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Everything posted by TwistedandBored

  1. That is stupid though. DC always doing the least when it comes to their movies. He was in Thor 2 I think and he didn't have that much of chem with most of the guys there.
  2. I really enjoyed watching this episode. Focusing on mainly the OTA has done wonders for this show. Also, as much as I tend to not care anything about Dinah. She is starting to irritated me. I know she means well but the actress's delivery is making Dinah soo cold and judgmental. Pass on that crap. The optics on making Diggle the only Superhero drug addict on the show is just so wrong. It's doesn't even matter why they are doing but just no show.
  3. LMAO! I read it wrong. I was thinking of why they didn't go with someone who is a little bulkier if they were gonna go with a less known actor and thought she meant the same.
  4. Me too. Maybe he can bulk up before the movie starts? Also, will he have chemistry with The Rock since he will play his nemesis?
  5. I liked the episode. It was funny. I am really sad to see Wally go and that the group didn't even notice he was gone. Also, the look on Joe's face when Cecile said she was pregnant had me rolling. I hope this is false positive and not true or it could be something they could use to write out Joe in the future if the show wants to do that.
  6. Yeah. She reminds me of one of those women who want one of the guys so bad that they will insult the women before the men get the chance.
  7. Oh, I always knew Eddie was a relationship block. Anyone says otherwise might need to re-watch season 1 of the show. Oh, I just checked and it is the same woman. Ashley V. Robinson. What the hell? She did a review with some other guy on the Jawin channel and she was insulting the hell out of Iris. She said, "Iris bring nothing to the team." Like it was not a good idea for Iris to join Team Flash at all. Wow. Talk about being that much of two-face publicly. Here it the link to the review if you want to see.
  8. Wait. No. Barry and Iris will marry. So there is no drama from that side of thing. I am not saying Iris is not allowed to feel resent toward Barry's actions. i just wished it was worded better than it was. Something like "I understand why you had to leave but you made that decision with out consulting with me knowing it effected me as well." Something a long those lines instead of the "you left me Barry" which is what everyone would jump on and as someone who had to suffer through second half of of Arrow/Felicity hate. I clenched my teeth knowing how everyone would jump on Iris's throat for being in the right.
  9. See, Barry has left Iris a lot of different times which she can't remember but the last time he left, he had to leave her in order to save the city and possible the world. I thought Iris understood the reason why he had to leave. It might have left her a mess but he saved the city. I feel sick defending Barry leaving this one time. But if you think about it, this whole thing happened because Barry created Flashpoint. Anyways, I think Iris had legit reasons for wanting to communicated with him including him thinking everything is totally fine and doing all the wedding stuff without consulting her. I just wanted her leave the whole "you left me" thing out it because I know how those dudebros would turn this into another thing to hate Iris for and i am sick of it.
  10. Isn't this writer the same one that is insulting Iris and hating everything Iris has done on her YT channel? I could be wrong but I heard there was some two faced writer who is writing for DC now days.
  11. This episode was very fun to watch. I do however think they could have given Iris another reason besides you left me thing. Like she should have a million other reasons by now but I enjoyed Iris being a boss and owning up to her feelings.
  12. I don't really put my faith in some article from the future. While it is nice to have that article as some sort of confirmation. The article and it's uses can change many times throughout the shows run. I put my faith in the fact there would no Barry without Iris. Just like there would always be a Lois to Superman's Clarke. These two are that destined together. Also, we better get some honeymoon loving or I would fight someone. lol
  13. I liked the episode and I loved seeing Michaela in her new surroundings. Also, I am over Nate. Like why is he even in the show anymore?
  14. It was an okay season opener. Like I expected to see only Oliver in the first minutes and no one else but when I saw most of the crew was fine then I really didn't care what happened to the others plus I read the spoilers about Thea. Honestly, I don't want a half season of flashbacks to that explosion. Anyways, Felicity looked amazing. Olicity was cute.
  15. Seriously, who would have thought we would be here back in season 1. I remember just being happy EBR will be made a regular and now here we are. Olicity is getting married and Felicity is one of the most important DCTV character out here. Dreams do come true.
  16. I know we said we would be cool with Olicity marrying wearing anything and stuff but this just looks rushed and cheap.
  17. Wow! Like I didn't expect Olicity and WestAllen to dress up for the second wedding but this is too much.
  18. I never said people who don't ship WestAllen are racist. Also, the whole I ship this 1 interracial couple so I am not a racist thing is sort of like the shipping equivalent of saying I am not a racist, I have a POC friend. I am not saying anyone is racist, just fyi that is just how it comes across sometimes. See, this is why I dislike discussing race. Some people feel attacked. I usually stay out of the drama around here but apparently this time I didn't stay on course. Anyways, let's move on from this topic. OMG! Really. PM me
  19. I think more than Barry and Iris, I was responding more to the correlation between people who said Oliver and Felicity have brother/sister relationship to those who say it whenever an interracial couple is involved. Even when people said that about Olicity, it was a very minor voice whereas any time an interracial couple happens, this become the majority voice. And just because y'all haven't seen some people say Rey and Fin have brother/sister relationship relationship doesn't mean it doesn't exist and is not a well known method that has been used discredit a lot of couples. Oh and I understand why some people bring up the brother/sister card with Barry and Iris on TF. However, I do think the show has said over and said over that Barry had a crush way before he moved in with them after his parents death. Do, I think the show should have shown more flashback scenes of Barry and Iris before they moved in together, yeah, I do but with Arrowverse writers you get what you get. So, while I can see how some people would not get over the whole growing up together thing I just wish people could be more respectful to those who actually like them in this AT. The Barry bashing, I am fine with it. He does done a lot over the last 3 seasons but when it extends to Iris which almost always happens then followed by a compliment to CP then I start side-eying some people like whatever man just what you really mean.
  20. I don't usually get into race discussion on this forum but please let's not act like interracial couples don't get more hated on then white couples. I found people use some of the stupids reasons on why an interracial couple's don't fit together and one of the most used tactic is the, "I don't see romantic chemistry between them. They have more brother/sister type of chemistry". Another awesome one some people use is say things like "they have best friend type chemistry". I mean I don't follow Star Wars and Walking Dead fandom but I have seen those type of words used against Rey and Fin and Michone and Rick. As for James and Kara, I saw people say he is too grown up for her or I see more friendship chemistry between them and look how that relationship ended. They have give them half an episode and moved on. There was a person on the previous page who used Abbie and Crane as an example and lol...We all know what happened there. Honestly, some people use so many dog whistle racial words that I sometimes think...just come out and say what you really mean. I just think as WOC, I am sometimes more aware of what tactics some people use when discrediting an interracial couples and I have seen it work many times.
  21. They look so good together. Also, I think this might be from the episode they go on their dinner date.
  22. I enjoyed the season premiere. I did not see the Lucious losing his leg thing. Wow! The show really went there. DuBois vs Lyons should be awesome though. I used to think Cookie is making a mistake by not completly choosing but nah. The guy is such a mommies boy.
  23. I don't know. I wasn't part of the fandom back then. I just enjoyed watching the show and kept it pushing. It wasn't until TVD and shipping Delena that I became part of an online fandom.
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