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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. Yes, that's what I hate as new viewer, the year or more wait between seasons. As an American, I usually only wait less than 6 months for a broadcast show to come back in the Fall after it ends in the Spring. Mid-season usually is about a 9 month wait. Cable and streaming can be a pretty long wait for some shows. I'm concerned that Series 13 will be more than a year's wait if they don't start filming soon because I can't see them wanting to broadcast it in the Spring or Summer given the poor ratings climate then. But I guess if they broadcast the special at Christmas or New Year's, then the series in Fall 2021, then that would be less than a year for something Who-related Of course, the other thing I really hate is the 6 hour wait after the BBC broadcast to see the show on BBC America. I have to do a personal blackout of my social media and Internet viewing for 6+ hours so not to be spoiled
  2. Filming FYI: The various locations were filmed in and around Cape Town, South Africa. One article indicated they had to contend with fierce wind storms
  3. Jodie has hinted there will be at least one episode that is basically psychologically scary as opposed to physically scary (like Orphan 55). This is probably one of them Some promo pics I guess another promo pic
  4. 10 episodes (including the 2 part finale), plus a special. It's not been confirmed when the special will air, but it will be sometime after Series 12 ends. Many are speculating it will be shown Christmas 2020 or New Year's Day 2021
  5. An episode about a deadly (alien) virus is kind of bad timing right now Note that Graham said Yaz is on sabbatical from her police job
  6. Next time trailers Guest cast: Rakaya - Clare-Hope Ashitey Tibo - Buom Tihngan Written by Charlene James and Chris Chibnall Directed by Emma Sullivan
  7. I actually didn’t feel it was very preachy, certainly not to the level of Orphan 55. I liked the cop even if he was a mess. At least he worked things out with hubby. I wouldn’t mind if we saw Warren Brown again. The vblogger was kind of annoying but not too bad overall. I liked that we had locations and associated characters in various parts of the world that Who doesn't typically get to. I liked that we had a gay couple and nobody made a big deal of it and that they got to survive and kiss at the end
  8. For some reason I wasn’t really feeling this episode and I can’t really say why. I don’t think it will end up as a favorite. Maybe I’m in a mood, but it seems others feel similar, though there seems to be pretty mixed opinions. I can’t say there’s much to complain about. There were a lot of good character bits as mentioned above and the gay couple didn’t die. It started off really slow for me until it picked up when the Navy guy died. I thought Jodie did well and the companions had things to do. With the team split up, they showed some confidence and some daring
  9. It continues to fascinate me how opinions of a show (or a particular episode or even a movie) can be so varied, but that makes life interesting. I love both Series 11 and 12 I will say, so far I'm not seeing much character development for the companions this series, especially Yaz, as Series 12 seems to be focused more on the Doctor. They are questioning the Doctor more, but that's not personal development @Eulipian 5k Speaking of Tosin's funny background stuff, notice how he does a bit of a dance exiting the coffee shop in this episode. I think Yaz would be better suited for a rebooted UNIT. I'm guessing if Tosin actually leaves for his new series, I can see him going off with Jack to restart Torchwood
  10. Something I don’t understand about the Judoon I may have missed in previous appearances: how can they be a galactic police force and contracted bounty hunters at the same time? That seems like a conflict of interest and an improper use of the police
  11. In spite of some being cranky about the possible change of lore, I think most people are looking forward to seeing how it goes. It’s gratifying to see the fan base positively abuzz after this episode (somewhat starting with Spyfall with the Master reveal) as well as a lot of the media, especially after various parts of the fanbase has been sniping at each other for the last few years. Fans are clearly loving trying to figure out what’s happening. I think Chibnall put out the statement that Ruth is the Doctor and it wasn’t a trick so as to not cheapen the first Black Doctor I think it’s safe to say we won’t get all the answers this season, based on interviews with Jodie and Chibnall. They both have hinted things will play out through at least next season
  12. I too hope Chibnall sticks the landing. The Hybrid thing during Capaldi's era ended up being a dud after it was hyped up as something important. I also hope things don’t get convoluted and crazy confusing. I was a fan of the X Files and the central alien conspiracy story got so crazy and nonsensical after several seasons and show runners. In the meantime, I’m enjoying this story and look forward to seeing how things play out
  13. New favorites, from Series 12: Spyfall, Parts 1 and 2, and Fugitive of the Judoon
  14. One thing I didn’t like about the episode was the frequent lens flare. At the very least, we got it in the Jack scenes and RuthDoc’s Tardis scenes. I don’t really remember noticing it in previous episodes
  15. More promo pics https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p081mpnr/p081mq43
  16. But what would that have proven or shown? More important would have been how many regenerations RuthDoc has had This season and its twists and surprises is going to be the death of me, especially if I end up staying offline for most of Sundays to avoid spoilers. It's a good thing I'm retired
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000f9d4 From the BBC, the synopsis for Episode 7, "Can You Hear Me?" "From ancient Syria to present day Sheffield, and out into the wilds of space, something is stalking the Doctor and her friends. As Graham, Yaz and Ryan return home to see friends and family, they find themselves haunted by very different experiences. Who is the figure calling from beyond the stars for help, and why? And what are the fearsome Chagaskas terrorising Aleppo in 1380? To find the answers, Team Tardis embark on a mission that forces them to face their darkest fears." Guest cast: Rakaya - Clare-Hope Ashitey Tibo - Buom Tihngang Written by Charlene James and Chris Chibnall Directed by Emma Sullivan I'm so intrigued
  18. I just realized that all this talk of Season 6b in reference to where RuthDoc might fit is referring to the Classic season 6 and not the NewWho Smith/11th Doctor Series 6. D'oh!
  19. I’m confused about something with Gat. If she was a Time Lord (and our Doctor said she was before doing the mind meld), should she have died died when the gun backfired? What happens when a Time Lord is zapped like that? Is there any way to survive it and regenerate or is that one of the ways a Time Lord gets killed forever? Maybe because it was likely a Time Lord weapon? For that matter, was Lee a Time Lord and if so, should he also have died forever after getting zapped and killed by the Judoon?
  20. I got the impression that the memories (false ones of course) were so bad, especially of her parents, in order to discourage her from coming back home and to the lighthouse and discover the chameleon arch. I just wonder how much of her human life was false and how long she was really living as a human. And I wonder why she and Lee came to present day Earth
  21. He's currently a judge on that Dancing on Ice or something British show, so he seems to be doing just fine
  22. I previously decided after the season premiere to wait to post the ratings until the finals were in, but I'll post some early ones for this episode Overnights were 4.21 million viewers, up from 4.04 million from the previous week (Tesla) and 4.19 million the week before that (Orphan 55). There was a soccer game before the show, but it was over and into the analysis by the time the episode started. The Appreciation Index score was 83, up from 79 from the previous week (the Tesla episode) and 77 from the episode before that (Orphan 55). It was in fact a bit higher than the 2 part season premiere (which both had 82) They met one Dalek in the 2019 Resolution special
  23. Ratings catch up: Overnight ratings: 4.04 million viewers Final consolidated ratings: 5.20 million viewers Appreciation Index: 79 28th most watched program of the week
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