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Everything posted by Maximoose

  1. Coffee Mate's jumped on the bandwagon already, Here's hoping they put out a different one closer to the holidays and we're not stuck with 3+ months of winter charades (Peppermint mocha's my fav flavor but still, it's 80+ outside atm!) Saw KitKat is reusing the goofy pumpkin one from last year again, be sure to have a BreaK (with a hard K at the end)
  2. The fake and flaky seemed to come about right about the time they went from being "The Gaines" to The Untouchable Magnolia co.
  3. Let's all just take a moment to reminisce back to the early seasons, when the only MasterChef brand advertising they did in the show were things at Walmart vs today where you can have your very own MasterChef on screen celebrity cook for you/teach you how to cook/file your taxes/walk your dog 😆
  4. Runner up gets that giant 10 sign they had a few episodes back 😆
  5. Wouldn't surprise me--it was assuredly an elimination call by whichever producer Ms crocodile tears has in her pocket
  6. Nothing too amazing, spectacular in tonight's episode, aside from the slight bit of rain and obligatory throwing of food for effect--seems like that and the SEASON 10 TWEEST at the end was tacked on because they realized the EP wasn't up to MasterChef season 10 standards of intense drama at every turn Side note of tomorrow's ep (for me at least) being delayed due to foosball
  7. Time to see how this Trainwreck ends 😎🍿
  8. Silver lining of this episode; at least they aren't doing the pretentious "holding up the fork" move with every bite
  9. Wait till you see the "sheex" ads where the X in the logo makes out..a pair of "sheex" 😜
  10. Well that was obviously a producer-rigged vote
  11. They probably kept the old house/rental and filled it with TV's set to watch every episode in an effort to boost ratings 😉
  12. Already been done in her case, heyoooo
  13. It's atypical summer filler, game shows they throw together in mere weeks. There's no real spinning as it's all computer ran, which was probably done in the name of "fairness" (and the sheer weight of the thing, though my sarcastic side would say they did it for drama/TPTP control of the thing) Don't care for the button mechanic either as it does nothing but build fake drama for the inevitable "I cracked under the pressure" moment of the evening
  14. Yup. This is MASTERCHEF SEASON 10 after all, gotta pull out all the gimmicks they can
  15. Speaking of retreads, any bets on when the Hershey Kisses one will show back up again? It was showing its age pretty badly last year from what I recall
  16. True story; I forgot my locker combination literally EVERY year I used them, even had a year or two where my textbooks and such were still in them after book turn in at the end of the year! But that was well over 15 years ago, back when air conditioning was a rare treat reserved for offices, and running up 1-2 flights of stairs between classes were commonplace. (Then again, the school I went to doesn't technically exist anymore, due to them forcefully merging with a nearby town that didn't want to, all for a better football team.)
  17. Saw a bunch of new ones starting last night, (Thankfully?) We might not notice too many until the slapfight midterm ads disappear in a week or two
  18. There are cheaper options, You can get an ozone generator for 30-40 that does the exact same thing, it even hooks up directly to the tubing
  19. Add the latest round of truth ads to the pile, especially the one that decides to blare an annoying horn when the puppet kid starts saying “Vaping is safer (than smoking)” bonus us points for the political slapfight ads
  20. Chiming in late to the party, Only found this place a few days ago: I can tell you from my own experience it's not unreasonable to shed that much, As others have said the heavier you are, the faster you can lose it. In my case, I went on a medically supervised fasting program, which at ~800 cal a day of shakes and multivites shed the pounds pretty quickly.--Actually you'll probably shed a good 10-20 the first week simply in "water weight" aka not drinking soda and getting in plenty of fluids. *Note what I did isn't ideal, but as a then-16 y/o kid who weighed 403 the first day I started, Something needed to be done. I actually couldn't handle just shakes alone on my plan, so they added in small prepackaged entree meals and i stuck with it and ended up just a smidge over 200 when it was all said and done. And that's with juggling school and my first job which was in fast food!
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