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Byrd is the Word

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Everything posted by Byrd is the Word

  1. Oh, that would be the Mrs. and myself, my dear. (So far the host and hostess seem like very nice people with no remarkable physical or style issues whatsoever)
  2. Well ladies and gentlemen, I have what could be the seeds of a future JJ epp. My wife and I were in Kansas City for our daughter’s wedding last week and staying in a lovely 4 bedroom AirBnb home around the corner from the museum that hosted the event. The house was quite old but recently remodeled and in a very charming urban neighborhood. The only concern was the flight of stairs to the second floor was was uncovered, a bit slippery and much more steep and narrow than you could build today. The first morning my wife (who, through hard work and the grace of God is quite strong and fit) missed the first awkward step and fell down 12 stairs landing in a heap on the landing. It was terrifying. Lots and lots of blood from what turned out to be a broken nose along with a painful hand injury and some bruising. After a morning at the ER she was able to gather herself and barely missed a beat the rest of the trip. The interesting part to me is that a number of smart people at the wedding suggested that the host could be liable for the injuries and the expenses. When the host and I spoke I suggested that he contact his homeowner’s carrier and inform them of the accident, just like each of us would do if we collided in traffic, he got very quiet. I have a call into my attorney to find out who really is liable. Stay tuned. But if you see a fat man with neck tattoos in an ill fitting suit standing with a trashy blonde wearing blue eye shadow and a too tight dress that reveals her unattractive décolletage you’ll know we couldn’t work it out. PS, the wedding was perfect. Regrettably we have no cause of action with the dress maker, DJ, photographer, florist, bakery, limo driver, landscaper, lighting technician, floor sweeper, bartender. Nobody. Everything was truly perfect.
  3. That line delivered by the shifty eyed, lying asshole as evidence of his truthfulness. Sickening. The only thing remarkable about this case is both litigants testifying at her her bench and leaving with all their fingers and toes. Never ever have I seen that.
  4. Ha! I love linty candy from grandpa's pocket and grandma's purse. But I never understood what that funny smell was in that old handbag. My final point on rules and convention is that some of the greatest advances in mankind have come as a result of courageous individuals who defied the rules of science, law, social norm, etc and forced change. Whether or not the rule breakers or rule followers are rewarded or punished always seems to be decided by those persons ultimately in charge. And history is full of all sorts of examples of all this. By the way, if you want a dramatic example of the consequences of blindly following the rules and authority figures find the new HBO docudrama "Chernobyl". It's incredible what was happening over there in 1986 while the rest of us were busy doing other things.
  5. I don’t know where my man Byrd got his figure, but the least valuable Mustang value I could find is about $1,400.
  6. I’m a follower of rules because most of the time they favor the right party and allow order. But I’m also a proponent of respect and doing the right thing. Sometimes rules needs to be challenged to see if they are indeed (or remain) what they were intended to be. Lots of rules have changed in our lifetime. Some for the better and some not. Don’t forget that Germany had lots of rules in the 30’s and 40’s.
  7. I had the same feelings and I also found her a bit off. Furthermore, she had no proof that such a bear attack took place nor was it an “act or God” as she claimed; not that would it have made much difference apparently. Legally speaking the horse is her property and it should not have been on the road. I’d be interested to learn whether or not she filed an insurance claim for the loss of her horse and how that was settled.
  8. Provided this one makes it through under grad, med school and residency, I hope her judgment regarding patient care is better than that of her choice of paramour or there are going to be some serious malpractice cases in Indiana's future.
  9. Zero sympathy for someone foolish enough to trust a Craigslist “roofer” on her (okay, and that lease agreement is sketchy as hell) property. Real roofers are pros and expensive. The pros clean up the nails and keep the water out. The hacks leave nails, cigarette butts and water infiltration behind. Of you want to find a pro and don’t have a trusted friend’s referral use Angie’s list not the Craigslist, the rectum of the Internet. She got $1,000 with is about $1,000 more blood than she’d get out of that rock in the real world. Claim your victory and go home. Or “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!”
  10. Provided that the graphic illustration of the intersection was correct, it seems that the only function of that traffic light is to protect those persons in the crosswalk since the crosswalk is the only thing intersecting the road at that point. And that being the case, the driver wouldn't convince too many of us that she was particularly cautious when she crossed it. Neither of the litigant's arguments moved me and I thought both were careless and at fault. The clod on the bike was lucky he wasn't seriously hurt also.
  11. I could not agree with you more. By the way, I liked the niece, perhaps because she had the good sense or decency to remain silent and not join the petty family squabble. Plus, it’s hard to take a dim view of a young person who endeavors to read a book rather than a smartphone.
  12. Suing for the overdraft fees is roughly equivalent to claims for lost wages. As far as I'm concerned the collateral damage of the overdrafts were more directly a result of the plaintiff's negligent stewardship of her account than any nominal charges by the defendant.
  13. What about this. Is the niece and her $25 or so charges REALLY responsible for overdrafts to an account that is clearly a complete and utter shit show as a result of the account owner's negligence/irresponsibility?
  14. No court is going to do any sort of forensic accounting on behalf of a litigant. It would be the plaintiff's burden to prove which of the overdrafts were the responsibility of the defendant niece and which were not. Defendant claimed the tiller was a gift and since the plaintiff was already exposed as a liar with almost zero credibility her rebuttal testimony is meaningless. This case had no merit and was nothing more than a hateful old hag and her 64 year old bitterness. Dismissing the case was the right thing to do.
  15. That case was all about spite and resentment and had little to do with actual property or the the law. But possession is indeed 9/10 of the law and that along with the passage of time is on the defendant's side. It's astounding that she showed up to court with that bank account dumpster fire as if any responsible party wouldn't see through her meaningless case in the time it takes to bounce a check. Give the hateful shrew $50 for her Rototiller and direct her back to the hole she crawled out of.
  16. I'm 58. My thought was that if that's what 64 looks like the next 6 years are going to be absolute hell for my face and body. Judging by the look of her she left home to live in a gutter and somewhere along the line she completely lost her sense of humanity. And accounting. FFS, I had a better looking checking statement when I was an incredibly irresponsible college freshman. What a horrible old shrew. And yet another woman who just won’t answer the question no matter what. “Do you have primary physical custody of your children?” Too dumb to realize that a lie will sink her case faster than a perhaps unattractive truth.
  17. “I am not a cat”. Best defense ever. I wanted to reach into TV land and smack that witchy plaintiff. What is it with these people who think they can force their narrative into evidence (“I wasn't moving. I was proceeding with my right turn through the crosswalk after making a complete stop at the line”) by repeating it over and over? It’s a certain kind of stubborn adopted by a certain kind of idiot. This coupled with the dolt who clearly ran into the side of Witchy Poo’s ugly SUV. By the way Mr. Plaintiff, your bent bicycle wheel speaks more to her contention than yours. Show me damage to her front end if you want any hope of making your case.
  18. This is probably my number one problem with her. She has my blessing when she shames the “disabled” layabouts, deadbeat dads and SSI profiteers. But when she does the same to honest, sometimes successful and sometimes not, entrepreneurs and speculators she loses some of my respect. It begs the question: exactly how should the rest of us serfs endeavor to become even modestly wealthy?
  19. Not that I heard. But judging by the attractions my guess would be < 10.
  20. This is another case of people with limited resources spending huge sums of money of parties. I will never understand that. As an older brother who has literally and figuratively bailed younger siblings out of trouble I completely empathized with the plaintiff and have a ton of respect for him. I hope the little brother gets his shit together as he seems like a hard working decent sort with the potential to do well, in spite of some anger and entitlement issues. And boy did he get handed a bag of trouble trouble by the authorities.
  21. Attraction is a funny thing, right? It's so often driven by factors we don't understand. I've seen women on the show who walk in looking attractive and thinking "wow" only to hear her speak and kill that attraction. On the flip side others who look plain will talk and start looking better and better. The exactly same thing happens in my real life. I'm certain that the men and women who show up with the dregs following them have some serious personal issues that made the now fractured relationship seem like a good idea at the time. My only hope for these people is that they don't repeat the pattern. But it's the slimmest hope at best.
  22. If it weren't for people like your dad and others who prove that there is intelligent life, generosity and real wisdom out here I couldn't watch JJ. It'd be way too depressing.
  23. If that asshole father of 5 neglected children was in my life I’d give him a free Porsche if he promised to drive it off the nearest cliff.
  24. Using a rusty fork for the procedure. Mr. Thirsty Prolific Impregnator who somehow bought a $1,700 computer doesn’t even support that one kid. He’s another scumbag “do what I can” non payer lay about pussy. It’s about time all of us portents who love, support (emotionally and financially) and nurture our children put up purse money and sponsored deadbeat mom and dad death matches. Round one features Mr. Thirsty who clearly cuts his own hair vs. Mr. Filthy Snowcone head and that smirk someone should beat off his insipid face. The last man or woman standing gets the money. But we garnish that prize and give it to all of their neglected children. Who in?
  25. Ever since the meltdown of the housing market, rents have gone ballistic. After we sold the large family home and were in the market for the right house to buy we did something similar for over a year. While it's a lot of money to rent, we saved 15 months of expensive real estate taxes, upkeep on the interior and exterior and lots of other homeowner expenses while we waited to the nearly perfect house for our downsize. It's fair to say I saved many hundreds on expenses Ace Hardware alone. I'd do it all over if I needed to.
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