compounded by having it in another country thousands of miles away from everyone you ever knew in your life, and while being a short-term single mother. Yes, she came across as rude and abrupt, and of course there's a better way of handling the situation than the way she handled it, but I do not believe there was any malice in her behavior or mind set. I don't feel that she's ever been a malicious person at all, unlike so many of the other 90 Day characters who actually are malicious.
  13. It could be sung to the tune of, "Gloria" by Laura Branigan, substituting the word "Glorious".
  14. The funny thing is so many men who reach a more mature age are much better looking, less awkward looking than when they were young men. I think they recently briefly did show a photo of Low in his very young days, and he didn't have the sex appeal back then that he has now. I agree about the beard. Shaving would be a good thing, along with styling him better in clothing. He kind of sort of facially has reminded me of Duane "The Rock" Johnson, who I believe is also Samoan, or at least part Samoan. Don't hate me for saying this, but as a rule men do seem to age better than we women do. For example, when men start to get that salt and pepper hair, or crows feet around the eyes, I find those things attractive in men. A completely unlined face does nothing for me. And men who have that soap opera actor good looks going for them usually don't appeal to me at all. Yet never ever have I heard men say that a woman looks awesome with gray in her hair, LOL. My ex-husband had a best friend who had been given the nickname of "Bucky Beaver" when they were in high school. But boy did he grow into better looks by the time I met him with my husband in their late 20s. By then the guy was a practicing dentist who entered Tom Selleck lookalike contests, because that's what his high school beaver face transitioned into - a ruggedly good looking doppleganger of Tom Selleck. Speaking for myself, and agreeably can also only admit to amongst certain people, I used to have an enormous crush on James Gandolfini when he was on The Sopranos. I do, however, think it's because of the character that he was playing - a very strong, masculine, macho guy who had a lot of self-confidence and charisma. Hanging my head in shame now.
  15. Thanks for the explanation of the term. It was such a weird phrase to my old school brain that I couldn't fathom what it meant. It caused nightmarish visions to run through my head of "popping" penises but not really knowing how they were popped. The only thing I knew for sure was that they didn't have any association with Dr. Pimple Popper, LOL.
  16. Ditto everything you said. For me it's the eyes, smile, and God help me if the guy has a cleft chin and/or a facial scar, especially in the eyebrows a la Jason Mamoa. That'll really bowl me over. Any or all of those features will get me every time. And it's not about a particular eye color. Rather it's the "set" of the eyes, if that makes sense. And a sincere smile with bright, healthy teeth. After getting divorced from my first husband, my girlfriends meant well and took me to a male strip club. After seeing the first dangling bits I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I was like a character in one of those old school cartoons, when they're trying to run away from someone or something and there legs go into speedy slip and slide motion. I would have much preferred if they had their private parts covered up and wore jeans and were topless. That's so much sexier to me. I much preferred looking at the waiters and bartenders in that club who were fully clothed, and all of them were so handsome. To make it even worse, one of my girlfriends bought me a subscription to Playgirl magazine. Trust me when I say that those magazines remained in mint condition, because after glancing through the first one of them, I never looked at another. They didn't even have great articles like Playboy is known for. Nothing redeeming about it at all. And I'm far from a prude. Even though I'm straight and not gay, I can look at a naked woman's body and appreciate and admire it as a work of art. Men's nether regions, not so much. To each his own, though, right?
  17. Isn't that on Angela though for misleading Michael and his entire family about her willingness to try? What makes zero sense, in light of the fact that Angela never has any difficulty saying what's on her mind to get her own way, is why she made those representations rather than straight off the bat with him and his family saying she had no intention of that ever happening. Probably because she knew Michael's family would then oppose her relationship with Michael. Personally, I don't believe that Michael really cares one way or the other about having a baby with Angela. His main focus is on getting to the U.S. and becoming an American. Once he's here long enough and has his green card, he can dump Angela and have as many babies as he wants with as many women as who are willing. Angela's just a stepping stone to him. I don't care how many times he professes to really lover her, I just don't believe that he will tie himself down to someone who can't give him children, as well as that someone no longer having huge fun bags for him to play with, LOL.
  18. That makes much more sense. 300 Kuna comes out to only $47.02. No wonder Courtney wasn't worried about picking up the tab for Vexy Lexi. That beyotch cannot even be gracious or grateful for Courtney doing that. She has to make a stink in her talking heads about how though she's cheap, she pays her way (or something to that effect - paraphrasing here).
  19. How the eff does dinner come out to $360 per person? What the eff did they eat/drink? Most likely it was the drinking that jacked the bill up so high. I wonder if they drinking expensive/rare bottles of wine/champagne. No way in heck would I go out to a restaurant and piss away that much money when I'd have worked so hard on the yacht to earn it. And real, non-TV yachties DO work hard.
  20. Thank you, Essexjan! I previously only knew trolls were those people that like to be disruptive and argumentative in online forums. I never associated that term with someone who's supposed to be in your corner/on your side, in love with you as Georgi is "supposed" to be with Darcey.
  21. So astute of you. To Tom and Jesse's credit, not only had she been talking to them for quite a while, but also when each respectively gave her a gift, be it the promise ring from Jesse or Tom's house key, they were being honest and did not disingenuously propose to her just for the sake of proposing on the show. Each demonstrated that they cared about her enough to want her to have those tokens of affection from them without caving in to her relentless and always less-than-subtle hints and intimations about engagement/marriage. Georgi's proposal on that boat was definitely too premature and pat for purposes of satisfying her while the show was being filmed. It never even occurred to me that he may have been pilfering cash from Darcey's purses while living with her. You just set off a light bulb in my head about why then he's hiding it from her, because he knows that she will wonder where that money is coming from if he has not been working all during COVID times and living off of her. If Stacey does suspect, as you do, that is the case, I would hope that as her sister she would mention it to Darcey as a possibility, even though she must know that Darcey will "go off on her" if she does so. But it would be the proper sister/twin thing to do, to open Darcey's eyes as fully as possible to any and all potential negatives and detriments concerning Georgi BEFORE she marries him, IF she ever does marry him. The fact that he supposedly never wants to discuss anything from his past is also a HUGE red flag. What is he hiding?
  22. Thank you, Precious, for the analogy. LMAO now!
  23. Ditto about the "48 Hours After The Engagement" caption. 48 hours after having just become engaged, one should still be basking in the after-glow of it, especially if that someone is Darcey, who has been on a how many years mission to become engaged just like her sister Stacey has been with Florian. Which just goes to prove that even if Jesse had given her an engagement ring instead of a "promise" ring, or if Tom had given her an engagement ring instead of a house key, that she STILL WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SATISFIED OR CONFIDENT in her relationships with them, because she's a never-ending suck of life in every room she's in. And I mean that in the nicest way, because I do actually like her. It's just that that is a fact of life in her world, that she cannot be happy for any prolonged amount of time in any relationship that we've seen her in. Yes, I too heard Georgi say something to Darcey about their "twinning" (I'm unsure of what word or phrase he used). It sounded to me like he was a** kissing her when he said that. What does trolling her mean?
  24. I too am an Amurrican, and I always keep a $100 bill tucked inside the zippered section of my wallet, "in case of emergency", as well as a money pouch at home filled with at least $1,000 to $2,000. My husband not only knows about it, but also where it's stashed so that he too, in case of emergency, can have access to it. Sometimes you just need cash on hand for things. I love to do garage sales, so part of the stash is my garage sale monies (needless to say for garage sale purpose the bill sizes I only bring with me are singles and fives, so the stash at home is fairly thick, LOL, though it mostly is comprised of 100s). The only condemnation I have about Georgi's monetary stash is that it was hidden without Darcey's knowledge. That does seem devious to me. Something similar in my past with an ex-fiancee happened. I had added that fiancee to all of my credit cards and bank accounts, and was the primary breadwinner, not only housing him but paying for his clothes, and sometimes even his child support for his 10-year-old daughter who lived with his ex. I didn't mind about the daughter because I loved her as if she was my own, and she was always likewise demonstrative in her love for me whenever we were together, calling me "Mommy", which meant everything to me. Well anyway, one day after opening a bank envelope that had arrived in the mail, I noticed that the name on the account was only my ex-fiancee's, and it didn't show our joint back account names. That's when I realized that this wasn't OUR account but HIS only, and that at some point he had gone behind my back and opened up an account and deposited quite a decent sum of money into it, and mind you, he was not working at the time. As it turns out his mother was sending him money. Needless to say, I totally lost my sh** over that duplicitousness, and that was the demise of our three-year relationship. That was not the only reason I broke up with him, but it was definitely the straw that broke this camel's back. He was a lead singer musician, and I'd already put up with enough of the crap that goes along with being in a dysfunctional relationship with a musician - the drug use, other women, barely making enough money to survive. I was D-O-N-E by that fiasco. Which brings me to saying that Darcey, who seems to be very generous and a giver, has totally been very good to Georgi, so for him to have a hidden stash of cash, I can't possibly imagine what reason he would have that on hand and secreted to boot from Darcey. Any normal person, if it's to pay credit card bills, would have the cash in a bank account. And another BS thing that he's doing is maintaining his other apartment in Washington while he's in Connecticut and living off of Darcey. His saying something about because he's going through a divorce he needs to be a resident is utter BS. People move all the time during and after their divorces. There's no requirement that I've ever heard of about having to physically remain in the city/state where the divorce was filed.
  25. It IS on OnDemand. That's how I watched it last night. I think it airs on Monday nights, though. I've been checking in OnDemand almost every day for the past two weeks, because somehow I had found the wrong season 2 airing date online and so I started checking for this sh** show for more than 2 weeks now and was SO HAPPY to have finally found it available yesterday in OnDemand.
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