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Emily Thrace

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Posts posted by Emily Thrace

  1. 42 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    I think she might kill off Alex (or evil Daddy sends him back to Iraq/Afghanistan).  

    Alex was killed in the original show. I wonder about Kyle though he has kinda served his purpose. Killing Alex would still be be killing off a POC though as the character is clearly meant to be Aboriginal. (If they meant him to be white they wouldn't have cast a Native man as his brother).  We're probably one of the few groups even less represented on television than black women. Plus there is the whole bury your gays issue.

    Cameron supposedly left this episode maybe she'll count as the one leaving.

  2. 8 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    Not exactly. Bobby caused the fire by drinking alone in an unused apartment and leaving his space heater he was using to keep warm as he drank in the apartment he had no business being in on to where it caught on the blanket he was using and then burned the building down. It wasn't just his family that died, and Bobby's negligence killed what, over 150 people? He's a firefighter, a good case can be made for negligent homicide. 

    That wasn't actually shown though. The blanket was quite far from the heater. Those heaters are also designed so things can't just fall into them and catch fire they would be too dangerous to use on construction sites otherwise. The blanket was a sleeping bag which do tend to be treated to be flame retardant even the cheap ones are mostly plastic and doesn't burn very well.  The heaters also usually have an automatic shutoff when tipped over. Its entirely possible the fire was caused by an electrical fault or kitchen fire and Bobby just thinks he started it. I doubt Bobby stuck around to hear the official reports. 

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  3. 21 hours ago, Trini said:

    Gonna have to re-watch since I missed a few bits because of weather; I didn't catch most of Dean's conversation with the fight instructor.

    Why was Beth stockpiling all that cash anyway? I assumed that it was from Rio to launder, but then she would be using it, not storing it. I wasn't quite sure what was up with that. Also literally burying the cash didn't seem like the best idea.

    Dean better leave Stan out of his shenanigans; he's already in too deep. It makes sense, but I hate this storyline for Ruby. 😢 Beth is her best friend, but she has to think of her family first.

    Both Dean and Rio made some good points about Beth's new 'career path'.

    And this week I regret not fastforwarding Annie's subplots.

    The scene with Beth and geting the yarn was funny; they need to have more comedy/humor to balance things, I think.

    I kinda wish Ruby would just call Turners bluff and tell him to go screw himself. Because unless I missed something Turner doesn't actually have any evidence. So he is bluffing and I get why Ruby hasn't guessed it yet but I think she will in the end

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  4. 3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Re the portmanteau of "Malex":

    That's it!

    Probably. Heh.

    I keep thinking that because of Max's healing power, Michael's hand is Chekov's hand.  
    This episode's dialog reinforced that idea for me: 

    • [MAX] What's wrong? 
    • [MICHAEL] My hand just stiffens, seizes up sometimes.
    • [MAX] So what's the real story? 
    • [MICHAEL] I've told you.
    • [MAX] No. You've said bar fight, you've said junkyard accident, you've said chupacabra. You've never told me the truth.
    • [MICHAEL] Alex Manes's father. He caught us together. And he just snapped.
    • [MAX] You never let me heal it.
    • [MICHAEL] Yeah. How would I explain a perfectly good hand to Alex? Anything to protect the secret.
    • [MAX] Talk to me, dude.
    • [MICHAEL] Nothing else for us to do. I didn't let you heal it because I needed the reminder. I needed evidence of what could happen when you believe that humanity might be good. Alex made me believe there was a place for me here. Hope's a dangerous thing. These scars, they remind me to avoid it in the future.

    I just hope they don't go the route from the mid-oughts scifi show, Invasion, in which after a human had his amputated arm regrown by extraterrestrial powers, the ET hiding in plain sight convinced the human to cut it off again because society couldn't handle miracles. I stopped watching then. Horror is not my thing. No zombies, vampires, or GoT either.

    I'd prefer Michael comes to trust a few humans and lets Max heal his hand as a symbol of that trust. However, I don't see anything indicating that Michael Vlamis plays guitar, so maybe they won't go there, or at least not that far.



    The problem with that is the hand issue is actually the actors and its been written in. So if they fix it for the show the actor then has to wear a prosthetic or hide his hand in every scene. Its possible (Radar from MASH is probably the best example) but it would be hard especially for a telekenetic character.

  5. On 3/27/2019 at 1:05 AM, lynxfx said:

    I think the fire house was the last of the season.

    The end result was nice but I really don't think they made any profit despite what their numbers showed. For starters, no matter the cost they always say closing costs are $10k. Doesn't matter if the home is $200k or $425k. That just isn't true. So there is a lot of fluffing of the numbers for tv.

    I also find it hard to believe how they got into that flip not knowing about the extensive fire damage. It was visible in some rooms so they knew it had a fire. They didn't know how much because a lot was covered up (hidden) by the previous owners. Surely some of that would fall under falsifying condition even if sold as-is right? Or at the very least the presence of fire damage would be good cause to have an inspection which most flippers skip out on. Just seemed like a very risky flip from the get-go. 

    DeRon mentioned the fire happened back in the 50s so the seller might not have known. Also if there was never any permits filed on repair work their wouldn't be any straight forward way for Page or DeRon to just look that up. The only way to possibly find out would be to do a search for the address in local newspapers which is more than any realtor or even lawyer would have done. Even then you might assume the owners fixed it up correctly themselves. Plus news reports don't usually document if a fire damaged floor joists.

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  6. 33 minutes ago, JKL845 said:

    I really liked this episode. I haven't liked much of this season but this felt like the show I enjoy. So Toby hasn't been to Kevin's house before....hmm. Happy to see Beth and Randall back. I love them, but not this season. I don't like Beth's boss (and maybe Beth as well) looking down on their clients. They could love dance just as much as Beth does. I think Kevin and Sophie end up together. I'd like that. But not until the last season. I would want Sophie to decide on her own not to marry the other guy because she doesn't love him like she should. I feel like they were showing Kevin flirting with that nurse because he's charming but also because Sophie is a nurse. The last season they could have flashbacks of their relationship...dating, married, divorcing and then getting it right. I think they will all be happy in the end. If Kate and Toby are divorced I think they will reconcile over her mom's illness or something. Randall picked Tess up and they drove to Kevin's house, so it must be on the east coast. Nick could be at Rebecca's bedside because he's part of the family now. He is the uncle, it doesn't have to mean any romance between the two. 

    I don't know about Kevin getting back together with Sophie. If the flashforwards are 15 years ahead and mini Kevin is 10 then Kevin and Sophie would be 42 when he is born. Which isn't impossible but it does make it less likely. I also wouldn't rule out Zoe just because the kid looks white, mixed race kids come in all colors. Especially since Zoe is fairly light skinned herself.

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  7. 32 minutes ago, readster said:

    Right and it was no coincidence that following up on Station 19, they had just that. A healthy white baby boy left at the fire house with a note saying: "Find him a good home." Almost 30 years ago, it was a different story, but at the same time, DCFS and other agencies existed in the late 80s early 90s because it was becoming more common where babies were being left at police and fire stations and not in the back of a coat room at a train station or subway. That's actually the reason why there are safe haven laws now. Yet, we are lead to believe that a perfectly health white baby girl in the late 80s was just bounced from foster care to foster care in the middle of Pennsylvania. It's complete BS and I agree above, Jo has now taken over the spot from Maggie Lockhart as the most crapped up, crappy life that ever had crap done to them on TV.

    I remember in the first episode Jo brought up that she was left at a fire station is that she had a heart murmur as an infant. By the time it was corrected she was 3 and that families found her too old to adopt. Which is still a stretch for a pretty white girl but not totally implausible.

  8. 7 hours ago, ellieart said:

    Whether Shiri were to direct all the episodes or not...she doesn't write for the show, so the content isn't her doing.  The bad dialogue and bad plotting would still be there.  

    And besides, if they made her a consistent director, they could no longer use her as a ratings booster.

    Yeah one thing people forget about the OG and why it was actually a good show is that through sheer dumb luck (and Braga's typical short sightedness) it had Ronald D Moore.  Who is the best scifi writer of his generation (IMO I guess but a lot of people agree with me) and is one of the best television writers around.  So it was actually a lot better than a WB teen drama had any right to be. The character driven stories with tight plotting and smartass dialogue? That's signature RDM, he wasn't at his peak yet but he was still pretty damn good. Between this and Outlander he certainly has a talent for elevating mediocre books.

    I am seriously annoyed at the treatment of Maria like others.  The idea that she is just some stumbling block for Alex and Michael is seriously irritating. There is still time to fix it though. Besides she owns the only bar in town on a show about grown ups that is an important character. 

    Ironically Alex and Kyle actually have solid chemistry but I don't see that one happening.

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  9. 5 hours ago, izzybee said:

    Michael and Maria are fun together. In just the few scenes they've shared, they've cried over their troubles, laughed while poking fun at each other, and shared pretty intimate details of their lives (Maria has, anyway). That is how you build a relationship. I would genuinely believe if they started having feelings for each other because there is actual development going on in their relationship. 

    Michael and Alex on the other hand - I genuinely don't understand why they like each other. The flashback episode was supposed to be the foundation, but like... I just don't buy it. They both like music, both come from difficult homes - fine, that's a decent foundation. But where's the joy, the banter, the intimate (read: not sexual) couple-y moments that make you realize these two are meant to be together? I'd believe they became friends from all of that, but to fall madly in love with each other? 

    I'd have absolutely no problem if Michael ditched Alex for Maria. Just like I'd have no problem if Max ditched Liz for Cameron. Tbh forget Instalove, forget high school flames that never went out, forget "I love this person and I can't explain why." Give me relationships that actually make sense based on who these characters are and what they need in the present.

    Yeah Michael and Alex seem to be an example of why TPTB need to LGBT actors in LGBT roles. Or at least be certain an actor is good playing gay. You never get natural chemistry when the actors are not completely comfortable with the situation. Plus chemistry is just a bitch sometimes it refuses to work how you want it too. It happened in the OG series too with Alex. The writer's dropped Alex\Isobel partly because Katherine Hiegl and Colin Hanks chemistry was non existent.

    I don't have a problem with the writer's switching Michael's love interest in this case. I don't think unfortunate its just a matter of what's best for the show. In the end TPTB are treating Maria and Alex both as valid love interests for Michael which is perfectly eqitable. You really can't ask for more from a representation stand point.

    I also think it would be interesting to have Michael and Alex get together and realise they aren't the same people and want very different things. They have become very different people from the boys they once were, especially Alex.  There's a nice story there in them getting together and realising they just don't work.

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  10. 14 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Thank you for helping me out.

    I guess I thought it was odd that she spent so much time looking for him & lingering on the ship, long after everyone else had left, appearing worried and/or confused. As if she actually had no idea where he was. Was she performing for the CCTV? When he was still missing, many days later, you’d think she would tell someone that they had spent time on the car deck and that she had closed the door of the shipping crate. 

    Well, I guess her mother’s death really damaged her. But I think you’re right. She never meant to kill him. 

    I realized on re watch that she wasn't looking for Robbie she was looking for Michael.

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  11. On 2/23/2019 at 11:35 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I’m confused by Season 3.

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    Was Leeanne/Lena pretending to be worried about Robbie? It was all a charade to throw heat on Mick Thompson?


    She never meant to actually kill him. She though he would just be missing and she could blame Mick. i don't think her whole plan there was well thought out. I think Robbie led her to the car deck to hook up and she thought it was an opportunity

  12. 11 hours ago, PRgal said:

    Since it's supposed to be something TV has apparently never "dealt with before" (or whatever the quote was), I won't be surprised if that were the case.  We've seen tons of premature baby storylines and a few where babies (or moms) don't make it.  There have also been kids with special needs on TV, but I don't think I've seen one dealing with special needs due to prematurity.  And at 28 weeks, they'll be in the NICU for a very, very long time.  Likely for at least 8 or 9 weeks (my son was a 35-weeker and was in the hospital for 11 days.  They wouldn't let us out until he didn't have to rely on a feeding tube for 48 hours).  😞 

    One thing I have considered is that it might be that Kate is actually carrying twins. Its not unheard of in bariatric patients. Its rare these days with improvements in ultrasound tech but still theoretically possible. Especially given the weirdness they had around the first ultrasound they showed. The baby was supposedly just in an odd position but that position could be concealing a twin. That would be something not shown on tv before. 

    Something about the way the episode emphasized Kevin and Kate's connection made me think that might be the direction they go in.

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  13. On 3/5/2019 at 5:49 PM, CarpeFelis said:

    At first I was taken aback but this was my next thought. I hope he’s planning to screw Gordon over but good - and end up making a mint in the process.

    Yeah if he's been buying hospitals then owning a medical device company makes a lot of sense. I'm there is money in making devices that work and are of good quality. It sounded like Quovadis actually had good people on the idea side of things if Marshall can harness that side of things he might do well.

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  14. 1 hour ago, readster said:

    But apparently Alex can't smell either, when he is right NEXT TO HER! 

    That's could be an example of the writer's doing thier homework actually. Some people with mental illness do have better than average sense of hearing or smell. Or are just more likely to notice because they tend to pay more attention to their surroundings. They did something similar with Bailey a few seasons ago. I'm wondering if the reason Helen showed up because Alex's brother(whose also schizophrenic) turned up at her house and she couldn't deal.

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  15. 8 hours ago, dcubed said:

    She told Beth she wouldn’t pay for dance school anymore.  She looked like she was attending a NY Performing Arts type school which is very expensive.  I don’t think they were just dance classes and if they were, they were expensive, audition-only classes .  

    When I was in HS, I took lessons from the principal violist in a major city orchestra.  When I decided (or was decided for me) that I didn’t have the talent for a professional music career, I stopped taking lessons from him ($100/hr) in the late 70’s.  I didn’t stop taking lessons and I didn’t stop playing.  

    My overall point is that mom was realistic...a bit cold but realistic.  If Beth wanted to keep going, she could do what many do which is apply for scholarships, work to pay for it and do what was needed to pursue her dream.  I know she was young but many, many young people do this every day.  And in my eyes, she was blessed to have a parent that cared about her future and ability to take care of herself with a realistic career and appeared willing to pay for it.  Children everywhere would wish for those blessings.

    I just have trouble with the idea that there wasn't a compromise to be had. There are quite a few academic schools like Yale for instance that have good dance programs. Not too mention the timing seemed almost cruel. It one thing to be honest, it's another to continue crushing your child's dreams right after they were kicked in the teeth. It was insensitive at best and a parenting miss step for that reason IMO.

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  16. 58 minutes ago, phoenics said:

    I have a lot of thoughts about tonight's episode - but I'm kinda exhausted from it - so hard to pin down what I'm thinking.  I have two immediate thoughts I can process:

    1)  The lights came back on with the same formation as Max's alien tattoo.

    2)  Michael and Maria have chemistry.  Awesome - hate/fun chemistry.  The kind where you can easily see them having hate-fun-sex.  Michael Vlamis' Michael is playing his chemistry differently with Maria than he plays it with Alex.  With Alex it's angsty, searing, etc.  With Maria it's definitely more playful - like Michael likes his back and forth banter with her (and enjoys provoking her to get her to react to him).  I don't think I've seen Michael look that "light" since this show began, tbh.

    That's all I can properly process at the moment.

    Oh wait - one more thing:  Michael killed the two girls?  I'm at a loss.

    Yeah I liked the new Candy chemistry. I suspect Alex and Michael suffer from the same problem of a lot of tv gay couples, the one or both actors who portray them are straight. Its hard to convey real organic chemistry when you simply are not naturally attracted to someone. 

    I suspect Michael feels responsible for what happened to Rosa but it will turn out to be someone else. I wonder if there is a fourth CV alien in the mix. In the books they had Michael's brother show up but I think if that was who killed Rosa the trio would have mentioned it. If only in a aside about Rosa costing Michael his brother.

  17. On 2019-01-27 at 2:04 PM, craziness said:

    Hmmm, previously.tv won't let me edit this much later ... It was season 4, episode 3, and Phyllis said that her father called dysentery campaign fever, said it wiped out whole battalions.

    Its possible that even as a bastard Phyllis still knew her father some what. Even if he was married she might have visited him or vice versa. Or perhaps she sought him out as an adult.

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  18. On 22/01/2019 at 9:46 PM, debraran said:

    I agree, Kevin shined in this one. I think Nicky can help him grow a little more and not see his Dad as such a hero but with deep faults. Nicky was under the influence and not reacting normally. Any addict knows whether it's drugs or drink, you aren't yourself. Add the war component and Jack, was not understanding, even many years later. Too bad a therapist didn't help but then the story would be different. Imagine dying and your brother doesn't even know. Imagine living knowing you killed a child (as many do in life) and never getting help. What a weight to bear alone.

    That's thing though I'm not sure Jack really understood addiction the way we do now. For Jack's generation addiction was a moral failing, something you failed to control not a disease.  I think even having struggled himself he still didn't quite understand it at that point. When Jack quit drinking the first time he just stopped. It took some will power but that was about it. I think Jack sees Nicky's drug addiction as a weakness on Nicky's part another failure in a long chain of lifelong screw ups. I think Jack doesn't see Nicky here as someone who needs help but rather someone who needs to help themselves first. I think if Nicky had been sober when Jack had showed up it would have been a different conversation. 

    I also think Jack is projecting a lot of their father onto Nicky. Given the family history and their father being a violent drunk I can see Jack not wanting a drunk male Pearson around his kids. I think Jack almost doesn't see Nicky in that trailer but his father and that coloured a lot of his reactions. 

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  19. 23 hours ago, Ragingviolet said:

    This rings true for me anyway. There are some loves you just can't escape sometimes even when the person that inspired it completely changes.

    Yeah Darlene thinking about taking David back doesn't surprise me either. I find when couples get together at an early age the way they did they become part of their identity. It makes it much harder to move on and let go if you don't even know who you are without someone.

    I had a really grim thought about Andy the other night. That he might have joined the Army and been killed in action. It would explain his absence and why they don't mention him. I hope not and we see him next year.

    I also hope we see Leon next year. He seemed to always have a great repore and friendship with Dan. Plus we could find out what happened to the Lunchbox a bit more. I would love to see him react to Mark as well.

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  20. Something about the way the documentary producer keeps saying "Julie and her father" makes me think Julie was taken by her bio-dad. The insistence on playing the pro-noun game and that fact that even Hayes doesn't say Purcell makes me think Julie's father isn't the man we've been introduced to. Which is something I'm actually surprised Hayes and his partner haven't taken more seriously in 1980. Most kidnappings are custody disputes. Although I suppose that might have been less true in 1980. 

    Of course that doesn't quite seem to fit with the planned out nature of Will's death. It could be though that the killer wanted to kill both kids but Julie ran off and her father took it as an opportunity to take Julie without being blamed. It could also be the Julie's father has a screw loose and planned to kill Will and take Julie the whole time. I do feel like we are looking for a killer and a kidnapper not one villain. The killing of Will was methodical and planned out. The note sent by her kidnapper was erratic and odd.  The syntax of the note is down right strange, it almost reminds me of Eastern European ESL speakers. 

    Also the creepy old man had something to do with it calling it now. I actually hope he is the one convicted not Woodward. He could have a son that did it and he covered up for him. 

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  21. 14 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

    Very good point.  My eyebrows went up at the hawk and dove part but  from having lived in Arkansas I know that there are a number of break-off from Baptist or Evangelical churchs and was wondering if any used that kind of imagery.  Doesn't mean Animist, just some kind of "weird old America" preaching speak

    There's a sizable Native American population in Arkansas isn't there? I know I've heard similar prayers from Native Evangelicals. If his AA group has several Natives he might have picked it up from one of them. 

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  22. On 2019-01-19 at 6:40 PM, Shorty186 said:

    I might have been the only person who wanted Alex and Isobel together in the original, so I'm disappointed that he's gay and she's married.


    How did Max, Isobel and Michael stumble onto the magical properties of nail polish remover? That wasn't something I ever tried to drink as a child.

    Yeah I wonder if we might see a bisexual love triangle in the future given how popular Michael and Maria were.  Alex was never disliked but he was never really popular either. Although I suppose the new fans will dictate that more than anything. Also this version seems rather passive and angsty rather than the lovable goofball of the original series. I also feel the closest case story is a little dated. I could see not being out to your family but hiding from your closest friends seems out of place even in 1997. Especially for an iconoclast like Michael. It could be a solid story it could also be tedious and ridiculous. (I also find it amusing at how close it is to Brendan Fehr's story on Night Shift)

    I think Michael being placed with Evans family but ending up removed could be done to several reasons. Sometimes if a kid is acting out or running away habitually the social worker will decide to remove them from the situation on their on. Or it could have been he acted out in an initial placement and wasn't available to adopt when the Evan's took in Max and Isobel. It could also be that he was placed with the Evanses and acted out so they essentially gave him back. The way Max said it makes me think there is more to the story there.

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  23. 12 hours ago, ellieart said:

    My memory of the books might be fuzzy, but I honestly don't recall Kyle OR Maria (as I've seen a lot of people elsewhere claiming otherwise) being stated as any specific ethnicity.  The Maria DeLuca in the OG show was Latina, though never explicitly stated outside of her speaking Spanish in the pilot, was written and intended that way because Majandra Delfino is Latina.  The Valenti's on the other hand, their last name alone doesn't indicate anything (I know a Valenti family and they are unmistakably of Italian origin).  So please correct me if I'm wrong!  I've been seeing so much regarding the background of certain characters and I haven't had time to go back and read the books recently to confirm.

    Maria was latina in the books and they vaguely hinted at it on the show. On the OG show the Valenti's were white. The OG show never specified if the name was Latino or Italian in origin. Given the casting on the new show the Valenti's are Hispanic. I wonder if in this show the Valenti's are supposed to represent the descendents of the original Spanish settlers.  A few reviews mention that there's tensions between them and the new wave of immigrants. A couple of reviews mentioned the show might get into that.

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  24. 1 hour ago, Jenniferbug said:

    Yes! Someone else who loved Nathan Parsons on GH! I recognized so much of this cast, so I'm really hoping the show is good.

    Yeah I kept trying to remember if he was actually Australian or his GH accent was a fake. I think that's why he was a little flat actually. He was slipping up quite a bit. I think once he settles in a bit more we'll see that wonderful charm that he had as Dodge. 

    Also Michael Trevino (Kyle) is Mexican American like Kyle is supposed to be. Tyler Blackburn (Alex)  has partial Native American heritage. Which as a Native American myself I figured out just by looking at them. Also Blackburn used a Native American long ou in his first scene. It would be interesting for them to use that aspect of the actors background on the show. Especially if the show uses the Native American aspects of the book. Thats actually the one thing that worries me about them borrowing from the books more. The show did alright by us but the books not so much.

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