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Everything posted by WinkyFace

  1. No ones talking about Kelsey’s wedding!?! The ill-fitting dress (it somehow made her look big?!?) the multiple sponsorship hashtags? The other DCC attendees and what this means?? (Kelly and Lauren obv, I think I saw savannah. Heather wasn’t there?)
  2. I dont know, she said it was going to be super small. You could do a small wedding on a long weekend. They usually have one long weekend during TC.
  3. 😕😕 bless her heart. I am not a dancer, so I don’t know what one must do to fix hitting things hard, finding the ends of movements and memory, but I’m pretty sure whatnever it is doesn’t start January before May tryouts.
  4. Never in my life have I been SO irrationally enraged by a strangers IG. GIRL you have had 9 months! I am appalled that I don’t see any power Pom or other kind of dance classes. It’s a little too late, but we better start seeing some prep classes, like tomorrow.
  5. Torn on this one, she does look different, but also my nose has waaay lengthened as I got older, (used to be squat like her before pic too) so it could just be maturity. (Did I double post this??)
  6. Yeah, that pic can’t be 10years old. She has the same nose and we all know that’s newish.
  7. Its like 30 degrees most of football season. So I’m gonna still say rock the pants!!
  8. I like this! The Washington dancers have a couple of truly hideous outfits, but I like this one. It’s f-ing freezing here and the stadium is outside!
  9. She is definitely not “the only one” as the girl on the far right of the video does exactly the same amount of hair flipping (which is about 5 counts worth, that I can see before the video pans off of them) the rest is jumping and everyone hair is bouncing around. I have neutral feelings on Gina, (except for noting that she has a killer body) but the things people pick out are so odd.
  10. Thunderstruck with no hair flips is weird to watch :-) also, I wish I could see better who was doing the dance. There is a slightly better vid right now on Amy’s story, but it’sstull impossible to tell who’s in there besides the bridesmaids
  11. The dance is being done also by the R&B and the Belles, they have to make it slower so everyone can do it. I was watching the IG story and noticed that the belles looked great, then they cut to the DCc and they looked tired and slow. I think it’s just that we are used to them being so much faster.
  12. Ugh, do you think they steam clean the turf every week!? Likely not. that star must be covered with sweat and spit and ... ew.
  13. Taylor is so booooooorrrring. Tasha has always been my least favorite, she’s so utterly basic on IG and she looks like the joker, if they made him a sexy woman, but Taylor is quickly gaining as my least favorite. She has zero sass, sex appeal or even girl next foor cuteness, and she’s a giant. Weeks and weeks of indecisiveness and never once mentioned how tall, gangly and out of place she is!?!? She looks like a 6” 15 year-old.
  14. This would make a great study, wouldn’t it! I love your answer, you are spot on.
  15. She totally does! Megan Fox was so pretty, (and so is alexis)not sure why she did all that to herself!!!!
  16. Who would be your definition of head turning gorgeous? Someone from 3-7 years ago, I’d guess? Thinking these women are just “cute” is a sign that we keep getting older, and they stay the same age. They are now basically little girls in tons of makeup.
  17. I mean, I try to be open minded, her body her choice and all... but I wish she’d at least get money for it and not just do “photo sessions” that she’s probably pays for, and then give it away for free on IG.
  18. Has anyone looked to see if Kelli or Judy is still following her!? It’s atrocious. I had to unfollow, because I never knew when a mostly-naked Kalyssa was going to pop up on my screen.
  19. Can someone help me not be irrationally angry when the only videos posted by everyones least-favorite, and thankfully cut, TCC are lyrical!?! Girl, I only want to see prep classes and hip hop from you from here on out, or GTFO!!
  20. Word. When the in-uniform pic was originally posted (with little comment) I was looking for like a period stain or something ;-), couldNOT figure out what was going on!! I mean, obviously we have here the “lets give a little on unattainable body image” camp, and the “everyone should always and forever be held to the nearly unattainable goal” camp, but I am surprised anyone thinks she is “huge”!
  21. Mostly, it’s that these girls are DCC pretty (above-average cute, super thin but muscular, happy and peppy and generally adorable), but they aren’t editorial pretty (which is a harsher look sometimes with odd or non traditionally beautiful features) . Alexis is drop dead gorgeous, but is not editoral. I also happen to like Christina (sorry everyone!) and she’s closer with her angular face and impossible sliminess, but clearly hasn’t been trained. Being a fashion model and being a rediulcously beautiful woman and killer dancer are NOT the same thing. If you are going to hire DCC to model, let them be their sexy, pretty selves and don’t make them try to be bad ass fashion models
  22. So many questions! Why so dark!? Why so blue!? Why is Christina holding the hood in every photo? These are just weird.
  23. True! That’s really the only reason I’m not a dcc myself. Well, that, the cookies I love, the fact that I haven’t taken a dance class since 6th grade (level 1 ballet) and I’m not flexible :-D :-D
  24. Regardless of if you see your wedding as an “event” or a “small gathering”, I see no problem with not wanting to be at the every whim of the DCC organization while planning a wedding and starting a marriage. I think it’s assumed that they will retire because it makes a lot of logistical sense. No reason someone couldn’t do both, but it seems hard and unnecessary, especially if you are in your early or mid 20’s, what’s the hurry? You definitly can’t be pregnant and a dcc(for more than maayyybe 12 weeks), so might as well just finish cheering, then get married, it just sounds like way less of a headache. If they f’d over Lexie and her bridal party just by changing the date, that would be seriously f’d up, because it does seem like she planned it around the usual date of tryouts, but who knows, maybe she was always planning to retire.
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