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Everything posted by Kasienka

  1. Well I loved the Vesemir movie and the short story this is based on is one of my favourites, so I am pretty excited for it!
  2. Nope🤣 that's how he got scarred in the books, so it's my knowledge of other Witcher media that fills the gaps. Same with Tissaia, she kills herself out of the guilt of failing the Brotherhood which is in shambles and in the books you get it. But here, when she still has Yennefer by her side, when all the witches bar Fil and Fringilla are sticking together and are making plans for the future her giving up is really surprising. It's like writers change some things, but then suddenly they come back to the books plotline, it's just not making sense anymore. Like Cahir and Fringilla who got much bigger role in S1 and now the writers have no idea what to do with them or how to get them to the point they should be. Biggest offender is of course Geralt and Yennefer staying apart, which makes sense in the books! But not here. If you change something, commit to it! Instead we got weird mish mash of book storyline and original tv show storyline and it just doesn't work.
  3. That's exactly it. Don't qoute me on that but I think Thanedd is the island that Aretuza is on.
  4. The actress was great. She has a role in Shang Chi if you're interested in checking it out. I'll definitely watch the next season. I am interested in Ciri's storyline and like Freya Allan in this role. And I am curious how Liam Hemsworth will play Geralt. I am willing to give him a chance. Performances of the actors are the least of my problems with the show. It's all in the writing that tries to be like GoT, fails miserably at that and it's not what people want from The Witcher at all. I hope they'll learn from this season mistakes and improve for season 4. There are good things in this show, just buried under mediocre script. The actors deserves better than that.
  5. Goodbye Vizimir, you were the most entertaining part of Redania's plotline. Radovid is just bad, I can't with the way the actor delivers his lines and for the last time the romance with Jaskier is just sooo badly written and performed ,oh my god! Yen and Geralt splitting made no sense, finding Ciri is their priority, they should stick together. Fake!Ciri being in Nilfgaard is not exactly a secret, what's stopping them from teleporting there? Geralt is going to go all this way riding a horse, while Yen and her magical friends could get him there in minutes. Even if I headcanon that Vilgefortz put some barriers around the castle I honestly doubt he's strong enough to shield entire empire. I wish Fringilla was attached to some better plotline, because everytime I see Franceska I sleep. Don't care about the elves. Cahir and Istredd seem to be missing in action. Maybe it's for the better. For the good parts, I like Milva. She is going to be a good addiction to Team Witcher. Also Rats look fun. From what I remember they were supposed to get their own spin off, so we'll se how it goes with all those strikes in the USA. Oh and Tissaia's dead. Almost forgot. Now Filipa won't be able to throw in her face that HER man is not a backstabbing bastard.
  6. Those are some seriously underpowered mages. At least Tissaia mastered Rasengan and Kirin😂😂 This episode is so over the place I don't even know how to describe what I feel. Cahir got some off screen character development (shame those damn elfs ruined his epic moment with Ciri😂 ), Fringilla's just randomly there, Jaskier's convinced that two conversations and one night stand makes him a romantic hero in a tragic romance, Dijkstra's still pathetic and Rience and Filavandrel are just gone. Oh and Stregobor gets to murder people of the race he hates and I'm supposed to cheer? Still I enjoyed it more than all episodes of part 1, except ep. 4. Family dynamic between Geralt/Yen/Ciri works. Although I find it hilarious how they never mention Jaskier. Like no one wonders where he is😂? Vilgefortz vs Geralt was short and brutal, but fight with Renfri is still the best duel in the series in my opinion. I don't know, so much has happened and even though I read the books I feel a little lost. But Geralt and Vilgefortz looked sooo good. Like damn.
  7. Ehhhhhhh it was so booooring. The writers are not even half as clever as they think they are. What's the point of cutting away from a scene to show us it later, when nothing is some big revelation. It was so frustrating. They really think they created some great political intrigues? It's laughable. And to think Thanedd is one of my favourite parts in the book. At least the teaser for the second part looks better, but it's such a strange point to cut a season in two. We didn't even see Jaskier and Ciri in this episode. Jaskier didn't even have a big song scene in all of those episodes! Also on a shallow note while Istredd and Vilgefortz look absolutely amazing, what on earth are Filippa and Yen wearing? Those have to be some of the ugliest outfits I've seen, which is a shame, cause I always enjoyed Yennefer's wardrobe.
  8. Well, I actually liked that episode. Reduce Redania and elves plotlines to minimum and focus on characters we know and want to see and voila! It's nice to see Geralt and Ciri work together, but I still wish we saw more of her bond with Yen. Those should be equal relationships and they don't feel that way. Jaskier narrating Yen and Geralt reunion was hilarious though. Unfortunately his scenes with Radovid are so awkward. No sexual tension, no flirty banter and I'm supposed to believe that Jaskier is just soo into him. Why exactly? They really should have done some chemistry reading before they casted him. Also I think Radovid is playing him. I don't trust that guy at all. He was in the first or second episode I think, Ciri had a vision of him dying by an arrow. His job is to deliver messages between rulers. One think I still don't like is that Dijkstra doesn't look competent enough. He's getting outplayed almost every episode.
  9. I see Netlix decided take a page from CDPR book and do everything in their power to prop Geralt and Ciri relationship while devaluating Ciri and Yennefer😑 It's uncanny how my least favourite thing in the game (that is otherwise fantastic) is also present here. I don't see mother/daugher bond between them at all. Also this season is just boring. So many new unnecesarry characters. Couldn't Geralt just take fake Ciri to Nenneke? She was the closest he had to a mother figure. Why introduce the elf dude, setting the plot of conflict among the elves, just to kill him to show how devoted Cahir is to Emhyr? It's not like they built their friendship for past two seasons. Am I really supposed to care? And Redania's plot is not exaclty showing Dijkstra as a witty, patriotic superspy. Again they building up Radovid by sacrificing Dijkstra's character. And if they wanted to convince me there were some vibes between Radovid and Jaskier they should have done a better job. You spoke to him twice and now you have a crush Jaskier? Prince of Redania is not exaclty a charmer, he gives off very unsettling vibes. His monologue about a spoon did not convince me. At least the cast is attractive.
  10. I am assuming her chains were made from dimeritium which is a metal that blocks magic.
  11. Ehhhhhh that was rather boring. I don't think Netflix know what people actually love The Witcher for. Jumping from one plotline to another while our mains have 1/3 of screen time is not it. Geralt and Jaskier meeting Codringher and Fenn was probably my favourite scene of the episode. I am disappointed however that the bard really decided that Redania is a good option. Also Radovid being more aware of what's happening in court the motherf*cking Dijsktra?! No way in hell.
  12. Yennefer looks absolutely gorgeous but she doesn't act like Yen. She gave me more Triss vibes tbh with how she chased after Geralt's affection. Book!Yen would sleep wherever she wanted and the thought of Geralt closing the door in her face is laughable. She's the dominant partner in this relationship, she doesn't really apologise, she doesn't grovel. But then Book!Yen would never sacrifice a child to a monster so... That being said I greatly enjoyed seeing the trio together, especially the scene when Ciri teaches Yen ice skating and the montage of dinners. I'm glad that they finally feel like the found family trope. Letting Ciri go to the party without mask and a wig or using some spell to alter her appearance was stupid though. Especially that they discussed this earlier. Yarpen is always a plus and I'd take dwarves storylines over elves any day. I just don't care about Franceska and her conflict with a new guy. I really don't get why add another non canon character that would eat screentime, when there's plenty of canon characters even among elves who didn't made an appearance. I feel the same about Radovid, why is he even here? Most people is watching for main trio and constant jumping to other storylines is rather annoying. I just hope that Jaskier and Geralt plan to use Philippa to capture Rience and that the bard is not actually working with Redania. Waiting for Cahir and Fringilla to show up and hoping that Stregobor will bite it this season. I had enough of this dude after the first episode of season one😂
  13. IIRC in the books dwarves mention that before the Conjuction it was the elven race that was the "top dogs" so to speak and they opressed the other races. After people took over, elfs started preaching the whole "we older races need to stick together" shtick. I think though that all the other races are native to the Continent and it was only humans and mosters that arrived with the Conjuction. Sapkowski doesn't spend much time in the books about this topic, Blood Origin is almost completely original Netflix story sans some characters that appear or are mentioned in the book.
  14. Ughhh this was so bad. They needed way more time to develop the characters and the relationships between them. The actors deserve better than this. Also I am so unimpressed with Eredin and Avallac'h and their stories. I'm really worried for season 3 now. Also are they trying to suggest that Ciri is a descendant or the Lark and Fjall? Or that they are Geralt ancestors? I didn't get it. If it's option 1 , the mage lady and Brother Dead would be better choice based by the looks. The songs were good and that's it.
  15. Yeah we don't have enough time with those characters. Still those scenes are way better than watching whatever is going on in the palace. Balor is the only interesting character, mostly because the actor is charismatic. Also Merwyn's armor is so ugly and fake looking.
  16. This is not a good show. Eredin is growing on me though. I feel sorry for the actors, they are way better than the script of this show.
  17. I'm not blown away, but it's not the worst thing I've seen either. I like Fjall and Eile, I'm interested where their story will go. The Xintrea court stuff was kinda confusing and everything was happening so fast. I don't even care yet about those people and I'm supposed to feel something when they all die? No time to develop Princess Merwyn and her brother or any other rulers. Costumes and scenery are very beautiful though. I like the evil mage, he looks great and has a presence on the screen which sadly can't be said about Eredin... Wow I didn't catch that. Guy has a range.
  18. Oh no... I don't like it at all. What the heck is going on ?
  19. Ugh that doesn't sound good. I don't know of course what was edited, but after watching both Wheel of Time and The Witcher (and latest Marvel Shows too tbh) I think many of them would benefit from having 10 episodes. So hearing that we'll get only four episodes of the spin off makes me feel nervous .
  20. Milva is the best. They better do her justice. I agree that Cahir having feelings for Yen wouldn't improve his relationship with Geralt. I'm not sold on the concept myself, like I said it's just something I noticed in the episode and it got me thinking. The show already made major changes to the source material, so I'm not sure what plotlines and character arcs are ahead of us. Emhyr saying outright that Ciri is his daugher, Lara Dorren being some mystical warrior created by the elves to fight humans and not the White Frost etc. I think many characters may play different roles than in the books.
  21. It's probably one of the hardest plotlines to adapt, so many ways to offend someone. Personally I'd prefer it if they abandon rape plotline and focused on how the times spent with Rats and Mistle negatively influenced Ciri. Their relationship could still be unhealthy given in what state of mind Ciri was at the time, but I feel better if they remove the noncon part. Mistle could just encourage Ciri's darker instincts or maybe have some other ulterior motive. But I have a feeling the show will try to show them as happy couple and I wouldn't be surprised if they saved Mistle from her fate. Having a protagonist in a same sex relationship is a big deal and having them start with rape and end with brutal murder won't sit well with many people. Unless they plan on introducing some original character that could be more positive represantation, maybe some love interest for Fil or Triss. Or maybe their relationship will develop into something more. Tbh I was sure there were giving us hints for Fringilla/Franceska in season 2, but apparently may gaydar isn't that good. As for Cahir I really don't know what they'll do. I don't want him to have feelings for Yen, with Geralt's many dalliances and Istredd still being in the show, I wouldn't want them to complicate the situation between them even more. It was just something that stood out to me during the scene he told her how amazing she was at Sodden. It had vibes:) I hope they will do the character of Cahir justice and we'll find his character arc believable and moving. Speaking of romances, anyone thinks there's any chance at Geralt and Fringilla having the same relationship like in the books?
  22. I think they will. Emhyr turning on them is IMO turning point for both Cahir and Fringilla. I suspect they will have to work with their former enemies out of necessity rather than a change of heart at first, but eventually they will join the "good guys" side, if there even is one in The Witcher. They already tried to make Fringilla more sympathetic this season. I wouldn't be surprised if Fillipa tried to make some contact with her and considering that her and Francesca should eventually end up in the Lodge, the bond they established between those two should help. Fringilla already knows who really killed Francesca's baby and common enemy might bring them together. I do wonder where the show will take the elves, cause I can't imagine Franceska working with Emhyr, unless she never finds out. As for Cahir he was definitely a sympathetic character in the books. He was so young and had no idea how war really looks like. He was never evil, just had a misfortune to be born in Nilfgaard empire under Emhyr's rule. Giving him a redemtpion arc will be way more difficult than in the books but it can be done. I think the actor is great, so if the writing won't fail him he will be able to sell it. At least Geralt's aversion towards him will be way more understandable than in the books. I just hope they will abandon any romantic feelings he may hold for Ciri. It was already weird in the books, here the age difference is even bigger. I wonder if that scene he had with Yennefer that had some shipping vibes is here to switch his interest to her. It'd be more appropriate and if he has some feeling for her, it might serve as his reason to team up with Team Geralt. And would add tension to his relationship with Geralt. Speaking of problematic relationship can we abandon Mistle rapes Ciri plotline? Considering they end up in a relationship later and Ciri is shown to care deeply for her, I'd prefer if they have happy start . Considering how it'll end.
  23. Let's hope they deliver next season. I'm most intrigued how will they handle Emhyr.
  24. True. Geralt barely speaks to his "brothers". Instead of showing as interactions between Ciri, Geralt and the other Witchers we've got weird Vesemir's plot with wanting to create more Witchers. I think and hope that we'll still see some of that in the season 3. Since Dijkstra wants Jakier brought to him I hope Oxenfurt part of the books will happen, just later and differentely. Similar like they integrated Nivellen story later. They introduced both Fringilla and Cahir so early, they had to find something for them to do in season 2. I don't want to judge this yet too harshly, cause I don't know how they plan to go forward with them. I sure liked Fringilla more this season when she's not so cartoonishly evil. As for the elves , they changed Lara Dorren's and Ciri destiny so much that I'm really not sure where they are going with this. It seems that instead of White Frost we will have humans vs elves conflict in the centre and Ciri have the power to stop this or just destroy humanity? At least thats how I interpreted Triss's freak out. Generally I am confused about the changes too, but I still hope the show can tell a good story. I am not a book purist. What disappointed me the most this season is lack of any good interaction between the main three. Games already destroyed Ciri/Yen bond IMO and I hoped the show will do them justice. Not so far. At this point I hope they will spend the whole season three together and save Thanedd for the finale.
  25. They spend winters in Kaer Morhen. Apparently monsters sleep during winters;)
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