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Everything posted by Kasienka

  1. You've got the Ciri and Geralt part right. He's taking care of her, but it seems that she's more special that anyone thought. That's why Rience and Nilfgaard are looking for her. She has Elder Blood that was the only missing component of the mutagen that can create new witchers. More about it and the new monsters will be revealed later in the season. Cahir is not an elf, he is a Nilfgaardian general that has been imprisoned after the battle of Sodden. He's the guy from the first season that was trying to capture Cirilla. They are going to Cintra (Ciri's hometown) that is now occupied by Nilfgaard, so he can rejoin his people. Fringilla (who is on Nilfgaard's side) is trying to make an alliance with elves against Northern Kingdoms.
  2. Well, I think show established that what is between Geralt and Yen is definitely more than sex. I wish we got more of their relationship in season 1 before we jumped to love confessions, but it is what it is. And I am disappointed that the wish issue never came back. Yen mentions it to Cahir, but never brings it up with Geralt when they talk in Melitele temple. Since the show decided to make a big deal out of it, they should have followed through. But maybe they'll solve it in season 3 we'll see. Geralt's forgiving attitude toward Vesemir is definitely my biggest problem with this storyline, because again I feel Yennefer did more in their final confrontation with Voleth Meir to redeem herself than he did. And he already should be on Geralt's shit list for trying to put her through the Trial of the Grasses.
  3. She did betray Geralt's trust and put Ciri in danger, so I get why he's angry. When he used Ciri as bait he was confident he could protect her, while Yen took Ciri away from him. What I don't understand is his leniency towards Vesemir in contrast to Yen. Also she was ready to commit suicide to save her, so I don't know what more can she do. But despite what they say about Witchers, they feel deeply , so the fact that he's in love with her is probably making him even more irrationally angry. Like I said I hope they get over it in season 3. About Triss, I seriously doubt he will even find out she told mages about Ciri. Writers will probably make him believe it was Yen, to drive another wedge between them;) Hm, I get what you saying. Istredd himself said to Geralt that he still loves her, but I do think he wants Yen on his terms. He doesn't like it that she chose power over his magnanimous offer in season 1 that's for sure. Guess we'll see where the writers take them in the future.
  4. Bet he won't. To be fair I do think what Yen did was worse what Geralt did or didn't do, but then Vesemir beats them all. He freaking stabbed her! And I get it, witchers were dying, but it's weird he has no hard feelings for his mentor, especially that earlier in the season he almost pumped her with untested mutagen. And I bet you he won't have any hard feelings towards Triss for involvement in this whole mess either. But I hope that when his emotions cool down, he will realise Yen is on their side for good or for worse. Guess they changed her age in this adaptation, cause she looks more Ciri's age than Calanthe. I'm willing to give Istredd the benefit of the doubt, maybe he traveled some different parts of Redania;) He doesn't seem like the guy who would condone it, but then I didn't expect Filavandrel and Dara to be onboard with mass murder of babies either:( I do wonder though if he really cares for elven cause or it's his love for Yennefer that makes him side with them. Nooo, not Yarpen:( On the more serious note, they probably gone back to work for Henselt. Shame we didn't get much of them in the show in general, I think their plotline in Blood of Elves is one of the best.
  5. So many things happened, I feel that if you haven't read the books it's rather confusing. But then it's only second season, so they're not going to explain everything yet. Seems like the writers really wanted to have battle at Kaer Morhen involving all the witchers in the final, shame that they only allowed Geralt to be competent;) Overall I'm not really thrilled with Deathless Mother storyline, it's like they really wanted to have some big bad to fight in the last episode and they're not ready to reveal all the players yet. I'm surprised they showed Emhyr before Rience's and Lydia's employer for sure. All those flashbacks to Ciri's parents are here so we remember how daddy dearest looked;) That being said since all three of our protaginist are together now, I'm ready for season 3 to focus on their bonding. But I agree with poster above who said it's dumb Geralt readily forgave old Ves for STABBING his daughter, but Yennefer who was ready to bleed out for her is still on probation so to speak. I really don't like this dynamic for Geralt/Yen when she has to grovel. It's so unlike Yennefer. I feel she'd be more like "Yes I screwed up, now I'm fixing it, deal with it or not, you'll need me anyway". Generally I enjoyed her more with Jaskier this season, at least she had a bite. Disappointed with Tissaia for scheming with those idiots kings. And queen, though I always pictured Meve to be older. Filippa on the other hand looks amazing, I was wondering if we see her human form this season or if they save it for the next one. Also loosing sympathy for elves, murdering bunch of babies is not a good look Franceska. So to sum it up, Brotherhood and most of Northern Kingdoms want Cirilla dead, Redania with Dijkstra and Fil want her rights to Cintra's throne, elves and Istredd think she can save their race and Emhyr is probably aware of her special heritage, so I doubt it's fatherly instincts that motivate him. And the Wild Hunt is also after her. And we still don't know what is Rience's boss after. Geralt and Yen are going to be very busy. Also what happened to the dwarves?
  6. I think Yen and the others were in some way influenced by Deathless Mother and their actions weren't 100% their own. The constant whispers and Yen being almost in a trance when she and Ciri reached the broken monolith made me think so. Also I can't believe that without it Yen would go that far with Geralt's daughter before she changed her mind. She was all about women being just vessels to be used last season, can't see her using any young girl to gain her magic back. But maybe that's just my wishful thinking, I just want all of them to be together. Speaking of acting out of character, I'm supposed to believe Tissaia de Vries, rectoress of Aretuza has fallen for Vilgefortz i love you's? C'mon she is way smarter than that. Guy is handsome I give him that, but he certainly doesn't give trustworthy vibes. "I think of you as an equal" suuuure. Fringilla snapped and though it was a rather gruesome way to get rid of your political opponents , I can't say I'm sad to see those bastards gone. I just hope she wasn't involved in Franceska's baby being murdered. This show just can't do a season without some baby dying, stop it please. Good for Dara for choosing his people, curious what Dijkstra has planned for the future. Really don't see the point of Stregobor and Fringilla's uncle still being around, I'm so ready to see them gone. Best parts of episode were definitely Jaskier and Geralt interactions. I love that the first thing they did was to hug:) Talking later:) And Yarpen's back too! I always loved dwarves in the Witcher universe, the more the better! And I think it's the first time I've actually seen a female dwarf portrayed on the screen.
  7. I think it was my least favourite episode so far. So many things happening, so many characters and I feel like we didn't spend enough time with some of them. After watching Wheel of Time last year, I think both series could use more episodes. I would love to see more of Nenneke, her interactions with Geralt and Ciri, but there's so much they need to fit into this , so they can move forward with the plot. It was kind of ridiculous how Rience was just all over the place. Am I supposed to think that Jaskier's slip about Kaer Morhen being in the mountains was enough for him to find the witchers? Still the sections in the temple are probably the best scenes in the episode, I like to have the main three characters together at least. I hope Yen won't do something she will regret later. And I appreciate what the elf storyline is doing to Fringilla's character, she's not just this evil witch we need to defeat anymore.
  8. Great episode. I liked all the pairings in this one, Jaskier and Yen work great together and it was so sweet that he was worried for her when Rience attacked her, even though he knows he's the damsel in this duo:) Yennefer doesn't need powers to be badass, the way she took him down was awesome:) Also liked the Geralt/Istredd interactions, finally he knows Yen's out there. Cavill was really good in this, you could see on his face what he was going through. Like posters above I think Vesemir's plan is stupid. I headcannon that grief after losing Eskel is clouding his judgement, because using untested mutagen on a child that is so clearly dear to Geralt and a girl at that is just idiotic. In the past they only used it on boys and survival rate wasn't that high, so using in on a female is extremely dangerous. Not to mention that Ciri is special and they know that, there's no telling what it could do to her especially. Triss should have opposed it harder, I can't help thinking that if Yen was in her place, Vesemir wouldn't get a chance to even extract her blood. Best part of this storyline are the visions that Ciri saw. It was good to see Pavetta and Duny again, though it's painfully obvious they couldn't get Calanthe actress, so we only so her back;) The last vision shook Triss pretty hard, again I think Yennefer would have handled it better and wouldn't allow Ciri to run away. But know we know that Nivellen story was some foreshadowing for the main storyline, and Istredd the Historian is looking into Cintrian family tree;) I'm worried Stregobor might get involved, we all know his opinion on powerful women with special powers. Now when I think of it, maybe that's why they gave him backstory with Falka in one of the previous episodes , to explain why he's so terrified of them. I'm trying not to watch it all in one sitting, but it's getting harder with every episode.
  9. I didn't see any sexual tension myself, but the scene when he tells her how wonderful she was at Sodden, seemed to me like they wanted to tease the possibility between Cahir and Yennefer. IMO chemistry is totally subjective, I recently finished the Wheel of Time and saw absolutely no chemistry between one of the main couples. Many people apparently did.
  10. As others have said Triss has no idea about Yen's and Geralt's romance. I am way more bothered by Tissaia not telling Yennefer that a witcher was looking for her at Sodden, especially after she made that whole speech about having nothing left. Hopefully he finds out from Istredd. They clearly taking different direction with some things in the show in comparison to books. The whole monoliths storyline , Vesemir wanting to use Ciri's blood to create more witchers. I don't mind though, at least I have something to look forward to, not knowning how it ends. Dijkstra still is awesome and I am very amused by king Vizimir . His reaction to failed assasination attempt was priceless:) And the owl! Oh I can't wait for more! Also nice that they tied Dara to this storyline, was wondering when he was going to show up. Triss and Geralt must have seen each other between Striga hunt and this episode, and that's when she developed her feelings for him. Although I'm not sure if she's in love or is she's just looking for comfort after Sodden with someone who is also in mourning. Shame we've never seen her interact with Eskel, I always low key shipped them in the books. Gotta say, I'm not particularly impressed by the actress. She seems to say all her lines in the same monotone voice, even when scolding Coen and Lambert. She didn't even raise her voice. I'm unsure if they wanted to allude to some sexual tension between Cahir and Yen, if so I wonder if they follow through with this. Good to see Jaskier again, despite some biting words his reunion with Yen was surprisingly warm , a hug really? Him saving all those elves shows that he has his heart in a right place and is capable of the acts of courage, so I like that. He may not be the strongest and the bravest, but he'll pull through for the right cause. And watching how the north is treating elves, you starting to sympathise with Franceska's choice to ally herself with Nilgaard. Yeah it's a video games thing. I think he mentions in the books he doesn't like it either, but the games take it up to eleven, it's basically one of his catchphrases:)
  11. You mean the Nightmare of the Wolf? I've seen in and I like it a lot, but it focused more on young Vesemir than Geralt's training. Still I enjoyed it and I still enjoy the show despite some complaints. I guess I'm just ready for Stregobor to be gone, I really hoped that they were building towards his downfall this episode.
  12. Me too. Coudn't care less about what was happening in Aretuza. Only scenes I liked was Yennefer reuniting with Tissaia and other sorceresses. And I have no idea why she took Cahir with her, don't wanna kill him I get, but what do you need him for Yen? I generally hoped for more Kear Morhen flashbacks to Geralt younger years and his training with Vesemir. Glad they at least included some Eskel's scenes when we could see him as he was, not when Leshy possessed him.
  13. Finished the show yesterday and I'm not particularly impressed. The only time I cared about the characters was when Moraine and Lan were on screen or Rand interacted with Matt. The rest of the cast I coudn't care less, the big romance between Lan and Nynaeve was utterly unconvincing to me and the less said about the love triangle the better. The final was rushed and anticlimatic, Rand confrontation with the big bad is so laughably bad. Generally I feel like the writers were doing a speedrun through the story, there were so many characters and factions, but not enough time spend on them. They should really focus on making the main five interesting and developed characters, especially Rand since he turned out to be the Chosen One.
  14. Great to see other witchers, though it's a shame Eskel didn't survive the episode. Always liked him in the books and games. I was hoping for some flashback to Geralt's times at Kaer Morhen instead of monster of the week episode, but leshen looked really cool. Maybe we still have a chance to see something while he trains Ciri. I'm glad we got some inside into Fringilla , her backstory explains why she's so devoted to Emhyr. Looking forward to see more of Franceska too, I think the actress was great.
  15. I assume his original hair fell of after the Trial of the Grasses. In earlier scenes we can see he's blond. After the trial they fell of and grew back white. Just in case putting the rest in spoiler tag, but it's very minor.
  16. I think they wanted to keep the big reveal for the end and white hair would have spoiled it.
  17. That's exactly my problem. Lucifer's relationship with Trixie is non existent this season. It's like the writers felt he and Chloe need to have a "real" daugher together and I don't like it. As soon as Rory appears she takes all the spotlight, and Lucifer's last happy day with his family doesn't include Trixie. The worst thing is Chloe doesn't seem to care either.
  18. I thought he didin't have a choice in the matter. As soon as he let go of the guilt he got pulled to heaven , at least that's how I see it. What bothers me the most is lack of any Lucifer-Trixie interaction. I guess now when he got brand new biological daugher she's not worth his time anymore. It bugged me so much when he took Chloe and Rory to the beach, to spend last day on earth with his family and Trixie wasn't included in that. He didn't even say goodbye. She's the only character that he missed on his "last goodbye" tour. But that is the problem with the whole season for me. If they wanted a storyline with Luci struggling to be a good father they could have done it with Trixie. She just lost her dad, so seeing how her dynamic with him evolved , how he would feel insecure about his place in her life , now that he and Chloe are together would be so interesting. But nooo, Deckerstar must have their own "real" daughter . Blood is thicker than water, always and forever ugh.
  19. I liked it well enough and the animation was gorgeous, but I think it could be better as a mini series. Some of the characters especially Tetra and Deglan needed much more screentime. I'd love to have a whole episodes dedicated to their past , to see what made them the people they are today, instead of having one line of dialouge. I could also use more of Filavandrel. Still I have fun watching it and Illyana was a pleasant surprise as a character and I liked her realtionship with Vesemir. I may have cried a little at the end there. Definitely worth watching for the Witcher fans, though I'm sure some book purists may not like changes in the timeline and lore of the books.
  20. For most of the episode I just felt so sorry for Peter Quill, since T'Challa turned out to be a superior version of Star Lord. Better relationship with Yondu, converting villains to his side , saving universe from The Snap before it even happened , actually becoming a name known in the Galaxy. Until Ego showed up it looked like that was actually a much better reality than main MCU. Still enjoyed Nebula and Father/Son relationship with Yondu and T'Challa though. One thing I don't get. Peter chose the name Star Lord, cause that's how his mother called him. Why would T'Challa call himself that?
  21. So excited to finally see Dijkstra and Philippa on screen! And Nenneke:) I wasn't sure if they were going to include her in the tv show.
  22. I think it's supposed to be different spelling of the word "wings", because in the cartoon they have them, after they transformed Sailor Moon style.
  23. That's good news. Longer season should give them more space to develop plot and relationships. Despite my complaining I do wait for continuation:)
  24. Still wish we actually saw them bonding. But hopefully 2nd season will improve on weaknesses of this one. I think it'll should be longer, so we get more of all these characters, I mean it's a pretty big cast and only 6 episodes? I do hope Riven will get his redemption and as for Beatrix, after watching Vampire Diaries I think anything could happen;)
  25. 😋I'm 50/50 about this series. The changes to the original didn't bother me as much as I thought they would. Aisha and Terra were actually two first characters that I grew to like. Changing Stella to mean popular girl and putting her into love triangle with our main protaginist , also worked for me in the beginning. Sky wasn't just pretty, but dumb boy who is getting manipulated by the bad girl Stella and only arrival of our new more "natural" beauty with a golden heart made him realise that. He knew what he was getting into and I find it very touching how he tried to help Stella through everything. Sky is just too good. Perfect boyfriend material, though neither Stella or Bloom deserve him tbh. His relationship with his mentor is something that I'm most interested in the next season, since that was actually nicely and believably portrayed. And that's when my problems with the show begins. Putting in the spoiler tag just in case. That's just going to be a nitpick, but it kinda break the worldbuilding for me. Why all these people use earth social media? Isn't our wolrd the one with weak conection to magic and other realms? I get they wanted it to appeal to today's demographic , but wouldn't it be more believable if all these worlds had their own sites? I half expected them to mock Bloom for using Insta and showing her some Solarian apps or whatever. It's just so weird to me to see all this people who are not from Earth talking about Tumblr and posting they pics on Instagram:)
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