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Everything posted by CrystalBlue

  1. The no apples lady is funny, but salads like this one are delicious.
  2. I was glad Spice Ghouls won. I really like Theresa from that team so am happy for her. I thought the witch coming out of the wall was more Halloween than an octopus, and was frightening! I liked the two guys from the other team though.
  3. I think it's both! Church lady is single again, having "to find her voice" after a divorce (this made me burst out laughing), so she gets set up by the church group friends to date some guy who just lost his wife to murder! She happily accepts getting married so soon because she doesn't want to be single AND wants the man of the house to take care of the bills and finances while she raises three kids.
  4. And yet the globes were designed to be splattered and make a gory mess!
  5. I'm rooting for Ryan to be the winner too. I knew Stacey was going to be the one walking before this episode's first commercial. I think she was already slated to lose this round and the judges' comments were scripted accordingly. I felt bad for Stacey but she won out over the previous contestants so I hope she realizes her worth and talent!
  6. You got it @tracyscott76! Three brags in one show! Plus the CGI visual over Hollie's face for the dark chocolate comment. Enough! Does anyone here think Hollie's NOT the designated winner? I feel like the judges pander to her and she sucks up to them.
  7. Or any other time! We know what periods are; why do they have to be so graphic? And then there's the in-your-face diaper poo commercials and the deodorant "doctor" who takes up the whole teevee screen hawking her anti-stink crap.
  8. Well, that's a wrap for 2023's Outrageous Pumpkins! I thought pretty much all along that Chaminda would win in the end. He got the final advantage and chose Terri as the 15-minute consultation, but didn't seem to incorporate her advice with regard to the torso of the woman. I liked Dan's Devil and the Two-headed Hound best. I was rooting for Ethan all along, but his false confidence was a little irritating. In the end I thought the final carve that was best was Dan's, but I think the judges were leaning toward Chaminda to be the winner.
  9. Yes, like @Bastetsaid, I've always heard, read and referred to them as zip codes, not just zip or zips!
  10. I also wish they would lay off the bloody and gory Texas Chainsaw Massacre-inspired body parts and such. Bring back the witches! Jack-o'-lanterns, pumpkins, ghosts and goblins, black cats and the traditional monsters like werewolves and Frankenstein and vampires! I'm sick of the killing and torture aspect of Halloween.
  11. I finished watching the Footstep On the Lake episode this evening and saw Andrea's hard-hitting prison interview with Julius. It just doesn't make sense to go into the house to steal guns and wind up stabbing Mrs. Allen 47 times then shooting her. Are we all certain that Peter didn't have anything to do with it and it was all Julius? It's telling that the daughter pegged her ex-boyfriend to be who to look at the very next day when talking to the cops.
  12. I hate that too! And I hate the look women give the camera after they've just accomplished the most amazing feats of all: dusting the furniture and mopping the floor.
  13. I suck it up buttercup when watching the Andrea episodes because of the entertainment value of her wardrobe choices and jewelry collection. For interviewing skills it's Dennis Murphy and Josh M. but my favorite is Keith Morrison!
  14. Lucky for Cory that Julius was staying there. Otherwise the cops could have pinned it on Cory and accuse him of being the bicycle rider, concocting a story about how Julius gave him the bike or left it there. I remember this story from another show and remembered that it was the boyfriend who killed his girlfriend's mother, but had forgotten about the "ex" aspect.
  15. I think the interaction between the girl and boys in the Reese's and Kit Kat commercial is supposed to be humorous. YMMV, but that's not unlike the way kids act.
  16. Do the red-signed homes get egged, TP'ed or other mischief making?
  17. Jonathan Goodwin lawsuit Today.com article
  18. As long as you're not calling Jason Bateman the idiot, I agree!
  19. Although the final outcome depends on the dog, being a dog trainer is a talent and skill and the act itself in its entirety is what counts. Congratulations to Adrian Stoica & Hurricane! I think it's awesome that a dog show won the whole thing.
  20. I finally saw and heard the entire Reese's and Kit Kat Halloween ad. I didn't get annoyed, irritated or outraged. I thought the Halloween home lady could have had on a better Halloween outfit or answer the door in costume.
  21. Nothing new to add to the sentiments above, but I sure am glad Mandi is gone just for my own personal audio comfort. She was the right one to go based on the finished entries though. Hollie's smashed face was awesome, I have to admit. She brought on her act-y antics again this episode though. I definitely see her as the designated darling winner or runner-up to probably Ryan, maybe James. Stacy really shined and made strides. If she keeps it up and won, I wouldn't mind. Predict Christa is next to go join the vampires or wherever they are going to at the carnival.
  22. I liked the hot air balloon too, but he got dinged because it was too orange. Terri Hardin commented she wanted him to use paint for more color while he was constructing it.
  23. I saw that commercial, I think, and had the sound on for some of it. My question is: do women really want to smell like Old Spice? Isn't it supposed to be a manly man type of fragrance? I mean it's not like the unisex fragrance of Irish Spring. I really want to know the answer.
  24. I wonder if the contestants knew that going into this episode's carving projects, meaning they were told, or someone figured it out. They needed them to all act surprised.
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