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Everything posted by Xebug67

  1. And I can't wait for it. She needs to be taken down a rung or two, or a million.
  2. As believable as it was when he and Daisy made out in the hot tub, with no recollection the next day. Glenn was so cute in bed listening to an audio about eels. LOL
  3. His older brother is gorgeous. He's ok. Not my type, but seems sweet. She's definitely going to have to reel her "wearing the pants in the family" behavior back in so as not to further emasculate this poor young'un.
  4. That's an interesting dynamic that was played out on this new HBO show, The Gilded Age. Two gay men, with one seeking a marriage partner that has a lot of money, while intending to continue his closeted lifestyle with his love partner even after he marries. The love partner is NOT happy.
  5. OMG, my exact same assessment of the friend. She's going over to her bestie's house to watch/help her organize her closet throw away her perfectly still good hooker wear, and since it might be a televised scene she's sporting those ridiculous looking false eyelashes all of these TV whores seem to think of as attractive (do they not have mirrors?).
  6. My entire thought process during all that holding up of and displaying of the lingerie to her sister was that she deliberately bought the wrong size because she knew it might be a scene that got filmed by production, and there was no way in hell she was going to be showing off her "Shallow Hal" line of lingerie. It also seemed like everything was brand new. That was a lot of new lingerie. I really did feel sorry for her after she picked him up from the airport and he was more interested in seeing the baby than being alone with her. I don't think it was terrible for her to want one special night alone with him after two years of absence. When he so soul crushingly told her she had gained weight, I only wish production had said to him how he looks like he put on a few pounds as well. And when Emily commented on his hair being shorter now, flashbacks of Awful Ari and Bini flashed through my brain regarding Bini no longer having the "cool" dreads hairdo.
  7. Especially since, to the best of our knowledge (as we've neither seen or heard anything to contradict this) they seem to have also churned out at least one "got it together" daughter.
  8. Has it become some sort of prerequisite on this show for at least one male cast member to have a distractingly wonky eye? I don't feel guilty about commenting on Bilal's looks, because since the first time he blew smoke up his own ass on the first episode (yes, I know he's done that a bunch of times, LOL), he's become progressively more abrasive and annoying IMO (especially re his opinion that he's only religiously married vs. also legally - he seems to be holding that card in his back pocket as a get-out-of-jail-free to be used against "the love of his life" should he decide during the 90 days that she really isn't for him - and out of curiosity, is their marriage also NOT legal where she's from ? Shades of loudmouth Angela Deem here. Because if they were married in some way over there, wouldn't she instead be brought over on the spousal visa? He's also super-shady about not telling his fiancee that he doesn't want any more kids - hello Big Ed 2.0). His thus far saving grace is his seemingly together sister, and two kids who seem to be well brought up. I keep going back and forth on Shaeeda [SP]. Something about her is charming, and almost tongue in cheek how she addresses everything with/about Bilal. I'm impressed with her knowledge of vintage American TV and slang. I wonder if, like Armando from Mexico, she too grew up learning English and Americanisms by watching TV. I personally don't see anything wrong with her wanting her man to be financially comfortable, which includes having a nice car and home. Not to say that it has to be a luxury auto, but I do think a more accurate "test" would have been how she reacted to being driven around in, e.g. a Ford Escort vs. a Lexus or Mercedes, because the white panel van was clearly meant to depict his work things, while with a passenger vehicle like the preceding two opposing models, there really shouldn't be any excuse on her part as to why not to like the Ford, unless she truly is a moto-snob. With regards to the dump he once called "Home", that's a horse of a completely different color. That place is truly falling apart, and is not helped much with the granny decor. How is that an accurate test of "ride or die"? Who among us wouldn't have also been horrified once inside? She WASN'T with you before you made whatever money it is that you have and seem to think of to be brag-worthy. She met your grown ass as it now is. If you're in the real estate business, what grown ass woman would ever possibly believe that THAT was your home? It would be more than safe to assume that a realtor would be a reflection of his profession, living in a lovely home (I didn't say mansion). That being said, a realtor would also be driving a nice car for transporting clients. Of course it could be represented that the van is for the tools and equipment he uses when he's on his flipping properties. That home, though, was just so depressing. I slightly had problems with the rats comment she made, and did think he gave a great answer. My take on the gold digger possibility and lifestyle testing is this. If I were a 37-year-old woman who was leaving my country and everything I know behind to move to America, it wouldn't be so that I could live in a dump like that. Then again, I'd never be stupid enough to leave my country without having seen detailed images of where I would be living. At any moment I expected her to say that she didn't see any walls that resemble the background wall in all of his video telephone calls to her. The thing that would be fair to expect is that at his age, and with his boojie LV luggage, she would not be wrong to assume he was a man of means. No one has that type of luggage that DOESN'T at least want people to think they're wealthier than they are, or wealthy enough to have it, so he can kiss my grits with his BS response about one not necessarily equating with the other. I'm just so CONFOOSED about all this, LOL! Re the mother of the special needs child, kudos to her for being such a loving mom as she came across in the snippets they showed of her. But just how delusional is she to really believe that HER social media bikini photo of all the millions of photos of other, younger and prettier American women made her the one for him to reach out and touch? Yes, she's very attractive (for any age), but she IS a person of a certain age, and that's what these love rats hone in on, delusions of beauty that are not truly all that, and empty compliments and love bombing. For all her friends and "The Squad" BS, she strikes me as someone who's very lonely for romance and love (of which there's NOTHING wrong). But to exercise such cloudy judgment on a man from across the world of a completely alien faith and exercise of that faith is downright stupid. I guess stupid is as stupid does. I hope for the child's sake this doesn't go too far before she wakes up and smells the Turkish coffee (yes, I know he's not from Turkey, just trying to be funny).
  9. As a vegetarian for going on 32 years, who's alternated between vegan, macrobiotic and just plain ovo lacto vegetarian, which is what I am now because I will eat/drink dairy products, but not any animals or even animal by-products, I was salivating when I saw how creative he was with the butternut squash, which is one of my favorite vegetables. My late husband use to cook butternut squash for me, as well as make soup out of it. I think Marco is one of the best vegan/vegetarian chefs across all three franchises (unless I'm forgetting something creative that Rachel prepared for vegetarian guests - she is, by the way, a total rock star in the kitchen, and truly did redeem herself this last season). I loved that he didn't bitch and moan about the vegan guest, and instead rose to the occasion to make her feel included as well as providing a tasty meal for her as well.
  10. Respectfully, Marco has every right to feel the way he does about Gabriela. She came at him hard on the crew's night out and should not be easily let off the hook for it. Just because she was testing the waters with him in the kitchen scene, that doesn't make for an "everything's just fine now" outcome. She never actually apologized to him. All she did say to him was, 'I'm disappointed a little bit in some of my behavior,' which is not really an apology. I though he was gracious to hear her out and try to offer up advice to benefit her as far as telling her she controls her own behavior, to take time for herself and think things over, etc. He was not by any means harsh or nasty to her, nor was he dismissive. He was cold, but not rude or indifferent. He respectfully heard her out. He's entitled to his feelings, and if he feels he's over her and her BS so be it. If anything, her sarcastic, "Good talk" upon leaving the kitchen tells me everything I need to know about her. She didn't get the response from Marco that she wanted, so she's going to be dismissive of what he said to her and act like a baby about it. She also is kind of a two-face. She's pleasant when things are going her way, but she's childish when they're not. She's only above Ashley in my opinion at this juncture by a smidgen. A perfect example of her immaturity is when she hops into Gary's bed, and she's done this at least two times that we've seen. Who knows how many more times it happened that we never saw. I really don't get the vibe from her that she's interested in him, and selfishly I do enjoy how much it rankles Ashley. I believe that's why she does it, but also maybe to elicit from him some sort of validation that's she's desirable. If I were her, I wouldn't stoop to playing games with guys for validation and instead just plug along doing a great job so as to have validation for an awesome work ethic from her chief stew and the captain. I reiterate that I really liked her in the earlier episodes of the show, but she's progressively shown more of her true colors as each episode has come and gone, and those colors are not very pretty. She's not a horrible person by any means, but she is definitely very flawed in ways that are so detrimental to herself and her own personal and professional well being. In that regard, I really do truly feel sorry for her and have empathy for how hard she is on herself. She's not that bad of a person to be so down on herself.
  11. Completely agree about sailing yachts not seeming like much fun at all unless, perhaps, as you said, it was on a smaller sailboat whereby you were in control of the sails. I started out this season really liking Gabriella a lot, but the more and more she unraveled, allowing what seems to be her true persona to show itself, the less and less I now like her, though compared to awful Ashley, she's hands down the superior person and stew. Gabriella as opposed to Ashley initially came on seeming professional and competent, while Ashley came on balls to the wall as a whiny, deceptive, backstabbing, two-timing beyotch, and proud of the fact that she was. She immediately started marking her territory like a cat or dog peeing to mark theirs, and in her delusional mind Gary was her territory. Ashley's probably been accustomed to getting her way in everything when it comes to her parents, and guys probably from the time she was in puberty and had developed those humongous breasts, which may or may not be fake, but look to be real. She touts those things as if they're Diana Prince's "Lasso of Truth" that will make all men fall in love with her. Aside from breaking her promise to Gabriella, who was a fool to ever divulge anything to this massive beyotch, and considering how much they hate each other, she was a fool to even think of confiding anything of importance to her, such as her deep feelings. The most she should ever confide to nasty Ashley is, "I'm taking a bathroom/sleep break now." Gabriella, however, has been the biggest disappointment to me, because she really does have what it takes from a professional standpoint to eventually be a chief stew. It's her personality and confidence she needs to work on. She initially seemed to be brimming with self-confidence, almost boasting about her background accomplishments. How she went so off the rails is an anomaly to me. I definitely think that she and liquor do not get along, and she should not drink at all because she becomes an obnoxious drunken beyotch when she does, and after which she has to face the consequences of her awful actions and/or utterances from the night before. She never should have sniped at Marco at their evening off dinner, and it looks like she hasn't learned her lesson from the last time she was so bristly, per what the upcoming episode showed that she's at it again. She's really NOT the nicey-nicey person that she initially appeared to be, though she's is a million times more likable than Ashley. However, that is a very low bar that's set. As awful as Ashley is, it's clear that Gabriella enjoys lording her authority over her. As someone else previously mentioned regarding Daisy having told Ashley she can go to bed after she was done, unless Gabriella needed her, and knowing that she didn't need her she had to assert her authority to say what she did to Ashley about her supposed to be staying if Gabriella needed her, but she didn't so she can go. In this regard concerning her personality, she's NOT chief stew material, and if she can't get past her own pettiness, she never will be. Daisy handled Ashley perfectly, by being an approachable chief stew and a willing listener, but yet nipping in the bud all of Ashley's whining lies because Gabriella wasn't also there to be a part of the conversation. I had really thought Daisy (who I've loved since her first season and was so glad that she was back) was clueless about Ashley's manipulation attempts, but lo and behold, she's on to her. The trick moving forward until end of season is how to deal with both of them and their matching pettiness. I do think the reason Gabriella is getting so much love on here is because Ashley's just so awful, that it makes Gabriella's eff ups less offensive. But the bottom line is Gabriella is also quite flawed, though I would still choose her over Ashley any day. I truly hope she's being sincere when she expresses wanting to be/do better, because I believe if she is being authentic about that, and if she sets her mind to it, she WILL be/do better. She really strikes me as someone who can accomplish whatever she wants if she's just in the right mind set to do so.
  12. Exactly. That's the whole point of booking a vacation on a sailing yacht as opposed to a motor yacht.
  13. Let's not forget that she also broke her promise to Gabriella about NOT telling Daisy, as if we didn't know she would do so at the time she made that promise that she never intended to keep. She was saving up as ammunition everything that Gabriella said to her for just the right moment.
  14. It doesn't help that Bilal has a wonky eye that triggers bad Ben vibes in me. I'm also super-annoyed by how many (if not all) of this new cast, as well as their parents/friends, etc., are saying that the 90 day time period is for them to decide if they want to actually marry the person they've brought over. Isn't the whole point of the K-1 visa that you already know that you want to be with them, and the 90 days is for planning the wedding, etc.?
  15. When they showed him and his sister going into their old house, all I could think of was how the heck that home was so conveniently available to use for filming? I'm curious to know if what a previous poster said about his owning it and not selling it are true, or if what your clever estimation was about Sharp leasing the house for filming. It truly was disgusting, as if it was a crack house or something that fell into such a state of disrepair and eyesoreness. I don't recall what the houses around this house looked like, so I can't determine if it's a detriment to the neighborhood or not, if all the other homes on that street are also rundown.
  16. That, and also, what's the possibility/likelihood of their being stolen?
  17. This! HTF does he repeatedly manage to "accidentally" find Mahogany after each time he's ghosted/stood up? If he's really so skilled at locating lost/missing people, the FBI ought to hire him to locate missing children/persons.
  18. You'd think, though, with all the physical work involved with working on a ranch she wouldn't be so morbidly obese. My late husband's family owned a ranch, and none of the 11 kids are at all obese, even though now some of them are in their 50s and 60s and no longer living on the ranch. I believe that their lifestyle of hard work stayed with them even this long after growing up and away from the family ranch.
  19. She doesn't want to live in China, where Johnny is. She wants him to come to the U.S. The Other Way is for Americans who are moving to other countries.
  20. This! Unfortunately, assuming we believe this to be true, Ximena DID get back together with Mike (or at least pretended to), in which case every time that she caves in to his creepy stalker demands, that just reinforces in this little weasel's mind that all he has to repeatedly do is wear her down and she'll come back to him. Can someone say "mixed signals" where the little trollop is concerned?
  21. I personally don't feel that Tom deserved any of that money. He didn't do anything of merit when those guests first arrived. All he did was behave like a whining, immature f*** up. Regarding his friend's dad, I feel sorry for the friend, but I do think that Tom was playing up how much HE was affected by HIS FRIEND'S dad's situation so as to have just cause as to why he's so distracted and not performing his job correctly. This guy is just full of empty excuses for his f***ed upness. On a separate note, Ashley throwing him under the bus for his anchor watch f*** up really pissed me off, because she was the one making out with him, further distracting him from doing his job. I can't stand this beyotch. She's nothing but miserable and trouble. She talks about her sister backstabbing her, while she's one of the biggest backstabbers I've ever seen on TV. She hates other women, and views them solely as competition for her. She also has an over-inflated sense of her own value. She's NOT great looking by any means, and her personality is absolute shite. She's nothing more than a set of tits with legs. And did I hear correctly regarding "getting it on" with Gary? I thought they only kissed in the van. Did they actually have sex in front of everyone else in the van? Her face planting after falling out of her bunk ranks right up there with Adam's running into that branch (he was a chef on Below Deck Med) for awesome entertainment value for me.
  22. I've always thought that he's the most handsome of any men who have appeared on their show. Even with a slight "dad" body, he's dreamy. His face and eyes are so beautiful to look at. But it's his personality that really clinches it for me. He's kind to everyone, and it broke my heart on his behalf last season when he lost his beloved dog. I also respect that he never does anything with any females that's inappropriate. This is a guy who's NOT a cheater or a POS. His girlfriend is a very lucky woman.
  23. Speaking of which, did anyone notice her in that Walmart commercial they kept running almost back-to-back, over and over and over. She looked like a giant house lumbering down the walkway. Fashion model she AIN'T!
  24. Not only is he weak, but he's effing annoying AF, with his trailing after her wherever she goes, and the stupid "Te amo's" he mindlessly is constantly throwing out at her. There's nothing about him that garners respect towards him. Appreciation for being a never-ending ATM perhaps, but definitely NOT respect. So not only is he horrifically icky looking, but he also has the personality of a door knob. To his delusional credit, he seems to have come along quite far in regards to his learning Spanish so as to please Ximena and her family. As if that's going to make her love him, LOL. Fat chance. I do agree that if he's stupid enough to keep throwing good money after bad, he deserves to be taken for the ride of his life, because there's been ZERO uncertainty as to how Ximena feels about him. It's been said more than enough times that with a normal person, her words would have sunk in, but not with this delusional little troll. That's on him then. I dislike them both, and think they're both awful, each in their own ways.
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