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Byrd is the Word

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Everything posted by Byrd is the Word

  1. This case was notable only from the standpoint that the defendant snatched a minor victory from the jaws of defeat. Rarely to we see JJ exit stage right only to return to the bench, have a seat, and change her ruling. Parties and self indulgence are defiantly “a thing” now. We’re in the midst of wedding planning. It’ll be a blast and we've said “yes” to a lot. But some of the things we’ve said “no” to are just silly. A $2,000 gourmet ice cream truck at midnight after a night of booze, appetizers, dinner, more booze, desert and wedding cake? Um, no. How about we all Uber to Baskin Robbins instead? Put the word “wedding” in front of any product or service and watch the price jump at least 50%.
  2. If I understood her testimony correctly she did to that and got nothing from them. Perhaps the investigation was new the police weren’t prepared to interview her. Often these investigations move at a snail’s pace. It occurred to me that an employee or family member of the defendant might be behind this which might explain why she seemed to make an offer of restitution. I’m also pretty sure I’d lawyer up if, regardless of my innocence or guilt, I were formally accused and treated like a perpetrator by the police. It is too bad we’ll never know. There’s been a crime committed by someone and it’s a much more interesting case than the snappy ass defendant in the Audi vs tow truck, I hate liars, I didn’t steal your $2 necklace case. What a vile woman that was.
  3. I thought the photographer in the senior portrait case did commendable work successfully correcting the RBF of the subject.
  4. As a father of a daughter, I maintain that manliness has everything to do with it. The plaintiff sued his ex to take money away from his daughter and not her mother. Tell a bunch of dads that you sued your ex to take money from your daughter and you’re going to hear a number of rebukes. We all know dads like this. They’re the ones not invited to the daughter’s wedding because the bride is understandably bitter. If all of us as parents rise only to the level of our legal obligations the world would be a much sorrier place. The guy’s a pussy, plan and simple.
  5. And never let it be said that the dad in the "Alabama Child Support Drama" didn't do the least he could do. Sheesh, what a turd. Unless he could demonstrate that his ex spent the money on herself, suing to take $900 away from your 19 year old daughter is a very unmanly thing to do. There's one angry guy that probably won't take a walk down the aisle with his daughter come her wedding day. And way didn't the ex counter sue for the medical expenses she claimed he owed her?
  6. Judging by the demeanor of the First Lady of Munkinland, her therapy dog isn't very therapeutic. Also, this litigant may now hold the record for number of time saying "your honor" in an appearance.
  7. I had the same sort of “meh” feeling to the outcome. I think JJ’s last minute empathy for the defendant may be because the texts she received from somebody were pretty horrible. Her conclusions were possibly wrong and certainly unsubstantiated. But absent of malice she must have been within her rights to file. Also, for what it’s worth, her boss and probably more George Costanza lookalike wasn’t wearing a wedding ring suggesting that perhaps the issue of his wife may be moot. So a big, fat “whatever” from me.
  8. Absolutely true. The vanity, the ignorance of technology and the fact Miss Piggy and her snarky daughter we’re seemingly impossible to please got to me. As @Florinaldo and @DoctorK point out, the pictures were probably raw images and not as bad as the plaintiff’s evidence suggested. And if you don’t like the photographer’s flair on certain images reject those as we all have at one time or another. Had Miss Piggy let the process play out the pictures probably would have pleased her. Unless of course Miss Smartmouth isn’t quite as fabulous to look at as mom and beta dad believe.
  9. As one of the few male voices in this room I have to say that this case was nothing more than an estrogen fiesta. Why that unic father didn't wait in the hotel while these entitled hags (including JJ) duked it out over their vanity is the only thing that interests me about this case. That and the fact the momzilla reminded me of Miss Piggy. Maybe Kermit is a unic. That would explain a lot.
  10. Slick Senior Picture Operation?! I get that Judy is going to shame the perpetually unemployed, SSI/disability layabout litigants. But here she shoots a well put together and articulate entrepreneur through the grease using air quotes, the word "slick" and letting us all know that her clever and probably successful business model isn't illegal. Why would it be? So exactly what does her highness consider an honorable profession? Lawyer? Judge? Television star? Yikes. Never mind.
  11. Totally agree, though obvious adulterers like Mr. Short and Stout rarely show up to either deny the undeniable sexcapades or support their side slam. Maybe chivalry isn't dead after all. This guy is a bit of a TV prize for me. Mrs. BITW would not be pleased if I showed up in TV court under the same circumstances; displeased as in "you picked Miss Minnesota Golden Gopher, you can have her". And I have the same expectations for today's installment and I will have a grand mal hissy if it's an anti climax.
  12. Even though the plaintiff in the Even though this plaintiff was dull as dust, I liked him from the jump. He told a very credible story with quick yes or no answers to yes or no questions. Furthermore, certainly he wasn't the only one aware of the sketchy relationship between the defendant and Boss Hog, these things are never well kept secrets. Any one of many people could be responsible for the vulgar text messages sent from a spoofed number that the defendant presented. Hell, it could have been an angry Jake trying to trap her in a lie or simply punish her and Mr. K. And driving by her house in a small town, even if true, is meaningless. The two lovers on the defendant's side were absolute fools to show up in that TV courtroom. If Mr. K doesn't somehow pay for that decision for years I'd be almost shocked.
  13. I actually found this case easier to follow than lots of the car title crap or other mindless, childish cases that we see. During his testimony I gave the plaintiff props for clear, concise and honest (I believe) answers to JJ's fact finding expedition. I think it boils down to the plaintiff telling Jake about his suspicions (certainly well founded) the the defendant was two timing him with the George Costanza look alike Doug Kephart (who actually referred to himself as "Mr. Kephart". Who does that?). She showed up at the plaintiff's house along with Mr. K/George and confronted the plaintiff. Months later she filed for a protective order against the plaintiff based on lies and unsubstantiated conceptions. She's a liar and a idiot and I'm pretty sure she'll be exposed as both today. Also, there's SO much wrong with Mr. K. For instance, why would any married man show up on a nationally syndicated television show with his bobble head slam piece to deny that she's his bobble head slam piece? I would love to see his wife's reaction on a split screen up there in the wilds of Minnesota. The plaintiff has the proof and a believable story while the defendant has no proof, guilty conscious and a nasty herpes chancre on her lip.
  14. She referred to the pit as her baby. Her birthing that animal is the only part of her bullshit, meth addled story I could believe. I’ve been around addicts my entire life. Alcoholics mostly. My family is loaded (pun intended) with them. I had an issue myself years ago. Some have sought treatment for their addictions and others have not. Some keep the addiction in check and others do not. There’s help there if you reach for it and it’s hard work once you do. But it’s possible. If you don’t reach out for help and ignore those who reach out to you; if you aren’t prepared to work for it I have little sympathy.
  15. I rolled my eyes at that remark so hard that I pulled a muscle. Nobody gives or receives a gift that’s nothing more than a financial liability. To believe it was a gift you also have to believe that he gave a gift back. And to whom did he give it?Deadbeat, lying fool. Defendant daughter claims the plaintiff man demanded sex acts in return for dropping the claim. “Your honor, I wouldn’t touch her with gloves on.” Best. Judge Judy line. Ever.
  16. I agree 100%. The woman literally ran for her life. She didn't leave because the wallpaper was out of style of the closet door didn't lock as the frequent rent deadbeat often claims. This was a responsible tenet who left under extraordinary circumstances.
  17. I'm not quite clear on the nexus (JJ vocabulary building word for the day) between the attorney, the defendant and plaintiff but it's seems clear to me that the credit reporting was done more out of spite than the ordinary course of business. If I understand the facts correctly, the plaintiff was a tenet in good standing for years. In November of 2013 or '14 she was seriously assaulted in her apartment by another of the building's tenets. She immediately fled the apartment and sought shelter, along with her daughter, in a woman's shelter where she remained for two months. The beady eyed property owned initiated eviction proceedings two weeks later. My guess is that she left immediately but it took her couple of weeks to get her stuff out and didn't pay rent in December. There was 0 evidence that the plaintiff ever returned to the apartment after she claims to have left and there's 0 use of the word squatter. She wasn't living there and wasn't paying rent. Sometime later, after some marital strife between the landlord and his wife (who almost certainly was familiar with the plaintiff and involved in the property management business as the plaintiff testified) the defendant landlord reported a credit claim of unpaid rent and an eviction against the plaintiff mucking up her credit and her ability to rent property. The murky details of this case have me believing that the reporting was spiteful and retaliatory. The bottom line for me is that the plaintiff seemed very truthful and sympathetic and the landlord is a dishonest, bitter little creep. I also wonder if the plaintiff had any cause of action against the defendant for any possible negligence leading to the assault.
  18. Welcome @PennyPie18 I couldn’t figure the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant. There was no mention that it was of a sexual sort (barf) but since the defendant’s ex-wife/wife seemed a bit out of it and the plaintiff’s husband was a no show, who knows. It’s hard to imagine that the plaintiff’s motive for handing over thousands were purely altruistic. I’m certain that there are worthy recipients of the tax dollars that Byrd and the rest of us contribute and I’m truly fine with paying to assist those in need provided they are doing the best they can to help themselves. The trouble is, and we all know, that just as soon as the system begins handing out free money that “class” of people quickly figures out how to job the system. It’s hard for us who’ve worked hard, saved hard and sacrificed not be be a little (or more) bitter when thieving scumbags like Cokey present themselves. Incidentally, did anyone else’s flesh crawl when that creepy jailbird talked about potty training the plaintiff’s little girl? Between the mom allowing her little girl to weekend with a bunch of teenagers and this one allowing that sketchy dirt bag without 50 feet of her child, we have two candidates for Mother of the Year.
  19. This creepy scumbag who served time in Missouri for fraud has successfully managed to screw you and me out of our tax dollars now sits around on his fat ass figuring our new ways to screw other people. I now have PTSD from watching this asshole. This smug, doughy, beta male (thanks @AngelaHunter) won’t “throw a buddy under a bus” by revealing the name of the party guest loser who damaged the plaintiff’s car. As if we’re supposed to admire his loyalty. Mr. Squishy has a mighty messed up sense of honor. I’d like to throw him under the bus but instead I’ll settle for dry shaving that half assed sissy beard from his chubby cheeks.
  20. I think my favorite line from Bitchy Poo was "Are we done? I need to go". Everyone knows that when you're done, her highness exits to her right and refuses eye contact. But don't let the door hit your ass on the way out just the same.
  21. OMG, “witch” is exactly the word that popped into my head as I watched her leave the court room in a huge huff and waddle her fat ass out the door in that long black sweater that looked like a cape. I literally imagined her riding a broomstick. What an angry, miserable human. If the defendant’s claim has any merit she, and/or her insurance company will pursue the other driver. But chances are that either her claim has no basis or her insurance company is a sham. Either way someone needs to make that plaintiff whole and the obtuse bubblehead did indeed lose control of her car and cause the damage.
  22. My wife works with a woman with ties to law enforcement in the county and said the same thing to me several days ago, so I do believe it’s true. I’ve also been told that the father of the baby is not the man charged in the crime. Heresay being just that, take it for what it is. Both of the boy’s parents are drug addicts with long histories of bad deeds so anything seems possible. The story is truly tragic and an epic failure of everyone who should have cared for and protected that boy. It’s absolutely heartbreaking.
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