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Everything posted by WinkyFace

  1. Omg, so under the radar! I thought for sure she’d be among he first cut!! she literally looks like a neanderthal with a univrow and all when they show shots of her skipping across the field. Sounds like her dancing is amazing, wish we could see 3 less VK sound bites and replace with 15 more seconds of Alana dancing in each episode. My conspiracy theory is that the producers asked her to pick someone and suggested VK. I can i my imagine that this is someone’s terrible and ill advised master plan to feature her so much and keep her from being cut for so long. #conspiracy Omg. The opposite. I’d die if you made me wear that. I’m not going to go full NY (although my wardrobe does have an above average amount of tan/grey/black) but LP is a bridge too far.
  2. Sooooo, 3 girls don’t get stickers from the GLs and they are the same 3 that have been called in multiple times and they don’t just go ahead and just cut them all at once? This is torture.
  3. Exactly!! This isn’t media training, they finally renamed his a “media simulation”. media training is a real thing that you can hire experts to conduct and teach you how to answer susinctly (is: no “no words”), how to stay calm, and how to redirect a question so you answer only what you want to answer. Agree. She’s a lovey woman, a beautiful dancer and just a genuine-seeming person. she just needs to eat more so she has some fat on her face, her body fat is so low that she looks 40.
  4. True, but we are so focused on the forest here (specific news items) that we are missing the trees (actual media training). Media training is a specific skill, (which I don’t expect early 20 somethings that spend their lives mastering dance to have), which would easily teach these women how to answer a question you don’t know, aren’t sure of, or is controversial. DC org shouldn’t want to spoon feed answers to them (although, part of media training is to help identify what the corporate line is), but actual media training would help these women that just are causfht flat footed and don’t know how to respond. I think when you have 21 (??) strong TCCs, you can afford to cut one for not having that skill innately (some of them definitely do possess the ability to answer or avoid a question and be cute and charming), but it can definitely be taught if they wanted to.
  5. The only thing I have ever seen confirmed is that it was for “personal reasons” only speculation here has indicated it was job related. It could just as easily be religious reasons. Either way, I think the powers that be are smarter than to insist and/or rease a woman for not being able/wanting to pose in a swimsuit. Not these days. Shallow depth of field to highlight one person. Many faces is distracting, but I personally think they went too far here, it’s weird. 100% not the reason. They literally have one billion sideline photos of DCC from last year, and they couldn’t find one without a disgraced DCC? Highly unlikely. They already swapped out the Erika picture.
  6. Is she though?? VK is still there. Shelly said it was “personal reasons” not sure if there was any other reliable insider knowledge, but I saw Shelly’s reply at some point. I’m also confused, I’ve never heard this, and I have a hard time believing that this was suggested and is being discussed in any serious context. Because the idea IS laughable. I honestly thought she tripped a little and covered it up with a little dance!’ I’ll have to rewatch at the kids naptime tomorrow!!
  7. I have no particular feelings about MRS, (some of her segments are ill conceived, but she is sweet and good on camera and pretty), but I LOVED that she showed up there looking mom-casual in her flats and shorts. I don’t know how these women totter around in heels 24/7 and chase their kids. I thought she looked great, and nothing like she got her outfit at Deb, circa 1991 :D Dumb! Dumb, dumb! And makes the girls that have the balls to speak up look dumb for no reason. I hope they actually did some football 101 and that’s those faces Kelli made werent just good acting. It was pretty convincing and makes me wonder how often she is acting.
  8. Kristen took her eyelashes down 10 notches, she looks way more awake.
  9. I couldn’t disagree more, Rachel looks like all her features are smushed up too small on her face! I mean, she’s no dog or anything, obviously she’s pretty, but she’s no Kelsey. i will agree that I am in LOVE with Erin this year, she was SO wrong last year and is so great this year. Mature, pretty, powerful dancer! I also love cianna!!
  10. Wait, they redid her hair? I missed it! Guess I was too busy being mad that they spent a whole episode complaining about people, watching Kristen look like she was going to lay down and take a nap and still not cut anyone! It’s mean to keep these women this long when you know you are goign to cut... 8 (??I forget) more people. They could be getting jobs or taking classes or drinking beer and eating cake.
  11. This part confuses me so much. Does she normally walk exactly one yard, making this extra difficult?? (Probably not!) What difference does the measurement of the space you are covering make? You need to walk 4 steps between here and there, so figure out how much that is and then do it.
  12. He wears a kilt most times he’s on screen, and I think IRL too. I’ve only seen a few shots that weren’t at tryouts or makeover day, but he’s often wearing a kilt.
  13. I’m surprised no one has mentioned how soft/boring/small Lily’s dancing looked in the mentoring session. She’s soooo cute, and they’ve given her next to no screen time, so this first look at her was shockingly bad, all while victoria was looking shockingly good... so maybe everyone was having an off day?? :-)
  14. This episode is the best I’ve seen her look while dancing. The editors didn’t pick the worst moments from her (for once). I’m still not a fan, but she was in control and with the group in the clips they showed.
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