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Everything posted by Tigregirl

  1. I so dislike this new format of my once favorite show. When Easton and Madison were dancing together, I got a glimpse of what it used to be, when we could watch a duet dance an entire dance and really partner with each other. I don’t feel like we’re really getting a chance to see what an individual dancer can too when it’s all group routines, even though the group size is shrinking. I couldn’t care less about the dating and shared house stuff - that can be edited out and we wouldn’t lose anything. Plus there’s too much focus on the judges. I wanted to watch great dancing and see who rises to the top, who can master other styles, whose unique skills are really brought into the choreography, etc. I’ll watch to the end of the season but I hope if they come back next year, they go back to the original format.
  2. I wasted 3 1/2 years in a relationship with an emotionally abusive jerk like Vinnie. When he started up like Vinnie did this episode you shut down because you know anything you say is only going to make it worse. But you overlook it because you still have fun together at times, even though you know you deserve better. I see the same in Amber. I’m sure they can have some really good times, but he has absolutely no respect for her, and she doesn’t have the self esteem to walk away. If they do get married this year, I hope they have gone through a ton of counseling because I don’t see him changing without it, and not sure if he will even with it. If he’s like this when the cameras are rolling, what’s he like when they’re alone? I had a really hard time watching them this episode. Nobody deserves to be treated like that - it’s verbal and emotional abuse.
  3. Actually, there was a time for Hannah Duggar - can’t remember which one she’s married to - and an 18 year old Duggar Hannie. I guessing that’s Johanna?
  4. I saw results for Johannah and Ben too. Wonder if Johannah had to run in a skirt.
  5. And let’s throw Paul Wylie in with his JFK program.
  6. Do you know what else is fun for teenagers and young adults, Jill? Hanging out with friends, going to a movie, playing sports, not spending every single minute with your parents and younger siblings, getting coffee with friends, going to the mall with friends, having a part time job and being excited to spend your own money on something just for yourself, having some privacy, getting your first apartment and moving out on your own, hanging out with both boys and girls (and guess what Jill, you can do that without being tempted to “sin”!), buying clothes that are cute, modern and fit properly, wearing an actual swimsuit to swim, going to school and attending dances, games and other extracurricular activities, the list goes on. How sad that your children miss out on all of this.
  7. I feel so bad for those kids because they were never given a choice of whether or not they wanted to perform. Tessie looks like she would rather be anywhere each time they’re on stage somewhere. Poor kids, never allowed to pursue their own passions, only Jill’s.
  8. I watched the video of them playing their instruments at a grift church. Violins and clarinet are so out of tune. Tessie does not hold her clarinet correctly and that affects her tone (because I’m sure Modest Mahmo does not allow her to hold it straight while she’s sitting as she may have to open her legs a bit. I played clarinet for over 20 years Jill, and I never flashed anybody.). No singing on the video. Those kids may have become better on the violins and clarinet if they had some actual lessons but the IG video this morning hurts the ears. Guitars and banjo aren’t bad. Jill’s got an accordion which isn’t great either. I can’t imagine being stuck in a church and having to listen to them share their “talents”.
  9. I don’t know anybody over the age of 25 who posts as many selfies as JillPM. She is so completely in love with herself. I wonder how many pictures of Jill are on display at the barndo/fire trap as compared to pictures of the children?
  10. She has not posted any pictures of her and hubs at the beach. I can’t imagine being so offended/afraid of people in beachwear that you won’t even take a walk down to the beach when you’re in such a beautiful place. I wonder if they really did have a good time, or were bored because they didn’t know what to do besides bowling and golfing away from everybody else. But they were there for what, 3 days?, and didn’t seem to take advantage of much the resort had to offer (other than the food). She’ll never admit it of course if they were bored but they seemed to be mostly by themselves, and not doing anything where they might see a person in a swimsuit.
  11. Her IG has a video of her jumping in with a skirt on. Lands End has really nice modest swimwear. But I suppose she advertises her supreme modesty better by wearing regular clothes and not letting a swimsuit near her heavenly self. With that fake braid, maybe she’s picturing herself as Carrie Underwood in Sound of Music Live.
  12. I hope for “baby” Janessa’s sake, they didn’t find a mouthful of cavities that now need filling. With the poor nutrition they receive, and what I’m guessing aren’t great brushing habits, their teeth are probably a mess. Janessa should have had her first dentist appt quite a few years ago.
  13. Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a picture of your butt.
  14. I just finished the book. JB is a bigger ahole than I ever thought he could be. I never really watched the show much, and when I did, I thought he came across as an arrogant doofus. But he is a manipulative POS. Good for Jill for standing up to him, figuring out who she is and starting to deal with all the fears and guilt she grew up with. I can’t imagine growing up the way the Duggars did. I hope she continues to heal, grow and find peace and strength.
  15. I forced myself to watch the videos. David seems much more natural with Olivia than Mahmo. She always has to be on where David helped Olivia open and unpack the grift, I mean gift. Jill had to narrate everything complete with tears. Not that I’m praising the map watcher but I can’t imagine living either with Jill’s manic energy or her sickening sweet baby voice all day long. And always reminding those kids that everything they do is not for themselves but for God. I don’t have an issue with people having religion as long as they don’t use it to harm others, or shove it in my face, but can the kids not do anything just for their own enjoyment? Sadly, I know the answer to that one.
  16. This is perfect. I wish JBoob and Meech would read it. Hypocrites.
  17. She has no clue what’s appropriate for her children. A Thomas the Tank Engine VHS? My daughter loved Thomas as a preschooler, certainly not any older than 1st or 2nd grade. There is nothing in that room that says teenaged boy. I hope somebody at Philly’s school tells him he can decorate his side of the dorm room as he pleases and doesn’t need to keep BME’s stuff on display. Those poor kids have never been allowed to think for themselves.
  18. She looks like she got punched in the face. I have dark circles under my eyes and always have, but her makeup and/or filtering in these pictures makes it look like she either got beat up or had sinus surgery.
  19. Jill has an IG post of her and some conference attendees screeching hymns. I’m sure she was hoping some producer would hear her and sign her to a recording contract on the spot. I would not be too thrilled to be at a conference and be bombarded with that. Yes, there are beautiful hymns out there but there’s also a time and place. She said they sang for an hour. Ugh. Honestly, had she had some voice lessons growing up, and a chance to sing in school choirs, etc., she may not be half bad. But everything she sings is LOUD - she has no idea about dynamics, expression, etc. That, and she always needs to make sure hers is the prominent voice. So maybe choirs would have never been her thing, because she couldn’t always be the star. Anybody else think the gaudy pink cowboy hats are what she bought for her down line?
  20. Her grammar skills are atrocious. The children she is “educating” deserve so much better.
  21. 64 degrees in WI is shorts and tee shirt weather. I would take that today over the ice storm we’re getting.
  22. I disagree with the statement that 7 children cannot be successfully cared for by one or two parents. I grew up in a family of 8 children. I never felt neglected, or had to schedule one on one time with either parent. My parents were very involved in our lives and nurtured our hobbies and interests. We were always clean, had food on the table, received Christmas and birthday gifts that were chosen with love and based on our likes. My mom sewed tons of clothes and knit all of us numerous hats, mittens, scarves, etc. We spent tons of time outside with my dad, had amazing home cooked meals every night, education was valued (my dad worked in higher ed) and college was encouraged. All but 1 of the 8 have college and post grad degrees. Were my parents perfect? No but none are. Certainly in some cases parents struggle or fail, but I knew a lot of families of similar size (grew up going to Catholic schools), and I would consider most all of them to be loved and successfully cared for by their parents. My heart hurts for the Rodlets and the lack of opportunities they have been given, the terrible education they receive, what seems to be neglect in nutrition, health care and adequate clothing. Jill and DBD should be so ashamed of what they’re doing to their own children but I’m sure Jill can’t possibly see that she, being the perfect Christian that she is, does anything wrong.
  23. I skipped through a lot of the video, with the sound off. Gracie’s facial expressions at Meech are awesome. The way Katey was carrying the baby around was driving me crazy. He looks pretty solid and I’m sure he’s heavy to carry all the time, but I thought she was either going to drop him or swing him into a cabinet or something! And the stupid side hug business. Not that I would ever want Boob to touch me, but he can’t even give his daughter-in-law a full hug when she excitedly announces her pregnancy? They are just so strange!
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